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What game series have you been playing for the longest?


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Since we're all gamers here ( well, most of us ), I just wanted to know how long you guys have stuck to a certain series and if you still play newer versions of said series?

For me, it's been The Sims. I've been playing it since its inception in 2000 since I was 12, so yeah, 16 years. And it's never gotten old for me. At least, until Sims 4 came out. I won't be touching that with a 10-foot pole... I'll stick to TS3 ( still the best in the series ).


Because it's an FE forum, lol. I don't even think I need to tell who who they are. If you're a Sims fan and your PC can handle TS3 with all settings on max, get it xD. Meg actually looks kinda cute now.

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For me, it's those Lego games. I loathe the addition of voice acting to Lego games. The characters grunts was what added a lot of the charm to the games. But I shall not forget my first gaming days of excessive hours put into Lego starwars 2.

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Pokemon, for 12 years. I still enjoy replaying the older games but am ambivalent towards everything from Gen 6, and while Sun and Moon look more promising than Gen 6, I doubt I'll be picking them up for full price.

Edited by Ambling Falchion
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Are you implying that Meg's official design isn't cute? You monster, how could you.

Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic 1 was the first game I played actually. I haven't been able to get the recent releases due to money, but eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I've owned most of the games at some point in my life.

(I wanted to list Pokemon, F-Zero, Summon Night, FE, Touhou, and Etrian Odyssey)

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Mario & Zelda for sure, Super Mario 64 and Zelda: Ocarina of Time were among the first games I ever played. I would say Pokémon as well but I fell off the series after Yellow and only picked it up again around sometime after Rubys release when I played it on a emulator.

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Mario, starting with Super Mario 64. I'm more of a fan of the 3D titles than 2D, but Mario has always been a reliable franchise. The spinoffs are also great (Mario Kart, Mario Party [until 9 ruined everything], the RPG Marios, and so on).

I would say Warcraft, since I did get started with Warcraft 1 back in the day, but as World of Warcraft is the main source of that franchise now, I can't really say I'm still into it. Warcraft 2 & 3 were amazing games.

Command and Conquer. I played C&C (and Red Alert) alongside Warcraft when I was younger, and while mainstream C&C is dead, the community lives on with modding and remakes of the classics.

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Pokemon. Been with the series since near the beginning and have never dropped it. There are other series that I may have been into prior to it but they either aren't still going or I stopped playing them.

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Sonic the Hedgehog. First game I've ever played and which I still occasionally play.

The sad part is that I'd include more series in the mix if they still existed, like Castlevania, Mega Man (let's not count the awful pachinko game and the awful cartoon) and Bomberman.

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Hard to say, because the ones that I played from the past I either stopped playing entirely, or I had a large gap in between. For example:

  • Mario may be the closest one unfortunately. I say "unfortunately" because now I utterly hate the franchise - and I absolutely refuse to associate myself with it anymore. My love for the Mario series took a huge hit after that stupid bitch princess, of all people appeared in Smash Bros, and made her kidnapping look utterly stupid. Since then I stopped playing anything Mario-related stuff on the GC. I did play NSMB1 and NSMBWii, but after Luigi started to increasingly became a sissy dago girl as well in the Wii/3DS games, well, it's "good riddance" to the franchise, period. (While I don't have really big dislikes for characters, the two are the few exceptions.)
  • I ain't going to touch Pokémon RSE/ORAS either. I hated Gen 3 for screwing up worldbuilding and still hate those two games - that was enough to stop playing Pokémon for over a decade. On the other hand, I shall give my two thumbs up to XY and GSC for doing that part right. I will be looking forward to Sun/Moon, and a possible DPPt remakes, too.
  • I ended up with a huge gap in Fire Emblem as well, because I didn't have a GC/Wii to play the Tellius games. Also my love for the franchise only started with Binding Blade. I'm hoping to catch up with this, though!
  • My interest for Zelda also only really started with the Ocarina of Time 3DS.
Edited by henrymidfields
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Pokemon ever since I got a GBA and both FR and LG for Christmas

I think it was around 2006-2007 maybe?

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Pokemon Emerald was my first video game ever, and I've never dropped the series, although I seem to take breaks between generations.

Mario Kart was also very early on for me and, again, I haven't dropped it either.

And... that's pretty much it. I never really started playing Zelda until I got OOT3D in... 2012? And the only other thing is Fire Emblem in January 2015.

EDIT: Oh right. 2007 for Emerald and 2008 for Mario Kart.

Edited by TrueEm
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