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QOTD ♚♛ 1522 - Movies you don't see the appeal of?


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9 hours ago, blah the Prussian said:

I would;dn't say so. If we have a situation where a massive amount o people don't consent to the nation, then the nation has already done something terribly wrong. However, these wrongdoings in and of themselves would be the factors making the nation illegitimate, not the lack of consent. Consent, if reasonable, will be withdrawn for a myriad of reasons. If consent of the governed doesn't exist on its own without a reason, then the people are in the wrong. In short, the lack of consent of the governed is a good indicator of when a nation is failing, but on its own is not sufficient to destroy the legitimacy of a nation.

I very much like this answer

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whose consent, the consent of its citizens? look, kosovo is real, scotland and catalonia deserve referendums, australia is in the southeast asian sphere and england will never win another world cup

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DPS; if you kill them fast enough, then you don't need the other two*!  Also there's no glory to be had supporting other people from the sidelines.

*No wonder I never play team based games

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2 hours ago, Refa said:

DPS; if you kill them fast enough, then you don't need the other two*!  Also there's no glory to be had supporting other people from the sidelines.

*No wonder I never play team based games


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silly hybrids
dps/healer if i can get away with it, helping people is cool but so is soloing stuff that can be soloed rip archeage, oracle was tons of fun


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5 minutes ago, NinjaMonkey said:

What is a DPS?

DPS means "damage per second." So basically the units within a team which are usually low in defenses but high in damage.

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