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What was the hardest Fire Emblem game you ever played?


Of the Fire Emblem games that you have played, which was the hardest?  

130 members have voted

  1. 1. Of the Fire Emblem games that you have played, which was the hardest?

    • FE 1: Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light
    • FE 2: Gaiden
    • FE 3: Mystery of the Emblem (Book 1)
    • FE 3: Mystery of the Emblem (Book 2)
    • FE 4: Genealogy of the Holy War
    • FE 5: Thracia 776
    • FE 6: Binding Blade
    • FE 7: Blazing Sword
    • FE 8: Sacred Stones
    • FE 9: Path of Radiance
    • FE 10: Radiant Dawn
    • FE 11: Shadow Dragon
    • FE 12: Heroes of Light and Shadow
    • FE 13: Awakening
    • FE 14: Fates Birthright
    • FE 14: Fates Conquest
    • FE 14: Fates Revelation

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Of the Fire Emblem games I played, which were FE 6, FE 7, FE 8, FE 10, FE 13, and all three versions of FE 14. FE 10: Radiant Dawn was definitely the hardest. It was the only game where I actually had to let units die because I was tired of restarting a chapter.

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Definitely fe6 but more for personal reasons.

It was my first fire emblem and I played it in Japanese.

I was unable to recruit any enemy units or understand how the stats worked.

Needless to say it was hard for a ten year old...

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I'd say New Mystery on Lunatic, but its in a fair kind of difficult way for the most part, which is why I enjoy it.

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Technically Awakening Lunatic, but I only got to chapter 2 on that one before ragequitting. I put Thracia because that's the hardest for me on its "Normal" Difficulty.

Edited by Matthewtheman
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Now that I know where all the reinforcements appear it's not that bad, but FE6's "units move right after appearing" is a nightmare for the healers you desperately need for this game.

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FE5 for some of the most awful situations you are forced to deal with. FE6 if you count Hard Mode, but only the first few chapters. After that it's a breeze.

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I'd say FE5 was the most frustating game because of its mechanics, map design and RNG. It's not really hard if you know how to use your staves correctly.

However a few chapters are so stupid. F**k 8x.

FE14 Nohr is really challenging, even on lowest difficulty.

FE10 on lowest difficulty can be annoying too, especially 1-8. If you have a bad Micaiah you're screwed.

FE6 is easy on normal mode. Hard mode is only really annoying in chapter 7.

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I selected Radiant Dawn, based on its Hard Mode. Hard Mode buffs the enemies and takes away the weapon triangle and the ability to save freely between turns. It's supremely difficult, especially in the early chapters.

Another contender would be the Lunatic mode of Awakening, but you can just grind your way to success. Plus, I only got about halfway through.

Sticking to the normal difficulty, though, Conquest was quite challenging. Based on what I've heard of Conquest Hard, it might be even tougher than Radiant Dawn's Hard Mode.

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I voted FE6 because, out of the games I played, it's the toughest even in Normal Mode. The difficulty curve even with a well-trained team can lead to many restarted chapters, and most of the Gaidens are more rage-inducing than the main story--but required to unlock the true ending of the game. The 3x effectiveness of slayer weapons also doesn't help when you have 8 million horses and half of your best units are flyers.

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Yeah, of all I've played, FE6.

