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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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and now we all get tense and angry at each other because a stupid topic like this was made. You dont have to announce when the place seems tense. You were the one who kept saying over and over "Just wait it out and things will improve" Making a topic like this only makes things worse and im sure you know it does cuz you have done this like 5 times here.

Maybe it's the combination of me making topics like this, and you making posts like that. The topics I make have the oppurtunity to provide something constructive, but when you make negative posts like this one, THATS what makes things worse.

And the whole "Wait it out" thing, was for members who want to leave, but we don't. Not everyone can just do nothing. Otherwise nothing changes. What I'm trying to do is take the initiative to make things better. And if you don't have anything constructive to say, then go back to discussing whether or not the cake is a lie.

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I love you too Bizz.

And MaSu, whether the topic was needed or not, it's here now, so we might as well get some useful discussion out of it.


and yay

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Ok, Lyle...mention names...who are you referring to, buddy? I wont be pissed at you if you include me, just say who...

That would only be calling people out, which would add to the problem, and not help solve it.

I think what Lyle is saying is to let go of your petty grudges. Forgive and forget, it'll put a weight off your shoulders, and give you less to worry about.

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Ok, Lyle...mention names...who are you referring to, buddy? I wont be pissed at you if you include me, just say who...

There are a lot of people. Too many for one person to name, and it's all relative anyway.

I could say someone like Masu, but then he'd say that it was me. So it's not a job that one person can do. And it's not really my place to do it. I'm a veteran member, and the highest poster outside of mods/admin, but other than that I'm really nothing special. No matter how much I pretend to be.

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You know, I just kinda want to say that like I don't know why but lately I really have lost interest in this place. Except not really as I have many friends here, I'm trying to not give in to the nervousness and the 'forum fears', albeit it's so haaard and I don't want this place to die. I really don't. People need to learn to compromise more quickly and also to maybe like wait things out or refrain from posting flames.

And when topics like this are made, just post saying if you agree or not and don't get to starting arguments ;`;

I wish I had something useful to say

Don't mind me

I'm not leaving, I have a story to finish anyway

But I notice I've been on less and lost some of the passion I used to haaaave...

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You know, I just kinda want to say that like I don't know why but lately I really have lost interest in this place. Except not really as I have many friends here, I'm trying to not give in to the nervousness and the 'forum fears', albeit it's so haaard and I don't want this place to die. I really don't. People need to learn to compromise more quickly and also to maybe like wait things out or refrain from posting flames.

And when topics like this are made, just post saying if you agree or not and don't get to starting arguments ;`;

I wish I had something useful to say

Don't mind me

I'm not leaving, I have a story to finish anyway

But I notice I've been on less and lost some of the passion I used to haaaave...

I love you Bizz.

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That would only be calling people out, which would add to the problem, and not help solve it.

I think what Lyle is saying is to let go of your petty grudges. Forgive and forget, it'll put a weight off your shoulders, and give you less to worry about.

Also that.

We're all one big family here. Thats what Serenes is. Even people I don't like I consider to be family. Tashi used to hate me back in the day, and I wasn't so fond of him either. In fact we're still not paling around. But we tolerate eachother because we both love this place.

Another good example is me and Doom. He and I could argue Obama VS McCain like two rabid chickens(Don't think about that simile too much....) But outside of that we're really good friends.

Just lighten up people. And if someone does something you don't like, simply ignore it. Don't post something along the lines of "YOU FAIL." Just ignore the sad loser and move on with your life.

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The sarcasm and goofing off I can see but the acting like Jerks thing... I'm gonna need an example other than Hika and Void (no offense) just to see why you're worrying so much.

Not that I don't agree with some points here, but I have to agree with Boo. I need some examples.

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Well exuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, Princess.











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The sarcasm and goofing off I can see but the acting like Jerks thing... I'm gonna need an example other than Hika and Void (no offense) just to see why you're worrying so much.
Not that I don't agree with some points here, but I have to agree with Boo. I need some examples.

v Does this work?

Well exuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, Princess.
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That's more of him being sarcastic/unserious.

We're talking about examples of people bluntly being jerks/jackasses etc.

Like if someone came in and said:


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Oh come now men/women. I don't really notice tenseness here. Personally, I simply think people are over thinking things here. This is a forum where everyone just does what they want as long as it's not against the rules, right? There shouldn't be much trouble.

I believe calling people out for the things they do, or things they say that are a bit silly is actually a good idea. It's the best way to make people learn.

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That's more of him being sarcastic/unserious.

We're talking about examples of people bluntly being jerks/jackasses etc.

It does relate to what I said about using internet memes to drive people away from serious discussion though.

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Also that.

We're all one big family here. Thats what Serenes is. Even people I don't like I consider to be family. Tashi used to hate me back in the day, and I wasn't so fond of him either. In fact we're still not paling around. But we tolerate eachother because we both love this place.

Another good example is me and Doom. He and I could argue Obama VS McCain like two rabid chickens(Don't think about that simile too much....) But outside of that we're really good friends.

Just lighten up people. And if someone does something you don't like, simply ignore it. Don't post something along the lines of "YOU FAIL." Just ignore the sad loser and move on with your life.

I will ignore anyone who starts being a jerk to me, good sire. ^^

That's more of him being sarcastic/unserious.

We're talking about examples of people bluntly being jerks/jackasses etc.

Ok, anyone whom I've been a jerk too, raise your hand, or say so here. Although I am sure nobody is gonna show up because I havent been a jerk to anyone...mostly I defend myself. But, if anyone at all thinks I've been a jerk with, by all means, say it naooooooo! ^^

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