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Fire Emblem Fate English Voices Aren't That Bad.

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Hinoka is Buttercup? She sounded like Tommy from The Rugrats for the longest time to me. I actually kind of like Hinoka's voice; I think the only voice that kind of irks me is Hana's. I can't explain why; just the way her voice sounds like a text-to-speech bot, for some reason.

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Hinoka is Buttercup? She sounded like Tommy from The Rugrats for the longest time to me. I actually kind of like Hinoka's voice; I think the only voice that kind of irks me is Hana's. I can't explain why; just the way her voice sounds reminds me of a text-to-speech bot, for some reason.

Yeah, Hana has some really weird inflections, especially when she's making battle cries, which is odd because Karen Straussman was just fine as Anna and Mozu.

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Yeah, Hana has some really weird inflections, especially when she's making battle cries, which is odd because Karen Straussman was just fine as Anna and Mozu.

I guess she was trying to differentiate the characters?

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I guess she was trying to differentiate the characters?

She did a fine enough job of making Olivia and Anna sound different in Awakening without...whatever she was trying to do with Hana, so I'm not sure why she or the ADR director thought that was the way to go.

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It was bothering me for the longest time where I heard it from...

but I learned it's the same VA for Buttercup in the Powerpuff Girls.

So thats why it sounded familiar, fits Buttercup, but not Hinoka

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Hinoka is Buttercup? She sounded like Tommy from The Rugrats for the longest time to me. I actually kind of like Hinoka's voice; I think the only voice that kind of irks me is Hana's. I can't explain why; just the way her voice sounds like a text-to-speech bot, for some reason.

You're right too.

Same voice actor voiced Tommy Pickles too.

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Only things that bother me:

-Felicia's 'We got trouble'

-Oboro's 'This scum doesn't stand a chance' (voice crack)

-Hana's (some of her normal convo lines sound inconsistent with much of her battle lines, such as the randomly deep-voiced 'Yes' in the castle)

-Ike's. Nuff said.

-Peri's 'say goodbye to your intestines!'. Sound pretty unnatural, as if the VA was struggling with that, and a few more lines I can't think of right now.

-MKana. Occasional voice cracks, such as 'This ends now', and 'see ya' when leaving a shop he is running.

-Severa's laugh.

Edited by maninbluejumpsuit
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You're right too.

Same voice actor voiced Tommy Pickles too.

Seriously? THAT'S THE SAME LADY?!?!!12121

Huh. Learned something new today. For the longest time, I just knew her as Tommy Pickles and the Singer Lady on Better Off Dead.

Buttercup has been added to the list.

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The only character I do not like the English VA is Ike and that is mainly because he sounds nothing like Ike does in every other game. Could they not just have got Ike's proper VA.

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The only character I do not like the English VA is Ike and that is mainly because he sounds nothing like Ike does in every other game. Could they not just have got Ike's proper VA.

Jason Adkins also voices Ike in Fates.

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The only character I do not like the English VA is Ike and that is mainly because he sounds nothing like Ike does in every other game. Could they not just have got Ike's proper VA.

They did get the same VA, though.

EDIT: Darn, ninja'd.

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The only character I do not like the English VA is Ike and that is mainly because he sounds nothing like Ike does in every other game. Could they not just have got Ike's proper VA.

I dunno, isn't Ike's voice actor generally mocked? Its not for nothing ''I fight for my friends'' became a meme.

I'm pretty happy which what I've heard so far. Percy especially was brilliantly cast. I do find Hayato's voice a bit weird though.

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I dunno, isn't Ike's voice actor generally mocked? Its not for nothing ''I fight for my friends'' became a meme.

I'm pretty happy which what I've heard so far. Percy especially was brilliantly cast. I do find Hayato's voice a bit weird though.

Who''s Percy? I know Pit's here though. :p

Jokes aside, I didn't really think "I fight for my friends" meme was really mocking, but then, I wasn't a smash fan at that time (let alone a Fire Emblem one).

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About the voice cracking stuff people have mentioned, I find it much more interesting to listen to when it happens. No one has a perfect voice. The less they sound like robots reading lines in monotone, the better!

