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FE10 Tierlist 2017

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I'm not really seeing how Tanith has good speed when her 23 base fails to double most of the enemies in her join chapter, and most of what she DOES double are generals she barely does anything to, mages, of which the fire mages might end up being too fast for her to double, or axe paladins.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Got a voting via PM:

Haar = 7

Jill = 9,5

Nailah = 6,5

Titania = 6,5

Reyson = 7

Ike = 9

Rafiel = 9

Elincia = 9

Volug = 6

Shinon = 8

Sothe = 4

Zihark = 8,5

Nolan = 9,5

Mia = 7

Black Knight = 6

Oscar = 7

Gatrie = 7

Nephenee = 8,5

Leanne = 5

Marcia = 6

Micaiah = 8

Ranulf = 6

Edward = 7

Aran = 8

Mordecai = 5

Soren = 9

Laura = 7,5

Kieran = 6

Boyd = 6,5

Brom = 5

Geoffrey = 5,5

Rhys = 4

Rolf = 8,5

Tauroneo = 5

Muarim 4

Calill = 5,5

Heather = 5

Mist = 7

Nealuchi = 4

Illyana = 3,5

Danved = 3

Makalow = 3,5

Leonardo = 7,5

Lucia = 4

Lethe = 5,5

Tormod = 3

Kyze = 3

Vika = 3

Astrid = 4

Meg = 1

Fiona = 6

Lyre = 4

Janaff = 5,5

Ukkie = 5,5

Tanith = 7,5

Sigrun = 7

Sanaki = 3

It caused some interesting changes:

  • Nailah felt from god to top-tier.
  • Aran and Edward returned to up-mid-tier.
  • Rafiel is best heron.
  • Muarim felt from mid to low-mid-tier.
voting results Edited by Eleanor Hume
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Well, I don't think they can compare when Guy's in a game much more favorable to evasion, for one, and second, his game has weaker enemies. Also, I don't see the appeal of Resolve/Vantage when Vantage is chance-based (do you REALLY want to rely on a chance that you attack first?), to say nothing of Resolve and Wrath no longer being the killer combo it was in Path of Radiance thanks to Wrath requiring 30% Hp or less, meaning that it's possible to be low enough that Resolve kicks in, yet just having enough health to be out of Wrath range, and that's ignoring that mages are better Wrath users anyhow because I don't put myself in a situation where if the RNG doesn't smile on me, I'm risking a dead unit.

Entering Resolve and not Wrath is a point, risky but it improves his combat.

If the RNG doesn't smile you, you won't even be able to clear a chapter, and in extension, the game. Imo, the risk is worth it because of all the benefits you get on boosting his offense. He also has Caladbolg which boosts his luck and hits pretty hard.

Regarding general complaints about the Holy Guards' bases, I think they are so much good for being pre promoted units. I consider them pre promo because Tauroneo rejoins at 3-12 by lv 14, and Sigrun and Tanith are quite higher in levels. Their bases suck as 2 tier units, but I find reasonable to give them 1-3 BEXP levels, insta promote them with a Master Crown and give them forged javelins. They do their job quite good as a flier and main combatant, not Haar or Jill levels but pretty decent. I recall using Sigrun on an HM run and she was good with a Drop and a Wing, problem is she needs a lot of levels and is a growth unit, which is time consuming on Hard Mode.

= EDIT =

Would submit rankings but too late :/

Edited by Quintessence
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When it comes to Edward it really comes down to difficulty mode.

He's pretty bad in HM -- far too much investment needed to become good, and struggles on the virtue of not even being able to fight axe users that well. Heck, Leonardo is better in this mode, as he just needs 15 speed to be quite useful in part 3.

In NM he's decent but still requires investment that could go to others, when you have a perfectly good swordmaster around the corner. Not that it's wrong to use both or anything -- but Zihark is definitely better.

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Entering Resolve and not Wrath is a point, risky but it improves his combat.

If the RNG doesn't smile you, you won't even be able to clear a chapter, and in extension, the game. Imo, the risk is worth it because of all the benefits you get on boosting his offense. He also has Caladbolg which boosts his luck and hits pretty hard.

