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Metal Rabbit

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Slow AND has weaknesses up the wazoo. The only thing it has going for it are the status powders, but Oddish/Bellsprout have them as well and require much less effort to train. Spore is not worth the effort.


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Most people say that Gen.2 buffed the bug type. But looking back at the bug-types, you're still a giant ball of fail (unless your Scizor or Heracross; maybe Pinsir and Venomoth)

So here we have Parasect. Parasect is living proof that Gamefreak hates bug types. It's got a solid 95 base attack. But there is a problem with that. The strongest Bug type move it learns is Leech Life (aka 20BP move). Luckily it gets stronger Grass-type moves. But that's hardly good. You'll either have to wait for Lv.51 for Giga Drain (the only offensive Grass type move Parasect learns) or use the TM for it (which is imo kind of a waste because it learns it via level up). Spore at Lv.27 is about all the use Parasect will have for you. You're pretty much limited to Slash, Aerial Ace and Dig. >.<

Throw this dude into the pile of Insomia!Delibird, Flareon, Levitate!Rotom-Fan and Limber!Stunfisk, because it's clear Gamefreak has it out for Parasect. It had 3!!! 4x weaknesses in Gen.1.

0/10 - Sucks at defense due to terrible typing. Sucks at offense due to terrible movepool. I guess Spore is cool, but is only worth one point tops imo. Any points that Spore gave it have been cancelled out by my negative bias

Yay, tomorrow is actually an interesting bug. :]

Edited by Lucina
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In RS, the traded Makit grows fast, which remedies its speed problem to an extent against generic trainers. Hits hard, can take damage and set up with Bulk Up, good against Wattson and invaluable in the E4. Speed is its only shortcoming.


Edited by Espinosa
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Comes at a convenient time when you might be lacking Pokemon to take on Hikers at Mt Moon (in RBY you had the Water Gun TM which could be taught to a lot of things), and it handles them easily with Bullet Seed. Evolves fairly early at lv. 24, either 1 or 3 levels away from Spore. 100% sleeping accuracy is nothing fantastic, but it's the most reliable thing for this sort of purpose. High physical attack stat and far better physical movepool than the other grass-types featuring Dig and Aerial Ace.

Best grass-type in the game not counting Venusaur, but that's not saying much.


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I fucking love this guy.


In R/S, Makuhita grows fast, and can take Bulk Up and Vital Throw everything to death.

And besides, It's pretty good for earlygame and mid-game and is good lategame.

Not going to add more, read the recent RSE tier list to see Makuhita Hype.

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Most people say that Gen.2 buffed the bug type. But looking back at the bug-types, you're still a giant ball of fail (unless your Scizor or Heracross; maybe Pinsir and Venomoth)

So here we have Parasect. Parasect is living proof that Gamefreak hates bug types. It's got a solid 95 base attack. But there is a problem with that. The strongest Bug type move it learns is Leech Life (aka 20BP move). Luckily it gets stronger Grass-type moves. But that's hardly good. You'll either have to wait for Lv.51 for Giga Drain (the only offensive Grass type move Parasect learns) or use the TM for it (which is imo kind of a waste because it learns it via level up). Spore at Lv.27 is about all the use Parasect will have for you. You're pretty much limited to Slash, Aerial Ace and Dig. >.<

Throw this dude into the pile of Insomia!Delibird, Flareon, Levitate!Rotom-Fan and Limber!Stunfisk, because it's clear Gamefreak has it out for Parasect. It had 3!!! 4x weaknesses in Gen.1.

0/10 - Sucks at defense due to terrible typing. Sucks at offense due to terrible movepool. I guess Spore is cool, but is only worth one point tops imo. Any points that Spore gave it have been cancelled out by my negative bias

I agree with all of this post.

Edited by ZM456
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Parasect? More like ParaSUCK.

I tried using Parasect once. Did not work out at all.

Okay. It has Spore. Awesome move.

I'm sure out of all its weaknesses:

Flying x4, Fire x4, Poison x2, ROCK x2, BUG x2, Ice x2.

They're really hating on Parasect, it's weak to its own bloody type.

Another Pokemon is going to have one of those moves to kick Parasects ass, and hand it to him. That 30 base speed isn't saving anyone.

Even Breloom has damn 70 base speed and I consider sort of slow, Parasect's 30 BASE SPEED IS EVEN WORSE.

I crush all the Paras I see.


I mean 0.5/10. This thing isn't worth looking at.

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Comes at a convenient time when you might be lacking Pokemon to take on Hikers at Mt Moon (in RBY you had the Water Gun TM which could be taught to a lot of things), and it handles them easily with Bullet Seed. Evolves fairly early at lv. 24, either 1 or 3 levels away from Spore. 100% sleeping accuracy is nothing fantastic, but it's the most reliable thing for this sort of purpose. High physical attack stat and far better physical movepool than the other grass-types featuring Dig and Aerial Ace.

Best grass-type in the game not counting Venusaur, but that's not saying much.


Oddish, Bellsprout, and Exeggcute are probobly better than Parasect.

But yeah.

Out of almost every gen, the starter Grass type is the best of it's kind.

Except 3rd gen, Breloom, Ludicolo and Shiftry are all even compared to sceptile IMO.

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Throw this dude into the pile of Insomia!Delibird, Flareon, Levitate!Rotom-Fan and Limber!Stunfisk, because it's clear Gamefreak has it out for Parasect. It had 3!!! 4x weaknesses in Gen.1.

No mention of Magcargo and Farfetch'd?

Edit: Or Garbodor?

Oddish, Bellsprout, and Exeggcute are probobly better than Parasect.

But yeah.

