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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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par·ty [prtee]

n (plural par·ties)

1. social gathering for fun: a social gathering to which people are invited in order to enjoy themselves and often to celebrate something

Are you coming to my birthday party?

2. group acting together: a group of people who are doing something together

a search party

3. politics political organization: an organization of people who share the same broad political views and aims, usually attempting to elect members to government positions

4. military group of soldiers: a detachment of soldiers given a particular task

5. law one side in agreement or dispute: a person or a group of people acting together and forming one side in an agreement, contract, dispute, or lawsuit

6. person: an individual

vi (past par·tied, past participle par·tied, present participle par·ty·ing, 3rd person present singular par·ties)

be at party: to socialize and have fun at a party or in a situation resembling a party (informal)


heraldry of two colors: divided into parts of two different colors

[13th century. Via French partie “part, side,” and Old French parti “political faction” from, ultimately, Latin partitus , the past participle of partire “to divide” (see part).]

be (a) party to something to participate or be involved in a particular activity

Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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They'll be spiked again, like in the ball!

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Oh um...I'll pass on the drinks, btw...I'll go buy my own from somewhere OTHER than Fireman's tavern...

Did you hear about that store that opened up across the street? It's called Fireman's Drinks. You should go there.

Yay, drinks. . . What type is it? XD

the spiked kind

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par·ty [prtee]

n (plural par·ties)

1. social gathering for fun: a social gathering to which people are invited in order to enjoy themselves and often to celebrate something

Are you coming to my birthday party?

2. group acting together: a group of people who are doing something together

a search party

3. politics political organization: an organization of people who share the same broad political views and aims, usually attempting to elect members to government positions

4. military group of soldiers: a detachment of soldiers given a particular task

5. law one side in agreement or dispute: a person or a group of people acting together and forming one side in an agreement, contract, dispute, or lawsuit

6. person: an individual

vi (past par·tied, past participle par·tied, present participle par·ty·ing, 3rd person present singular par·ties)

be at party: to socialize and have fun at a party or in a situation resembling a party (informal)


heraldry of two colors: divided into parts of two different colors

[13th century. Via French partie “part, side,” and Old French parti “political faction” from, ultimately, Latin partitus , the past participle of partire “to divide” (see part).]

be (a) party to something to participate or be involved in a particular activity

Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

I see... You sure are a sneaky one, sir, yes, sir! *salutes*

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