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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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Hello I really like your thread, and I have a personal question to ask you:

What do you think of my AMA thread, which can be found here?:


Personally I believe it to be of exceedingly high quality, and I will answer any questions that anyone has posed to me. I think you and the rest of your viewers should also ask me questions in my thread here, after answering whether or not you think it is great.

If you do not think it is great then I will have to disagree aggressively and we may or may not get into a scuffle. Cheers.

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Hello, I hope the deeply personal nature of my question does not shock or upset you, but I have a strong desire to know as much about you as possible, so here it is:

What do you think about the structure of this AMA thread?


Have you ever seen one managed quite the way that I've managed mine? I think that in order to understand better you should participate in it yourself, so you can answer my question as accurately as possible. I promise it will not be a burden, because I answer every question that people have for me unless they ask me over 40. I consider it to be very high quality, and hopefully you will too.


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What are some of the things you like about Hatsune Miku?

Are there any quirks you have in real life that are a result of your shyness? (Eg: not making eye contact when talking to people, talking in a really quiet voice, stuttering a lot)

Her hair, and I like her music. I'm not a huge fan of it, I just like it.

I have extreme difficulty making eye contact while talking to people, I don't talk very loud, I occasionally stutter while talking, I stress over talking to that person, I become lightheaded, in some cases I get a headache.

You earn all my respect! You're the only ONE, who answered all my questions! :rolleyes:

Yay :D
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Hello, I hope the deeply personal nature of my question does not shock or upset you, but I have a strong desire to know as much about you as possible, so here it is:

What do you think about the structure of this AMA thread?


Have you ever seen one managed quite the way that I've managed mine? I think that in order to understand better you should participate in it yourself, so you can answer my question as accurately as possible. I promise it will not be a burden, because I answer every question that people have for me unless they ask me over 40. I consider it to be very high quality, and hopefully you will too.



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What is youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur

favorite tv show?

edit: none of that anime or hentai or whatever it is you kids watch these days

Edited by Tangerine
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Hello I really like your thread, and I have a personal question to ask you:

What do you think of my AMA thread, which can be found here?:


Personally I believe it to be of exceedingly high quality, and I will answer any questions that anyone has posed to me. I think you and the rest of your viewers should also ask me questions in my thread here, after answering whether or not you think it is great.

If you do not think it is great then I will have to disagree aggressively and we may or may not get into a scuffle. Cheers.

...I do not approve of that thread. Therefore I refuse to post in it! Away with these filthy "Ask me anything" threads, which pollute the forest. I call a rebellion.
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Doctor who?

Doctor... Who?... I'm sorry, I don't watch Doctor Who, so I don't know much about it.

Have a favorite swear world ? Why ?

Not particularly. I don't discriminate.

Edited by Krystalthryx
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I see how it is.:P:What do you enjoy about Job Corps?

Hey Xinny I'd play games with you too! Need to show me more EO!

What I enjoy about job corps is the independence I've learned and the friends I've made.. especially a certain young lady ^^

why did you choose jedisupersorry as your username?

Jedisupersonic is my go to name usually but both on here and previously Myffnet I was known as someone who said sorry a lot thus it was a funny nickname

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What are you views of the current rights of men and women in America, and do you feel that anything needs to be changed?

Hmm...well, if you mean "how are women treated and stereotyped as opposed to men"...well, that's yet another one where I would go on a really long speech, so the short version is "no, other than that we need to put a stop to how the media oversexualizes them and puts so much pressure on them to be a certain way". But for the long answer...

I know it's a lot better than it once was. I mean, back in the 50's, husbands could literally have their wives thrown straight into the nuthouse if they wanted! Combine that with how easy it was to commit someone in general (all that was needed back then were two Psychologists signing some piece of paper, and BAM! There you go.), and that was definitely a real recipe for disaster. Then of course, there was the fact that women suffered severe inequities in how much they were paid back then...

So in light of all that, I think the situation has gotten better. Just HOW MUCH better, I'm not sure, since I rely mainly on 2nd hand information that I get from the media, which I believe is biased. But you can't deny that there's been improvement.

