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Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War 2017 Tier List - Day 39: The support kids (Corple, Lene, Sharlow and Laylea)


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Honestly, if Beowulf was ~Level 15 with his average bases at that level, he'd be a helluva lot better. His stats aren't the biggest issue for me, it's how far away he is from promotion combined with how mediocre he is on the arena before promotion.

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Honestly, if Beowulf was ~Level 15 with his average bases at that level, he'd be a helluva lot better. His stats aren't the biggest issue for me, it's how far away he is from promotion combined with how mediocre he is on the arena before promotion.

Yeah, this honestly is more damning than his bases. Good point Refa.

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Ah, Beowulf. He has a sword, and is on a horse, and has to deal with the likes of Sigurd. Having the multi-attack archer skills is really nice, and being able to keep up with the other mounts is also nice. But that's about it, and I have better things to do with my money. Sorry.


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Wow. I'm honestly kinda surprised that Beowulf got a 5.41/10 after 16 votes. I mean, for a mounted unit with Pursuit, this is a really low score...

It's now time for the best fighter in the game, who joins alongside some random wind mage dude, Sylviaa- wait, what?

Scratch that, for our 18th day, it's time to look at Levin! ^^

Class: Bard (Level 6)
Holy Blood: Major Holsety
Personal Skills: Continue, Critical

Class Skills: None
34 HP (90%)
1 Strength (10%)
12 Magic (30%)
12 Skill (40%)
16 Speed (90%)
5 Defense (20%)
9 Resistance (10%)
7 Luck (20%)

My thoughts: Lewyn is probably the only unit without Pursuit that is able to constantly kick lots of asses, and itS' easy to see why: even if he joins at a low level, his base stats are pretty awesome anyway. He also has some very good growths, overkillingly so in HP and Speed, and also has access to Continue and Critical, which thanks to his high Skill/Speed, will activate very often! However, he is kinda squishy, and things might get bad if the RNG is unfair to him, so don't rely on him too much. HOWEVER, his Defense will not mater anymore when in Chapter 4, because he'll receive the best tome in the entire series, Forseti. It has 30 Might, is very light, and gives 10 Skill and 20 SPEED. He pretty much will not die past this point, trust me.

Yeah, he's foot-locked and could have better availability, but it abrely matters in my book, he's just that awesome! Lewyn gets a 9/10 with positive bias, because he's also quite the well-developped character. :3

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Levin is pretty good for a foot unit, 6 movement, staves on promotion, great stats, and good 1-2 range. Holsety is nice but usually completely overkill, since he kills everything in gen 1 with Elwind anyway, it provides an evasion boost to buff his durability more than actually increasing his offence (except against Leptor and Langbart, where it's cool). However Levin joins too late in Chapter 2 to do much (especially since he has to be back at the home castle to recruit Fury) and is a late joining foot unit, so i'll give him a 5.5/10, with (positive) bias for carrying me the first time playing the game.

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(NOTE: I write these reviews under the assumptions of a casual playthrough. If Levin seems a little high in my estimation...that's why. I don't care a fig about turns taken and all that as far as these reviews are concerned)

Wow, nice stat line. Ok, sure, his Mag growth is a little low, but almost no one has that much Res anyway. So because of that, his innate 1-2 Range, and the possession of Critical and Continue, Levin basically has a 46% chance of killing anyone he fights, and a 100% chance of reducing their HP by half. Not bad

Most importantly though (at least for a casual playthrough), he starts next to all the villages he could possibly need, AND he has easy access to the Bargain Ring. From there, he can easily snag the Elite and Defense Rings, with nothing but an occasional reset against Voltz and co. Have him solo Anphony's forces, heal him up with Ethlin, warp him back, have him fight in the Arena a bit, and there you go. Instant promotion. Instant B Staves. Instant capped Speed. Follow that up by slapping the Speed and Pursuit Rings on him, and Levin becomes... untouchable. He doesn't even need the Elite Ring from there. He becomes effectively immortal, someone who will never fail to kill anyone he fights. Why is that the case for him, and not for other units I could theoretically baby? Well, here's why.

