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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That's about my record too. Although I always went for Ellie I think, except for the one time I tried for Ann in Back to Nature, and an unfinished attempt at the Harvest Goddess in Friends of Mineral Town. Relatives of mine preferred Karen and Popuri.

I wonder who I'd go for now if I replayed an HM. I still have my GC and Magical Melody. On the ladies side I'm guessing I'd go for Dia, and of the bachelors, Ray or Carl I'm thinking, from what I can remember that is.

I liked Magical Melody, and for some reason I liked its buying land feature- even if I never built a second house.

When I think of you I think of this:




I haven't played much with the games that let you play as a girl, and I generally preferred to marry the girls anyway, so I'm not sure which guy I'd go for to marry.  I'd want to have a baby, though, so I'd have to pick one.

After going half a year without getting any new games, I've picked up several new games in the past couple weeks.  Now I just need to find the time for them.

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51 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Yeah, my sister was always better at sticking with one save file than I ever was, but I think I have the edge over her in total save files. For a similar kind of game with a bit more excitement, Rune Factory is another very solid series. It has the farming, marriage, and scheduled events of Harvest Moon, but it adds combat, exploration, and an actual main story. Plus it's fantasy themed, which is always a plus in my book.


I want another Rune Factory. With a climate system like Lunar Knights's, except with more elaboration.

Lunar Knights, the obscure DS successor to the obscure GBA Boktai games, features a planet where vampires have hijacked the planet's climate to maintain a state of eternal darkness to their liking. By destroy the game's 4 elemental vampires, the player gets access 5 different climates which they can change at a professor's lab. Each climate has unique weather phenomena, and adjust atmosphere temperature, humidity, and wind speed. Picking the right climate alters dungeons in small ways. High wind speeds make certain areas have their player moving gusts move stronger, whereas low temperature can freeze certain bodies of water. It really didn't do much, and you have to annoyingly run through a dungeon multiple times to change the climate and obtain all the goodies. But I feel the idea had potential.

Rune Factory could bring climatic dungeons to a whole new level. The game would give the overworld its own clime which the player can affect, albeit with the limitation of the seasons (so no scorching winter, but you could make it drier or wetter, or temperate in temperature). While dungeons each get their own climate, which is only alterable within certain boundaries- so no always frigid tropical dungeon. Although you could affect a cold snap there via magical powers, similar to how a Terrenial Burst in Lunar Knights could temporarily alter the climate on the spot. Another dungeon would be completely at the mercy of player-based climate alteration.

Add agriculture to the mix and things get even more fun. You could have a small "greenhouse" where you have perfect climate control (with plenty of upgrades to expand field size and your climatic adjustment options). Your much larger outdoor fields and scattered dungeon fields would be subject to the restrictions on the overworld and dungeons as described above. Different climatic conditions affect the various qualities of the crops. For smaller sweeter strawberries, grow in colder temperatures. Or if you want the legendary magical Peridot Turnips, grow regular turnips on Floor 4 of the Spring Dungeon with daytime temperatures between 65-70 degrees, humidity between 30-40 percent and adjacent to cucumbers for a 5% chance of acquisition on a per seed basis. You will not be able to identify a turnip as normal or Peridot until the growth cycle is complete, so you'll have to maintain the climatic conditions all the way through the process, and no Formula to shorten the growing time!

Then you have factors other than wind speed, humidity, and temperature. And complex interactions on top of this. Sunlight and its opponent cloud coverage. Soil quality- fertile, infertile, semi-fertile, acidic, basic. Soil consistency, fine, sandy, muddy, clay like, gravely, or water paddies. Maybe a "monster presence" condition- some plants like many unseen and not-actually-encountered monsters hanging around because they help improve the plants' lifecycle. Other plants are delicate and do not want monsters around at all. Sunlight amounts affect temperature, and is affected by cloud coverage. You get more clouds with higher humidity, and humidity can increase with temperature. A high humidity does not equate to high cloud coverage blocking the Sun all the time though. A high wind speed will keep the clouds moving past the Sun, whereas with a lower one they will linger and block it. Runeys or some other resource may be consumed to alter these finer points of climate and life-sustaining geography on demand.