So that brings us to whether or not I can think of anything I personally would want changed. And...well, I do think women are oversexualized and put under really extreme pressures to be a certain body shape, or be at a certain level of sexiness.

And even putting aside the obvious problems in tying your very sense of self-worth to something as trivial as cuteness, I find this media focus bad because...

1) Our media tends to idolize a certain body type (someone who's really thin and curvy), even though there are a great variety of other ways that women can look attractive. Some women can be attractive precisely because they have a ton of muscle on em! Some women can use a bit of plumpness to their advantage! It just all depends on what kind of clothes you wear to emphasize certain features, or how you walk, or...well, lots of other things. I'm no fashion expert, so it's kind of hard for me to explain, but I do know that there are lots of body types that are different, yet equally attractive!

And I know that this is a weird tangent, but the reason I think it's important is because, by promoting only one real image of what an attractive woman looks like, our media is basically punishing women who DON'T have that specific body type just for being born a certain way. Making them feel like they were born inferior, or something stupid like that. That And THAT is bad!

2) Also, that said body type is one that a lot of women have to practically starve themselves for, which, again, is bothersome. I mean, if you look at the demographics for who tends to be affected by eating disorders, women are FAR more likely to have eating disorders like Anorexia and Bulimia than men are, and I think the media is part of the reason for this. And of course, being on said diet tends to also rob your body of a lot of vital nutrients that your body needs. So that's my two cents on THAT particular issue...

And then I guess you'd have to talk about Abortion? If that's the case, I can see how some would see Anti-Abortion laws as something that intrudes on a woman's body, but, on the other hand, when we talk about abortion, we're talking about the lives of two people here, the mother and the unborn baby. So, I generally take the stand of "no Abortion except in cases of rape, incest, or imminent danger to the mother". And it's not because I think anti-abortion laws will actually stop abortion (hey, if Prohibition proved anything, it's that humans WILL find a way to do whatever they want to do if they want it badly enough!), but because removing those laws would send an unspoken message that says that the fetus isn't truly a living person, a position I disagree with.

So basically, I think we need to raise more awareness about media and societal pressures on women, and how much those pressures are harming them, and what needs to change. Other than that though...seems to me like we're doing pretty good. But then, I wouldn't be the person to ask, because the women's rights movement isn't one of the focuses of my major, so I never really went too deeply into that.

So, that answer your question Eclipse? If I said something you find to be monumentally stupid, or you feel like I went on for too long again, feel free to point it out. I could stand to be a wiser, more informed person after all!

Favorite swear world ? Why ?

I always liked "Damn" myself. Fairly mild while still having a lot of weight to it, and doesn't have a lot in the way of negative connotations. At least, not the way "bitch" and "bastard" do.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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What is youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur

favorite tv show?

edit: none of that anime or hentai or whatever it is you kids watch these days

Gavin and Stacey is pretty neat. Also The Big Bang Theory. I don't watch much telly so I have managed to avoid getting hooked on other popular programs.

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So what inspired your SF username?

How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

It's my All is Brawl username as well. I loved TF2 back then, so yeah.

My Myers-Briggs test result is an INTJ(Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging), although I do have P(perceiving) tendencies. I also fit into Mastermind for the Keirsey Temperament sorter. This probably didn't answer your question, but at least you know from this answer that I'm not the kind to go into very much detail.

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Hello, I hope the deeply personal nature of my question does not shock or upset you, but I have a strong desire to know as much about you as possible, so here it is:

What do you think about the structure of this AMA thread?


Have you ever seen one managed quite the way that I've managed mine? I think that in order to understand better you should participate in it yourself, so you can answer my question as accurately as possible. I promise it will not be a burden, because I answer every question that people have for me unless they ask me over 40. I consider it to be very high quality, and hopefully you will too.


I can't really judge thread structure all that well(pretty much "spam" and "not spam"), but I guess it's pretty cool. I like the answers.

Now I have a question for you: Raven made the thread, and you're calling it "yours". Did he make it for you or something?

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What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

The average cruising airspeed velocity of an unladen European Swallow is roughly 11 meters per second, or 24 miles an hour.

Okay, thread's over everyone. Thanks for coming.

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