1) Unlike say, Aira, he's got automatic 1-2 Range with strong, accurate AND incredibly light wind tomes. Plus he targets Resistance, not Defense.

2) Unlike Azel and Tiltyu, he specializes in the BEST kind of magic, and has 6 Move.

3) Most importantly, his Speed is so, absolutely, utterly, absurdly, LUDICROUSLY high, that when you get him leveled up far enough and get him a Live Ring (regenerates 5-10 HP per turn)...he's invincible. He is, for all intents and purpose, invincible. He's like Ike, except he can use staves, and doesn't even need Ragnell to become a walking death machine.

4) He's one of the few characters who gets a Holy Weapon. Not just any Holy Weapon either, but a Holy Weapon that INCREASES HIS SPEED BY +20!! So now, he has an Evade rate that goes past the 110 mark!

5) No. 4 means he's just about the only unit in your party who can conveniently ORKO Reptor in an efficient run. Even Brigid has accuracy problems, and Sigurd has to waste turns fighting through all of Reptor's troops to finally kill him.

6) If he's Tiltyu's husband, he can pass down ALL of that awesome stuff, including the Holy Weapon that raises Speed by +20, down to Arthur, who's available in the very first Chapter of Gen 2. So he's not just a magnificent fighter. He's a magnificent Dad as well.

So, there's your reasons for why he's worth babying in every way you possibly can in a casual playthrough. He is FE6 Karel, if Karel had 26 whole levels to grow instead of 1. He is FE9 Ike, if Ike got Ragnell at Chapter 9 instead of Chapter 27. He is FE11 Wolf and Sedgar, if Wolf and Sedgar had access to promotion bonuses. He is Robin, if Robin starred in FE7, and kept his skills, growths, weapon levels, caps, and all of that stuff.


Edited by FionordeQuester
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Levin is the best of the first gen magic users. Sure, he doesn't have Pursuit. But he's got Critical and Continue in order to deal with enemies, so he shouldn't have much trouble killing things. If he fails to kill, someone can clean up after him anyway. He comes late enough, though, but he's good when he's around. Now if a certain event in Chapter 4 didn't happen I'd end this here and give him a 5 or something. But the event does happen. Oh, it happens. After Ch4-2, Levin gets himself the almighty power of Holsety!! So much for mediocre mage guy with some skills. Now he has a 30mt +10skl +20spd nuclear missile of doom. Any fool who tries to attack him will miss. 65% Continue and 30-something crit chance means chances are very high the foe will die. Assuming they aren't just OHKOed. Did I mention Levin has crazy promotion bonuses too? Plus staff shenanigans if you're into that? Levin is awesome. Don't let that 6 move put you off. And if you want super-awesome? Give him the Pursuit Ring. You will not be disappointed.

Oh, what's this "balance" thing? Better smash it in two with Holsety. 8/10 +0.5 because he's a cool guy. And dragons stop him getting BBQed. 8.5/10. Don't tell Fee or Sety I said he was cool. I'll get murdered. Like father, like son, you know.

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Lewyn may lack Pursuit but he eventually gains enough speed to make Adept a mote reliable skill anyways. He also starts off with one of the best tomes (Any kind of Wind Magic is amazing due to its low weight) and gets the best tome two chapters later, which allows him to have a lot of avoid and to blick annoyingly defensive bosses such as Langbalt.

7.5/10 (-0.5 bias included for being an absolute asshole during Gen 2)

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So, how about the guy who pretends to be a pauper but who's really a prince? And I thought the recruitments were getting cliche!