Regarding general complaints about the Holy Guards' bases, I think they are so much good for being pre promoted units. I consider them pre promo because Tauroneo rejoins at 3-12 by lv 14, and Sigrun and Tanith are quite higher in levels. Their bases suck as 2 tier units, but I find reasonable to give them 1-3 BEXP levels, insta promote them with a Master Crown and give them forged javelins. They do their job quite good as a flier and main combatant, not Haar or Jill levels but pretty decent. I recall using Sigrun on an HM run and she was good with a Drop and a Wing, problem is she needs a lot of levels and is a growth unit, which is time consuming on Hard Mode.

= EDIT =

Would submit rankings but too late :/

All the same, I'm not seeing the Resolve hype when you need to be at half health or less for it to activate, and compared to previous titles, the reliability of evade is down in Radiant Dawn.

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Got a voting via PM.

It caused some interesting changes:

  • Nailah felt from god to top-tier.
  • Aran and Edward returned to up-mid-tier.
  • Rafiel is best heron.
  • Muarim felt from mid to low-mid-tier.

voting results

It's your list, your rules, but IMO people should vote or post publicly if their votes are going to be counted.

Thanks for posting the results though. I took a cursory glance through and I didn't see my 4/10 vote for Meg there (posted here along with a 9/10 for Volug). I may have forgotten to vote that time; apologies if so.

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Janaff and Ulki

I think Janaff and Ulki are pretty much equal. They both are basically untouchable while transformed and usually fail to kill a non-mage opponent in one round unless they activate a skill. (Which they can easily do btw, since they are close to lv 30 and can use a Satori Sign and get a lot of value out of Adept due to their massive speed. Usually I don't put much stock into skills like this but since both of them are virtually invincible it's not likely that those skills would end up backfiring on them.) While being indestructible isn't all that special in the Greil Mercenaries, their flight ability gives them plenty of opportunities to make themselves useful.



Her bases are pretty meh and her lackluster speed growth can hold her back in the long run. Being a forced flier makes her helpful on her join chapter but afterwards I see little reason to deploy her when you have access to all those amazing fliers.



Yeah, I ranked Sigrun higher then Tanith. Thing is, Sigrun doesn't just have a deployment slot with her name on it in her join chapter but also in Part 4, so it makes far more sense to invest into her then into Tanith, else she becomes yet another squishy that needs babysitting. After promotion she does actually perform pretty adequately, especially in the desert chapter. And it's actually kinda neat to have a flier who can automatically heal almost half their HP with Imbue each turn.



Speaking of squishies, Sanaki truly is Micaiah's sister. Low HP and low speed in case she doesn't get struck down by a single attack. But unlike Micaiah she can't use Thani or use staffs. I suppose she can make herself useful in the desert but otherwise she is just a walking failure condition.


Edited by BrightBow
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Jannaf/Ulki: 8.5

I give them the same score because they are both equally functional and have the same flaws. Pretty much their only flaws are that they have a transformation gauge unlike the royals so they have to use gems or stones sadly, got to watch out for crossbows, and that they have no 2-range like beorc. However they are very dependable and formidable fighters and probably the best laguz that start with an A-rank in beaks/laguz weaponry. The difference between them is that Jannaff is cheaper bexp-wise because he only needs one level but Ulki comes with much higher avoid so I always find myself using Ulki more. I like to have one as a filler fighter while I train the other with wildheart to raise their rank.

Tanith: 6.5

Tanith and Sigrun are flying units with decent bases and similar flaws. The difference is that Tanith is more of a long-run unit while Sigrun is probably more of a short-term unit because she reaches her promotion much faster but Tanith has better growths. They are both very useful nonetheless regardless if you choose they take combat roles or supporting roles. Tanith takes more effort to use than Sigrun does, and Sigrun's free deployment works to her favor rather than Tanith's. They are definitely not Haar/Jill tier but can get there in normal/easy mode or with lots of bias in HM.

