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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 3 Reunion


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For a time, Claire remained still - hearing, but not really listening. The world and its mastermind were too much to overcome - perhaps if they were elsewhere they would've stood a chance, but they didn't even know what Malaphar's world was. Did he create it? Or did he just reduce it to the sorry state it was in now? Would Owen and Emmet's words accomplish anything, or were they only delaying the inevitible?
Too many questions. She struggled to her feet, managing it this time, although she didn't feel any better for it. Angus' silence just added to her nerves - the Kearney had come across loud and impulsive from the second they'd met. For him to say nothing and remain practically motionless made situation even more alien. Claire didn't want to think anymore - panic had set in long ago, and if they couldn't find a solution soon, it would be the death of them.
Yet at the very end of Malaphar's monologuing, perhaps he let slip the answer.
"There will be more than enough time to eliminate you all."
Her eyes widened. Maybe we're not dead yet.
In an instant, Claire turned her head to face Nelon, in a hurry to confirm her theory. "This world isn't sustainable," she started, almost tripping over her words as she spoke. "The amount of energy to create this place must be massive." Whether Malaphar had stolen or created his messed up world, that didn't make a difference. At some point, they had to emerge again. And no matter where that exit took them, it couldn't be any worse than this. "We just have to survive until then, right?"

Her eyes were back on Malaphar and his plantlife by this stage, sizing them up. Emmet was right about one thing: Malaphar wasn't as invincible as he liked to pretend. Of course they were outmatched, but if she was right, they still held an advantage. For Malaphar to get what he wanted, he would have to kill them all - whereas all they had to do was survive.
That was of course, easier said than done. But it was something.
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It was almost as though speaking with Sebastian had triggered some unseen mechanism. As soon as the man left, Alain felt a strange sensation in his chest, a heavy, nagging feeling. It was not unlike what he had experienced moments prior from Malaphar, but not quite the same either. Amidst the cacophony of thoughts in his mind, there was one voice he heard that was not his own. A foreign presence, but not all that unfamiliar. "Was this world always like this?" It was a question that he had no business asking, posited by a voice that wasn't his. His eyes grew wide, his expression full of surprise. Was that not Owen, he'd just heard? Or was his mind playing tricks on him? Maybe not. The weight in his chest served as a clue that perhaps something arcane was afoot. Slowly, he made his way to where Serge, Morganna, and Emily had gathered. He wasn't quite sure what was happening, but perhaps Morganna might? As he made his way over, he tried to quiet his inner voice. Hearing Owen once could have been a fluke. A trick of the mind, though he hoped otherwise. A second time, however? A second time would make him sure.

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Meanwhile, Doug was sailing through the sky above the campsite, looking for signs of their disapparated companions. That wizard was heavily wounded; surely he couldn't take them terribly far.

"Maybe they didn't disappear at all? What if they were turned invisible and have been at the campsite this entire time? Man, I wish I could be invisible. All the places I could sneak into..."

The search continued, Doug looking for any signs of movement while also imagining all the x-rated shenanigans he would get into.

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"As much information as I could? I wanted to know what was going on, what was your goal." Owen repeated himself, "If you were at least reliable enough to impart this much, I'd have healed you. And if our ideals were too different, we'd part ways --but I can already see that now." The prince had to moderate how irritated he was. Could this man really be so self-centered that anything other than absolute subservience was an offense to him?

Owen didn't turn his head back to look at Claire when she spoke --he felt taking his eyes off of Malaphar was too dangerous--, but paid attention to her words enough to frown slightly. Not self-sustainable... is this what Nelon saw? How can I make use of this? "Is destroying me all you wish for, now?"

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Out of Time

"Your ideals are incompatible with life, Owen. I was hoping you had more sense than your father... but a fool will father another fool." Malaphar smirked, they were beginning to put the pieces together, but it was all too late - he was certain about his superiority and victory. "Then I don't think I have any more words for you, Owen. Only I can reside in this realm for prolonged periods of time, but your life shall not leave it. Goodbye, Owen!" he laughed, the menacing joy he showed rather unnerving.

