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What is your favorite type of weapon?

What is your favorite type of weapon?  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Weapon Type Before Fates?

  2. 2. Now that Fates introduced Shurikens, Are shuriken now your new favorite type of weapon?

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I knew it! I would have been shocked if you said otherwise :p

Yeah, I'm nothing if not consistant

Did you only put transformations just for me lol

Edited by MCProductions
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Yeah, I'm nothing if not consistant

Did you only put transformations just for me lol

It's funny that you say that actually. I was thinking about the different types of weapons and I was thinking about the fact that there are manaketes and Ballista in Shadow Dragon. So I was debating on whether or not I should count those. I decided ballista could just fall into bow since it is usually bow users who used ballistas, but I did think that some people really like manakete/beasts and you were probably the first person I thought of who would vote manakete Edited by DarkDestr0yer61
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I'm a lance fan, always have been since Ephraim and cemented since we gained the grand Nephenee and her male counterpart Aran in Tellius. Oboro and Shiro pick up the slack pretty well. Also the rare use of soldiers as a playable class gives them a rare like quality that I find intriguing.

The one that dislike the most is probably the sword but it's more because of its plain overuse. For Lords I'd prefer something that isn't a sword because everyone no matter the media tends to use a sword for the protagonist. The exceptions like Hector shared the spotlight with Swordies Lyn (somewhat) and Eliwood while Ephraim shared it with Eirika. As for anyone else, it's fair game. I like Myrmidons (I thank the likes of Joshua, Zihark, and Hinata for being pretty swell) but overall I prefer lances and if that's not the primary weapon then magic or axes would take second place with swords and bows taking third. Laguz and Dragons and shuriken while often used by me, just feel off so they get last.

Edited by Raguna
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Manaketes be awesome all round yo.

Also I feel Crossbows are sufficently different enough to get a mntion on the poll.

Edited by Jotari
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I like tomes, their 1-2 range is good for versatility and they prey upon the often-lesser Resistance stat. I also just like magic generally in any fantasy/medieval style game, so there you go.

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Tomes cause you can stay back from the front lines and all the effects you see.

Shuriken are nice in Fates, but they a bit too OP for my taste.

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*feels bad to be the only one who likes axes so far*

I actually never thought they would be so underrated. I admit that I hated those things at a time, but FE7 changed my perspective with the likes of Dart, Hector, and Paladins that can use Axes. The weapons seems to be more consistent than others imo. They will always be the strongest in terms of might, but have the worst accuracy. They also have the better aesthetes and design than a lot of the weapons, excluding a huge chuck of awakening's axe designs, like wth? Fates cemented this with everyone who has a axe as a base weapon being my favorite units to use: Scarlet, Camilia, Beruka, Charlotte, Rinkah, etc. and I also applaud IS for going back to their GBA routes and making the Axes look large and intimidating as the ones used in battle sprites.

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Probably tomes, with most of the other weapons falling somewhere behind and axes in dead last (this is thanks to most first tier axe users having a hint of, how you say, jet fuel with the aftertaste of burning truck tires. And this goes double for the GBA era).

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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I actually don't like the way Shurikens are in Fates. They are too strong in my opinion. Way too strong. Knives are my favorite weapon (Tellius RD style) primarily because I actually know how to use them IRL so I have a bias. Mechanically I do like the idea of them though, they are for units that are super combat oriented for the most part, so there's a reason they don't have the best style of weapons. It's an interesting balance choice.

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I actually don't like the way Shurikens are in Fates. They are too strong in my opinion. Way too strong. Knives are my favorite weapon (Tellius RD style) primarily because I actually know how to use them IRL so I have a bias. Mechanically I do like the idea of them though, they are for units that are super combat oriented for the most part, so there's a reason they don't have the best style of weapons. It's an interesting balance choice.

Speaking of which, Telius daggers were just... there. They just didn't belong without something to set them apart from the other weapon types imho, and thus I might dislike them even more than axes, because as I see it, daggers were essentially poor man's swords, and swords already get a lot of flak as a weapon type as is.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Aesthetically, swords and axes.

I mean I do spam shurikens in fates and use it most in practice for the 1-2 but

for flavor/style axes and swords still win anyway even if swords haven't been the best weapon since after fe6.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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You know, one sometimes create paradigms from nowhere. When I first met FE7 and FE, as such, I thought axes were the weapons of the bad guys, and thought swords were for the good guys. But then I saw lances and bows and the rest of weapons, and my theory rapidly got shredded into pieces.

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