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Have you ever played a game you find "perfect"?

Magical Glace


60 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you played a game you find perfect?

    • Yes
    • No, and I doubt it could be done.
    • No, but I think it could happen.
  2. 2. Zera asked what's more perfect

    • Tetris
    • Geometry Wars
    • Dragon Quest VI
    • Chrono Trigger

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It's like complaining that a perfect square doesn't have a good story. It's true but the lack of a plot is detracting from the fact that its a mathematically perfect square. At least that's the way I view it.

this is so perfect, good job

I actually never played Geometry Wars (yes, I live under a cave) but it looks fun. I'll give it a look.

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I kind of feel like it's hard to reproduce the "robotron zen" in geometry wars. While still a vicious game, it doesn't force repositioning in the middle between waave, so you can more comfortable kite enemies in circles and don't have to constantly break out from the middlle in order to start the pattern. I also don't like some aspects of the scoring, since with collecting geoms, you are kind of encouraged to kill enemies in small groups when you can get away with it, so that you don't miss pickups, instead of firing constantly. Also despite the more complicaated enemy patterns, you aren't backed into a corner so often as robotron because all enemy types are shootable and there are no invincible hulks randomly cluttering things up. I also personaly feel like chase type enemy waves aren't mixed with things that hang around the edges, which leads to the player controlling enemy movements for a larger percent of their scoring run. (robotron's tanks and spheriods) Geometry wars doesn't force you to look for information other than enemy position very and openings. It's a contrast to the tanks that can bounce their shots off walls to circumvent the player's ability to shoot down their projectiles and basically forcing you to be ready to shoot away from enemies while in the midst of weaving through them to get the edge and begin circling to prevent being cornered..

I like geometry wars, but I'm confused about my ability to feel calm during a twinstick shooter... it just seems off to me.

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I haven't really played Robotron, but I don't think Geometry Wars is trying to create the same experience. The geoms encourage you to replace the enemies you shoot - if you strafe back and forth without following the path of destruction, your score will suffer. Since enemies are always spawning, you must always be shooting to survive. Since you're always shooting, you must constantly weigh the rewards of collecting geoms against the risks of chasing after them. I don't think Robotron has anything like that.

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The closest i can think off is Monster Hunter 4U

Since games are impossible to be perfect, i simply take one game that almost hits it as far as "what i wanted from a game".

- Character customability with the Armor system. Really only way they can improve this is to make your own character customizable as well(or some flashy skillz but that would kill what makes MH games, and MH games)

- Randomly Generated optional Content(they could do this better though). To put it on a simple explanation, i really like doing Battle Tower on Pokemon. They done it with the mechanics on GQ

- a very long timespan for gameplay, yes this is caused by forced grinding, but i don't really mind it

- Difficult enough to keep you on your toes, without being what i like to call "forced" mind numbingly difficult(lets just say i had.... issues with the way FE12 does its balancing by making your characters dead in like 2 hits on the early game. Same can be said for FE13 and FE11 earlygame)

- Tons of options regarding how you want to play the game, admitably only weapon i ever used was Greatsword

- Bulky Main game with a very extensive Post game content. Games that "begin when you finish the main game" is the best lol

and most importantly being on a handheld so you can play it anywhere

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Super Mario Sunshine.

To be serious, no. Resident Evil Revelations throws an extremely powerful enemy at you in chapter 3 which is nearly impossible to beat in one try if you don't know what you're doing. He also has a OHKO attack which might surprise you if you're up close. The final boss is pretty hard even on casual, especially with the bad evasion mechanics.

Resident Evil 6 has way too much action for a RE game and after the first three Leon chapters it doesn't feel much like an RE game.

Super Mario Sunshine has some bad levels the lava boat that require some skill to beat. Again the lava boat.

That's the thing about your favourite games. You can acknowledge their flaws while still liking them.

