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QOTD ♚♛ 1522 - Movies you don't see the appeal of?


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I'm not sure that's the point of the question tho

Like questions about overall preferences aren't quite so case-by-case

Just that in general which do you tend to prefer?

I really like pixel art when done by somebody super skilled, and in fact I don't dislike pixel art at all, but in general I tend to prefer the smoother coloured art!

If that still doesn't apply then the answer is probably more like "I have no preference" \o/

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I'm both a pixel artist and a painter so I mean

I'm too deeply involved in both media that the only possible answer is whatever looks better on a case-by-case basis

paintings are easier for me to shit out given comparable complexity i guess but this isn't about what I draw/sprite faster lol

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I too do both forms of art, I guess I'm just still not involved enough in the both??

Idk it's just that to me it just feels like I find one more aesthetically pleasing over the other, but I still love both and appreciate the effort that can go into either one. Like I do understand that talent goes into the quality, but I get certain feels or senses from each aesthetic.

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I feel in my case both are too broad to really make a sweeping judgement

because you have some very simple stuff which can still be great and then there's those extremely ridiculous ones with like, animated water and shit that are just fucking whoa that's completely out of my scope and I can make a shitty painting in 3 hours or i can make a halfway decent one in 1 week and i like looking at both if both are done by people who are considerably skilled in their respective styles

i also dabble in pixel animations and also knowing the tech behind the reason pixel art exists etc etc

I'm a multidisciplinary person whose major disciplines(computer science, art) are far too involved to not consider all the contexts and technologies too everything is just very cool

add on that I do a bit of graphical programming myself too

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I feel in my case both are too broad to really make a sweeping judgement

because you have some very simple stuff which can still be great and then there's those extremely ridiculous ones with like, animated water and shit that are just fucking whoa that's completely out of my scope and I can make a shitty painting in 3 hours or i can make a halfway decent one in 1 week and i like looking at both if both are done by people who are considerably skilled in their respective styles

i also dabble in pixel animations and also knowing the tech behind the reason pixel art exists etc etc

I'm a multidisciplinary person whose major disciplines(computer science, art) are far too involved to not consider all the contexts and technologies too everything is just very cool

add on that I do a bit of graphical programming myself too

I see, so I guess it looks like we're just taking different approaches to the question then, with different contexts

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I broadly prefer, uh, non-pixel art to pixel art aesthetically, but I do find it really impressive what people can achieve under those restrictions.

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There was a time when pixel art was the best.

That time no longer exists.

Case in point, Vanillaware. Whatever pixel art you have, they can do it better without pixelation.

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this guy knows whats up

you heard them integrity: a resounding yes

QOTD 907 - Do you follow any competitive sports/esports scenes? To what degree do you follow it/them? sent by Knight of Argentum

Nah. I guess Eurovision is the closest? lmao

i used to follow the lol esports scene a little, but i've gone out of that and now i am nothing

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Pestilence/Conquest. This is the one that tends to be what is fueled by chaos, and tends to sweep away decrepitness. At a terrible price, but alas.

conquest, because i can conquer everything if i set my mind to it

QOTD 909 - Do you prefer pixel art over smoothed, full color art?

Basically what Brother said. Depends on the work. I like both

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