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About the voice cracking stuff people have mentioned, I find it much more interesting to listen to when it happens. No one has a perfect voice. The less they sound like robots reading lines in monotone, the better!

I agree. I just cant stand Nyx's English voice tho. Thats the only one i outright abhor.

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Male Kana and Peri are the only voices I'm not big on, everyone else ranges from good to perfect. I actually think Felicias voice sounds great for her character, it's a shame so many people only judge her based on "We've got trouble!".

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I really like Kagero's voice. Nothing about Kagero's design suggested that she must have a deep voice. The actress gave her an air of professionalism that fits her character in my opinion.

I'm glad to finally find someone other than myself thinking this.

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Only things that bother me:

-Felicia's 'We got trouble'

-Oboro's 'This scum doesn't stand a chance' (voice crack)

-Hana's (some of her normal convo lines sound inconsistent with much of her battle lines, such as the randomly deep-voiced 'Yes' in the castle)

-Ike's. Nuff said.

-Peri's 'say goodbye to your intestines!'. Sound pretty unnatural, as if the VA was struggling with that, and a few more lines I can't think of right now.

-MKana. Occasional voice cracks, such as 'This ends now', and 'see ya' when leaving a shop he is running.

-Severa's laugh.

Servera sounds evil as hell with that laugh
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You're right too.

Same voice actor voiced Tommy Pickles too.

OH MY GOD Tommy is the first thing I thought of as soon as I heard Hinoka's voice!! That makes everything make sense! It's not the voice I expected from her, but I think it kind of suits her. Changes my perception of her character, too. With this voice it feels like she's trying so hard at everything she does, that her voice is just a squeak... but imagine if her voice was more Laura Bailey-like, for example. It'd be more elegant and controlled. Just changes the way I interpret her.

Like others said, I also have some issues with Beruka's voice. It's higher pitched than I imagine it. Nyx is also a little squeaky.

My biggest issue is actually with Soleil. To be fair, Soleil's entire personality is different than I thought it'd be. Her character design looks noble and majestic. I thought she'd be a charming, musketeer-like character, with a deeper voice. As soon as I heard the valley girl-like squeak, I was super confused. Then it made more sense as soon as she said something about kitten posters in the treehouse. Still, I think I'd prefer her with huskier voice.

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I really dislike Felicia's voice. I thought I would eventually get used to it, but I actually never did. And I was playing and she was on my team and I heard her stupid "Heh, hehe, hehehe" after a level up and just rolled my eyes a little.

And I'm not a huge fan of how they made Effie sound. But otherwise I love all the voices. None that I can think of grate on my nerves, except Felicia, who I immediately dump in favor of Jakob, because I like his sarcastic ass. XD

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It's definitely not "dreadful" like people seem to harp on about. That said, I did find Awakening's voice acting superior overall. There really weren't any voices I found bad in that game; in fact, I thought they were all very good. With fates, there were definitely a couple I found hard to swallow or mismatched. The ones that come to mind are F!Corrin's "screamy" 3rd voice, M!Kana (I miss you Morgan), Jakob (passable, but dat accent), Siegbert (not bad, but seemed too soft), and Orochi (also not bad, but seemed to young for her age). I'm honestly being quite picky here, since no voices were absolutely terrible bar screamy Corrin and Kana. Additionally, there were bound to be more missed here than Awakening, since there's about double the roster of fully voiced characters in Fates. All and all, I think both games came out incredibly well in the voice acting department.

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I love male Kana and Effie's voices so much! I give props to whoever voice directed fates for the english version because they made them more adorable! In all honesty (and my opinion only, please don't attack me) their Japanese VA's sounded very awkward to me but hey, people can have opinions! It's just baffling how some people can't acknowledge or respect that at all.

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I'm glad to finally find someone other than myself thinking this.

I agree as well, I find Kagero's voice very fitting.

Also it would be a crime if I didn't mention how much I love Arthur's va, he hams it up so well.


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Hana and Anna sharing the same voice makes me cringe for some reason. Especially since the VA has a more older female voice and her voice cracks in pitch. Never liked Hana's voice and it was even worse knowing it was Anna all along.

Matthew Mercer, as great as he is, just doesnt sound any different in his 4 roles. Though Im especially fond of his Azama.

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