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If there is an Emblem Warriors


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Yay, its me being bored and prattling on about something i've wanted to see for years.

With the success of Hyrule Warriors, I do hope good ol Koei-Tecmo looks at the Fire Emblem franchise and decides (You know that would work!). Although I feel several steps need to be done.

Step One.

The playable cast, now there is alot of similarly classed characters in FE, so you may ask, how would we get variety, and all I have to do is point you towards any number of Warriors games, excluding Dynasty Warriors 6. The thing is, Koei is incredibly inventive with movesets, even if 2 characters use a similar weapon they tend to have drastically different movesets. Hyrule Warriors has some of the best proof for this as we have 4 Links (yes i'm including Linkle here) who have significantly different movesets and focus and attack types. Someone I was discussing this with asked what if we had Navarre and Joshua for example, my reply is basically how Joshua has the whole gambling theme in his character, he could easily use coins, cards and various gambling tricks with a wicked sword style in the mix, while Navarre could just be a brutal swordfighter who excels at fighting enemy captains and the like. The key here is to use a characters backstory and make an inventive and fun moveset out of it, which Koei tends to do, so i'm not worried here.

Now as a Fire Emblem game encompassing the entire series will not be an easy task as you need to have the main characters of each game. Which would basically be

Marth FE1/3/11/12

Alm FE2

Cecila FE2

Sigurd FE4 Gen 1

Seilph FE4 Gen 2

Leif FE5

Roy FE6

Eliwood FE7

Hector FE7

Lyn FE7

Eirika FE8

Ephraim FE8

Ike FE9/10

Micaiah FE10

Kris FE12

Robin FE13

Chrom FE13

Lucina FE13

Corrin FE14

With this you'd need to cherry pick the right villains, which I haven't quite thought of all yet. My other suggestion was to have fans vote for their 3 favorite characters per game, and have the 3 most voted choices in each game to get in, if there is overlap with the same character in a sequel or remake, then you'd go down the list. Warriors casts tend to be in the 90+'s these days, so it shouldn't be too hard to do a 60ish person roster, also of course we'd have to consider would important characters such as advisers, siblings and the like be in there? But moving on for the time being

Step Two

The excuse plot, as a matter of fact, Awakening has given us the perfect tool for an in-universe crossover, the Otherworld gate, have a resurgance of the Earth Dragons from the old times, or have the characters go through their various worlds in certain time frames to prevent a new villain from erasing them from "history". Its in this instance you could have Koei's grand create an officer feature come back and be like Anna's otherworld gate defender, this would also be very connected to the recent trend of avatars in the franchise.

Step Three

The soundtrack, Dynasty Warriors is known for its very rockin tunes with oriental instruments in the mix, (Samurai Warriors more for its Techno), and like Hyrule Warriors, we'd likely get rocking version of various Fire Emblem themes, and these tracks would have to be chosen with care, to get that biggest sense of nostalgia while being like HELL YA ROCK OUT.

Step Four

There has to be alot to do, much like Hyrule Warriors did with its Adventure maps, and Dynasty Warriors multiple storylines and the desire to get stronger weapons and have good bonus modes, you need to have quite a bit of different things to play around with, and not just a story mode and free mode. Heck maybe an Empires like game mode (which is basically Dynasty Warriors but with ruler management over lands and resources).

I'll write some more later, but I wanted to know what you all think.

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but there already is an Emblem Warriors... Ephraim225 made it for Ragefest IV.

in all seriousness though a lot of people seem to want this crossover so eh maybe it'll happen but you know it'll just be dominated with people from New!FE... >_>

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but there already is an Emblem Warriors... Ephraim225 made it for Ragefest IV.

in all seriousness though a lot of people seem to want this crossover so eh maybe it'll happen but you know it'll just be dominated with people from New!FE... >_>

I think if Koei can hold back from adding too many characters from a particular Zelda, they could probably tone down the recent FE peeps, but who knows IS may mandate it -shrugs-

All I know is, it'd be highly disappointing if Awakening and Fates got the most people. Which is why I suggested the poll thing haha, but I dno if they'd do that either.