Of course integrating all this is beyond the resources of smaller companies. You'd need a big budget and a devoted team to make it all work out well and with meaning within the game itself. There better be a good reason to mess with crop qualities!


Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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52 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


More and more I realize that no one has played Hearthstone

53 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:


I never said that I was good at associating people with things.

You need to do better, for your sake.

53 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

It was quite a lot, but it was really a lot of fun. I had a blast with my interview, and hopefully everyone else had a fun time asking me questions.

There are some that I really like, although they're hit-or-miss for me overall.

I like that you knew the response to that question ;]

Just remember, that wasn't even my most so it probably could have been MUCH worse HEH


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12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I want another Rune Factory. With a climate system like Lunar Knights's, except with more elaboration.

Lunar Knights, the obscure DS successor to the obscure GBA Boktai games, features a planet where vampires have hijacked the planet's climate to maintain a state of eternal darkness to their liking. By destroy the game's 4 elemental vampires, the player gets access 5 different climates which they can change at a professor's lab. Each climate has unique weather phenomena, and adjust atmosphere temperature, humidity, and wind speed. Picking the right climate alters dungeons in small ways. High wind speeds make certain areas have their player moving gusts move stronger, whereas low temperature can freeze certain bodies of water. It really didn't do much, and you have to annoyingly run through a dungeon multiple times to change the climate and obtain all the goodies. But I feel the idea had potential.

Rune Factory could bring climatic dungeons to a whole new level. The game would give the overworld its own clime which the player can affect, albeit with the limitation of the seasons (so no scorching winter, but you could make it drier or wetter or temperate in temperature). While dungeons each get their own climate, which is only alterable within certain boundaries- so no always frigid tropical dungeon. Although you could affect a cold snap there via magical powers, similar to how a Terrenial Burst in Lunar Knights could temporarily alter the climate on the spot. Another dungeon would be completely at the mercy of player-based climate alteration.

Add agriculture to the mix and things get even more fun. You could have a small "greenhouse" where you have perfect climate control (with plenty of upgrades to expand field size and your climatic adjustment options). Your much larger outdoor fields and scattered dungeon fields would be subject to the restrictions on the overworld and dungeons as described above. Different climatic conditions affect the various qualities of the crops. For smaller sweeter strawberries, grow in colder temperatures. Or if you want the legendary magical Peridot Turnips, grow regular turnips on Floor 4 of the Spring Dungeon with daytime temperatures between 65-70 degrees, humidity between 30-40 percent and adjacent to cucumbers for a 5% chance of acquisition on a per seed basis. You will not be able to identify a turnip as normal or Peridot until the growth cycle is complete, so you'll have to maintain the climatic conditions all the way through the process, and no Formula to shorten the growing time!

Then you have factors other than wind speed, humidity, and temperature. And complex interactions on top of this. Sunlight and its opponent cloud coverage. Soil quality- fertile, infertile, semi-fertile, acidic, basic. Soil consistency, fine, sandy, muddy, clay like, gravely, or water paddies. Maybe a "monster presence" condition- some plants like many unseen and not-actually-encountered monsters hanging around because they help improve the plants' lifecycle. Other plants are delicate and do not want monsters around at all. Sunlight amounts affect temperature, and is affected by cloud coverage. You get more clouds with higher humidity, and humidity can increase with temperature. A high humidity does not equate to high cloud coverage blocking the Sun all the time though. A high wind speed will keep the clouds moving past the Sun, whereas with a lower one they will linger and block it. Runeys or some other resource may be consumed to alter these finer points of climate and life-sustaining geography on demand.

Of course integrating all this is beyond the resources of smaller companies. You'd need a big budget and a devoted team to make it all work out well and with meaning within the game itself. There better be a good reason to mess with crop qualities!


I only played the first two games in the Rune Factory. The first one was a bit clunky compared to others in the genre. The second was pretty fun, I got up to the 2nd generation, and married Alicia, but stopped due to farming my large crops was becoming tiring, harvesting over 444 different kinds of plants eats time. For some strange reason I never go for the first girl introduced in these game. I guess that lead girls aren't by thing.