Sigrun: 7.5

I guess her speed growth is pretty bad but I don't mind it unless i'm taking her to endgame and I find Marcia much better investment than her or Tanith. However if I do decide to bring her I do the same trick as the laguz with Bexp + Blossom and maybe save her a speedwing or two. I find her performance pre-endgame to be pretty good, she can use all the important weapons like horseslayer to tackle enemies and doesn't have trouble doubling either. She's much more afforadle too and reaches her promotion sooner than Tanith, which for a temporary unit I find better.

Sanaki: 7

Sanaki is very similar to Micaiah in that she's very fragile but can also deal tons of damage to enemies, she's easily the strongest mage at base without tons of effort/bias put into her. Also like Micaiah her personal tome works best. In my opinion Sanaki or Micaiah are the best mages, not Soren, in the game and she never needs to be near the enemy because she makes the best use of long range tomes. Resolve definitely works well with her and besides Micaiah I find it most useful on her or the other sages. I give Sanaki 1 less point than what I would give to Micaiah because she doesn't heal..

Edited by Sweet_Basil
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I have to admit I always give paragon to Tanith in 3-12 to reach the speed quickly which allows her to double. After the promotion her stats are already better than Sigrun's after her classchange.

Changed Zihark's vote from 7.5 to 7 because Edward (7.5) does more for the DB in total for me.

Would submit rankings but too late :/

How do you mean that?
You still can.

Or you meant too late for arguing?

When it comes to Edward it really comes down to difficulty mode.

He's pretty bad in HM -- far too much investment needed to become good, and struggles on the virtue of not even being able to fight axe users that well. Heck, Leonardo is better in this mode, as he just needs 15 speed to be quite useful in part 3.
In NM he's decent but still requires investment that could go to others, when you have a perfectly good swordmaster around the corner. Not that it's wrong to use both or anything -- but Zihark is definitely better.

Edward's only problem is the early game. That's the reason why to powerlevel up him in the first chapters.
Later on he'll be the only first tier unit besides Jill who can double and oneround enemies without a crit.
Unlike in NM he's great against soldiers. They still do the same damage to him and Edward with support can take two steel lance soldiers. Not bad at all for a myrmidon.
Edward is always the first or second unit who reaches level 20 besides Jill in my runs.
In part 3 he's the better offensive unit than Zihark because of his higher strength growth and better accuracy thanks to light-affinity. With storm sword wrath-crits he can oneround each Laguz. Of course his hitrate won't be the best.
Sure, Zihark is the better front unit than Edward but in combat he's not really better than Edward. He has adept - ok - but his attackpower. Also his biorhythm is annoying.
He gets all his credits for being a dodgetank, that's it. In lategame he'll be outclassed by Mia and Edward statwise.
And seriously Zihark is harder to use than Edward in part 3 because not each hit will bring him down to resolve zone automatically. In 3-6 a cat normally doesn't do enough damage, same goes for some enemies in 3-12 (a really bad chapter for Zihark anyways). In 3-13 he needs definitely an A-support in earth because the enemies compensate an entire support rank by benefiting from Ike's authority stars.
The only chapters Zihark is really much better than Edward are 1-8 (because of some brigands with >16 speed) and 3-6. Otherwise Edward is equal or even better.
Since Edward brings more earnings than Zihark for me in total I rank him even higher now.

Seriously Nolan is suffering way more by the difficulty jump between normal and hard mode in total than Edward.
Nolan's base speed and equipment give him already problems in 1-2. Some enemies double him with the steel axe equipped, and with the hand axe he has a shitty accuracy. Same problem in 1-3. Furthermore he can't even take two steel axes and tigers in HM unless he could get at least two defense points (by wasting
a dracoshield).
Edward can gets level much faster than Nolan by onerounding, so it's way harder to earlypromote Nolan.

It's your list, your rules, but IMO people should vote or post publicly if their votes are going to be counted.

Thanks for posting the results though. I took a cursory glance through and I didn't see my 4/10 vote for Meg there (posted here along with a 9/10 for Volug). I may have forgotten to vote that time; apologies if so.

