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Fates Popularity Poll 2.0

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Pair Hinata with Rinkah for maximum efficiency :P:


This is a popularity poll, also known as OPINIONS. Go ahead and be frustrated about your favorite/not-so-favorite character doing well/poorly, but why do I see criticism about specific OPINIONS?

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> Leo is first

*sigh* Oh well that was predictable. Anyways the rest of the poll is acceptable I gues? Except for the Yukimura hate ( why?) and Female Corrin being higher than Male Corrin even though they are meant to be pretty much the same person.

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Thank you for the neutral/no opinion option! There's honestly not that many characters that I actively dislike.

I'm a little sad Yukimura gets so much hate (and not just "don't care", but actually "dislike"). I'm thinking he doesn't join you in Rev because he's holding down the fort against Garon's invasion while all the important people disappeared...

And I guess I'm one of the few people who like Hisame... he's really sweet in his supports.

Edited by MapleRose
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It does make me a bit sad that Nyx is rated so low. I can understand why a lot of people don't care or don't like her, but I always felt she is one of most consistently well-written characters in her Supports.

Not to be confronting or anything but I don't know about that. Most of her supports revolve around her status as the eternal twelve year old something without really even doing some world building out of it or getting anywhere. Her support with Kaze about romance novels was nice though. I think other people could dislike her more for the fact that she just dedicates herself too much to mag and speed that by the end she feels lackluster. Could you enlighten me on some other types of supports on her side that I could get a grasp on.

Awww, it's so sad for Hinata and Hisame but I expected as such. Lowest growth rate on the male side, coupled with people having a real passion for Hana and getting kicked downstairs by Ryoma and his uber sword. I like them both (at least a lot more than Hana and by a slight margin against Ryoma but that's a personal bias) but I pretty much saw it coming.

Although Rinka perplexes me since I thought she was that ensemble darkhorse, in this game.

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Although Rinka perplexes me since I thought she was that ensemble darkhorse, in this game.

I think its people jumping on the "Rinka's a terrible unit" bandwagon. I still have yet to personally experience fates, but from what i heard, that is an exaggeration.

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I think its people jumping on the "Rinka's a terrible unit" bandwagon. I still have yet to personally experience fates, but from what i heard, that is an exaggeration.

Those abs can tank for days.

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Rinkah's "badness" is so grossly exaggerated it's ridiculous. People make her out to be the worst unit ever when she's...honestly fine? I don't like the way her stats lay out because I feel like it's really out of character given whatever's in her supports, but divorced from that in practice she's alright and is actually pretty flexible in what she can do. Given all the exaggerations to her "badness" when JP came out I thought I'd need to give her a lot of favoritism for her to even function in Birthright Lunatic and turns out the package I threw at her was...actually really overkill (solo'd chapter 7 while taking like maybe 1-2 damage at most).

I'm not gonna say she's like, the second coming of Ryoma or something but she's pretty ok if you use her normally and know what she can give you, and she can be really great if you REALLY know how to work with her. Either way you can do worse than Rinkah.

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Both kanas annoy me tbh

I don't like generic cute child type characters

i don't like kids in general

same tbh

i mean i didn't expect to not like kana when i first saw them but after actually playing the game i saw their first line of dialogue which is basically "HAHA I'M SO CUTE" and i was like... no

like in awakening they managed to make both versions of the avatar's kid cute without shoving it in your face


i have no idea why male kana is so much lower when it's pretty much the same, boring character either way

i can't vote on this since i haven't played both games or revelation yet but these results were... certainly not what i would expect

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Yukimura being hated despite being a well written character, even for such a short amount of screen time, boggles the mind. I am sad :(

Also, plz hate Takumi more. This is a personal request. While he is well written-ish, he can't help but be a jerk all the time! He is a better Jakob though, I'll give him that.

Lastly, I had to vote neutral on all the kids, still haven't unlocked most of them.

