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Did IS purposefully made Awakening a bad game?


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Everytime I read news that Awakening would have been the last game in the series had it not made that profit mark. I love Awakening for what it is but as I hear more people complaining that it has serious flaws, I'm just wondering.....did IS really wanted to make Awakening fail like that?

They could make Awakening units have feet but they chose not to, they could analyze the maps carefully and make them creative to satisfy the fans but they didn't and they could have made the best story but they didn't.

So....does IS really want to stop making FE games really?

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Awakening isn't a bad game. By the most objective standard: Awakening was the best game in terms of sales up to that point.

Some people call it bad because an FE veteran would more likely tear it apart more than a newcomer.

They appealed more to the general public.

Now, is it a bad FE game? That is more subjective to each person. And all those decisions aren't in any way shape or form "wanting FE to die or fail".

Seriously speaking I don't get the OP.

If this is an attempt at a troll topic, it isn't very good.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Don't get the wrong idea here....this isn't trolling. I'm just wondering why Awakening isn't considered great by a lot of people and why people weren't happy with it. And that based on the criticism, IS didn't really look too much into the issues that Awakening had.

It just made me wonder if IS really wanted Awakening to not do well so that they could move on from here.

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You're looking in the wrong places. Like I said, FE veterans tear it apart faster because... well... they're veterans.

Fire Emblem Awakening, despite its flaws, is considered a phenomenal game by much more people than dislike it.

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Why would anyone in their right mind purposefully waste money trying to make a bad game, unless it's a parody/trying to evoke "so bad it's good" which FE13 certainly isn't?

Like I personally don't think Awakening is good but IS didn't design it to get that kind of opinion out of people lol.

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Yes, Awakening shows more of the issues of a rushed game rather than an objectively bad game. As it stands, there was clearly quite a bit of effort put into the game, and its greatest fault in the plot was that it was pretty much directly fanservice as opposed to something substantial. It takes place in Akaneia like 3000 years after FE3 and has a bunch of references to just about every continent on it.

Edited by Lord Raven
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Just gonna emphasise what others said, but what you're describing are the opinions of a vocal minority of fans.

If you do a bit more research, you'll discover Awakening received widespread critical acclaim, which is why it sold over a million co[pies worldwide.

So, to answer your question, no, Intelligent Systems didn't want Awakening to fail, No company with a shred of sanity wants their games to do badly. Plus if they really wanted the game/series to fail, they wouldn't have bothered making a follow up in Fates right? It's not like Nintendo pointed a gun at their heads : P

The no feet thing was blown out of proportions. Intelligent Systems isn't the best when it comes to 3D modelling and they originally underestimated the 3DS's graphical capabilities. What they did was try to cut corners by purposely making the feet "chibi" styled. Later they found out they could fit the feet in, but by then development had progressed too far to make any changes. However they learned their lesson and added feet in the next game.

The simple maps and simple story was a design choice--and "choice" is the key word. There is no right or wrong, just what they chose. It's not hard to figure out why they went this route--chances are, like hinted, they wanted to gain mass appeal, which can only happen if you make things easier to play and easier to understand.

If anything, the existence of Birthright and Conquest shows that Intelligent Systems cares about catering to the new and old fans. Of course, Conquest's story kind of backfired, but it's the thought that counts...

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I want to say that some people think of Awakening as a "mediocre" game as opposed to a "bad" game. But even then, that is compared to the rest of the series and not as a game on its own accord.

But to answer your question, no. No company would purposely try to make a terrible game in an attempt to want to fail. That is lunacy.

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Just gonna emphasise what others said, but what you're describing are the opinions of a vocal minority of fans.

If you do a bit more research, you'll discover Awakening received widespread critical acclaim, which is why it sold over a million co[pies worldwide.

So, to answer your question, no, Intelligent Systems didn't want Awakening to fail, No company with a shred of sanity wants their games to do badly. Plus if they really wanted the game/series to fail, they wouldn't have bothered making a follow up in Fates right? It's not like Nintendo pointed a gun at their heads : P

The no feet thing was blown out of proportions. Intelligent Systems isn't the best when it comes to 3D modelling and they originally underestimated the 3DS's graphical capabilities. What they did was try to cut corners by purposely making the feet "chibi" styled. Later they found out they could fit the feet in, but by then development had progressed too far to make any changes. However they learned their lesson and added feet in the next game.

The simple maps and simple story was a design choice--and "choice" is the key word. There is no right or wrong, just what they chose. It's not hard to figure out why they went this route--chances are, like hinted, they wanted to gain mass appeal, which can only happen if you make things easier to play and easier to understand.

If anything, the existence of Birthright and Conquest shows that Intelligent Systems cares about catering to the new and old fans. Of course, Conquest's story kind of backfired, but it's the thought that counts...

Yeah....the question was lousy and I agree with you that the game is amazing and I love it.

Its just that....I always get the shakes that had this game not have happened, its goodbye and Nintendo needs to value their IPs since their IPs are what is keeping them alive. FE may not be needed for Nintendo but it does help if they can give variety to appeal to a certain type of audience. I mean, Chibi-Robo is gone and I don't think we can expect Metroid to show up anytime soon either.

And really FE is just feels....an amazing series as a whole with its setting and you caring for the characters and using your tactics to take care of them....to see that go away from Nintendo would then beg me to ask Kaga-San to make a spiritual successor to FE.

Well....I only got disappointed at Conquest's ending but I still love the game nonetheless.

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THiere is exactly one instance i could think of of a developer intentionaly Publishing A bad game.

(no that is not a clickbait title. That is the actual title of the game he is reviewing. It's basically trolling of people who sent in games in the hope that they would be published.)

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While I don't think IS intentionally made awakening bad (nor do I think awakening is a bad game) I do feel it's vastly inferior to the older ones...partically compared to the Tellius series (who'd of guessed that someone with an Ike avatar would be praising that series lol).

Edited by Dinar87
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IS main intention to make profit. Whether the game was good or not doesn't matter as long as the game sells. Of course if the game is good, then the game will have a higher chance to do well. However, at the end of the day, the company doesn't care that much if the game is bad or good, all they really care about is money. If the "bad" games make a lot of money, then they will continue to make "bad" games. If the game is good and sells well, then they will keep on trying to make their games good. That is just how business works.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Look, I know that they would really be stupid to purposefully make the game bad. Its just that IS really doesn't have anything now besides Pushmo, Advance Wars and FE and of all these FE, FE is the one that does them wonders.

IS is literally one of the only studios that Nintendo has that does stuff differently. Sure, Nintendo does this too and I'm not saying that they don't but IS just does it more often.

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Awakening wasn't a bad game in any respect, in my opinion. Like almost all stories including time travel, it has holes, but they don't doom the story. The game is dead easy and abusable, but such is the drawback of having so much customization and ability to grind.

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Look, I know that they would really be stupid to purposefully make the game bad. Its just that IS really doesn't have anything now besides Pushmo, Advance Wars and FE and of all these FE, FE is the one that does them wonders.

IS is literally one of the only studios that Nintendo has that does stuff differently. Sure, Nintendo does this too and I'm not saying that they don't but IS just does it more often.

so why would they make awakening a bad game purposefully
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