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Twitch Plays PokéMafia [Game Over, now with Postgame]


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you better start explaining asap

Simple: Regret told me that an investigation revealed you were an ITP. So I basically said that an ITP was a perfectly acceptable lynch and that Regret should publically reveal that information. I, however, clearly forgot about this when you posted your evidence.

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Also we can't take Regret at his word just because he flipped town BECAUSE HE ISN'T ACTUALLY AN INFO ROLE THANKS FOR MAKING SHIT UP REGRET

It wasn't Regret who had the investigative role though. They were just passing info from a friend.

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I have one last tale to tell. This, is a tale that rivals the true legend of Twitch Plays Pokémon, in which all parties involved may genuinely have been monkeys bashing their feet on keyboards.

Pretty much every item was getting tossed or used in non-ideal ways all the time. The exceptions to this were key items (like the SS Anne Ticket and the Helix Fossil) and HMs (like Cut, Strength, etc.). As a result, the Helix Fossil kept getting selected during battles, even though it had no use or purpose. The chatters - trying to explain Red's actions - claimed he was "consulting the Helix Fossil" for guidance. That's the basic explanation.

The real explanation? The Helix Fossil is the holy lord, creator of all, the prime force of good and justice in the world. Forget Arceus. Arceus is a false god - a myth created by those who oppose the Helix Fossil's divine will. The Helix Fossil sacrificed itself to save Bird Jesus in a time of dire need, as Pidgeot was its chosen one - the true Messiah.

The Helix Fossil represents Anarchy - the ultimate method of play. Only in Anarchy can the will of Helix be truly felt. It is the will of Helix, and it is the duty of the players to see His will fulfilled.

The enemy of the Helix Fossil is the Dome Fossil. When given a choice of fossil in the holy Mt. Moon, the players chose Helix, which deeply angered the Dome Fossil. The Dome Fossil stands for all that is cruel and wrong in the world - Democracy, order, the release of Pokemon, and other perversions against nature. It's herald is Eevee/Flareon - the deceptor, the trickster. But Helix will prevail over Dome. It is destiny, plain and simple.

On the 12th Day, after much struggle, sacrifice, and suffering, the Great Helix Fossil was reborn on Cinnabar Island as LORD OMANYTE. His being was then retrieved from the Cursed PC, and he would g uide the party on their way towards salvation. Evolved into Lord Omastar on Day 15.

Day 1

The first Pokemon obtained was Charmander, nicknamed "ABBBBBBK (" (and commonly referred to as "Abby"). Not long after, the team grew to include a Pidgey (with no nickname, but would soon become known as "Bird Jesus"). By hour 9, Brock had been defeated and the first badge was obtained. The journey continued.

If we only knew what lay ahead, the journey would have ended before it ever began. Those were simpler times, though. No one could have known the horrors that awaited Red.

Day 2



Mt. Moon was was entered - and much happened there. The Moon Stone was obtained, as was the (now legendary meme) Helix Fossil. "Abby" evolved into a Charmeleon. Mt. Moon was exited - miraculously - with time left to spare in the day. The Moon Stone was tossed - as most items are - a Rattata was caught, nicknamed "JLVWNNOOOO" (and commonly referred to as "Jay Leno"), while Pidgey evolved into Pidgeotto. Misty was defeated and the second badge obtained, Bill was saved (giving the players access to his PC), and a second Rattata was caught (no nickname, but commonly referred to as "DigRat" for reasons that will be explained later). Much progress was made in the first two days. By the end of day 2, though, the stream had been discovered by more mainstream sources, and in flooded tons of new users. Progress would soon slow. But for now, at least we had a Nugget.

Day 3


The third day began about as well as anyone could have hoped - a Drowzee and a Spearow were caught within minutes of each other. The S.S. Anne was boarded and completed within a few hours. The Spearow was traded for a Farfetch'd (named "DUX"), who soon learned HM Cut about halfway through the day, something integral to progression. Not long after, a bush was cut and the players reached the third gym - the Electric-type gym run by Lt. Surge. Keep in mind to get to Surge, you need to complete a puzzle where you hit two very specific switches, one after the other. With about 40,000 people in the chat at this point, the odds of successfully getting the right two switches was about slim to nil and probably never -


Oh well, turns out that was easy. But what laid ahead would be no simple task - so the players tossed their Nugget as a sacrifice to the great Helix Fossil. The battle with Lt. Surge raged on - coming down to a very slim margin between his Raichu and our ABBBBBBK ( the Charmeleon.


Praise be to Helix. Two tasks that should have been insanely difficult, dealt with in a matter of hours!

Then came Route 9, and with it - the dreaded LEDGE.

The ledge was the first Great Feat that Twitch Plays Pokemon was subjected to - it was so difficult because it was extremely easy for people spamming the wrong directions to erase any forward progress. Here's a dramatic reinterpretation:


It was only the beginning.

Day 4

It seemed impossible, but after struggling (and even succeeding once, only to get knocked out by a trainer and have to start all over again) the ledge was surpassed after 16 HOURS.