Edited by Devil Bringer
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As far as I care, a game's perfect when it doesn't have any meaningful flaws (how meaningful a flaw is is subjective of course); judging from the responses on this thread, I'm probably not the only person who holds this point of view. If we're going by the literal definition of the word perfect, though, Tetris is the best answer (although thinking about it, Geometry Wars is a pretty good answer as well). I'm not particularly fond of Tetris, though, which is why I think going by that definition is arbitrarily limiting and, more importantly, boring.

Yes, I have: The World Ends With You. Although there are some parts that aren't as good as they could be, there are no bad parts of the game whatsoever. Everything, from the music to the writing to the gameplay, is great. The battle system isn't some deep system that takes forever to master; it's simple and yet enjoyable. The game also has several of my favorite boss fights of all time; Sho Minamimoto and the final boss especially are great. So yeah, I can't find a single flaw with The World Ends With You.

Yeah, TWEWY was fantastic. Adding to what you already mentioned, I really enjoyed the art style of the game (I first became familiar with the game when I downloaded sprites of the main characters from an RPG Maker resource database). Additionally, the game was deceptively complex, but not in a way that hindered you from enjoying it.

2. TWEWY has, right on the save screen, an indication of your exact percentage of completion. It is explicitly telling me "Hey, here's a number that could be 100. Can you get it there?" I like to exhaust all the challenges a game has to offer, and if it is perfect as a whole, all of these challenges should be comparably fun to playing normally.

Sounds like a personal problem.

I apologize, I didn't quite see that part but even then I think I've been trained for a bit too long to be objective in these cases, but I appreciate letting us go on to say why we believe them as perfect.

You can't be objective when discussing something that's inherently subjective, though.

I also cannot think of any real flaws in Shadow of the Colossus other than that the control scheme might turn some people off from even trying it out.

Speaking as someone who's played the game for five minutes, the only thing I can see putting me off is the frame rate.

I doubt it. I know that my favourite games have their problems:

1) Pokémon GSC: That level jump between Gym leader Blue and Pokémon Trainer Red...well, let's just say that I gave up when I found out about that. Otherwise, I love how it was heavily based on real-life Japan, or even real-life Earth with actual mentions to real-life places; it would have made the franchise a near-unique RPG had later generations (except XY) didn't turn their back from this concept.

Man, that level jump was great. It showed (without any dialogue, might I add) that Red was still a level above the gym leaders and you by comparison. Just like Red presumably got way better than Blue by grinding his Pokemon on a mountain for forever, you too have to do the same (unless you're great at the game because you probably played Pokemon Red and have already gone through his/your journey, then you don't need to do any grinding at all).

Pretty sure later generations are based on real life locations, though...Kanto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh are all Japan, Unova is America, and Alola is take a wild guess.

Final Fantasy 6: Doing a Blitz move is a pain on the ass, especially on a keyboard, and I doubt it's any easier with a controller buuut...i never used a controller so I'm not too sure about that.

There are simplified Blitz commands (as in, no diagonals required) that are easier to do on a keyboard.


Oh, right. This is the part of my post where I'm supposed to nominate some game that I view as perfect. Fuck. Let's go with Mega Man X. Being one of the well regarded Mega Man games, it has what you'd expect: Stellar level design, fantastic music, cool enemy designs, and an interesting linear/non linear progression. However, Mega Man X goes one step beyond by giving meaning to your progression (if you don't know what I mean, Egoraptor did a great Sequelitis on the game) and not having any bullshit moments like some of the previous great Mega Man games did. Also you can do a Hadouken. That definitely is what makes it perfect.

Edited by Refa
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During my first (and only) run of X5, I immediately fired the Enigma and the space shuttle after the opening stage and they both failed miserably. After that, I struggled through the final stages, got the Ultimate Armor, and proceeded to cheese my way through the rest of the game.

So I'm pretty unfamiliar with how much fun the Falcon Armour is. It does look really cool, though.

Edited by Refa
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X5 Falcon Armor is kinda like the only time in Megaman X where you can really say "fuck you im cheating through the game" moments. Its probably not as broken OP as Ulti or like X6 Zero with Guard Shell but its kinda up there

Its Buster can pass through walls and most important feature is really its ability to omni-direction fly which can lead into some clowny stuff like some Sigma stages with platforming where you can skip most of it with Falcon Armor by flying diagonally up

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Favourite games are a wierd thing. I acknowledge TWEWY is a great game, but it didn't do too much to me, for some reasons.

