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Phoenix Mode Conquest Autobattle Draft


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so this is basically an idea to get me to finish conquest... I haven't done an autobattle draft before or a conquest draft before so I'm kind of mashing together a FE13 autobattle draft ruleset with the FE14 conquest draft ruleset that Gwimpage just used. I welcome any suggestions.


1. This draft is for 4 players, except 3 players are already auto-signed gg.

2. Corrin, Gunter*, Felicia/Jakob**, Rinkah, Sakura, Azura, Kana, Flora, and Izana are free for all.

3. The game will be played on Normal Phoenix mode.

4. This game will be played with the use of AI commands only (starting Chapter 7)


1. Only the servant who joins you in Chapter 2 is a free unit. The other is a draftable unit that joins in Chapter 15.

2. Gunter is only free for chapters 2-3. He is not free in Chapter 15.

3. Kaze is free in chapters 4-6.

4. All units are free in Chapter 6.

5. Two undrafted units may be used in Chapter 10 without penalty.

6. Camilla is free for Chapter 10, and is available as a drafted unit afterwards starting from Chapter 16.


1. Undrafted units may: Pair up with undrafted units and trade with undrafted/drafted units (but must not be in range of a drafted unit when battling).

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to: pairing up with drafted units, entering battle, meatshielding, healing and supporting with drafted units.

3. NPC units may do as they please without penalty.

4. Paralogues excluding 1x are optional and are free up to 20 turns. If your AI-controlled team takes longer than that, sucks to be you.

5. Challenge battles are banned, as are invasion battles.

6. Use of DLC and Spotpass (including free content and Visitor/Battle rewards) is strictly prohibited.

7. Mozu's Paralogue must be completed before Chapter 9.

8. Using the Branch of Fate option on the title screen to change your Boon/Bane after the pre-route split is disallowed.

Free Actions:

1. Recruiting is a free action. If the AI does not bring the recruiter in range of the recruitee, you may manually move them there.

2. Opening required doors (are there any?) or using required Dragon Veins (such as Chapter 17, apparently) is allowed.

3. Units may pair up on the first turn.

My Castle Rules:

1. You may build, upgrade, and use any of the following: Armory, Staff Store, Lilith's Temple, and Hot Springs. Use of the Private Quarters is allowed ONCE in between each chapter.

2. You may build and upgrade any Siege weapon for the purpose of recruiting Flora.

3. You may not trigger any conversations in My Castle.


1. Corn may chose any gender, Boon/Bane. They may also chose any non-Dragon (Malig Knight or Wyvern Lord) talent and cannot reclass into the Dragon class line through A+ or S rank inheritance.


1. Using an undrafted unit results in a 10 turn penalty per chapter.

2. Giving a non-free command results in a 4 turn penalty per command.

Chapter Exceptions

Chapter 10: You can have drafted/free characters Wait without moving them anywhere instead of using Auto. You can also just manually do this chapter, since it's a Defend chapter and it doesn't affect turn counts.

Chapter 11: You can manually move units (but not do anything else) in rooms without enemies, move them up stairs, and move off the stairs after going up. However, you must Auto for those units once they are in a room with enemies.

Chapter 12: Corrin can manually escape if in range. You may either break 5 pots OR break 3 pots and use the Dragon Vein.

Chapter 15: You can manually escape with units in range of the escape tiles, or move them towards the tiles if all enemies are dead.

Draftable Units Left



1. Jedi - Silas + Sophie, Selena, Xander + Siegbert, Charlotte, Gunter, Shura

2. Refa - Effie, Leo + Forrest, Keaton + Velouria, Odin + Ophelia, Benny + Ignatius, Shigure

3. CT075 - Camilla (Chapter 16), Elise, Niles + Nina, Laslow + Soleil, Mozu, Dwyer

4. BBM - Beruka, Arthur + Percy, Peri, Kaze + Midori, Nyx, Felicia/Jakob (Chapter 15)

Edited by BBM
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whoops my bad I'll make that change

Thanks! Also its been quite some time since we drafted, I was just talking with SRC about the Horsetheft one like a few days ago too haha.

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confirming those picks

edit: actually after having started (I NEED SOMETHING TO DO WHILE PACKING OKAY) i can't actually find the autobattle option. i assumed it'd be turned off for prologue and potentially chapter 1 but i want it for chapter 2 dammit

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