"Prince Owen, you must flee." Nelon warned, drawing his sword. "My theory was that Malaphar expends great amounts of energy using his abilities, he can only afford to perform actions he deems crucial. I will distract him, by the time he has defeated me, you should be safe... or at least I hope so. I've observed his previous battles, he is most vulnerable when he is faced with multiple threats... he cannot use his power as liberally as it appears."

Ushering the others back, Nelon looked at Malaphar, his menacing throne of vines beginning to carry him closer to the group. The man was clearly mad, and letting him get his hands on the Prince would be disastrous. More vines had snaked from the the ground near him, twisting as they started to target Owen's group. Each was a good ten feet long, and a few inches thick, cutting through them wouldn't be too difficult - if they would stay still.

Listening in

Whilst the previous echoing voice had faded from Alain's mind, it was soon met with another distant phrase.

"Your life shall not leave it. Goodbye, Owen!"

It wasn't the same voice from before, the cruel sadistic tones almost identical to Malaphar's. It was clearer than the one from before, far closer, far more present. Nobody around him seemed remotely aware of these utterings, either he was going mad or there was a deeper connection that only he shared. The rest of the party were preparing to search the area for Owen, even Doug had taken to the skies.


Doug's search had provided fruitless, there hadn't been a single person, even a clothed woman, that he could see in the surrounding area. It was a testiment to his imagination for anything he could think of. However, a pegasus had begun to fly alongside him. It wasn't the two girls he'd met before, it was the other Valter sister, Decima. She seemed to have had the same idea to scout the area. Looking across at Doug, she gave him a nervous wave, taking her time to actually say anything.

"Hello? I haven't seen the Prince yet... have you had any luck?" she called out. "I'm Decima, one of the sisters... I don't think I recognise you."

Edited by Shin
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A Redneck's Resolve

All talk of a weakness to Malaphar's world was lost on Angus. His focus remained on one thing alone: the wizard's neck, too whole by half for the mooncalf's taste. Still, there had been some chance Owen knew better than to strike; that he was fully in control, and his knight did not understand. Not anymore. The only delay of Angus' attack was rent in two with as many words.

"Goodbye, Owen!"

Angus' toes tear into the blackened grass, hurtling him with a wordless roar. The world around him, sickened and twisted as it was, grew blacker than ever. Only the enemy, glorying on his throne, still existed. One swipe of the axe was all that the tendrils merited; Angus could not slow. He could not flee alongside Owen, no sooner than he could have turned to strike the prince. There was no tactical consideration. No subterfuge. There was no regret for broken promises, no fear for the noble souls that faced their death. No concern for what would befall his animals, his serfs, his friends, his nation when the dust finally settled.

He was engraged, trapped in a hateful world with no hope of victory or escape, charging into the jaws that would surely pierce and tear and break and wring the life from him as a bear's would a fawn. Even Owen's survival would be better served by leaving the wizard and the baron to their own devices, prolonging the Prince's life at any cost.

Angus Kearney could not care.

Edited by Terrador
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Claire nodded as Nelon confirmed her theory, although there was no time to rest on it. Nelon's willingness to sacrifice himself didn't sit well with her though. It had been Claire's fault they'd been dragged into this nightmare world in the first place, and she wasn't going to let- "Angus!"

Her eyes bulged. What the hell was he thinking? Was he even thinking anymore? Even for him, this was a new level of stupid! He seemed to be making progress cutting through the tendrils, but what did that mean when the wizard waiting just past them could probably incinerate him in an instant?

She hastily threw a gust of wind over Angus's head, aimed at the the throne of demon, slightly above the wizard. Striking him directly was unlikely to work, but if she could bring down the throne and distract him, maybe there was a chance to stop Angus from killing himself. I swear to Engel, Angus. If we somehow get out of this, I'll kill you. This world was her mistake. Nobody else had to die for it.

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As the others tried to combat the threat head on, Emmet choose to flank his enemy and attack from the side. He wasn't sure when Owen's retainer had been able to observe the sourcerer but his theory right now was as good as any. Facing Malaphar from the wizard's rightside, Emmet let loose a shot from Pinaka, choosing to withold the magical aspect of the bow.