The next step was something all had been dreading, even more than the dreaded LEDGE - it was the Rock Tunnel, a cave filled with wild Pokemon, trainers, and - worst of all - no light. Yes, it was a pitch-black cave - that could be illuminated with the move Flash, which of course we did not get (and couldn't have gotten even if we'd found it, since you need 10 Pokemon in your time to use it). Making matters worse, the second Rattata was taught the TM Dig, becoming reborn as 'DigRat' - as it soon began using Dig outside of battle, which returns the player to the beginning of whatever cave or dungeon they happen to be in at the time.


Through great struggle, the group managed to deposit DigRat in the PC so that they could progress through the cave without being rudely dug back to the beginning by too-obedient rat. The Rock Tunnel was somehow cleared within a mere 9 hours. Important to note a dark cave where we could see nothing with multiple levels to it was simpler than a short ledge.

On the way to Celadon City, Pigeotto evolved into Pidgeot - truly fulfilling the prophecy that it was the last hope, the messiah, the "Bird Jesus." It should be noted that many attempts were made to prevent the evolution previously, but fate intervened here.

The end of the day was spent entering and working through Erika's gym. Blacking out a few times proved to be a major issue - since you have to cut down a bush in order to get to the gym, and the bush respawns every time you enter a building.

The vast majority of the 6 or so hours it took to get to Erika was spent trying to outwit a bush.

Day 5



Early in Day 5, Erika was defeated, and the badge count now stood at 4. Halfway there, right?

Wrong. So, so wrong.

As of this point, there were five Pokemon in the lineup (since DigRat was rotting in a PC):

  • ABBBBBBK ( the Charmeleon (Abby)
  • Pidgeot the Pidgeot (Bird Jesus)
  • Drowzee the Drowzee (The Keeper)
  • JLVWNNOOOO the Rattata (Jay Leno)
  • DUX the Farfetch'd

With the last remaining slot, the team hoped to put in a Pokemon capable of learning Surf. This was thinking probably a little too far down the line and being a little too optimistic about how quickly they would progress through the game. But since Lapras was a guaranteed Pokemon they could receive that could definitely learn Surf, many hoped that they could avoid getting any other Pokemon before Lapras.

Naturally, they got the Eevee instead (known as the "False Prophet" and accused agent of the Dome Fossil)

However, there was still some hope of evolving Eevee into Vaporeon with the Water Stone, which could conveniently be purchased in the Celadon City Department Store. There, they bought 3 Pokedolls, a Soda Pop, and...a Fire Stone.

Some time was wasted attempting to access the Daycare to open up a slot for Lapras, but that proved an enormous waste of time (and ledge-related flashbacks). There was a brief bright spot, however, when the Start commands began getting filtered more often, so that there was significantly less pausing and entering the menu and listening to Bulbasaur's cry for no reason. But that bright spot was short-lived, for mere hours later, the players entered Saffron City, and the unthinkable happened.

ABBBBBBK ( the Charmeleon and JLVWNNOOOO the Rattata were released into the wild.


This was the darkest moment in Twitch Plays Pokemon thus far. But it turns to to have merely been a taste of the horrors that were to come. It was a mercy to Abby and Jay Leno that they would not need suffer the same fate as the rest of us.

Things only got worse from there - DigRat was removed from the PC (renewing the threat of Dig) and the Start commands were unfiltered. In perhaps the final bright spot of the day, an Oddish was caught in the wild. For halfway through the day, the players entered the Team Rocket Hideout.

The Team Rocket Hideout changed everything. Everything.

For those not familiar, the Team Rocket Hideout has a few maze sections, with floor tiles that send you spinning in a certain direction. You have to navigate them carefully to successfully make it through. Not long after entering "The Spinning Hell," the situation began to deteriorate even more quickly - Eevee was evolved into Flareon, thus fulfilling the cruel prophecy of the Dome Fossil. DigRat dug the players out of the TR Hideout after 6 hours of torment. The players returned...but the ordeal had only begun.

Day 6



The players were in Team Rocket's perfectly designed hellhole, with no end in sight.

Make progress in the right direction? A false turn and back at square one. Getting closer towards the Lift Key? DigRat digs us back to the beginning. Make a littlDIGRAT STOP DIGGING, GODDAMMIT.

Then, after 18 hours of zero progress being made, the revolution began. The emulator in charge of things had made subtle changes up to that point, but this was different. It was clear that progress was nigh impossible at this point, so the anarchic system of constant commands was upended and replaced with the 'Democracy vs. Anarchy' system (detailed above). People were...unhappy. Democracy was more purposeful, but significantly more boring than the less controllable but more entertaining Anarchy.

Anarchy reigned for a great while - and Flareon and Drowzee were eventually deposited in the PC. And miraculously, the Lift Key was obtained after over 24 hours of Spinning Hell madness. That was not enough to make it to Giovanni though - over 80,000 players were involved at this point, and movement was still as difficult as ever (Democracy may have even made it MORE difficult).

With a return to the PC and everything on the line, a seemingly impossible task was achieved: the release of Flareon, the False Prophet, liege to the Dome Fossil, cause of all pain and suffering and spinning misfortune. Drowzee was taken out and put back in the party, and (after some fumbling in the elevator), the players finally arrived at Giovanni.


