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Is It Ok to S-Support Nowi When...


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When I first played Awakening I thought the only reason Ricken and Nowi were in the game was so younger players would have a pair up option close to their own age. I always figured that most of the people marrying them would be middle school kids and older players would marry older characters. So its fine if you are a younger player to marry some one your age and when you play when you are older to pick some one older.

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If you are that worried about it, choose the build for you MU that looks really young. (i think its like build 1)

Awesome; so in ADDITION to being a stalker, Tharja is also an ephobophile? Cuz that's how Tharja's gonna seem if we go THAT route :P .

Edited by FionordeQuester
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The way I see it is, she is much like myself, behaves like a child most of the time even though she's not. It's actually a somewhat endearing character trait and I couldn't give two flying cow shits at what anyone says regarding me saying that.

I do so many things in video games because I would much rather be a shut-in that enjoys myself than someone that goes and causes trouble for others.

The only opinion that matters is your own. Only you have to deal with anything you find troubling after that decision.

Heck, if you want perspective, I married Lucina. She was practically born yesterday. But she's still technically legal when you marry her so there's nothing wrong with it.

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Heck, if you want perspective, I married Lucina. She was practically born yesterday. But she's still technically legal when you marry her so there's nothing wrong with it.

The pendant in me declares that backwards. In the practical sense she was not born yesterday. She has physically aged and matured a full 20ish years. However technically by law her birth cert would state she's only a few weeks old.

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The way I see it is, she is much like myself, behaves like a child most of the time even though she's not. It's actually a somewhat endearing character trait and I couldn't give two flying cow shits at what anyone says regarding me saying that.

I do so many things in video games because I would much rather be a shut-in that enjoys myself than someone that goes and causes trouble for others.

The only opinion that matters is your own. Only you have to deal with anything you find troubling after that decision.

Heck, if you want perspective, I married Lucina. She was practically born yesterday. But she's still technically legal when you marry her so there's nothing wrong with it.

But here's the thing; you have demonstrated very clearly, just by posting that, that you are indeed capable of thinking and acting like an adult. So we KNOW that you aren't a child; you just choose to act in ways that some might perceive as childish because you're you. And that's actually a very healthy way to be, if I do say so myself (in fact, I would even argue that I'm kind of that way myself).

But with Nowi, we just don't know. I can't remember any conversations that actually depict her as someone who can think and act like an adult with all their faculties intact. And considering Japan's track recording for sexualizing things they really ought not to sexualize...

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Nowi was the first character I had Robin S-support with, since I didn't know what I was doing at the time. She became my favourite character in the entire game because of that one support and many of her conversations she has with other characters (most notably her dialogue with Tiki in Harvest Scramble, with Panne in Summer Scramble and the supports with her daughter) reinforced that fact.

As many others have said, it's a game. And the actions you undertake in said game should have no impact on what you do in real life, so all is fine.

Also, it turns Morgan and Nah into unstoppable killing machines, so there's that.

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I married Nyx, Hayato and Percy and enjoyed them all.

I married Nyx. I never really saw her as a "little girl" until I heard her voice. Like, her face doesn't look super girly, like, say, Midori and Elise (who are much more "little sister"/daughter types).

I married Ophelia, Shiro and Rhajat. No shame.

Not sure what I'm supposed to interpret here. Is it because they're "children" characters? They look in their later teens.

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I married Nyx. I never really saw her as a "little girl" until I heard her voice. Like, her face doesn't look super girly, like, say, Midori and Elise (who are much more "little sister"/daughter types).

I personally always saw Nyx with the body of a very petite young woman.

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On only a somewhat related note, I had Oboro paired with Reina for like three maps before I heard the former's voice and realised Oboro was meant to be a girl. (I then paired Reina with Arthur for a few maps before realising she can only support the Avatar). I'm usually quite good at picking up on Japanese androgyny but that one really threw me fore a loop and on retrospect I'm not really sure why.

Edited by Jotari
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If you're fine with dating a thousand-or-so-year-old, then go for it.

Alternatively, not taking the game so seriously, like others have said, could be the way to go. Honestly, I'd say Lissa looks around the same age, if not younger than Nowi. Mozu also looks around that age, if not younger. You don't hear much judgment for "waifuing" them, because neither of them are a thousand-year-old dragon acting like a child. Hell, if you want to get serious, let's talk about how fucked up it is that you can date the future adult versions of your friends' children, who are only babies in the present. But there's little criticism about that. If anything, your best friend's recently born baby girl is one of the most popular waifus in awakening.

Making babies with a childish one-thousand-year-old dragon is far from the most morally questionable thing in the game.

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If you're fine with dating a thousand-or-so-year-old, then go for it.

Alternatively, not taking the game so seriously, like others have said, could be the way to go. Honestly, I'd say Lissa looks around the same age, if not younger than Nowi. Mozu also looks around that age, if not younger. You don't hear much judgment for "waifuing" them, because neither of them are a thousand-year-old dragon acting like a child. Hell, if you want to get serious, let's talk about how fucked up it is that you can date the future adult versions of your friends' children, who are only babies in the present. But there's little criticism about that. If anything, your best friend's recently born baby girl is one of the most popular waifus in awakening.

Making babies with a childish one-thousand-year-old dragon is far from the most morally questionable thing in the game.

I reckon Nowi gets more flak because she dresses somewhat more skimpier than Lissa (who's playing a different trope). Everything about Nowi's dialogue also hammers home the fact that she is a child where's Lissa, while young, comes across as someone who wants to help and is acting as mature and responsible as she can.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm just gonna add another person saying to not take it seriously. I really hate people whining about these kinds of things. I view it as purely fictional, I don't question any silly real-life society restrictions in a fictional scenario in a fictional world with fictional people in it, I just marry who I like as a couple. my favorite husband for Nowi is Lon'qu, and that's probably one of her most childish supports. I just found it adorable. Who cares what other people think?

Besides, look from their perspective. Nowi and Nyx are stuck in these bodies forever. So they should NEVER get to marry anyone because they look young? That's silly thinking. Especially for Nyx, who appears to have matured mentally. She might find it gross to date little boys similarly to how people think it would be gross to marry her. They're not actually kids so I don't view them as kids to begin with. Also, I'm a baby-faced individual myself at 21, and I certainly hate being viewed as a little kid, not being able to get married because of my baby-face would be devastating.

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