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Doug's search had provided fruitless, there hadn't been a single person, even a clothed woman, that he could see in the surrounding area. It was a testiment to his imagination for anything he could think of. However, a pegasus had begun to fly alongside him. It wasn't the two girls he'd met before, it was the other Valter sister, Decima. She seemed to have had the same idea to scout the area. Looking across at Doug, she gave him a nervous wave, taking her time to actually say anything.

"Hello? I haven't seen the Prince yet... have you had any luck?" she called out. "I'm Decima, one of the sisters... I don't think I recognise you."

Doug's wandering mind was pulled back into focus; he was being addressed. Better yet, it was a girl! He had seen her around the camp, but was not particularly familiar with her. Luckily, she didn't know who he was either, which only boded well for him. Doug had a feeling someone was spreading rumors about him, causing all the women to shy away from him. Advantage: Doug! Best of all, she wasn't bad looking at all! Purple hair, athletic build. Doug was suddenly reminded why he chose the life of a pegasus rider in the first place.

"Nothing yet. I'm starting to think he's turned invisible," Doug replied before going into a bit of bragging. "Yep, saving the prince a second time is going to be a bit more difficult. By the way, I'm Doug, or rather...Count Doug, Lord of Dougistan. But please, call me Doug."

An inviting smile encouraged further conversation.

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It seemed as though no one else was really paying attention to Serge, though that wasn't really an issue. More of a minor inconvenience. It seemed like nobody really had any idea what to do, which was a problem. Then again, what could they do? That stupid wizard had teleportation powers or something, they could be anywhere. Serge tried to remember what Malaphar said last. "Hmmmm... His world... What the heck does that mean?" He placed his hand to his head, tapping his finger on the side of his forehead. Did he have his own world? Was that even possible? There had been immortal pale murder twins, so at this point he was willing to believe a lot of things.

Serge looked around, trying to think of something, but then noticed someone else missing. "Say...Has anyone seen Scuttle?"

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Fleeing through Hull’s alleys amidst pitch blackness and strange screams was a difficult task for a four year old.

Doing so with a limping grown woman supported around her shoulder was just too much.

Susan ran as fast as someone in her position could, too afraid to turn back. Too afraid to see how close they were coming. One step forward at a time, keep breathing and dontcompletelyfreakout.

“Oh my god. Ohmygodohmygodohmygod.”

There was a haze all around her, as voices came as echoes of words that stabbed straight through her heart.

“Susan, put me down, I’m fine,” a familiar voice broke through her panic.

“No, you’re bleeding, mummy. You’re bleeding and there are men with knives coming after us. Mummy, why are there men with knives coming after us?!”

“They’re coming after me. Wait for me at the park, Susan, please.”

There were more of them. Wicked death rictus in the shadows so pallid and inhuman it chilled her already frigid bones. Warped shadows dancing off the dimly-lit walls. Silver glinting off the moonlight.

She stopped.

Susan hugged her knees, inconsolable in a cradle of babbling sobs.

A second passed. Maybe one more. Maybe a lifetime. A silence, stretched.

Then came the exhale. She had been holding her breath.

“Mummy, they’re gone. We’ve lost them. We’re safe.” The sense of relief she felt was overwhelming to the point of delirium. She was still crying.

“Yes, we are, Susan. We’re safe.” Her breathing sounded laboured. “Will you let me down for a moment?”


The elder woman sighed heavily. "I'm curious to find out . . ." Her teeth pressed down on her lower lip for a moment, and then she extracted his hand from beneath her shawl and Susan saw there was a bright patch of scarlet on her upturned palm. "To find out how badly I've been stabbed."

Susan brandished her knife.

She never learned to hold a knife properly - the way she held a dagger was like cut glass. She had seen it used only ever once though she didn’t remember where, knew that one stab in the jugular was enough.

Susan didn’t remember much about her childhood before Javier. There were fleeting images though. Shadows chasing through shadow. Knives and blood. A park. A swing. A letter.

Don’t let her story end here.

The feeling. That she remembered. A sensation of sinking deep down, like she was a rock carelessly thrown and plummeting into a dark well. It felt like drowning. It felt like suffocating. It felt old and small and . . . buried.

