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QOTD ♚♛ 1522 - Movies you don't see the appeal of?


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bam bam bam. Nothing compares. While i love a lot of different game OSTs and songs (like EarthBound's and shit), this song is always supreme. Chrono Trigger has my ultimate favorite game soundtrack ever.

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2:34 a.m. is number one because i really like a song called 2:34

also 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. are great hours for me in general

Edited by The Red
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I really like when it's past 1 AM because no one but me is awake in the house and it's really the only time I don't get self-conscious about anything at all.

Like I can draw pretty well but I'm deathly afraid of someone seeing my art unfinished for whatever reason, so I only draw when absolutely no one can see it until it's done.

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sunrise fsr gives me incredibly happy feelings

not only is it super pretty but it's just a beginning of a new day and that just makes me feel super hopeful fsr

sunset's real pretty as well but I don't get the same vibe off of it because I guess day time means more to me than the night time. And this doesn't really happen to me anymore after moving in with a certain someone but whenever I was sitting in my room with the light off or just a small little lamp light that hardly lit anything up at all - when my room's light broke - and it was dark out I would get feelings of intense loneliness and I NEEDED a bright room. I think this had started after I had napped after coming back from school and ended up not waking up until it was already getting dark out and I felt super lonely because "I've pretty much just missed out on my whole day now" and that made me really sad fsr so I had developed a negative association with the night with absolutely no reasonable explanation. like, apparently my love of the pretty moon and all the pretty stars sparkling up there did nothing to help these feelings

idk human emotion can be really weird

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Night definitely. I developed a love for it through the fond memories I had with friends throughout that time.

Also being able to stargaze ♡

Edited by Koneko
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9AM, because whenever I'm actually up at that time, I know that I'm doing something right. Anything before that is way too early to be up and I feel guilty if I wake up after that.

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nighttime, but only when i'm awake... when i'm trying to sleep it sucks, because some reason around then my mind starts to wonder and i end up thinking about my own mortality

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