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I would also say that Corrin is my favorite Lord and I hope that more Lords in the futures are both like him and also avatars.

I don't want the series to be based on history because I don't like history that much. I'd rather have cool battles like from Fates or Awakening. I also hope that Fire Emblem moves more towards Birthright's style than Conquest's, visual or otherwise. I vastly prefer the Hoshidan aesthetic to the dark Nohrian one.

Hey, come on, history has cool battles! I mean, come on, you can't possibly turn down the Battle of Nations, which decided the Napoleonic Wars, and which basically every European country participated in. Actually, a lot of FE is already based on history. The Mad King's War is essentially WWII, and the Valmese are to some extent the Mongols.

Edit: Oh yeah, and I also very much like the idea of a female warrior Queen (as opposed to a male warrior Queen?) as the next main character. I am very much a fan of the Woman wearing the Queenly Mask trope.

Edited by blah the Prussian
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Well, at least IS has strayed away from the blue-haired swordsman thing. It'd be so boring to go back to it now. I want the next lord to be a female redhead. We've had other redheaded lords (Eliwood, Roy, and also Celica, even though her hair sometimes looks more pink to me), but not many, and we've had no standalone females not counting female Corrin.

I think the only blue-haired swordsman I'd be okay with at this point is a boy that's Ike's son. lol

I think blue-haired swordsman isn't a done thing because we've gotten some cool blue haired characters in FE.

A Celica-haired Mage Knight sounds really cool. A female Swordfighter/Mage would be an interesting mix, especially if they looked like Celica.

If we got a male character, I would hope for him to be blond. My favorite hair color is probably blond.

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I think blue-haired swordsman isn't a done thing because we've gotten some cool blue haired characters in FE.

Well yeah, I'm aware, major Ike fangirl here. xP But after you do a number of these guys, it gets boring/stale/unoriginal.

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Well yeah, I'm aware, major Ike fangirl here. xP But after you do a number of these guys, it gets boring/stale/unoriginal.

What about Samson? He technically counts and he looks nothing like Ike or Marth or even Chrom in any way

personality is nonexistant but *shrug*

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What about Samson? He technically counts and he looks nothing like Ike or Marth or even Chrom in any way

personality is nonexistant but *shrug*

Huh? There's no FE lord named Samson. So no, he doesn't count, whoever he is. And it doesn't matter if he looks like Marth or Chrom or not, he'd still be another blue-haired swordsman. My opinion won't change.

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Fun fact about Samson, he says he's a experienced swordfighter but comes with 0 WEXP in swords and starts out with a silver axe lol. I like to think that's an intended inside joke for people who played FE3 since Heroes couldn't use axes back then, and since silver axes were basically just money in book 2.

Samson is just a Hero that joins you midway through FE11. He does pretty much nothing story-wise (and is slightly more relevant in FE12, but even that might be stretching it).

Edited by Gradivus.
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Well then, that's another matter entirely, I don't care if there are blue-haired side characters that use swords. xP Well, so long as there aren't a whole lot of them in one game. That would just be ridiculous.

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I agree with the people saying have a female lord be the main character I am a bit annoyed by the fact that every FE game where there has been a female lord there has to be a male one that has the same or more importance to the story, its time that a girl gets the spotlight and not have to share it with a guy. I also agree with the people saying base the story off of real wars/battles because it would make better story telling, plus history was my best subject and it was the most interesting to me so seeing a battle or war I have studied in an FE game would be really cool. I want the supports done like in PoR and have any pairings have a paired ending and that is when characters marry, not in the middle of the war. No kids for a while, because if they are not a major part of the plot they should just be left for a sequel or not involved at all. As to artist, one of the things I like about FE is that the art is different between consoles, yes there are artists I like better then others but I am fine if they want to try a completely new artist as well.

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I'd be fine with Ellibe's artist. I love all of the artwork, from the simplest to the most complex design, they're all cool imo.

