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Alvis (Spoilers)


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Was the reason, Alvis brought Deirdre out in Ch 5 because he was hoping that she would not recognize Sigurd?

Then when Deirdre did recognize him, did Alvis send her back inside because he was freaking out at the realization that Sigurd was Deirdre's first husband?

Edited by quasimopho13
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Was the reason, Alvis brought Deirdre out in Ch 5 because he was hoping that she would not recognize Sigurd?

Then when Deirdre did recognize him, did Alvis send her back inside because he was freaking out at realizing that Sigurd was Deirdre's first husband?

Sigurd was hoping that Diedre would appeal to Arvis to save him. When Arvis decided to execute Sigurd anyway as part of his plan, Sigurd saw it as a betrayal. Arvis sent Diedre away so that she wouldn't have to witness the horror that was the Battle of Belhalla. I think Belhalla almost bordered on Pyrrhic for Velthomer, as half of Chalphy's forces under Sigurd escaped, although not unscathed, especially Raquesis, Tailto, Briggid, and Lewyn.

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Was the reason, Alvis brought Deirdre out in Ch 5 because he was hoping that she would not recognize Sigurd?

Then when Deirdre did recognize him, did Alvis send her back inside because he was freaking out at the realization that Sigurd was Deirdre's first husband?

I think this is a perfectly valid conclusion actually.

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I guess the idea is why bring Deirdre out in the first place?

Manfroy says to Alvis something like "hopefully Deirdre doesn't find out the truth"

Alvis replies (hesitantly?) "N-no we're in love".

This leads me to believe that he wanted to test Deirdre's memory of Sigurd, hoping that she wouldn't recognize him (implying that she was never married to Sigurd).

When the opposite happens (she recognizes Sigurd faintly), Sigurd tries to jog her memory.

Then Alvis (abruptly?) replies "That will be enough" and sends her back into the castle.

I think "That will be enough" was Alvis getting nervous at realizing Deirdre really was married to Sigurd. I'm guessing he had trouble coming to terms with it and sent her back inside before it could sink in too far.

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I'm not sure if It answer your question, but in the designer notes was written that Arvis let Deirdre see Sigurd because he was so worried that Deirdre could leave him alone that he couldn't control himself.

I'll put the part about that:

Although he had no interest at all in girls, when he first saw Diadora he fell in love at first sight, which may have been influenced by his mother complex. After marrying Diadora, he noticed that Diadora often seemed to be another person, and was afraid that one day she would leave his side like his mother did. Gripped by this thought, he lived his days with great unease (so we can see how much he loved Diadora…) and heard rumours that “Sigurd’s wife had gone missing”, leading him to carefully watch Sigurd. So during Chapter 5, he progressed with his plan (to let Diadora meet Sigurd), which was caused by his inability to let go his endless worry. He obviously shouldn’t have checked, but he was unable to control himself; that was the extent of Alvis’s sorrow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wouldn't ask this question seeing as how in the end, Alvis realized that he was used by Manfloy and he fell in despair to the point that he even gave the tyring sword back to Seliph(sort of) so that he can get himself killed by Seliph.

The real wonder though is how the hell can he have such nerve to kill his own younger brother Azel? I really love Alvis as a villian but at the same time, I feel more sorry for Azel than for Alvis.

I do feel that I would've liked to see the whole game completed with the third part as it could've summed up the entire game's mysteries.

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I wouldn't ask this question seeing as how in the end, Alvis realized that he was used by Manfloy and he fell in despair to the point that he even gave the tyring sword back to Seliph(sort of) so that he can get himself killed by Seliph.

The real wonder though is how the hell can he have such nerve to kill his own younger brother Azel? I really love Alvis as a villian but at the same time, I feel more sorry for Azel than for Alvis.

I do feel that I would've liked to see the whole game completed with the third part as it could've summed up the entire game's mysteries.

Given the Thracia 776 retcon, Azel isn't dead. He's just a statue. He might appreciate a pick me up from Sara, however.

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Yeah but since that section is scrapped, it wasn't final was it?

It still leaves open for interpretation of what happened.

The only thing certain, though, is that Yied Shrine do houses petrified people, which include from the Battle of Belhalla. Or at least, as far as rumors go according to August.

That said, Azel's fate is up to interpretation. If you believe Alvis to still be sincere about his statement that Azel means so much to him, and if Azel didn't escape or died in the battle, then you could think Alvis tried to soften any possible punishment. Keep in mind that, at the time, Sigurd and company's status of traitors was likely to have strong support that Alvis may not be able to overturn. So even if people called for execution and Alvis complied, there's a chance it was not what he wanted.

But well, this is just pure especulation.

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I always saw it as sick way of self reassurance. Not only did he show Sigurd that Deirdre was his but he'd also show to himself that Deirdre was his alone and that Sigurd wouldn't mean anything to her anymore. When that didn't go as expected he quickly had her removed from the scene and fried Sigurd.

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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It still leaves open for interpretation of what happened.

The only thing certain, though, is that Yied Shrine do houses petrified people, which include from the Battle of Belhalla. Or at least, as far as rumors go according to August.

That said, Azel's fate is up to interpretation. If you believe Alvis to still be sincere about his statement that Azel means so much to him, and if Azel didn't escape or died in the battle, then you could think Alvis tried to soften any possible punishment. Keep in mind that, at the time, Sigurd and company's status of traitors was likely to have strong support that Alvis may not be able to overturn. So even if people called for execution and Alvis complied, there's a chance it was not what he wanted.

But well, this is just pure especulation.

From what we know about Alvis I think him sparing Azel is a more likely option than the alternative. If Deirdre and Manga Azel are anything to go by then Alvis is quite clingy and devoted to the people he loves and he's the type of well intended villain that makes me believe him when he says Azel means the world to him. Because of both Alvis soft spot for those close to him and his apparent selfishness I think he would have pulled strings to have Azel survive and put him under very comfortable house arrest.

There Azel could die from depression like Tiltyu, since with his best friend dead, his comrades killed by his brother, his children missing and his wife either dead or being in the process of getting tortured to death if its Tiltyu he's got quite a lot to be depressed about. Its either that or Manfroy arranging a little ''accident'' to avoid having a pesky morality pet whisper in Alvis ear.

I'm not really a fan of the concept where Azel survives and reunites with Tiltyu and his children. Its to convenient an ending for a character from a generation where the point was that there was no happy ending for them. Since it was scraped I don't consider it canon.

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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