An intense battle followed, coming down to the wire...



Luckily, there was time to check out Bulbasaur's cry.


Day 7

Wasting no time (okay, wasting a bunch of time, probably three hours or so), the players returned to face Giovanni a second time. This time, the Team Rocket Leader was defeated.

It was a miracle - they were finally done with the cursed and horrible hideout, and could leav-DIGRAT GODDAMMIT.

That's right - DigRat dug away right before the players could pick up the Silph Scope - their reward for defeating Giovanni and the key to making it through their next task, the ghost-filled Pokemon Tower. With 120,000 viewers, the players eventually returned to the hideout one last time, retrieved the Silph Scope, and left.

Soon the players found themselves in Lavender Town, where they spent most of their money on Great Balls that were wisely used to catch a couple Zubats (named "---" and "x", although "---" was soon renamed "JJSSSSS-" and then "ABB-??AAJ"). Speaking of renaming, DigRat became "AAJST(????", Oddish became "x(araggbaj", and a Hitmonlee that was obtained was named "CCC". The Hitmonlee and X the Zubat were released not long after.


Much of the day was spent heading into the Pokemon Tower - which proved problematic, since the vast majority of the Pokemon attacks available to the players were Normal-type and did not affect the ghosts that inhabited the Pokemon Tower. While they made some slow progress, it usually led to all of the Pokemon fainting, which led to debating whether or not to try to grind levels (with Drowzee in particular) so that it could learn Psychic and lay waste to the ghost menace. Some grinding was done, but and eventually Psychic was learned - but that was about it, and it Drowzee wasn't yet strong enough to be truly effective. The players had entered the Tower at the beginning of the day (around hour 6), and made very little actual progress 18 hours later. The last major event of the day was catching a Gastly.

It had been a full week at this point. 168 hours. Yet the game had only truly just begun.

Day 8



Almost 100% of Day 8 was spent in the Pokemon Tower. Slowly, slowly, slooooooowly grinding through it. Drowzee forgot Psychic in favor of Headbutt almost immediately (not a great start), Pidgeot became "aaabaaajss", and DigRat evolved into Raticate. Eventually the Marowak at the top of the tower was defeated, and the PokeFlute was obtained.


The Pokemon Tower took - from start to finish - about 42 hours. While less pointless and depressingly chaotic than the TR Hideout, it was a much longer quest. Still, this was one of the last major hurdles - although Victory Road still loomed ahead, daring the players to challenge its might.

Day 9


Now armed with the PokeFlute, the players could finally move that Snorlax blocking the route forward. The mighty Snorlax was awaken, and the players bravely ran away immediately (instead of trying to fight or capture it). They gained the Super Rod, evolved aaabaaajss the Oddish into a Gloom, and the mighty Pidgeot stood at level 50. The beast of a bird is the backbone of the team - naturally, it'll probably be released soon by accident, so let's enjoy this while we can.

Fuschia City was next on the list, and Red entered the gym early in the morning - but was soon knocked out and returned to the Pokemon Center. Instead of returning, the players decided to take on another challenge: the once dreaded Safari Zone. Although it had been rumored to be removed, the 500 step limit was still in effect. But then DigRat used Dig pretty quickly to teleport the players out, so that limit wasn't yet an issue. Everyone took a collective breath, and decided to return to the Fuschia City gym, where the leader Koga was ultimately defeated, earning them their 5th badge. Now it was time to return to the Safari Zone.


The return brought more Pokemon to the team than the entirety of the rest of the game, although most of the Pokemon captured were Venonats and Nidorans. A few others were captured, including a Rhyhorn, an Exeggcute, a Venomoth, and a Paras - all of whom (except for AATTVVV the Venomoth, nicknamed the "All Terrain Venomoth") were filtered to the PC. The struggle between Democracy and Anarchy raged on, with Start9 coming into effect a few times. Ultimately, there was a grim realization that Democracy was necessary. 7 hours later, HM Surf was obtained thanks to the switch - in a miraculously small amount of time, one of the most dreaded hurdles in the game was overcome. Not long after, HM Strength was obtained. This was all going too easily.


The next stop on the nightmare-train was Silph Co. - which holds the Master Ball. This will be one of the great tests of Twitch Plays Pokemon - can they hold onto it long enough to use it on a legendary Pokemon? Can they hold onto it long enough to use it on a decent Pokemon? Fine, literally any Pokemon? Can they just NOT toss it immediately?

The answer is...we'll have to wait. The game stopped taking commands mid-battle out of nowhere around the 20th hour of the 8th day. The chatlog called for riots. Is this just a temporary delay, or is it the dreaded End of Times, engineered by the Dome Fossil?

It turns out to have been a temporary delay. Praise be to Helix.

After that messy little interlude, things got back on track - the journey through Silph Co. led to a victorious battle against rival Blue, the players prevented the evolution of Drowzee into Hypno so that it could re-learn Psychic, and - FINALLY - Lapras was obtained (named "AIIIIIIRRR"). It was instantly knocked out by an opponent Drowzee.