Cut Pair Up system

Cut Avatar system

Either cut or implement marriage/children coherently

Have casual and classic mode to please the audience

Have interesting supports, like GBA supports. They have depth and make the characters more interesting

Make cool animations and adequate models

Stop the fanservice

Avoid Fates at the maximum

Edited by Quintessence
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It's a broken mechanic even when nerfed in Fates, and imo, past FE implemented support bonus better than how Awakening and Fates did. I mean, why cut the 3 tile radius support bonus, since supposedly you'll do better when your allies are nearby.

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I would like to see Middle Eastern/African warfare and names in FE15. Camel cavaliers, spider riders, and maybe even a crocodile-based class. The lord would probably be based on Hammurabi, Nebuchadnezzar, Joash/Uzziah, Ramses (Ozymandias), or even Xerxes. Archers, chariots, curved swords, spears, and even elephants would be on the table.

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I would like to see Middle Eastern/African warfare and names in FE15. Camel cavaliers, spider riders, and maybe even a crocodile-based class. The lord would probably be based on Hammurabi, Nebuchadnezzar, Joash/Uzziah, Ramses (Ozymandias), or even Xerxes. Archers, chariots, curved swords, spears, and even elephants would be on the table.

I'd love this too, hell maybe even like, an enemy only mechanic where they hide in sand or camouflage themselves somehow. The opportunity for more unique magic tomes would also be cool.

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I would like to see Middle Eastern/African warfare and names in FE15. Camel cavaliers, spider riders, and maybe even a crocodile-based class. The lord would probably be based on Hammurabi, Nebuchadnezzar, Joash/Uzziah, Ramses (Ozymandias), or even Xerxes. Archers, chariots, curved swords, spears, and even elephants would be on the table.

Ooh, you know what? Have the lord be based on Cyrus the Great, IMO the single greatest leader ever to live. Then the whole game could be conquering the evil Empire based on Babylon. Act 1 could be unifying the tribes of your home country into a single nation, act 2 could by the Empire's invasion, and act 3 could be conquering the Empire.

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That's a list I could easily back up.

The only things I don't fully agree on are phoenix mode and the menu translations and that's simply because I'm neutral on those. I do find the idea of phoenix mode silly, but it's optional and if it helps people who aren't used to the genre and are intimidated by perma-death get into the game, good for them. The menu translation thing is something I've never even thought of.

And well, I prefer newer artstyles like Kita's or Kozaki's to Jugdral, but all styles have had their strong and weak points.

(Minor nitpick: you're comparing dark mage and mage, not two mages. Which doesn't actually change the point you're making :P)

Character portraits changing for each class sounds really ambitious though. I think a decent compromise would be to start with slightly altered portraits for promotions and the unit's base class. Something akin to Micaiah in Radiant Dawn and Ike in both Tellius games. And when you reclass a character, their 3D model should keep their unique color scheme instead of going for the generic blue... That doesn't sound too hard to code in, though I might be wrong since I know nothing of coding.

On gameplay modes: Birthright/Conquest modes sound really interesting as does the Ironman mode discussed here.

One thing I would like to see is not having to replay the whole chapter if you mess up late into it, since that can easily take fun out of things. Basically, mid-battle saving like in Radiant Dawn (Shadow Dragon -style save points would work, but them being placed on map potentially affects your strategy which isn't good, plus it can be waste of unit movement).

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I think Phoenix Mode encourages lazy thinking and less thoughtful tactics. In the end, it goes against the genre itself which us strategizing. If people suck at the genre then get better. There's Sacred Stones which is cakewalk and even FE7 is pretty easy. Imo Casual Modes are nonsense.

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I think Phoenix Mode encourages lazy thinking and less thoughtful tactics. In the end, it goes against the genre itself which us strategizing. If people suck at the genre then get better. There's Sacred Stones which is cakewalk and even FE7 is pretty easy. Imo Casual Modes are nonsense.

So? Literally the only response to a stance like this is "So?"

In what way does another person having an easier time affect you? I'm assuming that you don't let someone else's experience affect yours. In that way, everyone should have the ability to play a game the way they want. Games are meant to be enjoyed by as many people as possible, and that close minded view almost killed the series.

