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are amibos worth it?

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They are quite good thanks to their weapons, but they can reclass exclusively into DLC classes and can't support with your normal characters so they have reduced interest. And their weapons are locked to their inventory.

Link is from an other franchise, so it's normal that you can't recruit him. And that doesn't bother me because Fire Emblem characters are superior IMO.

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Honestly, I'm least bothered by them. Sure, its good if you have them but I expected better like playing a bit of Marth's story with Marth as the lord instead of him being recruited and all.

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It's not worth it. Ignoring the on-disk DLC issue, they barely unlock any content. You get to play an extremely simplistic map that you can't replay and a single unit that can't do most of the stuff that your other units can do. That content wouldn't even be worth 2€ let alone the 14€ that an Amiibo costs you.

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I dunno, you got any other uses for FE amiibo? If not, then I'm not sure you'll get your money's worth even if you wanted to use the amiibo units.

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Amiibos seem to be a bad investment in general. $14 (or far more if you went to scalpers) should be worth a lot of DLC content but you aren't likely to get your money back unless it's a mainstream series character. The only reason I could see getting one is that you like the figure, but even then, they aren't that high quality.

I'm glad you don't need the Amiibo to unlock their classes.

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I wouldn't suggest it, at least not on its own. In Fates, they're just an extra unit that don't have some of the same benefits regular units would have, so they're not the best characters to have around and not worth the investment. If you have other games like Codename: STEAM and Smash, then it may be more worth it since you're getting DLC across multiple games rather then just one, but otherwise I'd give it a skip.

Edited by Medeus
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Money isn't a big deal to me and I really like having Lucina and Robin. Robin's purchasable tome is really good for forging. Lucina is really fun in my castle battles since Falchion makes short work of avatars and their children.

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