​However, I absolutely loved Wild ARMS, despite the fact this game is incredibly flawed.

Pretty bad graphism, battles takes forever , and the plot is kinda silly. But it has likable characters and an amazing soundtrack. Wild ARMS II was great too, through far from perfect. The KnightBlazer was an interresting idea, too (Something that is realy broken, but fundamentally wrong in story).

I also like Shining Force II a lot, even if it has some clear problem. Some characters are really broken (Peter comes to mind immediately, or Battle Monks) and that ending scene is really bad (Accidental fantasy racism.). Still, it's really fun, with a really cool soundtrack.

...Now that I think about it, the soundtrack plays a really big part in my appreciation of a game. I can forgives tons of flaws, if a game have great music.

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If that second question in the polls is a series one then Chrono Trigger should probably be added to it. I've seen quite a lot of people proclaiming it flawless in this thread.

Edited by Jotari
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If that second question in the polls is a series one then Chrono Trigger should probably be added to it. I've seen quite a lot of people proclaiming it flawless in this thread.

The third option is mainly a joke on my part, but okay.
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X5 Falcon Armor is kinda like the only time in Megaman X where you can really say "fuck you im cheating through the game" moments. Its probably not as broken OP as Ulti or like X6 Zero with Guard Shell but its kinda up there

Its Buster can pass through walls and most important feature is really its ability to omni-direction fly which can lead into some clowny stuff like some Sigma stages with platforming where you can skip most of it with Falcon Armor by flying diagonally up

and then it becomes shit on X6, despite being amazing on X5. My only issue with the Falcon Armor in both games (on X6, my issues list is much bigger) is that its shot is very thin. Its flight function was really fun and useful on X5, but X6 makes it almost useless.

During my first (and only) run of X5, I immediately fired the Enigma and the space shuttle after the opening stage and they both failed miserably. After that, I struggled through the final stages, got the Ultimate Armor, and proceeded to cheese my way through the rest of the game.

So I'm pretty unfamiliar with how much fun the Falcon Armour is. It does look really cool, though.

Reminds me of one run when I focused all the heart tanks and played as Zero throughout the game only to have the game drop me the Maverick Zero ending and make my run almost impossible to complete. The Enigma and Space Shuttle mechanics were interesting ideas but it's messed up in practice when you lose your main like that.

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and then it becomes shit on X6, despite being amazing on X5. My only issue with the Falcon Armor in both games (on X6, my issues list is much bigger) is that its shot is very thin. Its flight function was really fun and useful on X5, but X6 makes it almost useless.

Reminds me of one run when I focused all the heart tanks and played as Zero throughout the game only to have the game drop me the Maverick Zero ending and make my run almost impossible to complete. The Enigma and Space Shuttle mechanics were interesting ideas but it's messed up in practice when you lose your main like that.

Yeah but X6 all form of X had that surprisingly abusable X Saber

Its funny how long it take for me to realize the X Saber is actually good

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Oh, right. This is the part of my post where I'm supposed to nominate some game that I view as perfect. Fuck. Let's go with Mega Man X. Being one of the well regarded Mega Man games, it has what you'd expect: Stellar level design, fantastic music, cool enemy designs, and an interesting linear/non linear progression. However, Mega Man X goes one step beyond by giving meaning to your progression (if you don't know what I mean, Egoraptor did a great Sequelitis on the game) and not having any bullshit moments like some of the previous great Mega Man games did. Also you can do a Hadouken. That definitely is what makes it perfect.

My only issue with MMX is that I can't really figure out how to fight sigma's final form effectively. I've been X2-X4, but not X.
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Yeah but X6 all form of X had that surprisingly abusable X Saber

Its funny how long it take for me to realize the X Saber is actually good

How is the X Saber good? I think it is slow and it's a waste of time for just one close ranged attack with moderate damage.

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