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Metal Rabbit

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No one cares about that. I bet they are Atheists (DUH) that have a whole bunch of "knowledge" of how GOD isn't real.

They have something many of you people seem to lack...

Since I have been warned, I will be going. But do not think for one second that makes any of this religion right, nor have you won any argument. I simply do not wish to get punish because such a topic.

Though I bet my life that you will claim somekind of victory from this. Oh well, I have pride enough to back away, time to use it.

Edited by Shuuda
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They have something many of you people seem to lack...

Since I have been warned, I will be going. But do not think for one second that makes any of this religion right, nor have you won any argument. I simply do not wish to get punish because such a topic.

Though I bet my life that you will claim somekind of victory from this. Oh well, I have pride enough to back away, time to use it.

You take pride in being disrespectful, getting in trouble for it, and then brushing it off as if it didn't happen?

I think you should just accept that you did something disrespectful, learn from it, and treat other people with a little more care, otherwise you'll just end up repeating the process.

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Just because you can't prove something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This is the same reason Science has theories rather than a set of facts.

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Don't say "believe in him" its saying you worship him. Like how I would say "I believe in GOD."

Just say you believe he exists

I didn't know that *edits*

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Don't say "believe in him" its saying you worship him. Like how I would say "I believe in GOD."

Just say you believe he exists

No, saying you worship something and believing in them are two different things.

People can believe in Barrack Obama, that doesn't mean they worship him.

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I would like to note that Atheism is not the solution to religious problems, Agnosticism is. If you want to revert to simply denying the possibility of a god, with no proof to back it up, simply based on the fact that there's no proof there IS a god, you have faulty logical. Therefore, simply acknowledging the fact this is something that is unprovable, and otherwise ignoring it, and accepting people no matter what their beliefs are, is what people should do. THIS is common sense logic. Atheism, is simply another belief.

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Just because you can't prove something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This is the same reason Science has theories rather than a set of facts.

Yes, but all them theories are based on evidence, observation and experimentation. I do not want to start a fight or anything, just saying, that was all.

Edited by Shuuda
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But I can't flame someone who shares my beliefs that Swordmasters are terrible and Tanks are where it's at. D: Seriously, guys. Sword-locked, relying on criticals, can't take 2 hits... LAEM.

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But I can't flame someone who shares my beliefs that Swordmasters are terrible and Tanks are where it's at. D: Seriously, guys. Sword-locked, relying on criticals, can't take 2 hits... LAEM.

wrong topic Chaos

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