She glanced into the mirror she had dropped when she saw Morgana’s colourful handiwork to her hair that morning. The face that stared back was her own, but not her own. Just jagged shards of glass, forcing her to watch the thousand warped reflections of herself as they chanted we broke you, we broke you.

Her mother’s promise had been a lie. Javier’s tales had been a lie. Scuttle was a lie.

It was a defence mechanism of sorts, when the walls would rise, and the laughter would mock, that sickly knowing coiling in the belly like a viper, ‘I told you so. Now let me handle this.’

Scuttle made her live.

Susan let her survive.

Susan scraped her blade against a roughly-hewn rock, absentmindedly watching the sparks light up the darkness.

we broke you we broke you

No, they broke Scuttle.

Susan would piece her back together.

Edited by Frostivus
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My ideals are incompatible with life? Is that all you have to say? Owen's frown deepened. There was no getting through this man, his mind acted of its own accord and saw things the way he deemed fit. For a man whom acted as if he knew so much, he accepted no other viewpoint but his own.

Everything after that point escalated quickly.

Malaphar said his farewell to the prince, claiming to take his life soon. Nelon had other ideas, begging the prince to run away. His explanation of Malaphar's abilities... made surprising sense. The wizard's words took new meaning with Nelon's assumption in effect.

"Only I can reside in this realm for prolonged periods of time, but your life shall not leave it."

Then he was bound to be expelled from the world in due time, then? His life rejected it as much as it rejected him. Malaphar, in his tremendous power, only had a limited amount of time to take the prince's life. Then...

"Try to catch me, Malaphar." Owen drew his sword, his feet turning as if he was primed to dash away. "I'm the only one you want, surely you can do that much in a world you reign? Or are your magic tricks as void of meaning as your threats?" Malaphar didn't seem to be able to resolve multiple tasks using his surreal power at once, if watching him during the cultist's battle served any purpose. If Nelon's theory was right, it made sense that whatever energy he used was limited. Owen only had to force his hand and make him choose, and his vassals --Engel bless them-- gave the perfect opportunity.

Owen dashed away into the bizarre world's fog. If Malaphar had any pride as a self-perceived god, he wouldn't let him escape by any means, but that also meant he couldn't use his powers to scoff at his vassal's attacks.

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It didn't take long for Alain's suspicion to prove itself true. As Owen's voice faded away, a new one soon took its place. This voice was louder, much more authoritative and vocal. Much more clear. Alain shuddered under his robes, quickening his pace. It was a single sentence that echoed through the chasm of his mind, "Your life shall not leave it. Goodbye, Owen!" His heart sank further and further. Were they too late? Had Owen been slain? What of the others? Just what kind of world were they talking about? Had Malaphar taken them to some plane of existence out of their grasp? What sort of man had the power to do that? What sort of magic did it take to craft a world as a god might? How was Malaphar so strong, so obviously beyond Alain's capability? And why, why was he hearing these things? What was he supposed to do? Was this punishment from Engel, for straying from the light? Was he the only one hearing these things? Questions, all with no answer.

All but one.

"M-Morganna," he said, clutching onto the woman's sleeve. His face was pale, and sweat permeated from his brow. "Tell me, do you hear them? Am I the only one? Surely not, right?" he said, a nervous laugh surfacing for a moment, before giving way to silence. He looked to and fro, between Emily and Morganna, and neither woman seemed as phased as he was. He let go of her sleeve, trying for a moment to compose himself. He took a deep breath, and steadied himself before continuing. "Listen, I... This might sound a little far-fetched, but given what's happened, I hope you can consider the following. Just these past few moments, I've heard something. From Owen... Barely though. I think he was speaking with Malaphar, he asked him about "the world". I heard Malaphar's voice as well... Closer to me, far more powerful. I don't know what to do," he said, his anxiety slowly resurfacing. "I fear the worst has already happened, but maybe there's time yet. If I can hear them, would there be a way to see them? Maybe for them to hear us? To follow them perhaps, or to lead them back?" He posed many question for the woman, but he wasn't expecting much. She was his senior by a few years at most, if he didn't know, he doubted she would either.