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The main reason I dislike Rinkah is because she's almost always hostile to people who are trying to be friendly to her, and I really don't like characters who act this way. I always thought her badness gameplay wise was overstated as well tbh

It does make me a bit sad that Nyx is rated so low. I can understand why a lot of people don't care or don't like her, but I always felt she is one of most consistently well-written characters in her Supports.

well, a character can be well written and annoying :V Edited by Nobody
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The main reason I dislike Rinkah is because she's almost always hostile to people who are trying to be friendly to her, and I really don't like characters who act this way. I always thought her badness gameplay wise was overstated as well tbh

Consider it from us aggressively introvert's point of view: We didn't want to socialize in the first place

People are always like: Why can't you be friendly? I just want to talk? Didn't consider we don't really want to talk, period

honestly, Rinkah's relatable as fuck.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Consider it from us aggressively introvert's point of view: We didn't want to socialize in the first place

i'm as introvert as they come. There are other ways to drive away people without being so rude, as Sakura, Niles and mainly Azura do.

I mean, I do understand why she does it, but it's just a sort of behaviour I really dislike, so it's hard for me to enjoy a character that acts that way.

It's also the reason I really dislike Nyx and Gerome, both of whom are actually way worse than Rinkah imo

Edited by Nobody
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Also, plz hate Takumi more. This is a personal request. While he is well written-ish, he can't help but be a jerk all the time! He is a better Jakob though, I'll give him that.

What's that? You want me to appreciate Takumi even harder? Well, okay then!

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i'm as introvert as they come. There are other ways to drive away people without being so rude, as Sakura, Niles and mainly Azura do.

I mean, I do understand why she does it, but it's just a sort of behaviour I really dislike, so it's hard for me to enjoy a character that acts that way.

Fair enough, but I also completely relate with her--and I think most of the time she's rude (bar with Ryoma because that was a localization addition tbh---her original support with him was pretty genial) the other party was being pretty annoying.

Maybe it's just because I want to punch people all the time, though.

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Also, plz hate Takumi more. This is a personal request. While he is well written-ish, he can't help but be a jerk all the time! He is a better Jakob though, I'll give him that.

What's that? You want me to appreciate Takumi even harder? Well, okay then!

Anyway, to chip in my opinion on the whole Rinka thing … I can understand not wanting to socialize and wanting people to just bug off. I don't think she needs to come off as nearly that hostile, but I get just wanting people to leave you alone and not getting the space you need.

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Consider it from us aggressively introvert's point of view: We didn't want to socialize in the first place

People are always like: Why can't you be friendly? I just want to talk? Didn't consider we don't really want to talk, period

honestly, Rinkah's relatable as fuck.

Same, and she's not rude IMO. More like direct. It's actually very irritating how anyone being direct (but especially women) is read as rude.

You know what happens when I'm polite? People see it as an invitation to keep talking.

What's that? You want me to appreciate Takumi even harder? Well, okay then!

Takumi is the besssst
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I chose the 'like' option for everyone. Pls no bully

Also, you guys really think that Rinkah is disliked for her character? No, it's because she was a complete disappointment of a unit

Edited by Chad Thundercock
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Same, and she's not rude IMO. More like direct. It's actually very irritating how anyone being direct (but especially women) is read as rude.

You know what happens when I'm polite? People see it as an invitation to keep talking.

Thank you you put it in better words than I could

people really don't know when to fuck off tbh

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Here we go again. . .

Having opinions is fine. If you want to tell others what's wrong with their specific opinion, that's what PM is for.

The last thing I want is a character favoritism war. The topic itself is the poll.

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Here we go again. . .

Having opinions is fine. If you want to tell others what's wrong with their specific opinion, that's what PM is for.

The last thing I want is a character favoritism war. The topic itself is the poll.

I don't really know what to tell you. Since the poll is on something so subjective, there's bound to be a bit (read: a lot) of shitflinging.

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