Will take your vote for Meg and Volug, because otherwise the poll isn't matching anymore because then would be a difference of votes for Volug and Meg.

Also I second your suggestion.
I'll make the submitted votings via PM public.

The submitted voting is shown in post #577.

Edited by Eleanor Hume
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I have to admit I always give paragon to Tanith in 3-12 to reach the speed quickly which allows her to double. After the promotion her stats are already better than Sigrun's after her classchange.

Changed Zihark's vote from 7.5 to 7 because Edward (7.5) does more for the DB in total for me.

How do you mean that?

You still can.

Edward's only problem is the early game. That's the reason why to powerlevel up him in the first chapters.

Later on he'll be the only first tier unit besides Jill who can double and oneround enemies without a crit.

Unlike in NM he's great against soldiers. They still do the same damage to him and Edward with support can take two steel lance soldiers. Not bad at all for a myrmidon.

Edward is always the first or second unit who reaches level 20 besides Jill in my runs.

In part 3 he's the better offensive unit than Zihark because of his higher strength growth and better accuracy thanks to light-affinity. With storm sword wrath-crits he can oneround each Laguz. Of course his hitrate won't be the best.

Sure, Zihark is the better front unit than Edward but in combat he's not really better than Edward. He has adept - ok - but his attackpower. Also his biorhythm is annoying.

He gets all his credits for being a dodgetank, that's it. In lategame he'll be outclassed by Mia and Edward statwise.

And seriously Zihark is harder to use than Edward in part 3 because not each hit will bring him down to resolve zone automatically. In 3-6 a cat normally doesn't do enough damage, same goes for some enemies in 3-12 (a really bad chapter for Zihark anyways). In 3-13 he needs definitely an A-support in earth because the enemies compensate an entire support rank by benefiting from Ike's authority stars.

The only chapters Zihark is really much better than Edward are 1-8 (because of some brigands with >16 speed) and 3-6. Otherwise Edward is equal or even better.

Since he brings more earnings than Zihark for me in total I rank him even higher now.

Seriously Nolan is suffering way more by the difficulty jump between normal and hard mode in total than Edward.

Nolan's base speed and equipment give him already problems in 1-2. Some enemies double him with the steel axe equipped, and with the hand axe he has a shitty accuracy. Same problem in 1-3. Furthermore he can't even take two steel axes and tigers in HM unless he could get at least two defense points (by wasting

a dracoshield).

Edward can gets level much faster than Nolan by onerounding, so it's way harder to earlypromote Nolan.

And Edward's shaky early game isn't a bad thing? It's already bad enough that any death gets you a meeting with the game over screen in those first maps... Also, one-rounding isn't always a good thing, especially for a unit who's made of glass. Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Onerounding is only bad in enemy phase.

Edward is a player phase unit. Of course you want to let him out of any attack ranges if he's hurt.

With correct positioning a / o overrunning the enemy it's really not hard to keep him safe.

In general part 1 doesn't have huge enemy phases except for the cavalier batallion in 1-6-2.

I agree with his earlygame, but for comparison: Nolan's is not better either.

Even if Edward is below average, 1-4 is an excellent chapter to let him catch up... because in 1-5 he'll start to show his usefulness by onerouning some enemies on the ledge.

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Edward's only problem is the early game. That's the reason why to powerlevel up him in the first chapters.

There's a huge amount of problems with this logic though. All that effort could be put into multiple other units and they need less effort as a whole. And Zihark requires like, barely any.

Basically, if you split Edwards investment into 2-3 other units, you're going to be far better off, hands down. That's how it works.

Nolan has far better bases, especially bulk. Edward is really frail and his offence take quite a while to pick up. And can't even double unless you consistently feed him kills. This all comes down to the concept of opportunity cost -- Nolan doesn't even need half the effort than Edward needs to be decent, and then the other half of that effort goes to other units that could use it better. And while Edward can be really good if you put all eggs into one basket, the concept of that is very flawed. Edward is not good unless you go all out on him.