Am I supposed to just sit here and do nothing?

Ignorance was bliss, and knowledge was power. For once in his life, he thought he might have preferred to remain ignorant.

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Beat It

Malaphar had expected Owen to run, it was the most sensible option considering how blindly loyal his minions were. Nelon had joined Angus in his charge, approaching head on alongside the Baron. The two knights had already made a charge, charging head on towards his menacing vines.

"You really think that you can take me on like that?" Malaphar scoffed, commanding two particularly thick vines forward. "Dedication is only a virtue when it is backed by the power to carry it through!"

Their combined charge was halted by vines, shooting at the knights at a frightening speed. Angus felt a sharp pain in his shoulder as one's spiked tip glanced him, crashing against his armour violently. A foul dark fluid spurted from it as his axe cleaved through its shaft, the tendril flailing wildly, lashing at Angus the best it could. It wasn't going down without a fight, leaving its master Nelon was fairing similarly, hacking away with his blade as he attempted to fend it off. The vine pounded against his chest, intent on felling the man.

Malaphar watched as Claire and Emmet went for a less direct approach. Raising a vine forth from the earth in the nick of time, Malaphar grunted as the dampened blade of wind whipped him, forming a shallow cut across his chest. That girl annoyed him, he hadn't expected her to stay as well - without his powers she'd have hit his throne. Emmet's arrow suddenly came rushing in, grazing Malaphar's cheek as the wizard made a rapid reaction. These people were intent on stalling him... were Owen's minions really that loyal?

Speaking of Owen, the Prince had run. Malaphar smirked, he wouldn't have the time to finish him this time... but he could do something more spiteful.

"Owen, I believe Nelon said that he was willing to die to buy you time... let's see your loyalty!" he boasted, his smug superiority still present despite his assault. Before Nelon could react, a tendril had appeared behind him, its tip viciously spiked and thick, primed to pierce his back. "May you become breakfast for the buzzards!"


Moonlight Madness

Morganna had been searching around with the others, her luck as poor as everyone else. Turning to face Alain, she noted the exasperated expression he possesed. Was he not well, terrified of Malaphar? She hated to admit it, but Morganna was powerless compared to the sorcerer, his control far greater than her simple illusions. "Voices? Prince Owen? I'm not sure what you're talking about." she replied, baffled by his panicked state. "You need to calm down, are you really hearing them? Is this a power you've been hiding from me? It takes a great deal of power to be able to listen from afar... are you really as junior as you've made me believe?"

It wasn't a matter of power or superiority, did Alain actually have proof the prince was safe?

"What else did they say? Where could it be coming from?" she asked, curious as to how Alain was so shocked by what he heard. Had he been aware he could do it?


All Glory to Dougistan

Decima wasn't sure if the prince had really become invisible, but had this... man(?) saved Prince Owen before? He was a noble, so it wasn't that farfetched, and she'd heard rumours of an ugly pegasus rider and a dungeon, but it couldn't be him, right?

"Oh, Doug... that's very nice of you." Decima replied, somewhat perplexed by his forwardness. "I don't think I've heard of you before? My father did say that there were some new nobles... but he was too busy talking about Ang-... Baron Kearney. Are you the other one?"

He seemed pleasant enough, he'd been decent enough to introduce himself. Perhaps there were some normal people like her in the Prince's group, everyone else had been so loud and strange.

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Malaphar knew him too well.

Owen stopped in his tracks at the threat cast to Nelon, looking back as the wizard hadn't bothered to follow him at all. Do you mock me? Do you spite me? Won't you come chase me like the prideful god you call yourself? Of all things... Owen gritted his teeth, growing furious at Malaphar's actions. He was no god, he didn't even act like one.

If his last resort was to be spiteful, so would Owen's be.

"Damn you and this world, wizard!" He held his sword like a throwing weapon, tossing it Malaphar's way. The prince had gained too much distance to help the Baron, the whole incident was just barely not covered by fog from his position. He wouldn't get there in time, but maybe his sword could pierce the wizard true, or just scratch him, or be blocked by a vine. Anything. Owen cursed his weakness, his magic ineptitude, his poor leadership. There was nothing else he knew to do in that situation aside from that foolish, petty move.

