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What should I pick?

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4 or 5, probably.

One vote for 4 and 5

As for what to play, try FE4.

Two votes for 4

The first three games show their age. 4 is quite different mechanically and 5 plays similar to the GBA games. The latter can be tricky if you're playing blind.

Haven't played GBA games in a while so I guess 3 votes for 4

If you played SD already, FE3 might be worth looking into.

I assume you also mean beat SD and have played it just not beaten it so that's a no vote for FE3.

Well I guess I'm going to play FE4.

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I assume you also mean beat SD and have played it just not beaten it so that's a no vote for FE3.

Maybe, but I would've recommended FE3 nonetheless because reasons.

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One vote for 4 and 5

Two votes for 4

Haven't played GBA games in a while so I guess 3 votes for 4

I assume you also mean beat SD and have played it just not beaten it so that's a no vote for FE3.

Well I guess I'm going to play FE4.

Why didn't you just make a poll?
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If you can get through SD, I do think FE12 is actually a good game, though certainly only if you can get through SD. (It's also a title with an avatar character, unfortunately)

If doing FE4, I'd recommend FE5 right after, but be warned that FE5 is a mean title, much more so than 4, and plays differently enough to throw you off.

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4 would be the best. As a side effect of it's different design it dodges some of the interface limitations that 5 has, like not being able to choose your unit's starting locations. It's also the game that really improved the controls and the interface. 3 still feels way too much like the stiff NES games.

Edited by BrightBow
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FE12 is the newest Japan-only. It's on the DS, so no region lock if you still have yours.

FE4 has a really interesting story though, arguably the best in the series. But the gameplay is difficult though because it follows a different formula.

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FE4 has a really interesting story though, arguably the best in the series. But the gameplay is difficult though because it follows a different formula.

That's odd, I didn't find FE4 difficult at all. However, this isn't the place for me to soapbox about it, so I'll just say that I disagree with this.

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