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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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2/10 with negative bias

Yeah, it gets Wing Attack at lv. 21, and even then it kinda sucks. Doesn't even learn any HMs, so you must be a masochist if you want to bother with that asinine moveset of Supersonic, Leech Life and Astonish.

This is my vote too, with the negative bias applied because fuck these things are everywhere.

That makes Zubat's score 3.25.

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Rules (adapted from Fire Emblem RTUs)

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly. You can troll a bit, but no CATERPIE HAS STRING SHOT 10/10.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Votes are made out of 10. You cannot rate a pokemon above 10 or below 0.

- The rating topic will be updated whenever I feel like it, but I will try to allow at least 24 hours for each topic. They will generally be updated at around noon EST.

- A pokemon being inferior relative to another pokemon does not explicitly reduce their rating.

- We are rating ingame performance only, up until the Elite 4 is beaten the first time.

- Evolution lines get condensed, so treat Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venasaur all as one pokemon.

Weedle/Kakuna/Beedrill: 2.44

Ekans/Arbok: 2.57

Rattate/Raticate: 3.20

Zubat/Golbat: 3.25

Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff: 4.21

Vulpix/Ninetales: 4.38

Pidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot: 5.00

Caterpie/Metapod/Butterfree: 5.21

Sandshrew/Sandslash: 5.86

Pikachu/Raichu: 5.94

Spearow/Fearow: 6.21

Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard: 7.80

Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venasaur: 8.25

Nidoran-F/Nidorina/Nidoqueen: 8.58

Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise: 9.36

Clefairy/Clefable: 9.50

Nidoran-M/Nidorino/Nidoking: 9.75

Edited by BigBangMeteor
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Learns Sleep Powder later than Bellsprout and doesn't have Growth to use to set up against Misty. More special defence makes it more likely to survive Starmie's attacks however. Anyway, Vileplume has to wait until lv. 44 to get Petal Dance, it never gets Sludge Bomb during maingame, what it has is just Giga Drain which has 5 PP and Bullet Seed with poor base power. Only use as your last measure against Starmie, and even then there are others who can do it. 4/10

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Decent against Misty, absorb is a fun move. The powders are also helpful from time to time.

4.5/10 a decent pokemon, it's about in the middle of the pack I'd say.

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Nincada is kind of a giant pain to raise, what with its terrible Attack, lack of moves and EXP group. Ninjask is lightning-fast, but it doesn't help much on the offensive front. Swords Dance is kinda cool, but it sucks up all of your valuable TMs to be any good.

Shedinja is quite different. If the Pokemon you're fighting doesn't have a Ghost, Dark, Fire, Flying or Rock attack, or any kind of status/damaging weather, they're screwed. The end. Give it Toxic, and it downs a surprising amount of foes. Norman's Spinda and Linoone, it tanks Wattson's Magneton (watch out for Supersonic), can face half of Tate & Liza, every one of Juan's Pokemon (especially that Double Team Kingdra)... After you get the Heat Badge, you can give it Toxic for some actual damage! E4 can deal with it, though, which is kinda sad. Only Wallace's Gyarados, Wailord and Whiscash and Drake's Kingdra are vulnerable, and SE moves and Hail are commonplace.

Ninjask gets 3/10, it's way too much work to get it to be good.

Shedinja on the other hand, gets a 6/10, due to being useful at base level and trivializing certain Gym Leaders.

This. Tallying.

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Rules (adapted from Fire Emblem RTUs)

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly. You can troll a bit, but no WURMPLE HAS STRING SHOT 10/10.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Votes are made out of 10. You cannot rate a pokemon above 10 or below 0.

- The rating topic will be updated whenever I feel like it, but I will try to allow at least 24 hours for each topic. They will generally be updated at around 10 PM CST.

- A pokemon being inferior relative to another pokemon does not explicitly reduce their rating.

- We are rating ingame performance only, up until the Elite 4 is beaten the first time.

- Evolution lines get condensed, so treat Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile all as one pokemon.

- Pokemon that evolve through trades are accounted for.

- A Pokemon's performance is to be judged by the game they are most prominent in (Example: Zangoose is to be judged by Pokemon Ruby standards.).