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Alain shook his head, trying to regain some sense of composure. "When I heard Prince Owen's voice, it was muffled and distant, distorted even. I thought perhaps I was going mad, or my mind was playing tricks on me. I thought to pass it off, but just now, I heard Malaphar speaking. His voice was far more close, more potent. Can you really not hear him?" he questioned. It was rhetorical of course, but he found it hard to believe he was the only one who was hearing the voices of Owen and Malaphar. There wasn't anything special that set him apart from other mages, not that he knew of anyway. Is it because I've started practicing Belial's magic? Perhaps that was the key, but he had no way of proving his theory so it was a moot point regardless.

"I haven't been hiding anything," that was a blatant lie, "it's not something I'm doing consciously, and I don't know if it's even something I'm doing," he said. "So far, all I've heard is Prince Owen questioning Malaphar on his world, whatever that means. And Malaphar boasting that Prince Owen was soon slated to die. That's all. I don't know if things are happening as I'm hearing him, or if everything's come to pass already. In the grand scheme of things, hearing them doesn't really help us or them I suppose..." he sighed, oblivious to the deeper machinations of whatever sort of arcane power was at play. All he could figure to do was pray for their safety and hope that the next thing he heard wouldn't be Owen or the rest at death's door. "Damn it.."

Though he wasn't sure if they would appreciate the name of Belial being invoked upon them.

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Dammit. Her spell had ricocheted and hit the wizard, but he still seemed to be in control. They had good news - Malaphar had to be expending a ton of energy in order to combat all four of them at once, but that quickly vanished when he threatened Nelon directly and Owen returned.

Hurling his sword at the wizard was a desperate move at best, if they hoped to save Nelon, but perhaps it created an opportunity. Claire hurriedly shot another spell low, towards the tendril threatening Nelon. She hardly had time to aim it properly, relying on sheer force rather than precision to carry it forward.

Edited by SB.
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Malaphar's tendril darted forwards, piercing armour as it drove into his back. Nelon let out a pained cry, losing his balance as he began to crumble. Nelon could feel his legs grow weak, the world around him fading, perhaps this was death?

"Prince Owen..." Nelon spluttered, blood dripping from his mouth. "Please... flee..."

It would have been the end of the knight, the vine was intend on shooting through his chest and he was powerless to stop it.

But Claire wasn't.

Claire's blade of wind shot forth at a wicked speed, tearing through the vine as it made contact with Nelon, causing its body to drop to the ground spasming and oozing. Precision hadn't been on the mage's agenda, the force had been enough to cut into Nelon's back, felling him like a tree. Hitting the floor, Nelon cried out in pain, his blood starting to pool under him. Malaphar barely had any time to gloat, any other time he would have began to mock Claire for killing her own ally, but Angus and Emmet were still very dangerous.

As was Owen.

Either by his own aim, fate or dumb luck, Owen's sword hurtled through the air, his blade glimmering in the darkness. Malaphar watched in horror as it flew towards his face, ready to impale itself in his skull. He would have had no time to react to such a reckless move... but Owen's sword simply vanished from in front of Malaphar. A trickle of blood dripped down the man's forehead, trailing past his nose. Letting out a malicious laugh, Malaphar raised his hand.

"Fair well Owen, perhaps I'll have more time during our next encounter..." he sneered menacingly. "Because I'll be preparing for it."

And with that, Malaphar and his world disappeared from view, the void they'd passed through entering the strange realm replacing it. Their exit wasn't as prolonged as their entrance, an unsettling hurtling feeling engulfed them all, as if they were being thrown out of Malaphar's world.



"I really can't, Alain." Morganna replied, highly suspicious of the man. His words made no sense, how and why was he experiencing these strange hallucinations? Perhaps he was mad after all? Her questions would have to wait, as a loud thump drew her attention.

Without any sign or warning, Owen and his group suddenly dropped into existence, at the exact spot Malaphar had vanished from. Owen's sword dropped to the ground in front of him, the blade's tip wet with blood. All his group had returned, Angus, Emmet, Claire... even Nelon, who looked like he needed urgent attention. The man was still breathing, but he was lying limp on the ground unresponsive. There was a brief moment of silence, Esclabor, the Reliants, all of them were silent, completely in awe of Owen's return. Malaphar's evil aura had lifted, his presence was completely gone, although the bitter aftertaste of his actions was still very real.

