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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeeehhh

Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeeehhh

Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeeehhh

Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeeehhh

Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeeehhh

I wanna duel 'em like they do in Yu-Gi-Oh

Face down face up trap cards spell cards then time roulette go! (I love it!)

All I do is just believe in the heart of the cards

And then I kick some butt when I use Swordsman of Landstar

Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-ohh-oh-oh

Ain't no surprise, check out my Red Eyes

Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-ohh-oh-oh

Ain't no surprise, check out my Red Eyes

Can't beat my

Can't beat my

No they can't beat my Brooklyn Rage

(I don't wanna be a furry)

Can't beat my

Can't beat my

No they can't beat my Brooklyn Rage

(I don't wanna be a furry)

Bruh-bruh-bruh-Brooklyn Rage, bruh-bruh-Brooklyn Rage

Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh

Bruh-bruh-bruh-Brooklyn Rage, bruh-bruh-Brooklyn Rage

Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh

My sister's sight is on the line I gotta win

They'll learn to run soon as they see my creepy chin (I'm scary!)

Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun

But since we're dubbed by 4Kids we must make do without one


Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-ohh-oh-oh

Ain't no surprise, check out my Red Eyes

Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-ohh-oh-oh

Ain't no surprise, check out my Red Eyes

Can't beat my

Can't beat my

No they can't beat my Brooklyn Rage

(I don't wanna be a furry)

Can't beat my

Can't beat my

No they can't beat my Brooklyn Rage

(I don't wanna be a furry)

Bruh-bruh-bruh-Brooklyn Rage, bruh-bruh-Brooklyn Rage

Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh

Bruh-bruh-bruh-Brooklyn Rage, bruh-bruh-Brooklyn Rage

Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh

I won't lose to Rex and Weevil

Cause they're evil

And I'm groovy with my Yugi

I'm not baggin' I'm just hangin' with my Baby Dragon

Met this chick with giant boobies

Treated us like we were noobies and

She's such an ass, such an ass

Check this deck, I ain't second class!

Can't beat my

Can't beat my

No they can't beat my Brooklyn Rage

(I don't wanna be a furry)

Can't beat my

Can't beat my

No they can't beat my Brooklyn Rage

(I don't wanna be a furry)

-3 times-

Bruh-bruh-bruh-Brooklyn Rage, bruh-bruh-Brooklyn Rage

Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh

Bruh-bruh-bruh-Brooklyn Rage, bruh-bruh-Brooklyn Rage

Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh

-3 times-

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Yugioh and Lady Gaga?

Right then.



Let’s take his leather pants!



Let’s take his leather pants!

Ha ha

Ha ha ha


Ha ha ha

Da la

La la la

We want his leather pants!


Rah rah rah

Na na

Fla fla fla

La la

Cha cha cha

Take off his leather pants!

I’m getting ready

My legs have been waxed

Cause when we get them

I am wearing your slacks

Right on my tush

Tush tush tush

Right on my tush

(Tush tush tush)

(Right on my tush)


We want your trousers

Your breeches, your chaps

No, you can’t get these pants from shopping at Gap

Their service sucks

Sucks sucks sucks

It really sucks!

(Sucks sucks sucks)

(It really sucks)

You know that we want them

And you know that we need them

We want the pants!

Your leather pants!

Me and Bakura

We will have our revenge

Him and me will take your leather pants!


Me and Bakura

We will have our revenge

Him and me will take your leather pants!



Let’s take his leather pants!


Give us the effing pants!

Blah blah

Blah blah blah

Da da

Pa pa pa

Ya ya

Mama mia!

We want the leather pants!

We don’t want vinyl

Or chinos, or briefs

I am a criminal

And he is a thief

Cause we’re both hot

Hot hot hot

We are quite sexy

Marik, that doesn’t rhyme!

Shut up! I am Lady GaGa!

I have watched Psycho

And I liked Vertigo

The Birds was ok

Ooo! I loved Rear Window

By Alfred Hitchock

Cock Cock Cock

We love Hitchcock

(Cock cock cock)

We love Hitchcock

Good evening!

