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"Nintendo Switch", News and Discussion on Nintendo's New System - It's Launch Time!


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Edit: I just looked through the switch website get this only 1-2 Switch and Zelda are confirmed for launch day at the moment and there's going to be more than this there there has to be, not even the flippen weird game Arms is a launch day title.

I suppose I'll get my final impressions for the night

We didn't hear from a lot of the studios Nintendo has, a lot of them are produced games into 2016 and 15 so they're probably still working on their next game but retro's last game was Donkey Kong Country: tropical freeze in 2014 what are they working on!!!

Now on to the games shown

Arms: not really my thing looks kind of cool I guess?

1-2 Switch: actually seems like a really good party game for family might pick it up that reason

Super Mario Odyssey: Hallelujah back to sandbox format this is going to be incredible.

Spaltoon 2: i'll probably pick it up it looks pretty good

Xenoblade 2: looks good disappointed that the cliffhanger to X will never be solved, I hope they keep the open for formal of X in the game.

FE Warriors: yeah I don't like these types of games and going by the trailer it's not even going to have Elibe/Tellius/Judgral (the swords only from FE 1/11, 3/12, 13, 14) which would be the bare minimum to get me even slightly interested. If these are added later as DLC see you I'll get it the game then as it stands I didn't even buy Hyrule Warriors ( though I might if they release a complete edition on the switch) and I'm a bigger Zelda fan then I am a FE fan though I'm a big fan of both.

Zelda: I want this game so bad! good thing is coming to Wii U because unless it has significant performance issues I'm not gonna wait till summer (which is when I'm getting a switch) to play Zelda.

So now the Mario is a holiday game so what I am actually going to get for the console beyond Spaltoon 2 ( maybe Mario Kart 8 deluxe) because I'm getting Zelda for WiiU (Bar big performance issues), the rest of the games look really far out... I actually might end up getting a Switch in December because of this nothing before December besides Spaltoon 2 that seems exclusive that's coming out... we'll see what happens it depends Nintendo shows there's more than just.

Edited by Locke087
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Thanks for that! I don't like online subscriptions but at least "free" VC games and online SNES games will tide that over. If they let you transfer games from previous Virtual Consoles and have emulators that run at good resolutions, I'll be hype.

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A friend of mine who's a big Xeno nerd claimed they could see Colony 6 and Makna Forest in the trailer.

Speaking of Xenoblade 2, I looked up the character designer and apparently they're the same artist who drew Celica's Einherjar card art for the Awakening DLC.

Wait? Wasn't that some kind of ero artist?

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Nintendo why

I can't afford this but I want it so bad

Hmm. The eternal question. Should I pay an extra 30 bucks just for a model I probably won't like very much? Not being sarcastic. I'm honestly conflicted.

Edited by Jotari
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Wait? Wasn't that some kind of ero artist?

I thought that was the dude who drew Micaiah; could be wrong, though. Either way, it shouldn't be a big problem if the artist's work on Xenoblade 2 is good. I don't remember having major issues with Celica's portrayal in FE13.

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AHH! The News won't stop(ok, this piece of news might not be super exciting, but still, its more Switch stuff)! I think I'm going to sleep...I'll see what comes up later...Night.

Nintendo why

I can't afford this but I want it so bad

Our Wallets in March (and some time afterward):


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I thought that was the dude who drew Micaiah; could be wrong, though. Either way, it shouldn't be a big problem if the artist's work on Xenoblade 2 is good. I don't remember having major issues with Celica's portrayal in FE13.

Eh. None of the artwork used in Awakening's reimaginings really grabbed me all that much. I was more confused why they went with a dark theme for the light mage Micaiah and randomly turned Seliph into a Samurai.

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Wait? Wasn't that some kind of ero artist?

Honestly it's hard to find a manga/game artist that hasn't done hentai at some point in some way or another.

I thought that was the dude who drew Micaiah; could be wrong, though. Either way, it shouldn't be a big problem if the artist's work on Xenoblade 2 is good. I don't remember having major issues with Celica's portrayal in FE13.

No, as far as I know Arco Wada has not done hentai. She has done some questionable designs in the past, though.

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Honestly it's hard to find a manga/game artist that hasn't done hentai at some point in some way or another.

No, as far as I know Arco Wada has not done hentai. She has done some questionable designs in the past, though.

Haha. So to paraphrase this comment. "Every artist has done porn! Eh...except that one who you'd really expect has."

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Haha. So to paraphrase this comment. "Every artist has done porn! Eh...except that one who you'd really expect has."