Morganna was stunned, how and why had Alain mentioned what he'd heard at that exact moment. Had he caused this to happen? There were so many questions, and no answers that she could find.

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Serge stood in shock. Everyone who had been taken was back. But not without casualty. Nelon was lying down, blood coming out from a hole in his chest, not to mention a nasty cut on his back. He ran up the fallen Baron, kneeling down to him, feeling his neck. "...There's still a pulse. I need healers, now! There's still a pulse!" At this point, Serge didn't care that he was barking orders at people he didn't command, Nelon's life was at stake. He turned Nelon so that he was on his back, then lifted his torso up so he was sitting. This would at least slow down the bleeding of his wounds. He could see some blood was coming from his mouth, too. "Dammit...Hans! Lars! I need some cloth! Anything! Quickly! And somebody find me Larissa, for Gods sake!"

Edited by Dandragon
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Owen held his breath. For a moment, it seemed like things would work out. Nelon's cries echoed through the vile fog, but his sword was flying true. It was aimed straight for Malaphar, as if guided by a higher force... or was it finally the prince's strength showing itself? He wouldn't know. He didn't even care that much. All he wanted was for that to stop, for the vileness known as 'Malaphar' to end.

It was a moment too late. His blade had vanished before properly connecting with the wretched wizard's skull.

Owen's eyes opened up wide, the anger mixed with a plethora of feelings he couldn't quite pin down. Why? Why now? Why won't he die?

The wizard said his farewells, leaving with a sinister laugh as the world around them faded. They were leaving. They had done it, somehow. Yet, one image burned in the mind of the young prince.

Malaphar's face, his forehead dripping blood. Despite the odds, despite his power, he had done it. Owen harmed the self-proclaimed god. In his own right.

So long, Malaphar... The prince did not speak and closed his eyes, readily accepting the void between worlds. I'll be preparing myself, as well. I won't let you harm those I care for again, not my sister, not my country... not Angelcynn. One day, I'll rid you from all worlds.

There were still many questions left unanswered, many truths on the verge of being unburied, but that mattered no longer. The prince only had one care, after that strenuous morning. His mind wished to become one with the void, if only for a moment.

And so, silence reigned...



He felt himself hit the ground, his body had hit land, there was a metallic clank near him as well. Owen opened his eyes.

It was the fort, he had returned. He slowly stood up --part of him wondered how he even remembered to do it--, and looked around. Everyone was there, mostly everyone, anyways. No sign of that wizard... But there's nothing to say he won't appear later.

One of the mercenaries caught sight of Nelon immediately and seemed to panic at the sight, calling for immediate help. That knocked Owen to his senses quicker. "Sir Emmet! Is your staff still with you? If not, find it, we need to treat Baron Nelon's wounds." After the order, the prince looked around hesitantly, "How long has it been? Is everyone safe?"

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Claire had managed to react quickly enough. The tendril striking Nelon's back had been flown far into the air of Malaphar's world, landing just in front of Claire. Not that she noticed.

She saw the wizard's lips curl into a smirk, and then he began to bleed again. But the world was silent, and Malaphar's status had quickly become an afterthought. After a moment, she propelled herself forwards towards the fallen knight, caution thrown to the wind. Fortunately, no more tendrils came to stop her, although she did stumble over the jungle at her feet. She barely kept her footing and arrived at Nelon's side before the world she knew returned and the sickly red grass was replaced with soft dunes of sand.

Of course, the sand just made the blood spurting from the baron's back much clearer. The mage dropped to his side as the screaming stopped and Nelon's body laid limp, aside from steady trickle of blood. Claire turned her head wildly, a small choking sound escaping her before she spoke towards Emmet. "Please, help him." she panted, too frenzied and exhausted from the whole experience to think, or even do anything else but take ragged breaths, shiver and let the tears welling up in her eyes flow.

They were back home now, but the mage still felt so cold.

