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What ruins a fan base for you?


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People not allowing other fans to enjoy the work the way they want. That is literally the only thing that can put me off of a fandom. (other than being hella fucking gross and creepy. Thanks a pantload, bronies)

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Depends on the fanbase/case to case scenario I guess. I know one is that I got kinda chased out of several RWBY groups because I don't ship Ruby x Weiss or Yang x Blake, then got called racist for shipping Blake x Weiss. lol

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People not allowing other fans to enjoy the work the way they want. That is literally the only thing that can put me off of a fandom. (other than being hella fucking gross and creepy. Thanks a pantload, bronies)

The only thing I really wanna add to this is when it's really common for fans of the thing to fail to realize that it's just fiction, and the stakes are not anywhere close to what they would be if it was real life.

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Hating a character because it gets in the way of AxB

Oh God, yeah this too.

Looking at you, Kingdom Hearts fandom and your fanfic, the Horrible Bloody Death of Kairi.

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please tell me you aren't serious

i guess the folks who hate on a ship for the dumbest reasons.

It's an ironic fanfic, but it's very real and people have that attitude.

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please tell me you aren't serious

i guess the folks who hate on a ship for the dumbest reasons.

If stuff like that wasn't real I wouldn't have mentioned it in the first place.

It's very common on the Internet, sadly.

Hating on and demonizing perfectly respectable Character X because there's a chance he can be with Character Y instead of Character Z.

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Well I try to avoid being turned off from an entire fanbase because every fanbase has all sorts of people, it's unfair to generalize

toxicity in general is something I don't like to see, but I try to avoid taking that out on an entire fanbase if it's got some toxic people (tbh I'd be amazed if there existed a fanbase that didn't have any toxic people unless that was an incredibly small fanbase - idk if the quantity of fans determines whether a group is considered a fanbase or not)

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Well I try to avoid being turned off from an entire fanbase because every fanbase has all sorts of people, it's unfair to generalize

toxicity in general is something I don't like to see, but I try to avoid taking that out on an entire fanbase if it's got some toxic people (tbh I'd be amazed if there existed a fanbase that didn't have any toxic people unless that was an incredibly small fanbase - idk if the quantity of fans determines whether a group is considered a fanbase or not)

I've been a part of a really small fanbase before. I will confirm that size does not matter - one toxic person can make the entire thing unfun.

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I've been a part of a really small fanbase before. I will confirm that size does not matter - one toxic person can make the entire thing unfun.

oh well I meant as in definition (as in if something or someone had like one or two fans would it be considered a "fanbase"??), I'd imagine the smaller a group is though the stronger the effect a toxic person would have

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People not allowing other fans to enjoy the work the way they want. That is literally the only thing that can put me off of a fandom. (other than being hella fucking gross and creepy. Thanks a pantload, bronies)

Basically this

Largely the reason why the Steven Universe fandom is one of the worst

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