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Pokémon Sun and Moon Demo leaks and Early copy leaks related discussion (Obviously spoilers)

Magical Glace

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To anyone who wonders what is the title of the video that Konnor 97 posted: Pokémon Sun and Moon - First few minutes of the demo (German)

So yea, don't watch it if you want to wait.

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Do I need to keep putting things in spoiler tags? This is a spoiler thread after all.

[spoiler=Greninja's probable stats]4hNkmXl.png

I say probable because it fits too well to be random.

I'd say use them for images just so they take up less space.

Don't know enough to say anything about those stats.

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I'd say use them for images just so they take up less space.

Don't know enough to say anything about those stats.

Got it.

They're not an issue, considering Hyper Training and I'd assume Super Training (for reset bags), but the issue is the nature. If it's stuck at Serious/other neutral nature, that wouldn't be so good.

Edited by Konnor97
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McAfee is saying the site is fishy, so I'll just list them.

Level 36

Serious Nature

Base 72 HP, 20 IVs, 0 EVs, 105 HP

Base 85 Attack, 31 IVs, 128 EVs, 96 Attack

Base 67 Defense, 20 IVs, 0 EVs, 60 Defense

Base 103 Special Attack, 31 IVs, 128 EVs, 101 Special Attack

Base 71 Special Defense, 20 IVs, 0 EVs, 63 Special Defense

Base 122 Speed, 31 IVs, 252 EVs, 126 Speed

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McAfee is saying the site is fishy, so I'll just list them.

Level 36

Serious Nature

Base 72 HP, 20 IVs, 0 EVs, 105 HP

Base 85 Attack, 31 IVs, 128 EVs, 96 Attack

Base 67 Defense, 20 IVs, 0 EVs, 60 Defense

Base 103 Special Attack, 31 IVs, 128 EVs, 101 Special Attack

Base 71 Special Defense, 20 IVs, 0 EVs, 63 Special Defense

Base 122 Speed, 31 IVs, 252 EVs, 126 Speed

Bit off topic but McAfee never found puush fishy for me. o.O
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McAfee is saying the site is fishy, so I'll just list them.

Level 36

Serious Nature

Base 72 HP, 20 IVs, 0 EVs, 105 HP

Base 85 Attack, 31 IVs, 128 EVs, 96 Attack

Base 67 Defense, 20 IVs, 0 EVs, 60 Defense

Base 103 Special Attack, 31 IVs, 128 EVs, 101 Special Attack

Base 71 Special Defense, 20 IVs, 0 EVs, 63 Special Defense

Base 122 Speed, 31 IVs, 252 EVs, 126 Speed

Hm, I see.

Also, what's so bad about a neutral nature? To me they seem pretty alright despite not having a boost like other natures. They don't have the drop either.

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Hm, I see.

Also, what's so bad about a neutral nature? To me they seem pretty alright despite not having a boost like other natures. They don't have the drop either.

A 10% bonus to a stat can make the difference between a 2HKO and 3HKO, or outspeeding certain scarfed things. I don't know specifics because I don't play competitive that much.

Edited by Konnor97
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For Greninja Neutral Nature is a Big deal for Speed Tiers. For the Most part speed tier is really the real reason you want a +Nature

122 Speed Neutral is 343, which 106 with Plus Nature

Not outspeeding stuff above 106 is actually huge. This makes Greninja unable to outspeed Terrakion, Keldeo, Choice Scarf Tyranitar(IIRC), Latios, Tornadus Therian, and Thundurus.

Below 106 is like only Garchomp or the 100 flats legendary. For what it worth it also loses the ability to outspeed +1 Salamence with Choice Scarf when Salamence was in OU

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So Ash-Greninja has the same stats as regular Greninja?

EDIT: Battle Bond changes its stats as follows:

+50 Atk / +50 SpA / +10 Spe

Also Pikachu's Z-move is 175 BP.

Water Shuriken is now special. Battle Bond also buffs this one move.

Hakamo-o line learns Automize.

Edited by Ema Skye
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Demo is out in Japan and Australia! People are streaming it, and since we can play it in any language, it's in English!

I guess it'll probably get datamined soonish.

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and the data mine comes to a close.

If a Pokemon isn't available in the demo, it's stats are dummied out. They've been edited to have Pikachu's stats.

Wow, that's... disappointing. Do we at least have info on anything else?

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Wow, that's... disappointing. Do we at least have info on anything else?

We might be able to get names and types, but it's probable that they got dummied out as well if they went as far as to dummy out the stats.

If it is in the demo, then it's a whole new ball game. But this will limit info.

They probably learned from ORAS.

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We might be able to get names and types, but it's probable that they got dummied out as well if they went as far as to dummy out the stats.

If it is in the demo, then it's a whole new ball game. But this will limit info.

They probably learned from ORAS.

At least we'll be able to find out how many new pokemon there are... that's something, right?

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At least we'll be able to find out how many new pokemon there are... that's something, right?

Oh yeah.

Maybe we can guess the new 'mon's name from the TCG box leak thing.

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Ooh this is cool!

If you catch a Pokemon with a full party, you can choose to swap it with something else in your party instead of sending it to the PC.

Also, it doesn't seem like paralysis drops speed at all, or as much, any more. If it drops, it drops it by no more than 50% (instead of 75% in Gens 1-6).

We may be able to get the number of new Pokemon, their typings and their movepools as it seems like just the stats and names got dummied.

Also, evolution is disabled in the demo.

Edited by Ema Skye
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If you catch a Pokemon with a full party, you can choose to swap it with something else in your party instead of sending it to the PC.

Also, it doesn't seem like paralysis drops speed at all, or as much, any more. If it drops, it drops it by no more than 50% (instead of 75% in Gens 1-6).

We may be able to get the number of new Pokemon, their typings and their movepools as it seems like just the stats and names got dummied.


2. Whaaaaat? I guess Thunder Wave is losing some viability. I guess this meta-game really is gonna be at least a bit different.

3. Number is fine for me tbh. I guess this just means no spoils, thankfully.

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Ash-Greninja can't breed!

It's not in any egg groups and it's locked to a neutral nature. It's going to be competitively garbage now, and definitely inferior to the base forme. Timid Battle Bond isn't possible.

Also, Z-Move's replace a move in your moveset, rather than add one. The move they replace impacts the base power of the Z-move.

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