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3 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

Since we can all verify who is being shot can we of the counting thread agree to a truce.


You're gonna have to convince Sully about that one. I'm cool with it if everyone else is, though.


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Actually, this is kinda fun; watching you guys all kill each other while I sit safely from the sidelines. I feel like I'm the Roman Emperor watching the Colosseum.

Ok, but no ninjas. Thumbs down to you Mackc2. Thumbs down.


Edited by Rex Glacies
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See what our petty war has caused! Our beloved princess Anime is dead!

I say we add something onto our truce: whoever kills one of us, gets killed by us. That doesn't apply to me because we can all agree that Bart got what was coming to him, of course.


That double-ninja was insane. 


Edited by SullyMcGully
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2 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

See what our petty war has caused! Our beloved princess Anime is dead!

I say we add something onto our truce: whoever kills one of us, gets killed by us. That doesn't apply to me because we can all agree that Bart got what was coming to him, of course.

To be fair, I don't think she's quite as dead as Duke Mack over here...

I will agree with those terms... Only because I was planning to kill Bart before you did it.


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Just now, SullyMcGully said:

Good! It's a deal, then. Garfield and Scarlet, together to the end! Man I wish I had picked a better alias!


It fits perfectly for it shall be the colour you shall be should you fail 


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2 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

Good! It's a deal, then. Garfield and Scarlet, together to the end! Man I wish I had picked a better alias!

Is that a reference to something? Your alias is the only one out of this thread that I don't get.

171 Mack why


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2 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Is that a reference to something? Your alias is the only one out of this thread that I don't get.


It was going to be "Miss Scarlet" from the board game CLUE,  but I was half-asleep when I wrote and put in "Lady Scarlet" instead.


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2 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

Scarlet, I want to see you live hust because Scarlet is the name of my main character in a book I'm writing.  Good luck!

As for me, I'm just dead over here with the poor Duke.


My suggestion, threaten your killer 


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Just now, Anime27Arts said:

Scarlet, I want to see you live hust because Scarlet is the name of my main character in a book I'm writing.  Good luck!

As for me, I'm just dead over here with the poor Duke.


Thank you! I didn't know you were a writer. 

The Duke is not "dead", he is "double-dead". I demand we refer to him as such from here on out.

Since somebody was killed twice, that means that there is a chance that one of us will make it through the night. Probably won't be me, though.


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6 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

It was going to be "Miss Scarlet" from the board game CLUE,  but I was half-asleep when I wrote and put in "Lady Scarlet" instead.

Heh, close enough then.


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1 minute ago, Rex Glacies said:

I thought you all had 2 bulletproof vests or something. How are some of you dead already?

Let's just say that Prims took some... liberties with the standard setup.


We all have 0 bulletproofs, and the exact same role, which lets us see who every player is.


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9 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

Thank you! I didn't know you were a writer. 

Most of my stuff is privately kept on docs shared with close friends who write with me.  I write a lot of different things because it helps me already have something to go off of when I create comics. 

1 minute ago, Rex Glacies said:

Are you allowed to post that?




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2 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Are you allowed to post that?

Nobody told me not to. If I was the only Faust, it would be in my best interest if I didn't, but since everybody is one, might as well take out all of my frustration against Prims by putting his link everywhere.


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2 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

Most of my stuff is privately kept on docs shared with close friends who write with me.  I write a lot of different things because it helps me already have something to go off of when I create comics. 

You should post some of it on this site!

2 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

Nobody told me not to. If I was the only Faust, it would be in my best interest if I didn't, but since everybody is one, might as well take out all of my frustration against Prims by putyting his link everywhere.

Fair, maybe, but you should probably be more careful about posting it. Not to say I'm not grateful; thank you!


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10 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

Most of my stuff is privately kept on docs shared with close friends who write with me.  I write a lot of different things because it helps me already have something to go off of when I create comics. 

I get that. There's stuff I've written that I wouldn't let anybody here read. Religious stuff. And steamy stuff. I live a triple life, what can I say?


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11 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

I get that. There's stuff I've written that I wouldn't let anybody here read. Religious stuff. And steamy stuff. I live a triple life, what can I say?

What about steamy religious stuff? Do those two interests ever intersect?


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