Edited by Jingle Jangle
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I'll admit that I've only played Rune Factory 4, so my experience of the series in general is pretty limited. And I've barely made it anywhere yet... I'm a bad fan, haha.

14 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

You need to do better, for your sake.

I like that you knew the response to that question ;]

Just remember, that wasn't even my most so it probably could have been MUCH worse HEH


Don't worry, I got it locked down this time. If you could see into the inner recesses of my mind, you would see two sticky notes placed very close to each other: one says "Arcanite", and the other says "NOT country music."

That question haunts my nightmares thanks to you. How could I ever forget? :P

So I've heard, which is both frightening... and intriguing. I hope you'll try harder whenever I get re-interviewed in like a few years or something ;)


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10 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

I only played the first two games in the Rune Factory. The first one was a bit clunky compared to others in the genre. The second was pretty fun, I got up to the 2nd generation, and married Alicia, but stopped due to farming my large crops was becoming tiring, harvesting over 444 different kinds of plants eats time. For some strange reason I never go for the first girl introduced in these game. I guess that lead girls aren't by thing.


RF3 is better than 2 in combat and non-agriculture elements (where I feel things got worse). The characters are a lot more "exotic" in a similar way to how the Awakening characters are compared to say GBA or Tellius. Pia with her squid obsession is something that'd fit perfectly in Awakening.

I haven't played RF4, but Tides of Destiny is decent. I find traveling the seas slow though, and agriculture got massively simplified while the dungeons lost all their beauty. You can't marry until you beat the final boss and have all the bachelors and bachelorettes at 6 FP.

Frontier is better than RF1 save for the plot, RF1 is awful in so many ways- but it laid the foundations the rest of the series. I would've liked it more if the hot spring perv scenes didn't always happen if you went into the men's baths when the girls were on their side though, ToD fixed this fortunately by letting you choose whether Aden perks up his ears or not. Managing Runies can also be a chore, but once you've made a load of money or have a good fishing rod, the Runey system isn't something you need to worry about anymore. The game sounded good and looked nice, while combat was decent. Not bad for the low budget the RF games have had. Probably still worse than than 3 and I'd imagine 4 though in combat.

I never got 4 because I never completed 2 or 3 or ToD, but that is just me.

My preferences on the bachelor/bachelorette side are: RF1- Ivan and Russel Lynette, Mei, and Sharon. RF2- Barrett Yue, followed by Cecilia and Julia. RF3- Zaid Raven, Sophia, and Sakuya or Kuruna (it depends on my mood towards Sakuya's greed). RFF- the Irises, followed by Lara, and then I guess Anette (why aren't there any good guys in this one?). ToD: Jocelyn (RF has a tendency towards beautiful but undateable mothers- the source of much unrequited love), eh I guess Bismarck and Odette.

Note only RFs 4 and ToD actually let you play as females.


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450! Sure, I'll take it I guess.

It just struck me that we're already halfway from 400 to 500 again. Maybe this will finally be the run where we pass 703!

...I really hope that I didn't just jinx it...

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14 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

450! Sure, I'll take it I guess.

It just struck me that we're already halfway from 400 to 500 again. Maybe this will finally be the run where we pass 703!

...I really hope that I didn't just jinx it...

Someone knock on some wood, fast!

8 hours ago, Anime27Arts said:

400! I promise this was a total accident! I just happened to be on at the exact moment. Talk about luck!




How even.....


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11 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

You're a better man than The Three Procrastineers. (Is that a good name? Beep? Anime?)


10 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

I thought it might be a bit too silly for us, but fortunately we all have low standards.

Sounds great! What are these things you call standards?

6 hours ago, Bartozio said:




How even.....

Honestly I have no either. I probably won't be on for 500 because I'll be either eating turkey or fighting for the best deals so someone else can claim it. 


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14 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:


Sounds great! What are these things you call standards?

Honestly I have no either. I probably won't be on for 500 because I'll be either eating turkey or fighting for the best deals so someone else can claim it. 


inb4 you happen to have time t check this thread once today, and it happens to be the right time...

I'll probably miss it as well though.


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