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Just how long does it take to clear one chapter?


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This is one of the only genres that I need to spend a LOT of time playing inorder to clear just one chapter......and I take like hours to do so.....I mean sure, Genealogy of the holy war does have save states and all but really....unless its something like Birthright, I seriously doubt that a chapter can be beaten in just a couple of minutes?

So how long do you guys take to beat a chapter(s) in general?

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No shame in that. Time spent doing something you love isn't wasted.

I usually clock between 30 minutes to and hour, depending on the difficulty of the map. Of course, that doesn't count numerous resets... (lol)

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Having animations off saves a lot of time. Anyway, if I spend more than half an hour on a chapter it has to be one of the latest and on the higher difficoult, mostly because I always speed-up the game (on Awakening you can speed up by pressing B and even skip animations with L and I play the others on emulator). In fact, the reason why I never finished TearRing is because psx emulators can't toggle speed up.

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It depends on the chapter in question. Some I can beat in just a few minutes, others can take me over an hour to finish. Then there's FE4 where an individual chapter easily takes 2-3 hours to complete.

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Having animations off saves a lot of time. Anyway, if I spend more than half an hour on a chapter it has to be one of the latest and on the higher difficoult, mostly because I always speed-up the game (on Awakening you can speed up by pressing B and even skip animations with L and I play the others on emulator). In fact, the reason why I never finished TearRing is because psx emulators can't toggle speed up.

I didn't know you can do that with the B button.

I'm a slow player too. I took my time with this map. I was training my units. They were close to promoting.


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It sorta depends on the chapter itself and how many times I need to reset, but I know there have been time where I've thought "I can probably finish one more chapter before bed." only to still be there an hour later, only just finishing up the chapter.

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An hour is typical for me for any game that isn't FE4. I tend to read through pre-chapter dialogue and watch battle animations, so those lengthen the experience. In most games, later chapters seem to stretch me even further, and 1:30 isn't unusual. Radiant Dawn's part IV chapters easily took 2 hours each. As for Genealogy, I would say, on average, an hour for every castle that needs conquering.

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One successful run usually takes 30mins-2hrs, although earlygame chapters go faster. Due to having little time, little brainpower and playing hard classic on my first playthrough, Conquest has left me stuck on the same chapter for weeks at a time. I am struggling to accept that I need to turn down the difficulty :(:

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Gosh, it really depends. Chapter 12 in Awakening, i can clear in like under a minute usually. (Galeforks too stronk) But others, like Cog of Destiny in FE7 can take like an hour.

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One successful run usually takes 30mins-2hrs, although earlygame chapters go faster. Due to having little time, little brainpower and playing hard classic on my first playthrough, Conquest has left me stuck on the same chapter for weeks at a time. I am struggling to accept that I need to turn down the difficulty :(:

Honestly, I won't blame you if you decided to use casual mode in this game. Birthright however is a joke compared to Conquest. Still though, Conquest is a blast from start to finish!

Man, I wish future games will take less time to complete chapters while at the same time, have creative maps as well. I've been playing Holy War for about weeks now and for one chapter, its taking hours and hours to complete! No wonder this game couldn't show up in the west.

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Depends heavily on the size and complexity of the chapter. FE12 has a ton of small maps that can drag out due to the brain labor they require.

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It really depends on the size of the map, the number of units you're using, and the number of enemies there are, as well as the type of mission it is, and maybe some other factors too like how tough the enemies are. In general, I find the earlier in the game you are, the quicker the map will take to complete because you tend to have less units on both sides, smaller maps, and weaker enemies, though this obviously isn't always the case, merely a general trend.

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