Out of almost every gen, the starter Grass type is the best of it's kind.

Except 3rd gen, Breloom, Ludicolo and Shiftry are all even compared to sceptile IMO.

I personally think the latter two don't hold a candle to Sceptile (Ludicolo especially).


Most people say that Gen.2 buffed the bug type.

Personally, I'd say it wasn't until the fourth generation that the bug type got buffed.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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Oddish, Bellsprout, and Exeggcute are probobly better than Parasect.

But yeah.

Out of almost every gen, the starter Grass type is the best of it's kind.

Except 3rd gen, Breloom, Ludicolo and Shiftry are all even compared to sceptile IMO.

Don't forget 5th Gen. Snivy is just terrible.

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Bad speed? That's why you use VITAL THROW. It's slow, but unlike Parasect over in FRLG, it doesn't have that many weaknesses and is pretty tanky. It's solid right up to Winona, where he then does not fare too well against her and T+L, but that's okay. Great damage as well. 8.5/10.

In fact, my very first playthrough (which consisted of a slightly overlevelled but not overlevelled enough Sceptile and an underlevelled everything else), Hariyama lay down the finishing blow on Winona's Altaria, after I'd lost like 20 times to her. So bias makes 9.5/10.

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So we use a negative priority move to overcome speed problems???

I think you lost me here...

I think he's saying that since Hariyama's slow, why not use the negative priority move with perfect accuracy? It's not like you're outspeeding anything, and it's the best Fighting type move it gets for a long, long time.

I'll give it an 7, it's got great bulk and the Fighting type is overall excellent, excepting Winona and the twins.

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I think he's saying that since Hariyama's slow, why not use the negative priority move with perfect accuracy? It's not like you're outspeeding anything, and it's the best Fighting type move it gets for a long, long time.

I'll give it an 7, it's got great bulk and the Fighting type is overall excellent, excepting Winona and the twins.

The point is we're practically stuck WITH a Negative Priority move until Hariyama (or if you choose not to evolve your Makuhita) learns Seismic Toss (level 51) and Reversal (level 55). Would you really want to use them as your stab moves?

Seismic Toss perhaps, since we are talking about Hariyama, a boss bulky bastard.

You could always wait until the Brick Break TM, but thats at Sootopolis, (8th Gym).

It's HP and attack are awesome, defense stats not so awesome, but am I one to complain?

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I think he's saying that since Hariyama's slow, why not use the negative priority move with perfect accuracy? It's not like you're outspeeding anything, and it's the best Fighting type move it gets for a long, long time.

I suppose that's indeed what he was getting at, but he could've worded it better..

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The point is we're practically stuck WITH a Negative Priority move until Hariyama (or if you choose not to evolve your Makuhita) learns Seismic Toss (level 51) and Reversal (level 55). Would you really want to use them as your stab moves?

Seismic Toss perhaps, since we are talking about Hariyama, a boss bulky bastard.

You could always wait until the Brick Break TM, but thats at Sootopolis, (8th Gym).

It's HP and attack are awesome, defense stats not so awesome, but am I one to complain?

Considering that you don't get STAB off of Seismic Toss, yeah I wouldn't want it as my STAB either.

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Hariyama's only downfall is against Winona and Tate/Liza as well as it's lack of speed, but it's a pretty solid Pokemon. Helps out against Watson's Magenton, Norman, and Sidney. It's movepool is pretty good as well.



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Rules (adapted from Fire Emblem RTUs)

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly. You can troll a bit, but no WURMPLE HAS STRING SHOT 10/10.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Votes are made out of 10. You cannot rate a pokemon above 10 or below 0.

- The rating topic will be updated whenever I feel like it, but I will try to allow at least 24 hours for each topic. They will generally be updated at around 10 PM CST.

- A pokemon being inferior relative to another pokemon does not explicitly reduce their rating.

- We are rating ingame performance only, up until the Elite 4 is beaten the first time.

- Evolution lines get condensed, so treat Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile all as one pokemon.

- Pokemon that evolve through trades are accounted for.

- A Pokemon's performance is to be judged by the game they are most prominent in (Example: Zangoose is to be judged by Pokemon Ruby standards.).


Wurmple/Cascoon/Dustox: 1.67

Surskit/Masquerain: 2.88

Wurmple/Silcoon/Beautifly: 3.50

Nincada/Shedinja: 3.69

Poochyena/Mightyena: 3.95

Nincada/Ninjask: 4.13

Slakoth/Vigoroth/Slaking: 5.36

Lotad/Lombre/Ludicolo: 5.69

Wingull/Pelipper: 5.70

Whismur/Loudred/Exploud: 5.81

Seedot/Nuzleaf/Shiftry: 6.36

Zigzagoon/Linoone: 6.43

Makuhita/Hariyama: 7.50

Abra/Kadabra/Alakazam: 7.56

Shroomish/Breloom: 8.27

Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile: 8.36

Taillow/Swellow: 8.38

Ralts/Kirlia/Gardevoir: 8.39

Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken: 9.00

Mudkip/Marshstomp/Swampert: 9.77


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One of the worst natural movepools out of any of the water types available. No natural STAB until 38 when evolved (41 if Goldeen for some dumb reason), with only Peck and Horn Attack as actual moves until then. Pretty slow, bad defenses and doesn't even have that much attack to make up for it. Also physical water type when water is special because third gen. :| Even the TM pool sucks. It pretty much only gets normal moves, but doesn't even get STAB with them.

Against gym leaders, only has an 'advantage' against Flannery... but doesn't have any water moves yet ._. I guess you can use it to peck Brawly to death, but... no.

Even with bias because sea unicorn: 2/10

Edited by Ninja Caterpie
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