  • Accuracy is actually a big problem in this game. While you don't need to worry about Skill or Luck in most FE games, here not only do you need to worry about them, you might as well prioritise them along with Speed. Only Lilina and Perceval were exceptions, and that was because Anima magic and Swords have high accuracy to start with, the former had high Luck and support bonuses to help, while the latter was generally with high stats (except for Skill). As such, only Paladin-Alan Lance and Dieck are viable ax-users.
  • Also, let's not forget that Swordmasters and Berserkers have ridiculous critical bonuses. That particularly makes units with low Luck, Speed, and/or Movement, who would be otherwise viable, sitting ducks. How bad was it? Well, I'm not going to send Perceval against a swordmaster, even with a lance equipped, and no way am I sending Milady against a Berserker, even with a sword. On a positive note, that also made Rutger and Fir two of my most valuable units.
  • Yep, Roy's late promotion time and his Lord Level Cap being the same 20 is a bit of an issue in later chapters. Address one of these, and I will be happy.
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chapters 4-7 in fe 6 hard mode. enemies are extremely strong and most of your teammates are really bad. even marcus can only take so many hits. the maps are extremely large and hit rates are bad. at least fe 12 lunatic once you find a strategy you can pretty much do the same thing everytime and the ai is more predicatable. but you just can't in fe 6 in those 4 chapters. also the first three chapters of fe 11 are brutal but at least the maps aren't ridiculously big as in fe 6. also fe 10 hard mode is so overrated even part 1 isn't hard bc sothe for most of it and volug and nailah later.

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Radiant Dawn is the hardest Fire Emblem game I played. It's much longer than any of the other Fire Emblem games and the game uses a larger variety of maps with different completation requirements. This games is definitely harder than Conquest.

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I've played Fe's 1, 2, 3 (not finished), 4 (not finished), 6 (finishing Hard mode currently), 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 (only as high as hard mode, because Screw Lunatic), 13(again, screw lunatic), and 14 Conquest .

FE 6 was tough. But not unbarable. If you play easy mode enough times, support the right guys together, and block the ambush spawns, the game can be managable. But really though, Chapters 4, 7, and 14X are a nightmare.

FE 10 is not THAT hard, to be honest. If I can find a way to use Lyre on Hard mode, I can say that it's not the hardest game that I played.

FE 11 - Yep. This one broke me. Merciless Mode, I mean. The First chapter is brutal, Hyman (in the american version) is freaking unbarable, and the forged brave weapons at chapter 20?! REALLY GAME!? Giving me some of those weapons in game would be fair, y'know! I had to Warp skip Chapters 21-endgame, and use an overpowered forged blizard on merric - 27 magic - to win in one turn. I got tired of it, and I just said "NOPE!" No more, FE 11, Merciless for me. Had to use some strats from Dondon 151's 0% growths run to make it through.

Fe 14 conquest is tough, but not bullshit where I need to cheese the last few maps. Well, except that one hallway with poison strike ninjas and spy shuricans.

Can you guess which game I've played that I chose?

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FE 11 - Yep. This one broke me. Merciless Mode, I mean. The First chapter is brutal, Hyman (in the american version) is freaking unbarable, and the forged brave weapons at chapter 20?! REALLY GAME!? Giving me some of those weapons in game would be fair, y'know! I had to Warp skip Chapters 21-endgame, and use an overpowered forged blizard on merric - 27 magic - to win in one turn. I got tired of it, and I just said "NOPE!" No more, FE 11, Merciless for me. Had to use some strats from Dondon 151's 0% growths run to make it through.

Enemies have silver weapons until chapter 19, From 20 (camus chapter) and on enemies have non-forged braves (easy to tank for high def paladins), Merciless only has forged braves on the final chapter. FE11

I voted for New mystery because Lunatic reverse.

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I voted FE14 Conquest, although in hindsight I probably had more trouble with Awakening Lunatic. Conquest had some really hard maps, thanks largely to Fates' brutal enemy phase (dual strike OP). Have yet to play it on Lunatic though.

For perspective I've played every FE except FE1 NES and FE3 SNES.

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Thracia, Radiant Dawn, and FE7. Thracia was pretty difficult just in general for me. Radiant Dawn was really hard for me when I played my hard playthrough, though not as much on normal. FE7 was just hard to play. For other reasons.

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I haven't played FE's 1-5, but out of 7-14 (excluding PoR because I never owned a GC) Conquest has proven to be the most challenging to me. I struggle more than I should with the existence of so many skills.

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Fire Emblem: Binding Blade tbh and I found it wayy harder than all of the other Fire Emblem games. I'm surprised a lot of people put Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest, it was supposed to be the harder version but I found it easier than Awakening even.

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