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Patch 1.1.6 (Smash 4) Now Out!


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So Bayo's changes are:

Aerial upwards side-b has increased KBG (0x28/0x1E/0x64 -> 0x32/0x26/0x70)

Aerial downwards side-b has decreased damage (8 -> 6.5), decreased angle (0x50 -> 0x3C) and decreased hitbox size (6.5 -> 4.5)

Landing hitbox of downair has reduced KBG (0x8C -> 0x87)

Third hit of fair has less KGB (0x52 -> 0x44) and a 3 frame later autocancel window / 3 frames more endlag

Fair hit one has reduced damage (3.8 -> 3)

Dtilt has reduced hitbox size (3.5 -> 2.8)

The patch files have been uploaded to the server, so 1.1.6 is soon! Best save your replays.

So, is Rosa the best character now?

Edited by Squid Lord Doof
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I bet Sheik is still the best and people are just being dumb about her nerfs like they were being about the Diddy Kong nerfs.

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This patch is insanely disappointing for changing only one character out of 58 alone tbh.

Honestly, Bayo was the only thing that really needed fixing.

When you have a character trending on Facebook and Twitter for how OP they are, you've got a problem.

Guys like D3 and Jiggs haven't been buffed in a long time, which gives the impression that the dev team thinks that they're fine.

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Honestly, Bayo was the only thing that really needed fixing.

When you have a character trending on Facebook and Twitter for how OP they are, you've got a problem.

Guys like D3 and Jiggs haven't been buffed in a long time, which gives the impression that the dev team thinks that they're fine.

Jigglypuff hasn't been buffed ever and Dedede has been nerfed and never buffed fyi, its things like that, that make people like me extremely skeptical of these patches even if they do manage to do a good amount right for certain characters, the utter neglect or downgrading of lower echelon characters is incredibly confusing/stupid/werid.

I mean at this rate we can expect Roy's already terrible range to be nerfed tbh.

Edited by Jedi
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Sakurai is also the guy who hadn't heard of the Uair to UpB ZSS combo. He's got 0 interest in competitive play and the "lower echelon characters" of competitive play don't exist to him because he has no idea who they are.

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Sakurai is also the guy who hadn't heard of the Uair to UpB ZSS combo. He's got 0 interest in competitive play and the "lower echelon characters" of competitive play don't exist to him because he has no idea who they are.

Then explain the significant changes to people such as Marth, Ike, and Mewtwo over the time of the patches. Who were all regarded as very weak characters before they were near completely overhauled.

Edited by Jedi
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Then explain the significant changes to people such as Marth, Ike, and Mewtwo over the time of the patches. Who were all regarded as very weak characters before they were near completely overhauled.

If they were performing bad on For Glory, then they probably got buffed as a result.

Remember, they balance going off of For Glory data while also keeping every method of playing in mind.

At best, competitive play influenced the number of people maining the character on For Glory (people naturally want to use the top tier characters, which is why guys like Sheik, Cloud, Bayo and ZSS are everywhere on FG). This gives them higher representation when the balance team looks at the data.

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If they were performing bad on For Glory, then they probably got buffed as a result.

Remember, they balance going off of For Glory data while also keeping every method of playing in mind.

At best, competitive play influenced the number of people maining the character on For Glory (people naturally want to use the top tier characters, which is why guys like Sheik, Cloud, Bayo and ZSS are everywhere on FG). This gives them higher representation when the balance team looks at the data.

Right, I kind of forgot that flawed method is where most of this data comes from, so people who don't get used very often won't get any kind of data whatso ever therefore never getting changes.

Part thing from skype too

[9:51:48 PM] Jedi: also the balancing act mostly comes from FG

[9:51:52 PM] Jedi: which by itself is a massive flaw

[9:52:22 PM] Jedi: someone has a fair bit of losing records on FG? They buff em

[9:52:49 PM] Jedi: but the people that don't get used very much because they are bad or the characters who can perform just well enough but still need fixes

[9:53:00 PM] Jedi: won't get the results they "need" to show that they need it

[9:53:40 PM] MrStardustRicon: you know what

[9:53:56 PM] MrStardustRicon: that's probably why we haven't gotten d3 or puffbuffs

[9:54:09 PM] Jedi: because people who play D3 do silly things and manage to win

[9:54:14 PM] MrStardustRicon: because idiots get caught by stupid ass rests and fully charged forward smashes

[9:54:15 PM] Jedi: when they do play D3

[9:54:20 PM] Jedi: yeah

[9:54:36 PM] Jedi: and they fall victim to Link's noob shenigans

[9:54:44 PM] Jedi: and Little Mac

[9:55:08 PM] Scrub Lord Doof: i have a friend who's only played d3 online

and has like a 70% win rate from just spamming upb

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Did not expect Bayonetta to be the only fighter receiving changes, 62mb and all, but apparently the amount of attribute changes don't affect the size of the patch since everything gets overwritten with each patch.

Now, these changes.. they're lovely.

Guess all that's left so say now is: Ban Rosalina!

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Even if they applied all of those changes to every character it wouldn't be 62 MB lol

I bet Sheik is still the best and people are just being dumb about her nerfs like they were being about the Diddy Kong nerfs.

tbh I agree with this a lot
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Guess what?

Post-patch Bayo 0->death has been found already. :>


Wait, never mind I'm dumb. Video says no DI.

But it registers as a combo in training mode and most combos without DI don't register as combos so?

Edited by Squid Lord Doof
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Honestly, this feels like more of an "emergency patch" than anything, considering all they did was nerf Bayonetta.

When I expected her to finally get nerfed, I was expecting others to, you know, get buffed as well. Dedede, Jiggs, Gannondorf... seems like they're stuck on the bottom for good.

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It's OK. Let's be honest. There's no way everyone can be perfectly balanced in a game where there are 50+ characters and each one has a unique style. Just accept Dedede and Jiggs are probably going to stay bad and either continue to play them or play one of the other 50+ chars.

There has never been a character buffed into top tier before, Mewtwo comes the closest though. At this point of development it's probably wise to stop buffing characters so that the balance is not potentially compromised. 1.16 is the most balanced patch by far and if nerfed Diddy is the best in the game, I'm pretty happy with that.

Edited by Knife
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It's OK. Let's be honest. There's no way everyone can be perfectly balanced in a game where there are 50+ characters and each one has a unique style. Just accept Dedede and Jiggs are probably going to stay bad and either continue to play them or play one of the other 50+ chars.

There has never been a character buffed into top tier before, Mewtwo comes the closest though. At this point of development it's probably wise to stop buffing characters so that the balance is not potentially compromised. 1.16 is the most balanced patch by far and if nerfed Diddy is the best in the game, I'm pretty happy with that.

I don't play them at all; my main hope for all this has been for patches to break down the top and buff the bottom, making one massive middle. I suppose I was hoping for a little too much, tough.

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Honestly, this feels like more of an "emergency patch" than anything, considering all they did was nerf Bayonetta.

When I expected her to finally get nerfed, I was expecting others to, you know, get buffed as well. Dedede, Jiggs, Gannondorf... seems like they're stuck on the bottom for good.

I legitimately think this is the final patch for Wii U and 3DS (unless a game-breaking bug is discovered or something).

They are likely going to work on the NX port now and then continue the balance patches on that version.

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