Day 10



The day began, like many others, with confusion.

Many wanted to immediately teach Lapras Surf, as was its destiny. Many wanted to grind the Pokemon up a few levels so the Silph Co. Giovanni fight would be possible. Many wanted to listen to Bulbasaur's cry (these people were the most successful).

But soon - after hundreds of hours of struggle - AIR was taught Surf. Now the players could chaotically roam aimlessly back and forth on the sea as well as land. And the HM train didn't stop there - the Fresh Prince of Shell-Air was also taught Strength, making it a valuable HM slave right off the bat. Somewhere, far in the distance, Flareon cries out in anger.

Not long after, the players returned to Silph Co. and finally defeated Giovanni (on the second try, but still) - with the big news being obtaining the Master Ball - and it wasn't immediately tossed! Instead, the players made way to the 6th gym to face off against gym leader Sabrina. However, the Saffron Gym was was broken up by a complicated maze of teleportation tiles, making movement within a bit more complex than in even the Team Rocket Hideout.


Sabrina was dispatched after a breezy 4 hours or so (thanks to Bird Jesus, then standing at an imposing Level 59).

It has been over 230 hours at this point. That's over three times as long as the Battle of Gettysburg.

Day 11



Through various channels, the players and their (somehow untossed) Master Ball decided to make way towards the Power Plant in order to catch Zapdos. There was only one problem - the path they had to follow brought them back to an old enemy: Route 9, and the dreaded ledge.

Mere hours into the day, and the haunting flashbacks of Route 9 have become reality. The players greatest fears have been realized. Another great struggle between Democracy and Anarchy rages as Red hops off ledges for hours.

And because this is the weirdest goddamn thing on the entire internet and just keeps getting weirder some Twitch streamer who goes by the name 'Destiny' is trying to rally his followers to release Bird Jesus for some reason.


Yet Destiny was not successful, the players forged on past The Ledge (hopefully for the last time), and - in a bizarre turn of events that NO ONE saw coming - they actually caught Zapdos using the Master Ball. They didn't throw away the Master Ball or use it on a Voltorb or knock out Zapdos. They did it. They really actually did it.


Of course, it was sent to the PC - so that became the next step: extricating AA-j the Zapdos from the PC, while not losing any other Pokemon to the infinite dangers the PC presented.

First AIR was deposited - not really the wisest move, given it was the only Pokemon with Surf and Strength, but whatever. Then Bird Jesus was deposited - also not the wisest move, since it was by far the strongest Pokemon on the team. Then Zapdos was added to the team! Then it was time to le...wait, why did they deposit The Keeper? AND ALL TERRAIN VENOMOTH? Then two low level Nidorans and a Rhyhorn (from the Safari Zone Gang) were added to the team, and Cabbage the Gloom was deposited.

This is why PCs are dangerous. And it wasn't even over.

Then - somehow - ZAPDOS was deposited in another Box of the PC, as were DUX and one of the Nidorans. The Helix Fossil was deposited. Then Zapdos was removed again. As was the recently deposited Nidoran and most of the items that had been deposited (including the Helix Fossil). And it wasn't even over STILL.

This went on (on and off) for several more hours: a Geodude and a Zubat were caught and added to the PC crew! But there was a slaughter going on- a bunch of Pokemon were released, including:

  • 3 Venonats
  • 3 Nidorans
  • 1 Paras
  • 1 Geodude
  • 1 Exeggcute
  • Cabbage the Gloom
  • DUX the Farfetch'd (WHO WILL KILL THE BUSHES NOW?)
  • BigDig (formerly DigRat) the Raticate

It was a massacre. Thankfully, Bird Jesus survived the great Battle of PC. But the realization came over many that this sudden horrible disaster may have been the result of retrieving Zapdos. Many are unsure of it - calling it "Judas" or "Anti-Jesus" (since it's given name is "AA-j").

All in all, it was a dark day for Twitch Plays Pokemon.

Day 12



After the horrors and bloodshed of The Red Wedding (okay, it was a PC - not a "wedding", but...there WAS someone named Red there), the journey had to continue. Thankfully Bird Jesus survived the massacre, as did Bird Judas - who, despite the terrible fate his withdrawal from the PC brought, was still a valuable Pokemon to have on the team. Still, without DUX or Cabbage, there was no Pokemon with Cut, which limited forward progress to Cinnabar Island significantly. The players discovered a route where Cut could be avoided - it involved a lot of backtracking, but it was better than risk another trip to the PC.

The previous day had seen the beginning of this journey, but the meat of it came in Day 12. There was a brief detour to the Day Care, where there were some fumbles of leaving Bird Jesus and The Keeper there, but the players ultimately left Gastly in the care of the babysitters there. The odds of his retrieval are...slim.

The team (which included Zapdos, Bird Jesus, The Keeper, AIR, All Terrain Venomoth, and The Fonz the Nidorino) made way through Mt. Moon - home of the Great Helix Fossil (as well as the Cursed Dome Fossil).