Edited by Jedi
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Saying this as a person whose interest in the series was immediately sparked again right after the release of Awakening, I'd say that it'll be really disappointing if it'll be full of characters from Awakening and Fates because I want to know more about the older games. Plus, wouldn't including characters from the other games increase sales of the Virtual Console versions?

Honestly, I like TMS#FE the way it is right now, except for the lack of variety (or rather, overall representation) in the Mirages.

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Saying this as a person whose interest in the series was immediately sparked again right after the release of Awakening, I'd say that it'll be really disappointing if it'll be full of characters from Awakening and Fates because I want to know more about the older games. Plus, wouldn't including characters from the other games increase sales of the Virtual Console versions?

Honestly, I like TMS#FE the way it is right now, except for the lack of variety (or rather, overall representation) in the Mirages.

It would probably, but only Japan has virtual console versions of most of the games, all we've got currently is FE7 & FE11 (I think), and if you got the ambassador stuff, FE8. So maybe it would push them to translate some of the older ones properly and VC release stuff like fe9/10, a proper version of 8 etc.

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I once made a topic like this :lol:

Part of what makes choosing lineup from the fire emblem cast so difficult is that its actually a pretty big mistake to focus on the lords. Most lords tend to be very similar. A lord dominated cast would be fairly dull because the blue haired swordsmen cliche is sure to be very noticeable. True, one lord uses an axe, another a lance but they still get have the blue hair and I think Hector is the only lord who does not share his build with the others.

Though you can't actually escape using the lords either because they are the main characters. One way to escape a samey cast is to focus on just one or two games but I'm willing to bet those games would be shadow dragon and Awakening which is an outcome I kinda fear considering one half of those casts members are practically mute and very bare bones.

My preferred solution isn't ideal either but it would ensure that the cast gets as large as it needs to be with the lords and plenty of lesser but more unique units. I'd say that in a lot of cases you shouldn't give a character a moveset but give it to their class instead. Have a fully developed fighting style for the wyvren class and have the wyvren riders chosen for the game share it with one another. You could then make the individual fighters more unique by giving them special gimmicks that fit their story or personality like Vaida drawing on Nergal's power or Lugh being able to heal allies by sharing his baked tarts with them.

The more important characters like the lords and villains would get their own moves of course.

I think the plot would be an easy one to predict. A big evil Dragon fuses the Fire emblem worlds Warrior Orochi style and the heroes and villains can all duke it out with each other there. I think just having an excuse plot isn't to much of a problem, the main draw of a crossover is seeing characters interact with each other rather then the overall storyline.

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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The thing people tend to be missing is that just because Dynasty Warriors 8 has 80+ characters doesn't mean that any new Warriors game can do that; they gradually built that cast up over 8 games and more than that many re-releases. The proof's in Samurai Warriors; it's cast is currently about half the size of DW's because it's had half as many games. Honestly, 30 characters seems like the upper limit working off of Hyrule Warriors; Arslan: Warriors of Legend only has 15.

Now, here's the kicker: I don't think Koei specifically would go all for NuFE characters, but looking at TMS#FE, there's a perfectly realistic chance that Nintendo/IS would. This is far and away my biggest reservation towards this hypothetical title. I want a celebration of the franchise in Warriors form; not (to put it bluntly) a marketing schtick for the lowest common denominator.

As for cast differentiation, we'd have to play fast and loose with the actual characters, as the average playable Warriors character is infinitely more flashy than the average Fire Emblem lord. To help with this, I'd actually look to Awakening's DLC class versions of the lords for variation. Alm could combine all the Dread Fighter classes' appearances, and use swords, axes, a bit of magic, kunai, and crazy ninja hijinks. Seliph, as a swordmaster, could play something like Sima Shi's DW8 incarnation, with fast, long range attacks that are more about DPS then hit-per-hit damage. Leif would gain acrobatics befitting of the trickster class. Roy would be all about fire a la DW8 Sun Quan, and so on. (Even then, how do you make Sigurd and Eliwood unique? They're fairly bog-standard and are even somewhat similiar to each other.)

