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Most Forgettable Royal

Captain Karnage

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I just realized that Hinoka was in this game, like I completly forgot that she was even in this game

she has little to no barring on the story and I'm pretty sure that she gets more screnetime in Conquest

so who do you find to be the least memorable royal

if you can remember

Edited by Captain Karnage
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Hinoka is just boring. After I was finished birthright, I forgot about her so when I tried to remember the royal family I just went "Sakura, Takumi and Ryoma" and then I realized I was missing someone and I had to google it to remember it.

She is easily forgettable really.

Edited by Princess Lore
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I just realized that Hinoka was in this game, like I completly forgot that she was even in this game

she has little to no barring on the story and I'm pretty sure that she gets more screnetime in Conquest

so who do you find to be the least memorable royal

Agreed. Lol.

Hinoka and Sakura are close, but Hinoka takes the cake.

On the other end of things Takumi is the most memorable...

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Azura. I often even find myself forgetting that she can use Dragon Veins. She most certainly never feels like she is anyone's sibling. Or even a human being for that matter.

I can never forget Hinoka. Her humping Corrin's leg in Conquest is one of that story's most memorable moments because of how utterly baffling it is. It most certainly left more of an impression that any of Azura's apathetic therapy sessions.

Edited by BrightBow
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Mm... In the context of the game itself from most memorable to least it probably goes... Xander>Camilla>Elise>Sakura>everyone else about equal.

When I'm creating fanfic/fanart though, generally speaking Takumi gets next to nothing from me, so him, I suppose? He doesn't really have anything that captures my interest, while Leo, Ryoma, Azura, and Hinoka can at least lay claim to participating in various character dynamics (platonic and/or romantic) that I find interesting.

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In the narrative, the crown goes to Hinoka most likely since she was never in the first drafts to begin with and served more to create a foil to Camilla.

In gameplay as a unit definitely Leo since he suffers from every stat pretty much being average while everyone else is really good in what they specialize in.

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From what I've heard, Hinoka isn't even in the original script written by Kibayashi, hence she has little plot importance. I've even heard that Kagero was intended to be the older Hoshidan sister but got replaced by Hinoka for that role due to Kozaki's favoritism towards Hinoka and requesting for her to be part of the royal family.

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Mm... In the context of the game itself from most memorable to least it probably goes... Xander>Camilla>Elise>Sakura>everyone else about equal.

When I'm creating fanfic/fanart though, generally speaking Takumi gets next to nothing from me, so him, I suppose? He doesn't really have anything that captures my interest, while Leo, Ryoma, Azura, and Hinoka can at least lay claim to participating in various character dynamics (platonic and/or romantic) that I find interesting.

No Takumi? Really? He's easily one of the most relevant/memorable. Also, Takumi has the most amount of fan art.

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Azura is the combination of not too great unit (too frail, can't promote, utility is very risky to use and often times would be outclassed by just having a second attacker) and bland as fuck story role. Half the time she doesn't even feel like one of the royals, just Generic Mystery Princess #567-B.

Hinoka has little role in the plot but the subtexts in her supports (that her focus on getting back Corrin has left her estranged and distant with her younger siblings) can be interesting, it's just a shame that the writers never thought to expand it beyond simple subtexts. As a unit, I can't say, never bothered to put time into her lol.

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No Takumi? Really? He's easily one of the most relevant/memorable. Also, Takumi has the most amount of fan art.

Different strokes for different folks haha.

I think he's certainly relevant in the game... but his role isn't really... that original to me? So I don't find him memorable. He's just another angsty, misunderstood squish-baby boy to me. And I've already got Leo there as the flavor of angsty, misunderstood squish-baby boy I prefer anyways (which isn't saying much bc I just don't care about this character type).

Takumi certainly has a lot of art (though Leo or f!Corrin probably challenge him for the most?). I just meant he doesn't get any art from me. I draw characters and relationships I like, but I'm pretty sure I've drawn this kid... once? And it was because he won a fan poll I ran to boot. So that's what I mean by personally unmemorable. It doesn't occur to me to draw him myself.

To be clear, I don't think he's everyone's most forgettable royal, but for me, he's the one that gets the least thought outside of when the game tosses him at me.

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It's probably Hinoka since she's barely memorable and has shitty character. But if we ignore Hinoka, it's probably Camilla, the only reason why she's even popular is because of the controversial around her.

but If I rank the lords from most favorite to least favorite myself, I'd say it goes like this:


If you're wondering why Elise is so low it's mainly because of how I view Sakura as a written-well character, and how I cringe a lot at the comments or things Elise makes/does.

Edited by RoyLKing
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Hinoka's easily the most forgettable sibling. I think even the game itself forgets that she exists at times.

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If we're not counting Hinoka, I agree on Sakura, but reluctantly so - Sakura is probably my personal second or third favourite Royal. She and Camilla have probably the least plot/story relevance after Hinoka, but Camilla is more memorable, I think, if only for the wrong reasons.

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Taking away Hinoka, I think it's just end up a conga line of the sisters until we reach the last one since the brothers got a heck of a lot more involvement even if they're just bland serious older siblings in the case of Ryoma and Xander while Takumi and Leo narrative are hard to not remember.

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I don't really find any of the royals unmemorable because of the countless advertising for them even if Camilla, Hinoka, and Sakura have little plot relevance. Also, they all have something going for them:

Ryoma: OP unit

Hinoka: Helicopter scene

Takumi: Something Nohrian something scum and Conquest in general

Sakura: That one moment in Conquest (too lazy to put a spoiler)

Xander: Birthright moments

Camilla: Fanservice

Leo: Cool

Elise: Birthright moments

Corrin: The main character

Azura: The 2nd main character

I guess if I had to choose someone, it would be Hinoka.

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Taking away Hinoka, I think it's just end up a conga line of the sisters until we reach the last one since the brothers got a heck of a lot more involvement even if they're just bland serious older siblings in the case of Ryoma and Xander while Takumi and Leo narrative are hard to not remember.

I wouldn't call Xander bland. His supports are good while his role in the main story is awful. He's effectively two characters, and while I dislike him heavily (or at least his main story version), I don't think it's fair to call him forgettable. That's just my take on it, of course.

I'd also say Ryouma is far less memorable than Camilla, if only for the wrong reasons. Same with Azura, who only shows up when the plot is ready to progress and Corrin is looking at her like a lost puppy.

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