Wurmple/Cascoon/Dustox: 1.67

Surskit/Masquerain: 2.88

Wurmple/Silcoon/Beautifly: 3.50

Nincada/Shedinja: 3.69

Poochyena/Mightyena: 3.95

Nincada/Ninjask: 4.13

Slakoth/Vigoroth/Slaking: 5.36

Lotad/Lombre/Ludicolo: 5.69

Wingull/Pelipper: 5.70

Seedot/Nuzleaf/Shiftry: 6.36

Zigzagoon/Linoone: 6.43

Abra/Kadabra/Alakazam: 7.56

Shroomish/Breloom: 8.27

Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile: 8.36

Taillow/Swellow: 8.38

Ralts/Kirlia/Gardevoir: 8.39

Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken: 9.00

Mudkip/Marshstomp/Swampert: 9.77

Ratings for Nincada's evolutions were all over the place.

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Uproar access at base is pretty damn good. Too bad it's kinda slow and takes so long to fully evolve. High HP and decent offensive stats when it does become Exploud however, but it draws its massive coverage from TMs, really. It's kinda like Hoenn's Clefable except it never gets too good no matter how much you overlevel it, and it takes time to rise from its midgame mediocrity. Still decent though. 6/10

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Hmmm... what to say...

It's pretty decent for a Normal type, considering it does have bad times against Roxanne (unless you catch it after) and Brawly.

After that, it's just okay.

Not the best, but still good.


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Can't speak for Shedinja, but I did raise a Ninjask. Fastest pokemon ever/10

Nincada is good for physical tanking I guess, because that defense is high for early one, but it lacks offensive ability. Once it evolves into Ninjask, however, it did a 180. Speed boost+ 160 base = always goes first. The problem with that is it can't kill enemies quickly. 90 base strength is actually kind of good in my opinion, considering Nidoking's is only 2 higher, but his moves are all so bad that it won't work to well, with no stab moves with good power. It shouldn't be taught special attacking moves because of that stat being so low. Incredibly frail too, as a 61/45/50, so it can't take a decent shot. During that run, when I made it up to the elite four, Ninjask was just chip damage then death and other guys did all of the work. If you manage to hit 5 times with fury cutter, he'll kill yay 3/10 Speed but no movepool to cultivate a good natural strength and so frail his offense wouldn't be good enough even if he had a good movepool.

Edit: Gosh darn it, I was close too.

Edited by I don't play for turns
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It has good stats and a decent movepool. Evolution levels are kind of high, and speed can be lacking. Uproar is great as a move, even if that sound effect is annoying. Did I mention that Whismur is annoying as fuck? And kind of ugly too...

6/10 - 1 bias


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Ratings for Nincada's evolutions were all over the place.

Yeah... Amazing, the differences of opinions in that one were. Personally, I don't think either one's that great.

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Uproar access at base is pretty damn good. Too bad it's kinda slow and takes so long to fully evolve. High HP and decent offensive stats when it does become Exploud however, but it draws its massive coverage from TMs, really. It's kinda like Hoenn's Clefable except it never gets too good no matter how much you overlevel it, and it takes time to rise from its midgame mediocrity. Still decent though. 6/10

This. Tallying.

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Rules (adapted from Fire Emblem RTUs)

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly. You can troll a bit, but no WURMPLE HAS STRING SHOT 10/10.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Votes are made out of 10. You cannot rate a pokemon above 10 or below 0.

- The rating topic will be updated whenever I feel like it, but I will try to allow at least 24 hours for each topic. They will generally be updated at around 10 PM CST.

- A pokemon being inferior relative to another pokemon does not explicitly reduce their rating.

- We are rating ingame performance only, up until the Elite 4 is beaten the first time.

- Evolution lines get condensed, so treat Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile all as one pokemon.

- Pokemon that evolve through trades are accounted for.

- A Pokemon's performance is to be judged by the game they are most prominent in (Example: Zangoose is to be judged by Pokemon Ruby standards.).


Wurmple/Cascoon/Dustox: 1.67

Surskit/Masquerain: 2.88

Wurmple/Silcoon/Beautifly: 3.50

Nincada/Shedinja: 3.69

Poochyena/Mightyena: 3.95

Nincada/Ninjask: 4.13

Slakoth/Vigoroth/Slaking: 5.36

Lotad/Lombre/Ludicolo: 5.69

Wingull/Pelipper: 5.70

Whismur/Loudred/Exploud: 5.81

Seedot/Nuzleaf/Shiftry: 6.36

Zigzagoon/Linoone: 6.43

Abra/Kadabra/Alakazam: 7.56

Shroomish/Breloom: 8.27

Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile: 8.36

Taillow/Swellow: 8.38

Ralts/Kirlia/Gardevoir: 8.39

Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken: 9.00

Mudkip/Marshstomp/Swampert: 9.77

Hariyama is such a bro.