I'd also prefer something like a mini-map that can be pulled up, allowing you to command officers and troops under them. You should also be able to select (to a certain extent) which officers to bring into each battle, as well as the type and amount of troops accompanying them. Have something tactical in there.

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Roy would be all about fire a la DW8 Sun Quan, and so on. (Even then, how do you make Sigurd and Eliwood unique? They're fairly bog-standard and are even somewhat similiar to each other.)

FE6 Eliwood has access to the entire weapon triangle so a "weapons master" move set could be applied to a Warriors version of him with average power, starting with Iron and eventually getting Killer, Brave and Silver upgrades. Durandal is a massive sword so we could get something like a fire version of Hyrule Warriors' Impa's Great Sword move set there as well. There's also the 3 magical swords: Lightbrand, Wind Sword and Rune Sword which ether him or Lyn could use as well as the use of Light Runes and Mines. As for other characters, Ryoma would be perfect for it.

Edited by Lord-Zero
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Sigurd strikes me as a lord very easy to make unique. He's the oldest and the only one starting out with a horse so he could be a heavier unit who fights from his horse like Epona Link does in Hyrule Warriors. His Tyrfring could also allow him to deflect or absorb magic as a nod to its resistance boost.

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FE6 Eliwood has access to the entire weapon triangle so a "weapons master" move set could be applied to a Warriors version of him with average power, starting with Iron and eventually getting Killer, Brave and Silver upgrades. Durandal is a massive sword so we could get something like a fire version of Hyrule Warriors' Impa's Great Sword move set there as well. There's also the 3 magical swords: Lightbrand, Wind Sword and Rune Sword which ether him or Lyn could use as well as the use of Light Runes and Mines. As for other characters, Ryoma would be perfect for it.

Sigurd strikes me as a lord very easy to make unique. He's the oldest and the only one starting out with a horse so he could be a heavier unit who fights from his horse like Epona Link does in Hyrule Warriors. His Tyrfring could also allow him to deflect or absorb magic as a nod to its resistance boost.

I was looking at Sigurd and promoted Eliwood and thinking "Okay, they're both mounted sword lords; how do you differentiate them". I never thought of it the way you guys mentioned: emphasize Sigurd's horsemanship and seniority while focusing on Durandal with Eliwood.

(Also, to make things clear when I mention Awakening DLC classes: Eirika is an exception. Rapiers all the way.)

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My preferred solution isn't ideal either but it would ensure that the cast gets as large as it needs to be with the lords and plenty of lesser but more unique units. I'd say that in a lot of cases you shouldn't give a character a moveset but give it to their class instead. Have a fully developed fighting style for the wyvren class and have the wyvren riders chosen for the game share it with one another.

This is what Dynasty Warriors 6 did to an extent, and is a good reason why people despise that game, a huge amount of clone movesets.

DW8 has entirely moved away from that point as of now, and we'd hate to see a retread, as I've stated Koei is very very good now at making unique movesets even with similarities, I don't think it would be fair if we didn't include all the main characters, because as a celebration of the franchise, every main character needs to properly be there.

8 was released on Wii U VC a while ago.

Really, whoops! Thanks for the catch.

So here comes the big question, since Warriors games tend to allow the characters to ride horse, will a Cavalier ride a horse on top of another horse, or will they be dismounting

Hyrule Warriors has a moveset for Link where he was always on Epona, I think you could do something similar here.

The thing people tend to be missing is that just because Dynasty Warriors 8 has 80+ characters doesn't mean that any new Warriors game can do that; they gradually built that cast up over 8 games and more than that many re-releases. The proof's in Samurai Warriors; it's cast is currently about half the size of DW's because it's had half as many games. Honestly, 30 characters seems like the upper limit working off of Hyrule Warriors; Arslan: Warriors of Legend only has 15.

The thing is, you can't properly do a warriors game emcompassing FE, unless you have every game, but with a small starting cast, how would we go beyond the Lords and some villians? Its a tricky piece of math to be sure. Maybe this is why Koei is more interested in trying the idea with Mario & Pokemon ._.

