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guy guys guys let's talk about exeggutor's alola region form


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in case you didn't know who or what exeggutor is it's the best pokemon sun and moon alola form it's a gen 1 pokemon that received an alola form and this is what it looks like:

[spoiler=the pic is kinda big]










i need to address something. its fucking tail looks like a freaking swablu.

[spoiler=image comparison]



My favorite part of him though is that...

The meme potential in this pokemon top tier as fuck!

[spoiler=luk at diz glorious dank me-mes]





~professor jirch

disclaimer: this is satire i love alola exeggutor tbh.

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No, the tail looks like the Nokis or whatever from Mario Sunshine.


Why does it work so well.

also, have some more dank memes Exeggutall.





Edited by TrueEm
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i just know this thing from people posting memes everywhere

like, seriously, they're everywhere. tree.

although later i was at my friend's place and he showed me a trailer for this game

i have to say despite the fact that i don't like pokemon and probably won't get this game

the moves where the trainers do ridiculous poses before the attacks seem pretty great

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I'm calling it right now. Aloha Exeggutor is the #1 Best Pokemon Ever. It's stats will be insane. Nothing can stop it. There will be plushies. 300 years in the future, genetic engineers will make this tree a reality. Eventually it is worshipped. A new era begins.

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I'm calling it right now. Aloha Exeggutor is the #1 Best Pokemon Ever. It's stats will be insane. Nothing can stop it. There will be plushies. 300 years in the future, genetic engineers will make this tree a reality. Eventually it is worshipped. A new era begins.

I still want my toilet scrubber.

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