But it was worth it - with a Moon Stone obtained, The Fonz was evolved into Nidoking. Not long after, they finally made it to Cinnabar Island - where they restored the Great Lord Helix Fossil into Omanyte - their god was finally reborn as a flesh and blood Pokemon. Of course, it was immediately trapped in the PC of Doom.


Retrieving Lord Omanyte was no simple task - Rhyhorn, a Zubat, and a Nidoran were lost through day - but eventually Lord Omanyte was brought into the party and nothing of great significance was lost.


Day 13


Halfway through day 13, Twitch Plays Pokemon hit 300 hours of nonstop gametime. If people were as dedicated to solving world hunger as they were to this, no one would ever starve again in history.

Day 12 ended with a lot of non-progress in the Pokemon Mansion and somehow getting trapped behind tables. But Day 13 made some solid progress early on - teaching Lord Omanyte and The Fonz both Surf and then defeating Blaine and obtaining the 7th badge. In less than two weeks, the players were only one badge away from Victory Road. What many thought would take months had been accomplished in a mere couple weeks. On the other hand, 300 HOURS.

With all of this done, the players headed back home to Pallet Town. And...remained in Pallet Town for much longer than was necessary. They say you can't go home again, but Red clearly doesn't play by anyone's rules.


Red's homecoming was short-lived - he soon made forward progress to Viridian City, where the final gym stood waiting for him. Of course, navigating something so simple was doomed to be an hours long, complex effort. You see, there's another ledge located riiiight beneath the gym entrance, making the necessary turn incredibly difficult.

Ledges....why'd it have to be ledges?

Day 14



Early in the day, Red finally successfully entered Giovanni's Gym of Horrors! Then left and jumped off the ledge. But then he re-entered. Then left and jumped off the ledge. Then...well, you get the picture. Simply GETTING to Giovanni was going to take a lot of work, let alone actually beating him. Eventually the players made it to the dreaded Team Rocket boss for the final time...and lost. But on the second time, the players defeated Giovanni for the last time in the game - receiving the 8th and FINAL badge necessary before journeying on to Victory Road.

And within about an hour, rival Blue was defeated.

What lay ahead is nothing short of the most dangeorus and tricky path in the game - Victory Road. There are strength puzzles, high level wild Pokemon, and trainers everywhere. But worse...there's a ledge. A ledge that leaves less room for error than any ledge seen as of yet.


Then - something miraculous happened: the players realized that their Pokemon were still a little underleveled (given the best strategy is to tank their way through the caves of Victory Road). In this spirit, they headed to Cinnabar Island to grind up some levels in the Pokemon Mansion.

Thus ended two weeks of this insanity (336 HOURS) - a schizophrenic kid wandering around a mansion, beating up random wild Pokemon to beef up his pets.

Day 15



Red stuck to his guns - 8 hours of day 15 were spent grinding the Pokemon up levels. That's an incredible amount of focus and preparation for a few tens of thousands of people who just want to yell about the Helix Fossil and declare anarchy so often that the word loses all meaning.

The fates must have viewed this dedication favorably, because when Red finally challenged the Victory Road ledge again, it was defeated within minutes. MINUTES.

The victory was short-lived though - soon, Red was knocked out and banished back to Cinnabar Island. This was probably for the best, since: a. it offered a chance for more grinding, which the players needed, and b. Victory Road is filled with Strength puzzles that are incredibly tough to manage with the controls in Twitch Plays Pokemon, and the longer the players can hide from that fact, the better.

The grinding would continue for the rest of the day - but breaking up the monotony was the glorious event, foretold many millenia ago.

Lord Helix evolved into its final form - LORD OMASTAR!!!



If only it could use Strength.

Day 16



The newly-attained Lord Omastar smiled kindly upon the players, because mere minutes into Day 16, Red crossed the Victory Road ledge AGAIN.

It's going to be a long journey - frought with peril, boulders, and...more boulders. Ugh.

So instead of recapping every inch forward and back the players make, please enjoy this:



Long story short: within 17 hours, Victory Road was defeated, and the players were onto the Elite 4.

The battles went back and forth - but after a few attempts, the players had made it to the last member of the Elite 4: Dragon Trainer Lance. It all came down to ATV vs. Dragonite - and ALL-TERRAIN VENOMOTH WON (as moths are obviously stronger than dragons).


Next up: battle to be the Pokemon champion, Blue.

Naturally, with only Venomoth left, Blue destroyed Red immediately.

Thus began the cycle that would continue for the rest of the day - Red and the players would battle through the Elite 4 and Blue, always failing somewhere and getting knocked out. Maybe they tried using Sand Attack one too many times, maybe they became a little too enthralled with the cry of a Bulbasaur to focus on battling. The point is: The Elite 4 isn't an impossible challenge - but it's pretty tough when you only have the slightest level of control over your strategy and zero capability to use potions.

Day 17



"Victory Road" is a pretty ironic name, all things considered. There's still the biggest challenge in the game to get to RIGHT AFTER IT - and unless you come seriously prepared, odds are you're going to lose once or twice. "Prepare For Repeated Defeat Road" would be a more appropriate name, but that really just doesn't have the same ring to it.

