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RNG driving me crazy...


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Is the RNG in this game really THAT bad? I mean, I miss a lot of 90% hits, its not even funny anymore. I can't even rely on three(!!) 80% hits to connect... Sure, it is supposed to miss ever 8 our of 10, but ALWAYS getting those 2 out of 10?!

I do like the difficulty in this game, and I can take a lot of misses... But this is really getting annoying. Any trick to this? Like using low hit weapons, which will (do a bug?) hit more often, then not?

Sorry for complaining, just felt like it, when missing THREE 90% hits in a row and thus letting my Corrin get killed on EP *sigh*

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I don't mind the Fates RNG. Trying to avoid random enemy crits and having to work with hit rates and the weapon triangle to avoid unlucky misses and make sure you kill enemy units adds an extra element of strategy to it. Getting bodied by random crits is more hilarious than frustrating most of the time, and my units get crits off of low chances more often as well.

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It isn't as bad for me though it still is frustrating. Attacks 70% and below usually have a 50% chance of hitting (depending on the unit) and enemy attacks with anything 30%-55% and 80%+ usually hit. Anything below or in between won't normally hit. I only once got very unlucky with a crit when fighting a berserker with only a 3% crit chance. It's worse than the other games I've played but I'd still say it's manageable and adds on to the (sometimes) challenging aspect of the game.

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Finally some RNG luck for me J Getting two 23% hits after each other. I was also a bit suprised that in my 20 tries, always one of the two did connect.

Still I wonder if I should try to get a crit next time, my crit rate is higher then the hit rate XD Crit = 100% hit, right? Thought the same with Luna, Dragon Fang etc, but it seems they can miss when they trigger.

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This is why I have always hated swordsmasters and axe users no matter what game they where in even in awakening an enemy 20% hit was basically a guaranteed hit for an enemy and anything less than 70% would miss any time it actually mattered

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Still I wonder if I should try to get a crit next time, my crit rate is higher then the hit rate XD Crit = 100% hit, right? Thought the same with Luna, Dragon Fang etc, but it seems they can miss when they trigger.

The RNG for Crit rolls only if the RNG for Hit says that you Hit, thats why crits always Hit. 50% Hit and 50% Krit is "in theory" 25% HIt (without Krit) and 25% Krit.

And Skills can miss (doged Lethality a few times already^^), since they are rolled before the HIt RNG rolls.

Edited by 17thSeraph
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Finally some RNG luck for me J Getting two 23% hits after each other. I was also a bit suprised that in my 20 tries, always one of the two did connect.

Still I wonder if I should try to get a crit next time, my crit rate is higher then the hit rate XD Crit = 100% hit, right? Thought the same with Luna, Dragon Fang etc, but it seems they can miss when they trigger.

The reason it looks that way is because whether you get a crit is calculated after the game checks whether you hit - so all crits are hits, but unless you have 100% crit, not all hits are crits. But even with 100% crit, you still need to actually hit to crit! (Damn, reading that hurts my brain.)

Skills can miss because skill activation is calculated before the game checks for hit.

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Yesterday I started a new Conquest playthrough and was playing chapter 7. Arthur and Effie were paired up and dealing with the north enemies on enemy phase, then Arthur got crited twice in a row from a 1% crit display. The first one was blocked by Effie's shield gauge, but Arthur killed the enemy and got dropped by the next one.

When he died he said something like "My one weakness" which I thought was pretty appropriate.

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I know that feel.

Today, on my Birthright hard run, Oboro missed two 91% hit on a Kinshi-Knight on Chapter 11 and guess what? The Kinshi-Knight proceeded to make mince-meat of Hinoka, thus causing me to reset.

Not to mention that my Avatar (dodgetank-samurai) got hit twice in a row by a 12% hit chance from a Wyvern Rider. Luckily, she didn't die due to having some serious RNG-blessed stats, almost everything over 15 by level 14, aside from Mag, which is somewhere around 6 and Def which is somewhere around 12, 11 after applying bonuses from Katanas. Having Sakura nearby probably helped, too.

But on the other hand, Rinkah scored a 5% crit on a Malig Knight that would otherwise have proceeded to kill her, so I guess you could call it even?

Edited by DragonFlames
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I feel your pain, man. As stated earlier, though, it's not as bad as in Thracia where there's no such thing as a guaranteed hit or a guaranteed miss).

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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I feel your pain, man. As stated earlier, though, it not as bad as in Thracia where there's no suck thing as a guaranteed hit or a guaranteed miss).

I take it that Thracia is the hardest Fire Emblem game to date?

Because if that thing is any harder than FE6 it is friggin' impossible... for me at least.

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I take it that Thracia is the hardest Fire Emblem game to date?

Because if that thing is any harder than FE6 it is friggin' impossible... for me at least.

Not really. A lot of the "difficulty" comes more from BS.

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I take it that Thracia is the hardest Fire Emblem game to date?

Because if that thing is any harder than FE6 it is friggin' impossible... for me at least.

Well to put it into perspective. FE 5 healers can miss healing you and you can't rely completely on any unit because they'll be too fatigued causing you to use other sets of units. I think some other FE's are harder than FE 6 but yeah nothings topping Thracia and I doubt anything will.

Edited by Raguna
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