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Things seemed to stand still while everyone had vanished. Others had went off in search, or trying to figure out the magic, but Sidney was lost in thought, sitting in the sand.

This has to be some sort of... unholy joke, was all she could come to conclude. Retribution for the past? Punishment for the future? A sort of divine torment for me, to come so close to redemption and happiness, and my chances vanishing with Owen. She droned out the sounds of others around as her fingers sifted through the sand, quiet tears dripping down. Though she'd tried to put on a strong face for before, she wasn't exactly at the center of attention with others discussing amongst each other.

Of course, her thoughts were interrupted as everyone seemed to just fall down in front of them all, and Owen spoke up. "P-Prince Owen!" she stammered, scrambling to her feet and rushing over to where he'd appeared, practically falling on him with a hug. "Oh... we were terrified, Prince. I'm so glad you're safe..." She looked to the others- while none had been killed, Nelon seemed to be in severe danger. "I pray his recovery is swift. I wish I could've helped, but... you simply vanished, disappearing from beneath even my hands. Thank Engel that nothing worse happened." She pulled him in closer, briefly kissing his cheek. "I won't let anything like that ever happen again... I promise. I'll be there for you."

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Emmet swore as Owen's knight took a severe blow. He had been doing well going on the offensive with Pinaka but their troops were limited so keepng everyone alive was more crucial now than ever. However he was too far away to get to the knight quickly. Before he managed to reach Nelon's side he found himself suddenly lurched back into the former world. "What the...did we win?" He stood there somewhat dumbfound until voice brought him back to reality telling him to heal the knight. He nodded and quickly took out his healing stave and got to work. "Where is Princess Casandra?" he asked。 ”I might not be able to do this by myslf. He's pretty far gone."

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Angus roared violently, tearing left and right at the vines around him in a desperate bid for freedom. The moment he could lurch forward, he heard laughter... and again, nothing.

And again, somehow, the void was not death.


The sky was blue. Dozens of boots were arranged about him. They moved frantically, but not in battle.

Malaphar was gone.

The knight's struggle was in vain. No doubt, the wizard's power had ferried him far from the arms of justice. Sitting in the dirt, alone among so many people, Angus' rage festered. His chance was gone. That wretched worm would be free to roam the earth, free to proclaim himself emperor over all the sun touches. Free to return, at any time, to snuff Owen's life out.

Angus looked up, finally, to his prince. Despite all that had happened, he was all business. Sidney on his arm, concerned only for his troops. A man's man if there ever was one. Nelon was hurt--by the same vines that attacked him? Angus almost couldn't believe it--still, he was being attended to. By Emmet, no less. That was four still alive. Claire, weeping...

[Everyone... they're all alive. Engel be praised, they're all alive!]

Despite himself, the young Kearney grinned, for the barest moment. Nelon's recovery would be long, but Malaphar couldn't slay a single one of them. Whether it was divine providence, blind luck, or their own skill, Angus couldn't fathom. He could, however fathom the wizard's pride. His liege's soul, wrought in gilded iron. The two would meet again. Despite all possibility... Owen would prevail again. Perhaps Angus would even have another chance to reduce that snake's skeleton to his pet's chew toy.

He could live with that.

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Alain looked onward, as dazed and confused as Morganna herself seemed, or perhaps even more so given what had been happening to him. He didn't know how, and he didn't know why, but Owen and the rest had returned from whatever bizarre world Malaphar had taken them to. Had his prayer been answered, or was it just some sort of coincidence? Most of them weren't too injured, though Sir Nelon was in dire need of care. Had he shielded his companions from Malaphar's onslaught? An admirable thing, but that led him to question Malaphar's whereabouts. The lingering haze that Malaphar had left behind had lifted, and Alain could feel his presence no more. Had they killed the sorcerer in his own world, or had they simply managed to find a way out?

"Safe enough," Alain replied, a little bewildered to say the least. "I'm glad you managed to make it out, Prince Owen. What of Malaphar though? He seemed driven to kill you. Did you manage to finish him off, or...?" He hoped Owen would reply with an affirmative, though he suspected something else had happened. Nothing was ever that easy. Nothing.

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