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If you didn't pick up Torchic, Makuhita will be your first fighting type until Shroomish evolves or until you pick up Machop after three badges.

He's a pretty respectable fighting type. He's crazy bulky, and is pretty powerful to boot. Of course, he's very slow. But you can't have it all. His movepool is narrow, but between a Fighting move, Earthquake and Rock Tomb, you've pretty much got it all. Bulk Up can round out the set, or you can go with Fake Out for some flinching shenanigans. It's movepool is that of a generic fighting type, but Hariyama tries to differentiate itself with its massive 144/60/60 defenses. Base 120 attack is almost as high as Brelooms, and just as high as Blazikens. It evolves at Lv.24, just as Shroomish does and before Machop even makes it to the Machoke stage. So that's pretty neat. If you get one with Thick Fat it can serve itself well against Flannery, which is another niche Hariyama has over it's fellow fighters. Heck, it even gets Surf if you need a Pokemon to use it, for whatever reason (Fighting-type monotype run, perhaps)

6/10 - It's a niche Pokemon when compared to its Fighting brethren. What it lacks it speed it makes up for in bulk. Unfortunately, this is in-game where speed matters more than bulk, and base 50 speed is way too slow.

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If you didn't pick up Torchic, Makuhita will be your first fighting type until Shroomish evolves or until you pick up Machop after three badges.

He's a pretty respectable fighting type. He's crazy bulky, and is pretty powerful to boot. Of course, he's very slow. But you can't have it all. His movepool is narrow, but between a Fighting move, Earthquake and Rock Tomb, you've pretty much got it all. Bulk Up can round out the set, or you can go with Fake Out for some flinching shenanigans. It's movepool is that of a generic fighting type, but Hariyama tries to differentiate itself with its massive 144/60/60 defenses. Base 120 attack is almost as high as Brelooms, and just as high as Blazikens. It evolves at Lv.24, just as Shroomish does and before Machop even makes it to the Machoke stage. So that's pretty neat. If you get one with Thick Fat it can serve itself well against Flannery, which is another niche Hariyama has over it's fellow fighters. Heck, it even gets Surf if you need a Pokemon to use it, for whatever reason (Fighting-type monotype run, perhaps)

6/10 - It's a niche Pokemon when compared to its Fighting brethren. What it lacks it speed it makes up for in bulk. Unfortunately, this is in-game where speed matters more than bulk, and base 50 speed is way too slow.

This will be my vote as well.

Lucina summed it up.

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Rules (adapted from Fire Emblem RTUs)

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly. You can troll a bit, but no CATERPIE HAS STRING SHOT 10/10.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Votes are made out of 10. You cannot rate a pokemon above 10 or below 0.

- The rating topic will be updated whenever I feel like it, but I will try to allow at least 24 hours for each topic. They will generally be updated at around noon EST.

- A pokemon being inferior relative to another pokemon does not explicitly reduce their rating.

- We are rating ingame performance only, up until the Elite 4 is beaten the first time.

- Evolution lines get condensed, so treat Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venasaur all as one pokemon.

Weedle/Kakuna/Beedrill: 2.44

Ekans/Arbok: 2.57

Rattate/Raticate: 3.20

Zubat/Golbat: 3.25

Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff: 4.21

Vulpix/Ninetales: 4.38

Oddish/Gloom/Vileplume: 4.92

Pidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot: 5.00

Caterpie/Metapod/Butterfree: 5.21

Sandshrew/Sandslash: 5.86

Pikachu/Raichu: 5.94

Spearow/Fearow: 6.21

Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard: 7.80

Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venasaur: 8.25

Nidoran-F/Nidorina/Nidoqueen: 8.58

Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise: 9.36

Clefairy/Clefable: 9.50

Nidoran-M/Nidorino/Nidoking: 9.75

Paras is trash. It's Atk is pretty good, but not only does it get no good moves to complement that stat, it introduces a new meaning to the word slow, and has 2 quad weaknesses and cruddy defenses to boot. It is the only pokemon in the game with Spore, but it's so slow that it makes very little difference. 2/10 for Spore.

Edited by BigBangMeteor
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