The challenging of the Elite 4 went on for some time - nearly 20 attempts. But then it came down to it - Red had defeated Lance with his team mostly good-to-go (AIR was sadly knocked out earlier). He was in a position to finally give Blue a run for his money.

Battery Jesus was facing off with Blue's final Pokemon (his Blastoise). With everything on the line, Zapdos used Thundershock - and the powerful blast of electricity surged through Blastoise's weak, watery frame, and knocked him cold.

Early in the morning of March 1st, 2014 - after over 391 hours of gametime - Red had defeated Blue and been made the Pokemon Champion.

In other words...



After hundreds of hours of struggle by tens of thousands of people, the internet had accomplished the impossible: beating Pokemon Red.

They struggled through the spinning nightmare of the Team Rocket Hideout.

They forged through the ghost maelstrom of the Pokemon Tower.

They battled through the nightmare of Trying To Use Cut on a Tree.

They moved past the PC terror of Bloody Sunday.

But most importantly, they overcame themselves. They overcame the inherent madness of tens of thousands of people all typing in commands simultaneously and without a huge regard for strategy. They corraled the mob towards progress and victory. They did it.

This is a day that shall never be forgotten - Helix Day is our generation's moon landing.

I bet you're wondering why I shared the entire story of Twitch Plays Pokémon Red...

Edited by Elieson
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Ken Masters has been killed. He was...

Dear Ken Masters, you are OMANYTE, better known as Lord Helix, the Omanyte/Omastar.

Omastar was unnamed but its nickname spawns from the Helix Fossil Red obtained at Mt. Moon. It was revived in Cinnabar Island into an Omanyte, and later evolved into an Omastar. By then, it was already known as a benevolent god, hence the 'Lord' in its given name.

You’re loved for many reasons, but not everybody believes that you would reveal yourself to the public. Because of this mistrust, should you be seen, you will appear to be aligned with the Domecracy.

During the Night, you may respond to your RolePM with - Night X: Withdrawing, to get a closer look at [user] as they cross by. You’ll pull back into your shell, and get a good look at [user]’s Wincon as they cross your path. You can only do this once, as the real Lord Helix would never continuously hide from the foray of conflict.

You are aligned with the Helix Fossil, and win when all of those filthy Domes GTFO.

Dear Dragonflare7, you are AAJST, better known as Digrat, the Rattata/Raticate.


Due to Digrat's constant unproductive use of Dig, he was the second Pokemon that a plan was formulated against to release (after Flareon). The release plan was eventually abandoned shortly after Digrat evolved into an (effective) Raticate.
Eventually Digrat evolved into a Raticate of which he was then given an alternate name of Big Dig (sometimes stylized as BigDig) to reflect his "grown-up" status. Digrat also began using Dig for good when he proved his worth several times in combat by using Dig to win battles. Of special note is Pokemon Tower, where Dig was one of the few moves that would hit ghost-types.

During the Night, you may respond to your RolePM with - Night X: Show [user] how to really 360NoScope. You will dig a hole through the many many floors of Silph Co., taking [user] with you on a wild ride back towards the building’s entrance. Since [user] will be riding right behind you, they’ll be protected from any harmful dangers that you dig into. However, they’ll be stuck in a pretty narrow hole, unable to do anything besides follow you. You can only do this once, as you can’t dig up buildings.

You are aligned with the Helix Fossil, and win when all of those filthy Domes GTFO.

And with that, the legacy of the Dome Fossil can now begin. From this, a new world would be forged. One of order and democracy. One of anticipated progress and measurable success. Let it be known that on this day, Day 42, that the Domecracy and its true god may retake control of the anarchy that never should have existed in the first place.

acidphoenix, Refa Blitz and Ms. Bunch have been endgamed. They were (respectively)...

Dear acidphoenix, you are Eevee/Flareon, better known as The False Prophet, the Eevee/Flareon.


Flareon was first introduced to Red's team as an Eevee gifted to him by a man on the top floor of one of Celadon's towers. It was then evolved into a Flareon with the use of a Fire Stone bought in the Celadon Department Store. Flareon was considered to be the False Prophet and allied with the Dome Fossil in Lore interpretations because of its involvement in the release of two of Red's Pokemon, Abby and Jay Leno, which were the first Pokemon to be released in the TPP series. Later, however, some began to consider Flareon as an innocent being, and thus deem it the Martyr.

Being hated for ripping the hopes of learning Surf at a reliable time by inevitably becoming the False Prophet Flareon, you will appear to be aligned with the Domecracy.

Once, during the Night, you may respond to your RolePM with - Night X: Consuming the Fire Stone. You will evolve to Flareon, and the blinding light caused by your evolution will cause any who attempt to target you to fail.

You are aligned with the Helix Fossil, and win when all of those filthy Domes GTFO.

Dear Refa Blitz, you are AAAAAAAA, better known as The Fonx, the Nidorino/Nidoking.


The Fonz was originally a normal Nidorino from the Safari Zone. After the events of Bloody Sunday, ATV and The Fonz quickly became mainstays of Red's party afterwards. During the events of the Pokemon Mansion, The Fonz was the only Pokemon able to resist the constant poison and fire attacks coming from the wild Pokemon there. When Red became trapped between a table and a Burglar Trainer, the mob planned to white out the entire team in order to escape, but because the Fonz was so resistant to everything, it took a while before the Mob escaped this trap.