Also, the early game of FE10 is much harder than the lategame, so 'Est' units are especially flawed in this game. You're only making matter worse in the early game by inefficiently forcing kills onto Edward.

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Eh, if you give Edward the dracoshield and he gets one or two levels under his belt, he's fine. People really exaggerate how "good" zihark is. He's better, but it's not the super massive gap like the difference between say Titania and Fiona.

If you decide to use Edward, the minute you get the kid to promote he's better than a zihark. Even if you use zihark because zihark has some incredibly lame exp gain early on and lame growths to boot.

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There's a huge amount of problems with this logic though. All that effort could be put into multiple other units and they need less effort as a whole. And Zihark requires like, barely any.

Honestly I find Edward is one of the units who need the less effort except for a few levels in the earlygame.

He doesn't need any status items. With his support he can get +3 defense which allow him to take two steel lances and maybe even steel bows if his defense grows a bit over average.

In 1-7 he can get free kills with the brave sword... pretty nice I'd say.

Also you want to have as much fire power as possible for the DB unless you want to rush with Sothe and Volug through part 1.

Zihark doesn't need any investment in part 1... sure... but in part 3 he's basically just Edward II with a better affinity and worse physical growths.

Nolan and especially Aran need more babying.

Sure, Nolan is great in 1-1, but in 1-2 he starts to struggle already. You need to forge an iron axe for him to prevent speed penalty and have higher accuracy.

Furthermore he will have a harder time in leveling because he can't one oneround enemies in HM unlike Edward. Maybe he can double a priest, but that's it. He needs 16-17 speed in E-1 to double mages. That's what he normally has when he's level 20.

As for Aran you have to keep an eye on his speed the entire time. With his low speed growth you must be worried that he'll get doubled. Then even his high defense won't help him anymore.

In HM Edward is the easiest to train of these mentioned people in part 1... at least for me.

Edited by Eleanor Hume
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Eh, if you give Edward the dracoshield and he gets one or two levels under his belt, he's fine. People really exaggerate how "good" zihark is. He's better, but it's not the super massive gap like the difference between say Titania and Fiona.

If you decide to use Edward, the minute you get the kid to promote he's better than a zihark. Even if you use zihark because zihark has some incredibly lame exp gain early on and lame growths to boot.

Well, I'd like to disagree on that:


Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

1 32 17.6 2.8 21 21 16 11.6 5.2


Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

6 31.65 18.05 6.3 24.25 25.1 12.2 13.75 12.05

A fair amount superior. Yes, this is promoting Edward at 20. Zihark is level 6 on the basis of the same investment (3 levels compared to Edward's 16).

So... you've given Edward all that investment and he's still got a ways to go to "surpass" Zihark to a meaningful degree.

If anything people are exaggerating how good Edwards growth or potential is. Although it's mostly because his base stats are just that poor.

Also, go and check each unit's average stats as a level 1 Trueblade. Edward has 1 more STR. I kid you not.

And this isn't even taking into account Zihark's earth support.

Edited by DLuna
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Honestly I find Edward is one of the units who need the less effort except for a few levels in the earlygame.

He doesn't need any status items. With his support he can get +3 defense which allow him to take two steel lances and maybe even steel bows if his defense grows a bit over average.

In 1-7 he can get free kills with the brave sword... pretty nice I'd say.

Also you want to have as much fire power as possible for the DB unless you want to rush with Sothe and Volug through part 1.

Zihark doesn't need any investment in part 1... sure... but in part 3 he's basically just Edward II with a better affinity and worse physical growths.

Nolan and especially Aran need more babying.

Sure, Nolan is great in 1-1, but in 1-2 he starts to struggle already. You need to forge an iron axe for him to prevent speed penalty and have higher accuracy.

Furthermore he will have a harder time in leveling because he can't one oneround enemies in HM unlike Edward. Maybe he can double a priest, but that's it. He needs 16-17 speed in E-1 to double mages. That's what he normally has when he's level 20.

As for Aran you have to keep an eye on his speed the entire time. With his low speed growth you must be worried that the entire time that he'll get doubled. Then even his high defense won't help him anymore.

