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Harder difficulties; How do you approach them?


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I was going to start a poll for this but I figured approaches are going to vary enough that a poll won't really suffice. The answers I originally had listed were;

  • I do some general strategising before I start the map, then keep playing and adjusting it till I either complete the map or I'm forced to reset and reconsider my approach.
  • I strategise via experimenting with the map itself, particularly the opening turns and make use multiple dry runs and resets before I finalise my strategy and attempt to clear..
  • I meticulously strategise just about everything before I've even started the map.

...but there are enough areas inbetween and some I probably haven't considered (lol strategy wuts that)

I fit squarely into option 2 right now, but I'm trying to kick the habit of restarting so much when planning and playing more organically. However, it's hard to go back to how I used to play, I keep wanting my clears to feel clean and pristine.

Edited by Irysa
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I'll usually come up with an overall strat (i.e., divide by fighters into groups and decide which group goes where), but after that is usually a bunch of trial and error. Sometimes, I'll restart after just a couple of turns without anyone dying just because I saw a better strategy.

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Who need strategy when tou can an OP unit and destroy everything?

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Anyway, I tend to start with a general strategy and later I let myself to be taken by the flow of the map itself and how everything goes on it: this actually means that the beginning of the map must be good for me or else, unless I'm very lucky, I'll be likely forced to reset.

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Overall strat, dry runs, then go with the feel.

Lunatic+ on the fly bruteforcing kinda conditioned me this way since the dry runs were never exactly the same.

Option 2.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I kinda go with the dry run strategy, depending on what game I play. But that's mostly with new maps, or using a completely off-the-wall team. If it's a game that has multiple difficulties, I usually try to get an understanding of the map, and what strategic options work best for my team or my overall playstyle.

Trial and error on a lower difficulty can save save you time and grant you ideas on how to approach a wide variety of obstacles in harder difficulties. In other words, working your way up to the difficulty (and studying what's given to you) is the way to approach a difficult challenge without being surprised by vast changes between stat inflations. In my opinion.

But that's just me. If there's anything wrong with how I addressed this question, please let me know.

Edited by Lord Tullus
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Usually I start out by thoroughly planning out how I'm going to handle all the time-sensitive parts of the chapter; villages, thieves/treasure chests, enemies that move out and/or that start in the party's immediate vicinity, etc. My first priority is securing myself room to breathe, basically. From then on out, I kinda just play it by ear, usually, but I may end up working out strategies for specific parts of each chapter after multiple retries.

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I tend to go with Option 1. I'll make a general strategy, then replay the map over and over until I reach a satisfactory ending. This is how I got through the first 5 chapters of Awakening on Lunatic and Lunatic+, and it is an amazing feeling when one conquers them with no deaths on Classic. The same also somewhat applies to Fate's starting maps.

However, for the most part, it depends on the game in question, since I only really started messing around with the harder difficulties with Awakening and Fates, and even then, mostly for postgame purposes.

Blazing Sword - I may have started a run, but never finished it due to other games taking my attention.

Sacred Stones - I started several Hard runs, but never got around to finishing them because I would take too long of a break and just restart, or other games took my interest.

Path of Radiance - Don't think I tried Hard Mode.

Radiant Dawn - The fact that I had to count enemy movement manually put me off of playing RD's Hard Mode.

Shadow Dragon - I think I cleared Hard Mode. I messed around with the higher difficulties, but never committed to them.

Awakening - Cleared Hard Mode, did Lunatic and Lunatic+ for postgame purposes.

Fates - Cleared Hard Mode, went Lunatic for postgame purposes.

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