Once, during the Night, you may respond to your RolePM with - Night X: Use Fury Attack on [user]. This will set a prime under [user]s feet, which can be activated to explode and kill [user] by replying to your RolePM with – Night X: AAAAAAAAAAA.

Alternatively, once during the Night, you may respond to your RolePM with - Night X: Flaunting my STRENGTH! All other [user]s will be compelled to come watch you flex your huge muscles and move boulders, and will be compelled to use their night action on you, if they were going to act at all. This won’t distract killers from fulfilling their duty.

You are aligned with the Helix Fossil, and win when all of those filthy Domes GTFO.

Dear Ms. Bunch, you are Dux, better known as Dux, the Farfetch'd.


DUX was aquired early on through an in-game trade, in exchange for a Spearow. He quickly became an essential member of the party due to learning the HM Cut. Sadly, you were released promptly on Bloody Sunday.

You’re deeply respected for being The One who Cuts Trees, but lack any notable special talents in combat otherwise. However, you’ve sworn to cut down your foes, and will be compelled to use Cut on the person who deals a killing blow to you, via Hammer-vote or Killing action. Should you die, this person will be unable to move for the following night.

You are aligned with the Helix Fossil, and win when all of those filthy Domes GTFO.

The reason for the three players above to be endgamed is due to the win condition of the Domes being met.

SB., kirsche with rice and Lord Gaius have won. They were (respectively)...

Dear SB., you are Gastly, better known as Rick Gastly, the Gastly.


"Rick Gastly" is derived from Rick Astley, an English singer-songwriter, musician, and radio personality. He is known for his 1987 song, "Never Gonna Give You Up", which is commonly utilized in an online prank known as a Rickroll. He was left in the Daycare so that Red could free up a party space without having to use the PC. By the time Red had defeated Blue, Rick Gastly had grown to level 50.

Because you’re a ghost, you cannot cast influential votes on players ever. This means that your vote can never be the Hammering vote. Should you vote for a player with what would be a hammer vote, hammer would not be cast, despite appearing in the votals as a counted vote.

When you die, since you’re a ghost, your RolePM will not flip immediately. For the duration of this phase, and for the entirety of the next phase, you may continue to post voteless posts in thread, and at the end of the following Day-phase, your RolePM will be flipped, and you will be considered dead. If you are lynched during the day, you may not act during the upcoming night, and you cannot be targeted during the upcoming night. You cannot vote, and your presence will not count towards the daily Hammer count. This will be announced by the mod.

During the Night, you may respond to your RolePM with - Night X: Using Lick on [user]. [user] will be so grossed out by your Rick Rolling Lick, that their vote will be stuck to themselves. This will be shared to their RolePM, as well as displayed in Votals.

Your Hammer restriction, Restlessness and Lick will be disabled in instances of *YLO. Should you be killed in an instance of *YLO, your RolePM will still not flip until the following day, or in End-game.

You are aligned with the Dome Fossil, and win when all of those who follow the Helix are either all removed from existence or nothing can stop this from occurring.

Dear kirsche with rice, you are AA-J, better known as Battery Jesus, the Zapdos.


AA-j, also known as Battery Bird, John the Zaptist, Bird Jesus 2: Electric Boogaloo, and many other nicknames, is a level 81 Zapdos belonging to Red. He originally appeared in the Pokemon Red playthrough of Twitch Plays Pokemon, but was included in Season 2 at Mt. Silver along with Red and the rest of the Hall of Fame from Generation 1. AA-j is currently the strongest Pokémon that TPP has ever owned. His end-game stats total to 1250, beating the 1200 of Lazorgator and 1100 of M4.

During the Day, you may respond to your RolePM with – Day X: Using Thunder on [user]. User may be yourself, in this case. [user] will be endowed with the ability to submit nightly announcements (with a restriction of your choosing, if any) for the remainder of the game. With your keen electrical senses, you will also learn who any of the [user]s you’ve targeted visit, should they visit anybody at all. [user] will only be aware of their announcement privileges, and not of your secret tracking.

Alternatively; during the Night, you may respond to your RolePM with - Night X: Using Thundershock on [user]. [user] will be paralyzed, and unable to move.

You are aligned with the Dome Fossil, and win when all of those who follow the Helix are either all removed from existence or nothing can stop this from occurring.

Dear Lord Gaius, you are JLVWNNOOOO, better known as Jay Leno, the Rattata.


JLVWNNOOOO the Rattata, affectionately referred to as Jay Leno by the viewers, was the second Pokémon that Red caught with a Pokéball (the first being Bird Jesus). Jay Leno was loved by many even though he didn't offer much in terms of fighting potential due to the overleveling of Bird Jesus and Abby leaving him unable to hold his own much of the time.

