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Attack on gay nightclub in Orlando leaves 50 dead.


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"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." Always lend a critical eye to when some joker on the internet throws stats at you, but a cursory glance at this one seems fairly self explanatory.

Do these statistics account for improved medical treatment? It's obviously much easier to survive being shot today than it would've been 20+ years ago.

Edited by Phillius
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Do these statistics account for improved medical treatment? It's obviously much easier to survive being shot today than it would've been 20+ years ago.

Speaking as someone's who has treated many gunshot wounds, there's been some advancement, but it's pretty insignificant. The main jump in gunshot survival came with the advent of antibiotics, preventing infection from killing the victim.

100 years ago, when you shot yourself in the foot, the biggest risk was infection, which could quickly turn gangrenous and kill you. Now that risk's pretty low, and it's just the 26 broken bones that you have to fix now.

Edited by Rezzy
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Do these statistics account for improved medical treatment? It's obviously much easier to survive being shot today than it would've been 20+ years ago.

In the same vein that guns have obviously become much better at killing people (it's not).

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I blame this incident on religious dogma and the lack of provisional health care for Americans with mental health issues. The perpetrator also had issues with his own sexuality, from what anecdotes I've read concerning this incident.

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there's nothing wrong with Islam. it is wrong to kill people and that should be addressed rather than whining about the fact that it hasn't been addressed yet. if you would rather complain, go ahead, but it won't accomplish anything.

The Quran makes it very clear that homosexuality is unacceptable that many so called moderate Muslims agree with along with many other things in the book.

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Apparently there was a second shooter arrested, i wonder what this could mean.

Was it his wife? I heard she know what was going on and helped him case the joint, but I hadn't heard about anyone else being involved. Or is this related to a different event entirely?

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Was it his wife? I heard she know what was going on and helped him case the joint, but I hadn't heard about anyone else being involved. Or is this related to a different event entirely?

i don't think it was his wife, its fairly fresh so i dunno anything other then a possible second shooter was taken in custody.

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I'm out of retirement. Let's tackle this shit. There's a few points I need to make.

1) A lot of people who are hardcore "anti-gun" protesters love to go after assault rifles. Now while there is no reason for a semi-automatic (which means 1 bullet per every squeeze of the trigger, for those of you who didn't know that) rifle to be accessible to the every-day man without requiring detailed background checks, it is important to note that the vast majority of firearm related crimes in the USA involve a handgun.

Long story short, if the USA is going to take gun control seriously, the 2nd ammendment needs to be recinded. Which will never happen but it ain't my country and never was. Personally, I miss my M16A1 but considering where I live, it makes sense.

2) Prayers don't do shit. "Praying" for Orlando isn't going to do anything because ​the attack is already over​. Either you do something about it with a meaningful action that has lasting effects or shut up and move on with your day. It's almost like a trend to "feel bad" for the slaughter of innocents.

My favourite picture that emerged from last year's massacre in Paris was one of a girl taking a picture of herself dressed up to go to nightclub from her bathroom with the French flag superimposed over it.

The caption? "When you wanna be a ho but still save Paris".

I'm personally more sickened by the response of the vast majority of people, especially the President. It comes across as insincere even though it's a heart-full attempt not to be.

3) Both liberals and conservatives are right and wrong. It is a question of gun control. And it is a question of radical Islam that is culturally backwards permeating its way into civilized cultures. If you pick a side to argue for, you're missing the point. Understand that they are both factors in this tragedy.

I'm done.

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Personally, I miss my M16A1 but considering where I live, it makes sense.

The civilian population of Israel should be armed to the teeth. Your country is under constant siege from political and religious extremism.

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The civilian population of Israel should be armed to the teeth. Your country is under constant siege from political and religious extremism.

Actually, it's religious extremism everywhere else but in Israel, we conducting apartheid.

Because that makes sense when we're treating non-citizens in a hostile area as non-citizens, right?

The best way to put it is that 10% of my water and electricity bills goes towards funding water and electricity for Gaza. Why? Because how dare we not care for a piece of land that is not ours (which hasn't been for over a decade now) and that houses a "government" that has a constitutional right to kill us.

So fuck them.

And just in case anyone thinks I hate Arabs, I don't. I'm currently seeing an Arab so nice try. And soon I'll conquer her Gaza Strip, if you know what I mean.

Edited by Pharoahe Monch
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The civilian population of Israel should be armed to the teeth. Your country is under constant siege from political and religious extremism.

That's pretty unseeded, though, given that the IDF is powered by mass conscription anyway. Giving civilians access to guns would be a good way to arm the PLO (oh, and by the way, if it's so easy for criminals to get guns, why have the vast majority of terror attacks in Israel been with knives?)

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That's pretty unseeded, though, given that the IDF is powered by mass conscription anyway. Giving civilians access to guns would be a good way to arm the PLO (oh, and by the way, if it's so easy for criminals to get guns, why have the vast majority of terror attacks in Israel been with knives?)

Because Israel does NOT fuck around with security.

Anyway, if y'all want to make The Israel Topic, feel free to do so. If you actually want to talk about the Orlando shooting, post here.

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That's pretty unseeded, though, given that the IDF is powered by mass conscription anyway. Giving civilians access to guns would be a good way to arm the PLO (oh, and by the way, if it's so easy for criminals to get guns, why have the vast majority of terror attacks in Israel been with knives?)

The Sarona Market Attack (a 15 minute walk away from both my work and apartment) was done by two men with 2 hand-guns between them and only 4 people died. Still a tragedy mind you.

It's almost like Americans and Parisians line up to be slaughtered.

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The Sarona Market Attack (a 15 minute walk away from both my work and apartment) was done by two men with 2 hand-guns between them and only 4 people died. Still a tragedy mind you.

It's almost like Americans and Parisians line up to be slaughtered.

Okay, so why did this incident have less casualties?
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Okay, so why did this incident have less casualties?

Many reasons. We're quick to react because we're more used to this shit, there's a lot more assault rifles out and about (I used to sit in cafes with friends with my M16 slung across my back with in flip-flops) and the fact that there's an army base less than 3 minutes walk away all contribute.

The irony here is that I can walk out into the street with an M16 on my back and nobody blinks an eye while in America, there's a shit-fit going on about the same type of gun that commits about 3% of all firearm related deaths.

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Many reasons. We're quick to react because we're more used to this shit, there's a lot more assault rifles out and about (I used to sit in cafes with friends with my M16 slung across my back with in flip-flops) and the fact that there's an army base less than 3 minutes walk away all contribute.

The irony here is that I can walk out into the street with an M16 on my back and nobody blinks an eye while in America, there's a shit-fit going on about the same type of gun that commits about 3% of all firearm related deaths.

So basically the whole IDF being every citizen (except the Orthodox Jews, but that's another thread) thing. So I'm assuming that the police/army stopped this guy fast here?
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So basically the whole IDF being every citizen (except the Orthodox Jews, but that's another thread) thing. So I'm assuming that the police/army stopped this guy fast here?

Police in this case but ambulances were pretty quick on the scene. Went screaming past my bar.

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