I was exaggerating with the "hard to find one who hasn't" it just is that there is a lot who have. And I double checked and Wada Arco has done some cheese-cakey stuff but no evidence of actual hentai.

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If I found the conference a bit clumsy, but that Zelda trailer at the end was so powerful, it might be the best trailer I've seen in my life. I really hope the game will stay as "mature" (or dark) as it is in the trailer, judging by Zelda's bad shape and the scenes of destruction we see. And for the first time, I'm seriously considering chosing the Japanese voices instead of the English ones. Whoah.

Edited by Brand_Of_The_Exalt
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Speaking of Zelda...


So that means Zelda may become a playable character? If so, then hallelujah!


Yep, it's in English now. Fire Emblem Warriors....(and notice the weapons that were in the Gemstones...we might get a lot of characters from different games) We're actually getting this...

I've never expected such to come either. I sure hope we have all of the past titles in this!

Unlike the Wii U which was trash, these are something actually encouraging.

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I've got two questions after this presentation: is it possible to play on the Switch without it accessing a TV first, and how does the paid internet services work? I've never used it on a console before.

Maybe this link might answer some of your questions:


The pricing details aren't available yet though...

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Apparently Pod Racing is back?

Seriously, look at some of the designs of the crafts.

Also, based on what we know, I am not going to be sorry not to be getting this at launch. I've got a lot to work on in that period, but still, at least I can be patient with the Switch.

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So I stayed up waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay longer than I normally do (since I'm a sleepyhead who generally prefers to not stay up very long) and pretty much promptly went to bed after the presentation was over, I never gave my thoughts here.

Dragon Quest X/XI: Well, we technically already knew about this. No footage, unfortunately. More importantly, region free! Which means I can import XI (not going to do so with X, because MMO).

Dragon Quest Heroes Bundle: Hey, I guess I don't need a PS4 after all! ...probably. This version better be localized. And Ragnar is a new character... honestly, that makes Borya/Brey the only DQIV party member to have not secured a spot by now. Which is par for the course, I guess, Borya is the single most ignored of the IV cast in spinoffs, but what gets me is he's another DQIV character. Pretty much every other represented game has had two each overall with the exception of VIII, which had three, while IV has had almost all its fairly sizable cast playable. That said this has more of my attention than...

Fire Emblem Warriors: This better not be FE11+ only like TMS. If it's not, then I might get it. I'm not playing an Awakening Warriors.

Super Mario Odyssey: I'm impressed SF, there were no Mario is Missing jokes in the past few pages. ...That's all I really have to say on this game. I'm not good at Mario.

Breath of the Wild: Hype! That's about it though. No real comment beyond it still looks amazing.

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A friend of mine who's a big Xeno nerd claimed they could see Colony 6 and Makna Forest in the trailer.

Speaking of Xenoblade 2, I looked up the character designer and apparently they're the same artist who drew Celica's Einherjar card art for the Awakening DLC.

That's... uhh... well, at least he can draw more than hentai.

EDIT: Unrelated, but BlazBlue Central Fiction for Switch?

Please, PLEASE let them dub this time (and retranslate; the current localization seriously seems to be trying for "most ellipses in a videogame script" award; somebody counted 169 in ten minutes).

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Nothing caught my interest during the presentation, so I guess I'll wait until more titles are announced.

Btw, in case anyone forgot, the Treehouse live stream will start in 2 hours:


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/nintendo

If Fire Emblem Warriors didn't even mildly interest you then I kind of question what you're doing on these forums.

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If Fire Emblem Warriors didn't even mildly interest you then I kind of question what you're doing on these forums.

Eh, isn't that a bit strong? People have their preferences. Some REALLY don't like the Musou franchise. As long as they aren't assholes about it, so what?

We already have early warning signs and unfortunate precedence involving series representation; if someone isn't the least bit interested in it but is also an FE fan I can easily understand why.

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Eh, isn't that a bit strong? People have their preferences. Some REALLY don't like the Musou franchise. As long as they aren't assholes about it, so what?

We already have early warning signs and unfortunate precedence involving series representation; if someone isn't the least bit interested in it but is also an FE fan I can easily understand why.

Oh I'm not being judgemental with my comment. It's a straight up literal statement. I kind of wonder why someone would be on a Fire Emblem forum and a radically new type of Fire Emblem game would be wholly uninteresting. Even with a very cynical opinion of its quality and an extreme distaste for the Warriors series, I for one would still be interested to see how the experiment would turn out.

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