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Do you like using characters who are not great/inferior to others just to see how they will turn out?


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Usually this mindset allows me to find out I prefer other units who I didn't consider to be all that good when I first played the game, compared to the units I used regularly, such as Felicia in Fates.

Since I usually play as F!Corrin Felicia started out really late. But in a Birthright play through I got her Shuriken and Tome Breaker and had her marry Ryoma. She turned out really well.

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Still playing through Gaiden. I'll take anyone who can hit the enemy, I don't care about the rest.

In other installments and even other games, then yes, definitely. I prefer using the characters I like rather than tryng to go for an optimal team. It's my Pokémon philosophy as well.

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I've only ran through FE7 once and I never dropped Erk. I assume I got very lucky because he didn't cause me any problems. Heck, I even had him using Forblaze at the end because his Anima was so high by then. Maybe I just got lucky but I dunno...

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I've only ran through FE7 once and I never dropped Erk. I assume I got very lucky because he didn't cause me any problems. Heck, I even had him using Forblaze at the end because his Anima was so high by then. Maybe I just got lucky but I dunno...

Um... Neither, Erk, Pent, or Nino can use Forblaze. Edited by Just call me AL
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Um... Neither, Erk, Pent, or Nino can use Forblaze.

Then what the hell was I thinking? O.o

It's been a while since I played it though so I'll assume I forgot what it was that I did specifically...

EDIT: Turns out I had a Save State of it. My memory is absolutely abominable. I don't even have a clue of how I came to that conclusion and I'm sorry I wasted your time correcting me. :(

Edited by Light Strategist
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For the most, I'm not exactly the most hardcore FE player, and so I wouldn't really know which units are objectively good or bad, so I don't really make decisions based on that. That said, I do always use any trainee units available on my first playthough of a game, so I guess that counts.

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I tend to use who I like even if they are not the best units and every time I play I try to use a different team just to see if I like a unit better then I did when I first played. This is probably why I like using Donnel and Geoffrey even though they are not the best units in their games.

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The entirety of my Awakening team. I use everyone. Though that's probably due to the grinding and Second Seals, letting players constantly level up. Same can be said for Fates, though I haven't played that in a while myself. Sacred Stones and New Shadow Dragon/Mystery of the Emblem to an extent as well.

In other words, yes.

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As the competitionist that I tend to be, I will give all units plenty of uses in games with various support conversations that are displayed for return viewings. Though I will often gravitate to any characters that appeal to me, regardless of use, of course I've been known to be ignorant to the specifics of characters plenty of times.

So yes, I will use whoever I think I'll get use out of, no matter the overall rating people put on them.

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I'll use anyone I like or amuses me, even if they start out weak or remain the weakest the entire game, like Knoll from SS or the thieves of all fire emblem games( Dew, Matthew, Legault, Rickard e.t.c)

Still, I try to use every character I get, whether they're good or not.

Edited by Flee Fleet!
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I didn't even look up growth rates on characters until I became a member of this community so I always used who I thought looked cool/had an interesting personality. If they under-performed too badly I'd bench them.

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Considering that I responded to this topic, I might as well answer, myself.

I often support grind. So using characters that aren't so great when compared to others is a given for me. The only exceptions I'll make is FE4, where you pretty much have to use everyone, and FE11 and FE10, where the harder difficulties kinda limit your unit choices because of how strong the enemies generally are.

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yes because the whole point of replaying FE, is to try out strats and guys you havent yet. I use who i want.

^ What this raging emperor said. I like replaying Fire Emblem (probably been through FE7 nearly ten times), but there's not much point if I'm going to be using the same units every time. I consider it a long-term Fire Emblem goal to use every character, and make them a part of my main army, at least once. If we're talking about particular "inferior" units that I really appreciate, or have put special emphasis on, there's Ilyana (both FE9 and FE10), Tsubaki, and Ewan, to name a few. That being said, I haven't really used notoriously bad characters (Arden, Wendy, a solid third of the Archaneans, to name but a few), at least in recent memory, so maybe I'm not as diverse-minded as I could be.

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I do it all the time. I find it fun to use characters people always find useless or lesser to others, and it applies to almost all the games I play.

Right now I am on a mission in Revelations to make Gunter at least usable. Doesn't have to be great, just usable.

Before that I was using Nyx in Revelations (never understood the complaint with her, spend a bit of time grinding and give her some stat boosts and she performs just fine.), I used Bastian in Radiant Dawn and Path of Radiance ( I liked his character better than all the other mages).

The play through I am doing with Revelations atm is going to use all the lesser characters, or at least most. (I cannot stand trying to use Hana). I got tired of the Royal characters being such a crutch due to how good they are, so I am using all the lesser ones I can within reason. Even thinking of using some of the captured characters like Nichol.

Edited by Tolvir
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I make it a goal to eventually use every character in an FE in a run at least once, so yes (only managed this fully in Elibe & Tellius so far), also I have certain character bias in other games such as Caeda in FE3 Book 2 and FE12 despite the fact she isn't the best flyer anymore in those games I still use her pretty much every time.

FE9 Zihark, occasional use of Est units, Neimi. Yeah it just varies, i'm a weirdo who knows optimal character choice but does whatever anyways lol.

Edited by Jedi
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My favorite character I put effort in was Aran in RD. I actually benched Nephenee in favor of him and I still have not added her back to the party. I made it a tradition when playing through PoR to train up Mist and Rolf. Mist is practically required at a shot to get Nasir and Rolf... I just like little Rolf. He's so cute. I also have a tradition of using Ilyana and Zihark, despite being somewhat overshadowed by Soren and Mia/Ike respectively.

Fiona, however, I hate her. I drop her ass all the time.

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