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The thing is, you can't properly do a warriors game emcompassing FE, unless you have every game, but with a small starting cast, how would we go beyond the Lords and some villians? Its a tricky piece of math to be sure. Maybe this is why Koei is more interested in trying the idea with Mario & Pokemon ._.

Honestly, that's what I would be pleased with: the main lords and a few villains. Blame the realist in me.

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Fair enough I suppose, I mean people didn't complain in Final Fantasy Dissidia when it was just MC's and Villians.

But I guess the fact "Warriors" being part of the title implies a sizable cast and such to mow down our enemies.

Maybe we should look for a Fire Emblem fighting game done by arc system works :P:

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Fair enough I suppose, I mean people didn't complain in Final Fantasy Dissidia when it was just MC's and Villians.

But I guess the fact "Warriors" being part of the title implies a sizable cast and such to mow down our enemies.

Maybe we should look for a Fire Emblem fighting game done by arc system works :P:

Final Fantasy has the advantage of its heroes being more diverse then the Fire emblem cast. The cheery monkey boy Zidane is very different from the broody Cloud who in turn is very different from the rookie Onion knight. Some heroes are fully armored, others wear more modern clothing.

Fire emblem lords don't have such differente among them. pretty much all of them are slender 17-ish year old swordfighters who wear typical noble clothing. Their mannerism are generally more gentle, Marth, Celice, Roy and Eliwood all take after each other in that. The more rude Ike has been stated to take plenty of inspiration from Hector.

The lords have their differences but most of them follow the same archtype in ways FF main characters don't.

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i object!

Celice is pretty bland yes, but Marth and Roy have atleast one defining trait that makes them different from eachother, Marth's being a super nice guy and Roy's being actually one of the smarter lords in the series.

Eliwood a mix match of marth and roy, but you can't convince me that Celica and Alm are cardboard cutouts of other lords, more so with their awakening interpretations.

then we have Micaiah who is THE most diverse and controversal (atleast until corrin) lord in the franchise.

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Final Fantasy has the advantage of its heroes being more diverse then the Fire emblem cast. The cheery monkey boy Zidane is very different from the broody Cloud who in turn is very different from the rookie Onion knight. Some heroes are fully armored, others wear more modern clothing.

Fire emblem lords don't have such differente among them. pretty much all of them are slender 17-ish year old swordfighters who wear typical noble clothing. Their mannerism are generally more gentle, Marth, Celice, Roy and Eliwood all take after each other in that. The more rude Ike has been stated to take plenty of inspiration from Hector.

The lords have their differences but most of them follow the same archtype in ways FF main characters don't.

Roy is his own tactician, a Commander and lover before a fighter, Marth is a Lord Prince who is driven by revenge and justice, Eliwood is a gentle soul who wants to talk everything out but isn't afraid to fight when the chips are down, and Celice wants to fix everything wrong in the Jugdral world.

That's alot of difference right there.

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This might not add a lot to the discussion, but if we're discussing characters, can I just say I want Ike to be a fucking force of nature? I've got my complaints about his characters but there's no other character I'd like to just wreck havoc with more à la Ganondorf in Hyrule Warriors.

Robin should be the experienced strategist that tells people where to go and why - it'd be great if someone could challenge him though; I don't know enough about the older Fire Emblem lords to say who could do that. He should also have a tendency to try and set people up.

Sigurd should be afraid of fire.

And Corrin joins the bad guys.

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I think it would be a huge mistake to make a game featuring primarily the lords and their main antagonists. This would essentially become the main criticism of the Fire Emblem cast in Smash Bros. on a disc. It needs to embrace the diversity of the series by either picking the most iconic characters of their class types (Ishtar as Thunder Mage, Kaze as a Ninja, Caeda as a P Knight, etc), or simply be an adaptation of one of the games.

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This might not add a lot to the discussion, but if we're discussing characters, can I just say I want Ike to be a fucking force of nature? I've got my complaints about his characters but there's no other character I'd like to just wreck havoc with more à la Ganondorf in Hyrule Warriors.

Robin should be the experienced strategist that tells people where to go and why - it'd be great if someone could challenge him though; I don't know enough about the older Fire Emblem lords to say who could do that. He should also have a tendency to try and set people up.

