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Resurrecting Units


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Until Fates was released it was nearly twenty years since we saw a way to resurrect dead units in Fire Emblem (discounting the two remakes). Something that was a bit of a staple of the series in the early games and something I personally thought we would not see again. Yet Fates brought the idea back without any fanfare to the extent that it might as well be non existent in the plot. How do you feel about Resurrecting Units in Fire Emblem games? Is it something you want/expect to see in other games? Do you think it should be entwined with the plot in some way or is it better off as a useful item that might as well be non canon?

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I've never used it but I genuinely feel that if they just once used it in the story of a game, it'd be fine.

Honestly though, I feel it's a little bit redundant with Casual mode being an availability but obviously, not everyone plays casual mode.

I'm genuinely indifferent about it.

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I think it would be an interesting idea to give you the resurrection staff earlier than in the penultimate chapter. That way you can revive a character you actually care about at a time when it matters. The Bifröst staff in fates is pretty bad anyways as it is hard to get to S rank in staves when playing efficiently and Arm Scrolls should be used on other characters.

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I think it would be an interesting idea to give you the resurrection staff earlier than in the penultimate chapter. That way you can revive a character you actually care about at a time when it matters. The Bifröst staff in fates is pretty bad anyways as it is hard to get to S rank in staves when playing efficiently and Arm Scrolls should be used on other characters.

Not to mention it's not even an "Aum". The character you lost had to have been the last unit who died on your team, in that map.

Edited by Ritisa
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I would like to see it if it was important to the plot, say a special character who is not the lord sacrifices themselves to save lord and then another character pulls out said staff and brings them back because they are so important. I never have used one and I am slightly mad about the Bifrost staff because the only one I want to bring back I can't because of story reasons ( the only unit I lost).

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I actually didn't need to use the Aum staff because none of my characters died.

Nor do I let my characters die kek. I tend to restart straight away.

There's a way to have both Nagi and Tiki alive in SD and it's letting Tiki die to get Nagi and then reviving Tiki with Aum.

I'd like to see it in a similar fashion to Chrono Trigger where the main unit dies and is revived afterwards. It's applicability in gameplay is really lame because it depends on factors like restarting, casual mode and if the staff is accessible to most units.

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I don't think they really work with the current play modes. Obviously if you play Phoenix or Casual, you don't need it and it seems like a lot of the Classic players will reset after any death. Even if you did play on after a death and revive that character later, they might be too underleveled to put back into your team.

So here is what I'd suggest. Include an Iroman mode that has revive items you can purchase (expensive) or just a limited amount you can find in chests. In this way, you can have a challenge mode that gives a little leeway in the event the enemy lands that 1% crit on your favorite unit.

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Being able to resurrect a unit sounds amazing on paper, but in practice, it's generally hampered either by availability or other limits that take away its practicality (the Bifrost staff in particular suffers from both, but Aum and Valkyrie ain't much better off, especially the latter). And even if it wasn't hampered by either, as stated earlier, most Classic players would instinctively restart then and there if a unit died.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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I do like the idea of revival staves, but I think they should be difficult to obtain since a revived unit can save a player a costly reset. Do you really want to reset for the filler units three hours into the chapter? Revival staves can then be used to bring them back, but they should only be 1-use/really hard to get another. (3-2's Aum is trolly:

it has five uses... that can be used only after the final boss dies. I was planning on using it to sneak around the deployment limits...

I don't think the Fates method is good: we should be allowed to revive whoever we want, whenever we want!

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I do like the idea of revival staves, but I think they should be difficult to obtain since a revived unit can save a player a costly reset. Do you really want to reset for the filler units three hours into the chapter? Revival staves can then be used to bring them back, but they should only be 1-use/really hard to get another. (3-2's Aum is trolly:

it has five uses... that can be used only after the final boss dies. I was planning on using it to sneak around the deployment limits...

I don't think the Fates method is good: we should be allowed to revive whoever we want, whenever we want!

By 3-2 I'm guessing you mean Fire Emblem 3 Book 2. In which case I'm guessing the intended use of the staff was to resurrect the maidens after Medeus eats them.

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I generally don't mind it existing as long as it's very limited; I thought FE1's way of doing it was pretty good, having it be a single opportunity to revive one character very late in the game. I do agree that such a staff would be a little pointless outside of Classic Mode, though.

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There are some interesting ways to implement it, sure.

A while ago a came up with a staff idea for a future game/hack/thing. It is a 3-5 use staff that summons a zombie/spirit of the last unit who died (only usable by witch/warlock/necromancer/summoner class line). They only last until the map's end and gain +2 to all non-hp stats, but their hit points are equal to the staff user's magic stat. Any experience they gain is transferred to the staff user who summoned them.

Pretty darn powerful when you can purposely zombify your prepromote to temporarily gain a "stronger" version of it. Or you can just recycle your disposable units.

Edited by DLuna
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