Levin joins with Sylvia in Chapter 2, tucked away with the villages and a bunch of bandits. So immediately, there's the issue of no Pursuit, being a foot unit and his movement (which is at least 6. It's like he's somehow got the pet treatment like Jamke), on top of his awkward location and his (most likely) role to protect the Bargain ring and recruit Fury later on. But at least he gets Continue (which he has a high chance to proc because he's got wind magic), on top of bases and magic that are compatible with it, and in Critical the possibility of not needing 2 hits at all. Wind magic is the best of the Anima tomes, And he gets the second tier tome to really rub it in Azel's face. Because let's face it, 2 weight is stupidly good. Really, he's great at dodging from the get go, so can take a lot of risks that units like Ayra won't be as good at, though he won't be guaranteed to double. And of course, he hits the worst defences on enemies pretty much all the time. However, you know how to make him better? Make him promote to the Sage class, where he gets 8 Magic, 5 Speed, 5 Skill and 5 Res? A class which caps 30 in Magic and Speed, and 27 in Skill and Res? Which has at least B in all magic barring Dark? That's one way, but he gets something even better on top of that. Late in Chapter 4, he gets to his ma, who makes him take his birthright, and with the revelations of Holsety make the rest of G1 his conquest. Because of all the Holy Weapons, only 2 outdo Holsety, and they're Naga and Loptyr (keep in mind Tyrfing gives more stats total. It's that good). 30 might, 90 accuracy, 5 weight (one of the lightest holy weapons) and of course, 10 skill and 20 SPEED. Because he needed to dodge more things. It's overkill on the greatest scale, and he can solo G1 with it (hell, most enemies don't even need it to be beaten easily at that point). It makes a mockery of the rest of G1. Shame that's 1 and a bit chapters.

It says a lot about how Holsety is so broken that in this and Thracia 776 that they didn't try to balance for it. And it's not like Holsety solves everything in Geneology. Just, most things.

As a dad, there's really only a few pairs worth considering. He's mediocre to just bad for Lachesis, Ayra, Aideen (though at least Rana gets B wind tomes) and Brigged. However, for the others (Sylvia, Fury and Tiltyu) he is their best choice by a long shot. For Sylvia, he just gives Critical to Corple and Leen skill wise, but he helps make both kids avoid better (on top of them having Prayer :P ), and of course makes Corple a hilarious tyke bomb. Not too useful, but sometimes you want your priest to conquer the world. There's an event to boost growth a bit, though Levin's not involved. For Fury, he makes them pretty much certain to cap Speed, makes Sety more amazing (though he already has Continue, having Pursuit already fixes Levin's one issue) and still able to cap Magic, while Fee gets great for dodging opponents and doubling. Even better, if you don't pair either of them before taking Thove in Chapter 4, and then have them talk, they immediately pair up. For Tiltyu, he does his usual stat boosts to the kids, but boosts Tinny's wind rank, and then makes Arthur a fantastic fighter from Chapter 6. Who can promote to have a horse. With Holsety. Obviously, Canto Holsety are two words to make this the pairing everyone recommends, and while I don't prefer it, it can't be denied that it makes early G2 far easier overall. No boosts for this pair's love growth though. One final thing is that in Chapter 10, he boosts the daughter from his pairings for each of these (giving +5 of Strength to Fee, Defence to Leen and Magic to Tinny).

Not gonna lie, Levin gets a full point of bias to 8.5/10 because he is that big of a deal to G2. Despite being pretty late in G1, and his character. Giving Holsety is such a big advantage that his contributions to G1 are sort of swamped by that one thing. But regardless, he can do very well at evasion, doing damage, and killing foes. Now, if he had a horse... That'd be more broken than Sigurd, right? (Also, I can't really count G2 Lewyn as the same character as G1 Levin, so I'm not going to bring that up)

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Eh I don't feel like I can rate him above Azel. He's the best foot combat unit in the game but it's still horse emblem. Staves aren't very good gen 1 and he usually doesn't promote until chapter 4 or 5. Everything he does Azel can also do and better usually albeit Azel needs investment. 4/10

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Levin is a beast when he actually fights, but alas he's a foot unit here, but hey if you put him in a group of enemies, he'll absolutely destroy them all.

