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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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asdfajfkslg VULPIX ILU

5/10, because flamethrower can hit pretty damn hard even if its offensive stats kind of suck. also bias. lots of bias

I'd give it +5 bias if I could

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I tried using it once. Never again. It's level-ups moves can't do any real damage until flamethrower at 29, but it'll be a complete piece of poop to train by then. Willo-wisp and confuse ray are decent, becaue it lacks offense itself so it gets something else to do damage for it. Same with fire spin. Ninetales will have decent special attack and high speed and special defense with not-that-great other stats. Pick your poison: pathetic until 29 then decent, or hot start but no movepool. Really, Arcanine completely outclasses it. Sop do Charizard and Moltres. Rapidash is better too. It's a meh pokemon. 2.5/10 including -1 bias for making me start over once in LeafGreen for being so bad.

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Kind of a pain in the arse to train but doesn't take too long to evolve, and when it does it can keep levelling up by switching into things weak to fighting and Mach Punching them, seems to OHKO the fragile neutral ones too, with the STAB, high base attack and a level advantage. Bulk Up gives it an opportunity to sweep and a real tool against Norman. A real shame about that special attack though, but if you teach it Giga Drain, you'll probably fine some use for its 5 PP in some situations, like against one of those water/grounds. Also slow, which is a problem when Mach Punch doesn't OHKO.

Edited by Espinosa
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Though it's fast and learns Flamethrower naturally, the demand for a pure fire-type is low in Kanto, and its movepool is really poor, with Dig being the best thing you can teach it for coverage, which is kinda depressing. 4/10

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It gets flamethrower fairly fast and can hit pretty hard with it. Sadly, a fire type isn't really needed all that much in the game, and if you chose charizard as a starter, you really don't need it at all. 4/10

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asdfajfkslg VULPIX ILU

5/10, because flamethrower can hit pretty damn hard even if its offensive stats kind of suck. also bias. lots of bias

I'd give it +5 bias if I could

This. Also, Will-O-Wisp.

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Pretty interesting Pokemon. It starts out as a decent support Pokemon, providing Leech Seed and Stun Spore. Unfortunately, its combat ability is a bit lacking... until it evolves and starts tearing shit up. Mach Punch looks weak, but 130 base attack + 60 power after STAB is great at that point in the game (not to mention it gets priority), and it gets Sky Uppercut once other Pokemon catch up. Still, the slow start and lack of coverage drags him down a bit.


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Pretty interesting Pokemon. It starts out as a decent support Pokemon, providing Leech Seed and Stun Spore. Unfortunately, its combat ability is a bit lacking... until it evolves and starts tearing shit up. Mach Punch looks weak, but 130 base attack + 60 power after STAB is great at that point in the game (not to mention it gets priority), and it gets Sky Uppercut once other Pokemon catch up. Still, the slow start and lack of coverage drags him down a bit.


This. And darn the FR/LG RTP for having all the glory.


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Rules (adapted from Fire Emblem RTUs)

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly. You can troll a bit, but no WURMPLE HAS STRING SHOT 10/10.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Votes are made out of 10. You cannot rate a pokemon above 10 or below 0.

- The rating topic will be updated whenever I feel like it, but I will try to allow at least 24 hours for each topic. They will generally be updated at around 10 PM CST.

- A pokemon being inferior relative to another pokemon does not explicitly reduce their rating.

- We are rating ingame performance only, up until the Elite 4 is beaten the first time.

- Evolution lines get condensed, so treat Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile all as one pokemon.

- Pokemon that evolve through trades are accounted for.

- A Pokemon's performance is to be judged by the game they are most prominent in (Example: Zangoose is to be judged by Pokemon Ruby standards.).


Wurmple/Cascoon/Dustox: 1.67

Surskit/Masquerain: 2.88

Wurmple/Silcoon/Beautifly: 3.50

Poochyena/Mightyena: 3.95

Lotad/Lombre/Ludicolo: 5.69

Wingull/Pelipper: 5.70

Seedot/Nuzleaf/Shiftry: 6.36

Zigzagoon/Linoone: 6.43

Shroomish/Breloom: 8.27

Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile: 8.36

Taillow/Swellow: 8.38

Ralts/Kirlia/Gardevoir: 8.39

Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken: 9.00

Mudkip/Marshstomp/Swampert: 9.77

*tries to think of something to say*

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Pain in the rear to level up to Lv.16, where it finally gets good. It's useless for the first two gyms due to its Normal typing (and Slakoth's Truant, which is another story). Vigoroth isn't too bad for a middle stage Pokemon (it's rather good, actually). Slaking's stats are amazing, but Truant kinda keeps it from being awesome.

5-1 = 4/10 - Terrible earlygame. Meh midgame, and solid endgame. Negative bias comes from making battles take twice as long as normal due to Truant.

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If my starter has issues with the first two gyms, I usually employ Slakoth for Yawn. Training it isn't too hard, I found, especially with Exp Share. It does more damage with Scratch in one turn than many average early game Pokemon in two turns, and you can count on it scoring OHKOs if you do train it, especially at its final stage. Can make use of hit and run tactics as Slaking, OHKOing and switching out with that monstrous attack. Still, a really gimmicky Pokemon so -1 bias. 6/10

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I fucking hate Truant. Because of this I never evolve Vigoroth. Dat attack though, dat attack.

4/10 because truant really is a horrible skill, the only thing saving it from getting a lower unbiased score is Vigoroth. Speaking of bias.....


Edited by Knuckles
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Hyperbeam, EQ, Shadow Ball and Choice Band. And then, destruction, sleep, destruction, sleep... ad infinitum.

7/10 + 0 bias (+1 because lazy as fuck, but - 1 because Vigoroth exists) = 7/10

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