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Metal Rabbit

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I've read "The Crucible," would you like some insight on what I thought of it?

Well, I know what goes on in the book. I just need lots of in-text citations and assorted stuff to compare and contrast it to J. Ronald Oakley's essay about the Red Scare and McCarthyism and all that.

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Well, I know what goes on in the book. I just need lots of in-text citations and assorted stuff to compare and contrast it to J. Ronald Oakley's essay about the Red Scare and McCarthyism and all that.

Oh I can make a comparison to that.

Take in consideration that when the Crucible was written, it was DURING the Red Scare, the author wrote it for the purpose of relating it to the Red Scare.

There is a lot of symbolism towards it as well.

Witches represented communists, as during the Red Scare, they wanted everyone to snitch on communists, just like they wanted people to snitch on witches back in the Salem Witch Trials.

They both account towards the fact, that these trails were unfair, such as in the trials, someone accused you of being witch because you acted differently from the rest, where in the Red Scare, if you were accused of being communist, you were put on trail. If you knew someone who was communist, or even suspected of being a communist, you were accused as well. This was much like the trials.

Another interesting thing is that Americans believed communism would end their way of life, as did the puritans to the witches.

Both incidents involved punishment towards innocent people as well.

There's a T.V. show called M*A*S*H that takes place during the red scare, and I believe there is an episode where one of the officers is accused of being a communist.

Maybe that will assist you in the writing of your essay?

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I just felt like sharing, that I love all of my friends, and I'm not afraid to admit it. I love you all, unconditionally. If you commit wrong, I more than likely will forgive you, I believe in my heart you are all good people, and that all deserve a chance.

I don't hold grudges, and I'm not afraid to speak my love.

So yes, I love all of you.

Just felt like sharing, as I was in a good mood.

Even me?

We all love you too, Cynthia. ^^

Do we? lol I know I do.

Some of you, I have yet to have the pleasure of talking to, but I hope for that to change sometime in the near future.

Whats keeping you away from me? :D Somebody toss her over to me. :lol:

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Its wednesday, the slow day. its always slow on wednesday. So we got a new recruit. And I was in charge of training him. Turns out hes a guy from my school. So we spoke and stuff, and he left at 5. Oh and I started at 1. So my coworker who has been there for over 30 years goes to take a break. Her lunch actually since it was a 30 min break. She takes it in her car so shes not in the store. Then a rush of customers show up, I have 4 customers on both sides of the deli. And im like "OH SHIT." I told them all that i was the only one here and all of them were like "Ok I understand" EXCEPT FOR ONE WOMAN. This bitch goes and complains to the manager and the manager comes and im like "I TOLD HER THAT IM THE ONLY ONE HERE" and the manager is like "Oh ok lol too bad for you lady sorry for the inconvenience" So im down to like 4 customers and then my coworker comes in and says that she's going home because she got accused of stealing. WHAT.THE.FUCK. I WATCHED her walk from where we were standing, to straight out of the store. And I told the ppl who were acusing her and they went "LOL FUCK YOU ERIC GET BACK TO WORK" and im like "BY MYSELF?" and they're like "Yeah. Guess you have to stay till like 11 or something to finish everything eh? Oh well" and im like "I have class tomorrow and I have to wake up at 5 in the morning. THEN you bastards want me to come here STRAIGHT from school. I am NOT staying past my scheduled shift." They reply "O RLY? LOL THATS A FUNNY AND CUTE JOKE BUT SRRSLY ERIC, GET TO WORK" I walked out then turned around at the door and said "You all are so lucky I just dont go "FUCK YOU!" and quit right this minute. If I dont get a raise for this within 2 weeks im outta here" and slammed the door as they sat there like "O_O....OH SHYT" Because they know if I leave, they're fucked since they already have a shortage of ppl, and they wanna fire another person, if that happens, they're screwed. So then I went back and worked my ass off to get out of there in time. Luckly a guy who moved to starbucks who use to work in the deli came and helped me. And my brother came to pick me up and got me lots of stuff I wanted. But on the down side I slipped and fell and twisted my left leg. And im serious about the quitting if i dont get a raise, I know lots of ppl say this but Im serious and my manager of my department said it herself:They dont pay me enough for me to be doing what I do. She's been telling them to give me a raise and they still havent. Meh imma finish my rant since i'll be surprised if anyone read this far. The only good part about today was that branded's older brother came in and I talked to him about RD and branded XD

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... If I'm horrible in coping with serious situations?

Like, I can't stay absolutely 100% serious on a lot of things, and am so optimistic sometimes that my friends think I'm loopy?

Also the fact that I change subjects so rapidy if I sense anything sensitive starting to be revealed... of course, it's not like I don't want to help people, I sorta help them by saying overly optimistic things ._.

Or how sometimes I get randomly pissed out of nowhere like in choir today for people's stupidity, then get over it five minutes later and start reading a book?

Aaaah it like kinda makes me feel a little uneased.

... Did I ever tell you guys how much I disliked cigar smoke? I mean, cigarettes are ONE THING (annoying and they disgust me), but COME ON, man

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lol, TLS you can't drop out, you need to be 18.( well that is the law)

actually, you can drop out much earlier, silly!

depends on the state you live in and the reason you're dropping out.

Edited by Chiki
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