You know that we want them

And you know that we need them

We want the pants!

Your leather pants!

Me and Bakura

We will have our revenge

Him and me will take your leather pants


Me and Bakura

We will have our revenge

Him and me will take your leather pants



We want those leather pants!


Let’s steal his leather pants!

Tah tah

Mah mah mah

Bah bah

Wah wah wah

Zah zah

Vah vah vah

Take off his leather pants!

Gah gah

Rah rah rah

Na Na

Flah Flah Flah

La la

Cha cha cha

I like these silly noises

Wear, wear leather baby, work it

Move your tush, it‘s sexy

Wear, wear leather baby, work it

Move your tush, it's sexy

Wear wear leather, baby work it

Move your tush, it's sexy

Wear wear leather, baby work it

I’m an evil bitch, baby!

We want your pants

And we want our revenge

We want your pants

And we’re really just friends

Je voudrais son

pantalon cuir

son pantalon

Why am I speaking French?

Why am I speaking French?!

I don’t want to be French!!

We want your leather pants!

Take off your friggin’ pants!

Me and Bakura

We will have our revenge

Him and me will take your leather pants


Me and Bakura

We will have our revenge

Him and me will take your leather pants



We want the freaking pants!


Let’s get his leather pants!



Take off those friggin pants!


Remove his effing pants!

Let’s take his leather pants

Ha ha

Ha ha ha ha


Ha ha ha

Ga ha

Ha ha ha

We got the leather pants!

......Copy-pasting that was quite possibly more disturbing than watching the video or hearing the song...

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Jaden: This is it, Yugi. Me and you. The final battle. The duel that everyone’s been waiting for. I’m not gonna hold back.

Yugi: You bet, Jaden. This is going to be super special awesome! I can’t wait to see your strength.

Jaden: Well alright then. Yugi, it's time to spit some rhymes! (Music in the background)

Yugi: Bring it on Ja- wait, what? Oh you have got to be f***ing kidding me.

Jaden: (raps) Alright Yugi, check it out, it's Jaden from GX, and sad to say, dawg, you’re my new test subject, so listen up, here it is, the awesome challenge I suggest, who ever spits the best rap outta' you and me will be the best duelist in the world, and the king of games. You know I got ya beat but homie but don’t be lame, this is serious, you got to do it your title says you have to. If you decline the challenge by default that means I beat you. Yugi I hope you're ready, cuz this is gonna be heavy, and I know you might think it’s unnecessary, but that’s tough, suck it up dawg, it’s something you go to do, or you can leave and lose your throne, its up to you.

(Music changes in background)

Yugi: Oh, you think you're hot sh*t huh? Ok check this out (Sings) (Primeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) prime cut ba ch ba ch ca ba ch ch wa ch ch ja-mikity-moe mack daddy what’s up (whats up) I said a jiz a bang boom (boom) boom (boom) boom (boom) da diggy dog, I said a dog (a dog) a dog (a dog) a diggity dog. Hey what you say Ja, O.K., your repartee's cliché, forget trading cards, you should just take up ballet, you want to duel don’t act a fool or I’ll just tell you "bitch please". The only consolation here is you're not from 5D's. So play the damn card punk, 'cause its time to throw down. I’m glad it’s one on one because all your friends are clowns. Can't wait to see your face turn to sheer disgrace, when I duel your punk ass right out of this place. (Overlapping Voices) My name is Yugi Moto (your show's really lame) each episode's the same, yes they are. Now get yourself set to be ashamed by the king of games. (gggaaammmeeesss)

(Music stops)

Jaden: Ha, that was a'ight, but let me lay somethin' fresh on ya.

Yugi: Uh, Jaden, you're not black.