Sigurd should be afraid of fire.

And Corrin joins the bad guys.

i'd say roy or micaiah could give robin a run for his money, i'd also love to see the character interactions between them.

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I think it would be a huge mistake to make a game featuring primarily the lords and their main antagonists. This would essentially become the main criticism of the Fire Emblem cast in Smash Bros. on a disc. It needs to embrace the diversity of the series by either picking the most iconic characters of their class types (Ishtar as Thunder Mage, Kaze as a Ninja, Caeda as a P Knight, etc), or simply be an adaptation of one of the games.

I think you do bring up a valid point, but I guess I might be asking too much in terms of a "proper" celebration that pleases fans across the spectrum, which is why I suggested the vote thing that, Koei has done in the past for who gets into later Dynasty Warriors games of late.

This might not add a lot to the discussion, but if we're discussing characters, can I just say I want Ike to be a fucking force of nature? I've got my complaints about his characters but there's no other character I'd like to just wreck havoc with more à la Ganondorf in Hyrule Warriors.

Robin should be the experienced strategist that tells people where to go and why - it'd be great if someone could challenge him though; I don't know enough about the older Fire Emblem lords to say who could do that. He should also have a tendency to try and set people up.

Sigurd should be afraid of fire.

And Corrin joins the bad guys.

I'm sure Ike and The Black Knight would be the equivalents to Lu Bu, of the DW franchise, the guy is a beast and is purposefully OP.

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I'm sure Ike and The Black Knight would be the equivalents to Lu Bu, of the DW franchise, the guy is a beast and is purposefully OP.

I've never played an original Dynasty Warriors game, only Hyrule Warriors I'm afraid, so I'll take your word for it!

As for trying to include more characters, I'm not so sure you can skip a lot of lords; Fire Emblem's most recognizable faces come from the more recent titles and Ike, Roy and Marth thanks to Smash; I think it's safe to assume at least they would all be included in the game if only to make the marketing smoother. I'm sure there's room for more minor characters as well though, especially for those with special abilities and transformations. Ranulf, Tiki and Tibarn would definitely be candidates.

Edited by Thane
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I think it would be a huge mistake to make a game featuring primarily the lords and their main antagonists. This would essentially become the main criticism of the Fire Emblem cast in Smash Bros. on a disc. It needs to embrace the diversity of the series by either picking the most iconic characters of their class types (Ishtar as Thunder Mage, Kaze as a Ninja, Caeda as a P Knight, etc), or simply be an adaptation of one of the games.

The criticism towards Smash representation is that it's mostly sword users. A Warriors game would undoubtedly differentiate them in a variety of ways, which Smash can't really do.

Roy is his own tactician, a Commander and lover before a fighter, Marth is a Lord Prince who is driven by revenge and justice, Eliwood is a gentle soul who wants to talk everything out but isn't afraid to fight when the chips are down, and Celice wants to fix everything wrong in the Jugdral world.

That's alot of difference right there.

The sameness comes in with the weapons. The majority of FE-lords are jack of all trades sword users; lords who aren't tend to be popular in no small part because of their weapon of choice not being a sword (with Ephraim being the biggest example, in my opinion).

i'd say roy or micaiah could give robin a run for his money, i'd also love to see the character interactions between them.

I just want a Roy/Ike rivalry for no other reason than metahumor.

As for trying to include more characters, I'm not so sure you can skip a lot of lords; Fire Emblem's most recognizable faces come from the more recent titles and Ike, Roy and Marth thanks to Smash; I think it's safe to assume at least they would all be included in the game if only to make the marketing smoother. I'm sure there's room for more minor characters as well though, especially for those with special abilities and transformations. Ranulf, Tiki and Tibarn would definitely be candidates.

Basically, this. I'm not against some unique secondary characters appearing; I'd just sooner have the lords accounted for.

Edited by The DanMan
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I'd really like some sort of Warriors x Fire Emblem crossover soon.

Though, on the topic of lords being mostly sword users, isn't that going to be the same problem with picking the main villains? They're basically your typical dark magic user. Unless they make a new unique character like they did in Hyrule Warriors.

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