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Conquest first time Lunatic PMU


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My latest playthrough was pretty boring due to lack of challenge, so I'm doing something that I'm probably going to regret


-10 first gen characters and 5 children will be used.

-Children can be picked regardless if the parents are a picked unit.

-If Niles is chosen, then someone can choose a boss character for me to capture and use

-Gunter is not allowed as a pick.

-The avatar's bane/boon or class can be picked alongside a unit pick.

-A single Dread Fighter, Dark Falcon, Anna, and either a Witch or Ballistician are available classes. No other DLC is available.

-This is my first ever Lunatic Conquest playthrough so try to be nice to me

Important Rule: I'd rather not use units that I've got in previous playthroughs, so here's a list of units that I've already got in previous PMUs:

1. General!Nah (Corrin) Boon Str/Bane Res
2. FalconKnight!Elise
3. WyvernLord!Arthur (S Beruka)
4. Adventurer!Anna
5. DarkKnight!Camilla
6. GreatLord!Selena
7. Hero!Lazlow
8. Paladin!Peri
9. MasterOfArms!Leo
10. MasterNinja!Xander (A+ Kaze)
1. MaligKnight!Dwyer (Elise)
2. Berserker!Percy (Beruka)
3. Sorcerer!Forrest (Nyx)
4. Wolfssegner!Shigure (Keaton)
5. Maid!Ophelia (Felicia)
1. CorrinM!SpearMaster +Strength/-Luck
2. Felicia!BowKnight
3. Elise!DarkFalcon
4. Silas!Hero
5. Effie!Basara(Corrin)
6. Camilla!WyvernLord
7. Benny!Berserker
8. Lazlow!KinshiKnight(Azura)
9. Fiora!Sorcerer
10. Izana!Swordmaster
1. Kana!Witch(Effie)
2. Nina!Strategist(Elise)
3. Ophelia!MasterOfArms(Mozu)
4. Soleli!DreadFighter(Azura)
5. Midori!Berserker(Charlotte)

As long as they aren't the exact same class I'm alright with whatever

Self-imposed rules:

-Units who need a unit to change class from a character I haven't obtained yet will be in their default class until then

-Units must either switch to their chosen class on the map they're obtained or during the inbetween chapter intermission after that

-Children must be obtained as soon as I have both of their parents, or at the very latest a story chapter later. Considering that this is Lunatic and some of the Paralouges are pretty tough early on, I might be lenient with this

-Every unit is allowed to be used until I've completed Chapter 10

-Unpicked but forced units can be used, but only as pair-up fodder

-Because this is Lunatic mode and I'm going into it blind, I'm going to abuse all of the Battle & Visitation bonuses


1. Valentina!BowKnight Boon HP/Bane Mag

2. Silas!KnishiKnight(Azura)

3. Effie!Sniper(A+Mozu)

4. Odin!General(Effie)

5. Anna!Witch

6. Camilla!Hero(A+Beruka)

7. Kaze!GreatKnight(A+Silas)

8. Peri!BowKnight(Niles/A+Selena)

9. Keaton!Butler(Felicia)

10. Xander!DreadFighter


1. Ophelia!GreatKnight(Effie)

2. Shigure!Paladin(Silas)

3. Sophie!Berserker(A+Velouria)

4. Midori!WyvernLord(Camilla)

5. Seigbert!NohrNoble(Corrin)

Edited by Ozarhok
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Sniper!Odin (S-Mozu)

I recommend reclassing him asap.

General!Odin (S-Rank Effie)

I guess since I got skipped I can pick another unit.

Great Knight!Effie!Ophelia

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Crap, I didn't see the first Odin pick. Would you be okay with procedding the way things are now or go with the original Sniper Odin pick and have people after that change their picks?

Nah, it's cool. I'll go with my Ophelia pick.

Maybe I'll give Sniper!Odin if you do another one.

Going off of this, I'd like to suggest Effie @ Arms Master via the S-rank as well haha.

Effie gets access to the Dark Mage line, not Samurai.

Edited by Emerson
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Effie gets access to the Dark Mage line, not Samurai.

Oh darn... ;; I... I got confused with Owain's base class OTL. Derp. Silly mistake...

Okay um... Sniper Effie (via Mozu)? Her strength on that class, haha... with Wary Fighter that could be amazing lol.

Edited by BANRYU
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I was able to play up to chapter 7 with the characters and rules I have in place

Chapters 1-6

Tried to get Valentina all the kills possible to get Dragon Fang and build up her actual usable sword rank. I had to sacrifice a bit of experience in Chapter 5 to actually be able to complete, luckily Yukimura in Chapter 6 provided to be a good punching bag to grind out the last half-level I needed.

Here's how she looks (sorry for the bad shot, she wouldn't stand still):


I don't feel like posting stats this early on, but so far she's a quicker Niles. That high HP at this point is a bit of a waste, though it will come in useful when she promotes.

Chapter 7

I was a bit intimidated by every enemy having Grisly Wound, but it was managable once I took them on slowly. The only real problem with this chapter was the first two turns, where I had to take care of the first three units on the left and get Valentina's health low enough to trigger Silas' ability so he could handle the bottom units on his join turn. After that I had him pair up with Effie and put Elise and Jakob near her, and Effie was unkillable by any non-boss unit, so I had her make a choke point at the bottom-right path to the bottom of the map while everyone else took on the boss. Arthur got a really lucky crit on the boss which made things a lot easier.

I will not continue this until I've obtained the rest of my units. I've also updated the OP with my self-imposed rules.

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Since you didn't get any suggestion (and the final roster is 16 units, not 15), would you mind if we suggested another character ? If not, take Kaze @ GK (A+ Xander)

Just gonna throw out there that having Kaze A+ with Silas is the same and might actually be a little faster since Kaze and Silas are both on the roster before Xander. Result is the same though so yeah!

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