(Music in background)

Jaden: You’re about to witness me be absolutely flawless, the best kind you’ll ever see I’m being honest. I’m the hardest the most prozone artist.(stops singing) And oh, FYI, Yugi. (resumes singing) I’ve been taking ballet for six years regardless, but let me lay you something fresh dawg what I’m going to do. Im'ma tell you something that’s a hundred per-cent true, you're not the king of games homie, no, sorry, not you. Its your weird Egyptian friend that’s stuck inside you, you’re a lazy sucker he does all the work for you, then you claim the fame for all the shiz and stuff he do. (Yugi changes to Yami) Whatcha even doing being inside him anyway. Everyone agrees, dude, that is pretty gay.

(Music Stops)

Yami: You know something Jaden? I don’t think you know who you're dealing with. Well allow me to fill you in.

(Music starts)

Yami: I'm the mothaflippin' king of games. My hair's spiked and my pants are really tight, and I'm sexy (I'm sexy). If you choose to defend I'm gonna condescend cuz my dark magic attack'll drive me straight round the bend, I got god cards I won from Battle City, don’t believe me? Listen carefully to this ditty. And by the by your cards are sh*tty, and so’s your show. Watch what happens when Slifer takes a Winged Kuriboh.

Celtic Guardian/Dave: They call me the… Celtic Guardian, my lyrics will blow your cranium ………umm……uh…….

Yami: Oh come on, Dave.

Celtic Guardian/Dave: I'm thinking……um……uhhh…

Yami: Ugh, and he wonders why I never summon him.

Celtic Guardian/Dave: Uh hang on here I think I got it. They call me the Celtic Guardian stronger then titanium, sharp as a comedian, here I am sold out all the stadiums. I'm not a lower class dueling monster, where did you get that ridiculous conception? Did the Blue-Eyes White Dragon tell you that? F**k the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Seriously.

Yami: My trap and spell cards they, don’t make sense, because their card descriptions are so immense. And if you duel with me it won't be tense. Because against my monsters you've no defense. My cards are so potent I might seem conceited, in fact all of my opponents could swear that I cheated. Sure, sometimes Yugi and I swap places… but who cares, as long as my enemies have egg on their faces. Other duelists diss me, say my cards are sissy. Why? Why? W-w-why, why exactly, why? There’s nothing girly about the Dark Magician Girl, and only real men use Watapon! Jaden let's face it, you're second best, I'm sending you straight back to Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, your deck's unbalanced and your hair's a Kuriboh. Hey… Ho. I'm the mothaflippin'…

Joey: He’s the mothaflippin'…

Téa: He’s the mothaflippin'…

Tristan: Who’s the mothaflippin'?

Yami: I'm the mothaflippin'… I'm the mothaflippin'… I'm the mothaflippin'… …MOTHAFLIPPIN'!

(music stops)

Jaden: My hair looks nothing like a Kuriboh!

Yami: I think you'll find it does.

Jaden: Does not!

Yami: Does too!

Jaden: Does not!

Yami: Does too times ten!

Jaden: Ok you asked for it pal! Get ready, because when I use this next card its over (start to hear sound of a motorbike) I summon Elemental Hero Burstina- (gets hit by motorbike screams and falls to the ground) Ow…

Yami: Huh. Yusei, what are you doing here?

Yusei: I came to this city to play a card game.

Jack: [Off-Camera] ON MOTORCYCLES!

Yusei: By the way, did I just run over a Kuriboh?

Yami: It’s ok, it was only Jaden.

Jaden: I think I broke my coxis.

Yami: Oh, walk it off, you Mary Sue!

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Crash, go watch all of littleKuriboh's videos, Start with yu-gi-oh: the abridged series and than move on to the others.


two Dark Magician Girls go round the outside

Round the outside

Round the outside

Two Dark Magician Girls go round the outside

Round the outside

Round the outside

Guess who's back?

Back again!

Yugi's back!

Tell a friend!

Guess who's back.

Guess who's back!

Guess who's back!

Guess who's back!

Brains brains brains!

Guess who's back!

Guess who's back!