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So? Literally the only response to a stance like this is "So?"

In what way does another person having an easier time affect you? I'm assuming that you don't let someone else's experience affect yours. In that way, everyone should have the ability to play a game the way they want. Games are meant to be enjoyed by as many people as possible, and that close minded view almost killed the series.

No it doesn't affect me how others play, and it's up to them. But it substracts part of strategizing from the series.

Like, seeing one of the hosts at Treehouse sending Elise to a bunch of Faceless and getting killed. Like 'what where you thinking?'.

Casual modes just reduce practically to zero the consequences of a bad move, and the idea of games like FE is (besides having fun) improving strategizing.

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No it doesn't affect me how others play, and it's up to them. But it substracts part of strategizing from the series.

Like, seeing one of the hosts at Treehouse sending Elise to a bunch of Faceless and getting killed. Like 'what where you thinking?'.

Casual modes just reduce practically to zero the consequences of a bad move, and the idea of games like FE is (besides having fun) improving strategizing.

The idea of a game like this isn't exactly a strict and coded thing. There's so much to Awakening and Fates that it isn't fair to categorize it as solely a game for strategy. Want to play it like Disgaea? Done. Want to play it like a Visual Novel? Done. Want to play Harvest Moon using My Castle? Done. Some people want different things, and the developers delivered. Giving everyone a fun experience is all that should matter.

There are also tons of strategy games that let you keep your characters after they die. It's pretty much on FE that enforced this rille. Giving people the option to play this game like it's FFT or Suikoden Tactics isn't a bad thing.

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i'm fine with the optional modes because they don't effect my experience, but at the same time i view them as not something that an inexperienced player should rely on, but should use to move up to more difficult stuff.

like start off as phoenix normal, then you move up to classic normal, then casual hard, and so on.

i think i get what people are saying tho, some people are afraid of challenging themselves or changing or improving because it requires effort, which i think matters more in real life then in a videogame where who cares, video games are videogames.

i do wanna state that i disapprove of people never wanting to better themselves, one should always be ambitious to become the best they can become, the opposite of ambition is nihilism, which isn't cool to me.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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I have no problem with casual mode. I have a problem with Phoenix Mode if only because programming literally anything would be a better use of time than Phoenix Mode. I honestly wonder if anyone's played Phoenix Mode. As stated before, though, I have no problem with casual mode. If you don't like it don't play it. Phoenix mode is a bit much though.

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I played Conquest with Phoenix Mode... I still got blown back.

While I had to rely on Phoenix to get trough the game and not lose my sanity I don't see why would you complain about it it's literally the same thing as Casual. Don't like it? fine don't play it.

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The idea of a game like this isn't exactly a strict and coded thing. There's so much to Awakening and Fates that it isn't fair to categorize it as solely a game for strategy. Want to play it like Disgaea? Done. Want to play it like a Visual Novel? Done. Want to play Harvest Moon using My Castle? Done. Some people want different things, and the developers delivered. Giving everyone a fun experience is all that should matter.

There are also tons of strategy games that let you keep your characters after they die. It's pretty much on FE that enforced this rille. Giving people the option to play this game like it's FFT or Suikoden Tactics isn't a bad thing.

I never said FE is meant to be played for strategizing though. Each player finds its way to play the game.

Each game has its own learning curve, each player has its own learning curve, one game has a smoother learning curve than the other and so on. It's ok that Casual Mode is useful as a Safe Mode where you're going through the game for first time and you have a lifesaver or so. But there's room for improvement.

Another thing, some of the FE games have tutorials, videos, pages on 3DS, or even campaigns like Lyn Mode. They help the player understand the basics. Why is there a fear about the concept Permadeath? It's like if people runs away with it.

I'm not offending anyone because they make a bad move or let units die, it's natural for someone beginning in the series. I, myself got through these scenes and faced them by encouraging myself to not repeating mistakes and learning from lessons, and I don't feel ashamed or bad or less than anyone because of this, because it's part of the process of introduction to a game. So there's no need to panic of be offended.

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