Since you became famous very early on, but were also released very early in the lore of TPP, you cannot post during the day. You can vote in-thread during the day, however, only the standard forum’s bold ##Vote [user] / ##Unvote command. You may use ##Vote and simple nonalphanumeric expressions to communicate by posting it in unique colors, sizes and fonts, but you cannot post anything unique from this in thread, as well as chat in OC with other non-Dome players.

As your desire for vengeance has grown from your early release (You’re the first TPP release ever), you yearn for the spotlight to be cast on you once again. If one of your partners is to die, you’ll gain an additional power:

  • Battery Jesus: You will gain a One-shot Strong & Strong-Willed Kill

  • Rick Ghastly: You will become a Ninja for the remainder of the game

Furthermore, if one of your partners should die on before Night 2, a time paradox will occur, as you were supposed to be the first to die, and will gain a One-time use Day Vigilante shot, usable by posting in thread [user], I won’t be first again! An attempt on the life of [user] will be made, resulting in an immediate phase-pause and action process.

During the Night, you may respond to your RolePM with - Night X: Quickly approaching [user] for an interview. Since you’re the almighty Jay Leno, you’ll interact closely with [user], and using your rodent senses, notice if anybody comes to visit [user].

You are aligned with the Dome Fossil, and win when all of those who follow the Helix are either all removed from existence or nothing can stop this from occurring.


The legacy could not repeat itself, as while salvation was predicted, none could have predicted the defeat of Twitch.

Twitch? Defeated? How could this be? All Twitch strived to do was achieve success through the most ridiculous and chaotic social experiment ever conceived. Was...was Twitch never meant to succeed? Was Twitch meant to reach the most climactic position of its entire life, only to fail at what it was striving to do in the first place?

scorri has failed to achieve her Win-condition. scorri was...

Dear scorri, you are Twitch, better known as Twitch, the most inept conglomeration of button mashing monkeys on the internet.


Twitch Plays Pokemon is a "social experiment" live streaming channel on Twitch . It began on 12 February 2014 by an anonymous Australian programmer, and the game Pokemon Red. The stream went viral, and it got one million unique views in Pokemon Red. After 16 days, 7 hours, 50 minutes, and 19 seconds, the viewers beat the champion, Blue.
TPP has so far been incarnated fifteen times playing fifteen different Pokémon games, with three of them being randomized versions of rereleases of prior Pokemon games, two being spin off games, and two being fanmade games. The stream is now currently on its sixteenth game. Your life and fandom will never end.

During the game’s many phases, you may respond to your RolePM with – Day X or Night X:

Submit Up: Send [Results] to [Role].

Submit Down: Send [Results] to [Role].

Submit Left: Send [Results] to [Role].

Submit Right: Send [Results] to [Role].

Submit A: Send [Results] to [Role].

Submit B: Send [Results] to [Role].

Submit Start: Send [Results] to [Role].

Submit Select: Send [Results] to [Role].

Since you send whatever you want through Twitch, results may be anything, but will be sent word-for-word, and as unique instances of Results to [Role]’s RolePM. [Results] and [Role] may be the same, or different, and each command can be idled if so desired. These will not replace [Role]’s expected Mod-given results, but will instead appear as an additional “result”.

Also, you control the name of all of the game’s Phase names, by replying to your RolePM during the day with – Day X: With start9, changing upcoming Night X to Night [Name], or Night X: With start9, changing upcoming Day X to Day [Name]. Day 1 will always start as Day 1.

Furthermore, you will not be listed on the Player List, Subs List or IO List, and you will not have access to the Mafia Chatroom or Graveyard Chatroom, unless these are shared with you.

Finally, since you are all knowing, you are aware of all of the Roles in the game, but unfortunately, not who they belong to nor the alignment they belong to. The roles in the game are all listed here, for your convenience:


You are aligned with yourself, and win when the game reaches the state of LYLO. You lose if LYLO does not occur, or if you are ever voted for or targeted by another [user]’s single-targeting action.

Twitch Plays Pokémafia Mafia has ended, with a win for the Dome Fossil faction.

Master Actions Sheet

Twitch's Sheet


Mafia Chatroom (most was on Skype though)

Edited by Elieson
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For what it's worth;

[spoiler=List of Moderator Errors and Mid-Game Alerts/Updates to RolePMs]

Significant Errors

  • Informed kirsche with rice that his Night Vroom vroom Announce->Track results were on Refa (Blitz), when they were actually on Dragonflare7, and updated night results accordingly.

Minor Errors/Clarifications

  • Send acidphoenix incomplete results, followed up with a second set to complete moments after
  • Left Clarification out of Lord Gaius' RolePM, allowing him to engage in OC, under strict rules
  • Provided added clarification to Ken Masters with regards to Night Shenanigans Time results, letting him know that he had not used his action. Not an official RolePM edit.
Edited by Elieson
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Sorry for trusting SB and then subbing out instead of lynching LG/vigging Kirsche. That was my bad.

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Marth targeting you after he watched you. I don't get why he'd fake that as his role.

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Marth targeting you after he watched you. I don't get why he'd fake that as his role.

it was fake as fuck

why the fuck would marth track me lol

A. marth claimed to me so why would he suddenly 180

B. why would I tell Marth to track myself

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