In America!

I've summoned a monster!

Cuz nobody wants to see Yugi no more

They want Yami, I'm chopped liver!

Well if you want Yami this is what I'll give ya

A little bit of yaoi fanart of Yami Bakura

Some card games that drag on and on duller

Than the crap on those poor saps' TeamFourStar's channel

Or the gasps in their fanbase when they lose a rating

Or the gaps in their schedule when they're not updating! (HEY! )

You waited this long, now stop debating

Cause I'm back, it's time to duel, and cards need trading

You may think the dubs are mistranslating

But the guys who fansub are masturbating

So 4KidsTV won't let me be

Or let me be me

So let me see

They tried to switch me out with Dragonball Z

But it feels so empty without me so

Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged burned like a bridge

Got banned, you worried a smidge and raided the fridge

But don't panic, 'cause this s**t's about to get manic,

I just shuffled all my trading cards, F*** YOU MARIK!

Now this looks like a job for me

So everybody just follow me

Cause we need a little controversy

Cause it feels so empty without me

I said this looks like a job for me

So everybody just follow me

Cause we need a little controversy

Cause it feels so empty without me

LittleKuriboh; the guy who watches Yu-Gi-Oh

Embarrassed his parents don't listen to Devo

He starts crying at Finding Nemo

Then he makes a lameo video and everyone yells WHOA!

A visionary, his fangirls are scary

A YouTube revolution, otakus are wary

A rebel, so lemme just revel and boast

In the fact that I got everyone stealing my jokes

And it's a low-blow, such a cacophony

For you to steal so damn much from my show, don't copy me!

Well I'm back, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na

We got screwed by Revver, blew the budget now we're gonna

Begin again, start from scratch and completely

Regain all our subscribers, update the show weekly

No protesting, just like you're all requesting,

With all the quotes HeavyDDR's detesting

(Testing! Attention Duelists! )

Feel the tension soon as someone mentions me

Lanipator claims I have animosity

You know what I think? "Who the hell is he!"

Now this looks like a job for me

So everybody just follow me

Cause we need a little controversy

Cause it feels so empty without me

I said this looks like a job for me

So everybody just follow me

Cause we need a little controversy

Cause it feels so empty without me

Abridge this Abridge that, it's become the new fad

It's a shame that most of the results turn out so bad

Yo Sephirex, quit makin' fun of GX

It's better than most of your video train wrecks

And Kaiser, man, you're none the wiser

Your series is about as funny as Rob schneider

Vegeta and Masako, you guys should just let go, it's over.

Nobody watches Naruto

Now farewell

Go abridge some Zatch Bell!

Or post on your blog while listening to Soft Cell

This show's been greater than Ghost In The Shell

Ever since CurtDogg turned it into a nutshell

But sometimes it's all the same

Everybody only wants to call us lame

So this must mean LK's to blame

Cause it's not me, I'm king of games

And while he's not the first one to fandub Yugi

He is the first one that's not a newbie

To make the show seem kinda funny

Though it doesn't make him any money

(HEY! )

There's a concept that's broke!

Twenty million other users steal his jokes

But no matter how many imitate LK

It won't change the fact that he's here to stay

Now this looks like a job for me

So everybody just follow me

Cause we need a little controversy

Cause it feels so empty without me

I said this looks like a job for me

So everybody just follow me

Cause we need a little controversy

Cause it feels so empty without me

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Crash, go watch all of littleKuriboh's videos, Start with yu-gi-oh: the abridged series and than move on to the others.

No thanks, doesn't sound like my sorta thing, given how I don't like anime and stuff.

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Technically speaking, due to the large amount of genres, it's pretty much impossible to hate all anime unless you're just outright racist

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Technically speaking, due to the large amount of genres, it's pretty much impossible to hate all anime unless you're just outright racist

Or perhaps all the genres failed to appeal to me, it's highly improbable, but not impossible.

And you're not in a position to call ANYONE racist.

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