5/10 while he does have the cool combat, and very good speed, he is only doing odd jobs unless its a more casual run.

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Lewyn/Levin is a nuclear bomb when he is in combat. When given Holsety, he can just solo the last part of Ch 4 and all of Ch 5 practically. He passes great growths and skills as a father, unless your name is Sety with that "gotta go fast" error. His only flaw is having no Pursuit, but his Adept activates 9/10 for me. 10/10

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Lewyn is the most broken unit in Gen. 1 when gets Forseti (yes, even better than Sigurd)

He can oneshot Reptor which saves me lots of time.

Pairing him up with Tiltyu, and Gen 2. will be child's play when Arthur joins.

Till chapter 4: 8.5 / 10

After that: 10 / 10

In total: 9 / 10

Edited by Eleanor Hume
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Finally, time to the rate the most broken foot unit in this game, Lewyn! 10/10, with positive bias.

Oh my god this guy is just way too good. In fact he's near Sigurd levels of awesomeness, and if he had started off with a pony, then he'd be equal to Sigurd, being his magic guy and him being his sword guy.

Lewyn can ORKO almost every enemy in the game with ease. He doesn't even need Holsety, as his dodging skills are superb and he has the best type of tome, the Wind tome (AKA better than a fire and thunder tome). If you do give him Holsety (which everyone would obviously), he WILL solo the whole of chapter 5. Not to mention his Speed growth is very good (90%), and Holsety gives him some extra 20 speed and 10 skill. Yeah, he won't die easily. Sure his defense growth is not great, but it doesn't matter when he can very easily dodge every enemy with ease. Like, it'll probably only take a boss to kill him at best, or if you get unlucky with him (which is not very likely).

His major problem is not having Pursuit, but he has Adept. which (for me at least) activates almost all the time. He also has Critical, which will activate most of the time. Thus, it's pretty easy for him to ORKO any enemy, and he can greatly damage any boss.

His major flaw is his love for Sylvia, which is quite annoying because an hilarious Corple is not too good compared to a Lewyn!Arthur and Lewyn!Sety. At least pairing him up with Fury is easy.

All in all, better than Tiltyu, Azel, heck all the foot units in Gen1

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He's pretty decent before Holsety and pretty amazing with it - but he gets like a chapter at most to use it. He's a superior mage to Azel, and can do a few things in chapters 3 and 4. Having six move helps his mobility, but he's still stuck with the other foot units and does initially have a little trouble reliably finishing stuff.


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Very unimpressive unit overall. Effectively becomes usable in Ch.3 where he's footlocked without Pursuit but at least some chance to make himself useful because Ch.3 is pretty kind to infantry units. He's best used as a staffbot after promotion because he'd otherwise slow the rest of the party down in Ch.4 and Ch.5 which are very cavalry heavy chapters. Promoted Azel and promoted Lachesis cover all the magic offense you could ask for anyway, Holsety's overkill only really contributes against bosses which Levin is not mobile enough to reach in a reasonable time ... cept like Langbart. Like Beowulf he's more significant as a father than as a unit that contributes towards turn count, combat et cetera, being the one who gives you access to Levin!Arthur.

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By this thread I figured out another unpopular opinion for myself:

Several foot units like Ayra, Jamka and Lewyn are WAY better in combat than most mounted units (exceptions: Sigurd and promoted Raquesis).

Seriously it makes me want to try an Ayra solo sometime...

Honestly saying Lewyn is better Noish and Alec isn't unpopular at all... because it's the truth.

Edited by Eleanor Hume
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I was going with a 6/10 in my mind, since mobility is really hard to argue against in this game, but the one argument that got me thinking is Lewyn's fatherhood viability. Put simply, any time a Forseti user makes it to combat, problems are solved on the spot. His few combat contributions + the ability to make Arthur sort of cements his legacy as 'Forseti: The Unit', which deserves an 8/10 in my mind. I do completely agree with the consensus that his individual contributions are undermined by his movement, but we have to give him that he is far and away the best footie there is. Come now, ranking him right along with Ayra is definitely disingenuous when he's got 2-range and actually does something in both his debut and Ch. 4, whereas Ayra's never relevant.

Edited by Inference
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Bah, I was on a plane trip and missed updates, reeee.


Someone on FESS once said Beo was the pride of the peaches :Beowulf:

Sadly I've forgotten who that was. Anyway, Beowulf has always been a very polarizing character in FE4, even back in the oooold days. He's extremely useful at glance: mounted, good growths, uses the best weapon of the triangle in FE4 (swords are stupidly light and if you feel they lack power then the blade tree basically compensates for that and despite their low accuracy are still pretty damn light at least and hit like trucks... and that 60% accuracy is only marginally lower than most other non-sword weapons anyway), has one essential skill (pursuit) and one not so great skill (duel), and makes a great easy dad for at least one character (Lachesis).

On the other hand he comes fairly late at a not-so-hot level (he's a bit lower than what most of your units will be around and your best ones will greatly outclass him) and charges you a lot of gold to get him. He's the definition of great but at what cost. He absolutely makes Alec and Noish redundant but comes midway into Chapter 2 so you don't really get as much utilitarian mileage out of him. As a dad Lachesis is really his only good bet, his skill combo is rather wasted on other moms and his lack of holy blood doesn't help him there either. Personally I think Beo with Lachesis is redundant because it beefs their strengths too high and doesn't cover any weaknesses but eh. Their story is interesting anyway!

The Free/Forrest Knight line is interesting though. In FE4 the usual tradeoff between infantry and mounted units are stat caps: mounted ones typically has lesser caps all around, but the Forrest Knight has a skill cap of 30! That's 3 more than the actual infantry Forrest unit that it draws its name from, and it has the same speed cap of 27! Str and Def are low at 23, but with pursuit and access to blade weapons, that's hardly a problem. Beowulf definitely has access to one of the game's best classes, if not the best mounted class for physical units.

All in all, Beowulf is an 8/10 for me. What he lacks in early game utility he makes up for in just being DAMN GOOD of a unit all around. Shell out for him and his stupid smug face and his stupid 80s haircut.

Seriously, look at this fucker


As for Levin!

Levin is baller. He lacks pursuit, but can crit and has a good enough speed growth and SUPER LIGHTEST WEAPONS IN THE GAME WITH WIND MAGIC so once leveled yeah he's basically always going to double attack period. He also has the good graces to join in the second half of chapter 2, where being mounted isn't quite so essential (though you do have to take time to move him and everyone else into position). He's needed to recruit Fury who is another fantastic unit, and once promoted into a sage he makes a great off-healer if you need it as well.

And then in the end of chapter 4 he gains access to the LITERAL BEST HOLY WEAPON IN THE GAME. In a game where holy weapons are all OP garbage, Forsetti stands above the rest as the MOST OP of them all. Its wind magic, so its light. It gives 20 freakin' speed, so it easily compensates for what little weight it had anyway. It gives 10 skill to help Levin with the crits. Its magic so its RANGED. Sure Naga is better statistically, but Forsetti gets more mileage in the long run. Its just ridiculous. And you can pass that shit down! Pair Levin with Tiltyu and laugh as G2 becomes an even bigger joke than it already was with Arthur vaporizing anything mildly dangerous out the gate. Then he promotes and gets a horse so you can do it from even longer distances! Pair Levin with Fury and turn Sety into literally Levin but better (and also abide by canon you depraved sickos). Just.... Levin, man. 10/10 for me, sure he comes almost half way in, but he carries his weight with ease and absolutely obliterates anyone in his path.

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(and also abide by canon you depraved sickos)

Honestly, I want to quote this. And I say this as one of those depraved sickos. Got me a laugh.

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Hey everyone! I just wanted to stop by and wish to all of you a Merry Christmas to everyone here! I hope that you'll have a great time with your respective families! ^^

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