In HM Edward is the easiest to train of these mentioned people in part 1... at least for me.

How are you getting your +3 defense support. It's first possible opportunity is what? 1-7? And that would mean turtling 1-4, 1-5 & 1-6. If you're taking the time to get Edward his "amazing" +3 defense support, you've probably routed every map, those investments still have higher pay-offs on other units. And you're even acknowledging the fact that he needs to be Def blessed for it to have serious merit.

Zihark can also get free kills with the brave sword, this item does not grant edward any more than it does other sword wielders.

For Fire power, Nolan with a forged axe hits way harder than Edward.

Edward needs a crapton of investment in part 1 to be barely decent, and in part three he's just Zihark 2.0 who's facing way higher hit rates because of his worse affinity. And you know what will certainly not help him there? +3 defense when facing tigers that 2HKO regardless of those extra defense points.

Edited by Vicious Sal
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I normally support Edward with Leonardo (I see a storm of comments for using Leonardo) and the A-support is normally established in 1-7.

I find this support good enough for part 1 for letting Edward take two hits except by magic and axes.

Nolan with a forged axe doesn't do more damage than two attacks by Edward. He can't oneshot anything except - maybe - a priest and mage 1-5. It's pretty much as luckbased as Edward can take two steel bows.

Also Zihark is only an experience eater in part 1-7, and he has adept, so I don't see any point in using him unless you're desperate.

He's only really needed from 1-8 because first tier Edward can't double everything anymore (unless you prepromote him).

His perfomance in part 3 is not as great as people might think. Sure, he is a dodgetank, but in combat he's not really better than Edward because of his lower offensive power. Wrath-Edward with stormsword can easier oneround a tiger than Zihark. Also even resolve on him can be treacherous as I mentioned in previous comments. In 3-6 it works because you can estimate the enemy well due to their limited movement, but in 3-6 and 3-12 Zihark will become the same as Edward: a safety risk.

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Also Zihark is only an experience eater in part 1-7, and he has adept, so I don't see any point in using him unless you're desperate.

He's only really needed from 1-8 because first tier Edward can't double everything anymore (unless you prepromote him).

His perfomance in part 3 is not as great as people might think. Sure, he is a dodgetank, but in combat he's not really better than Edward because of his lower offensive power. Wrath-Edward with stormsword can easier oneround a tiger than Zihark. Also even resolve on him can be treacherous as I mentioned in previous comments. In 3-6 it works because you can estimate the enemy well due to their limited movement, but in 3-6 and 3-12 Zihark will become the same as Edward: a safety risk.

But Zihark does not have lower offensive power than Edward. Did you not read DLuna's post? Zihark in Part 3 has comparable Str and more Spd. Wrath-Zihark can one-round a tiger at range just as easily as Wrath-Edward, if you want to play him that way; the difference is that Zihark can also be a tank unit which Edward can't be. Edward is horribly inferior to Zihark until he promotes and is never meaningfully superior unless you do silly things like compare them at equal levels which they will never be given equal treatment until sometime around endgame.

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But Zihark does not have lower offensive power than Edward. Did you not read DLuna's post?

I meant when both are same level, and in the longrun.

This is an explanation that Zihark is a better front unit in Edward in part 3 (what I also agreed in my post), but it didn't answer my question why Edward is bad in HM in general.

Also as I mentioned 45 avoid sounds amazing at first, but it's still no guarantee that Zihark will dodge everything. In 3-13 with worst biorythm and against the Laguz who have +15 hitrate, he has only +20 evasion. Resolve doesn't have to be triggered. Zihark only will be safe in 3-6 and in 3-12 if each shot will bring him down to resolve mode immediately.

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I meant when both are same level, and in the longrun.

This is an explanation that Zihark is a better front unit in Edward in part 3 (what I also agreed in my post), but it didn't answer my question why Edward is bad in HM in general.

Also as I mentioned 45 avoid sounds amazing at first, but it's still no guarantee that Zihark will dodge everything. In 3-13 with worst biorythm and against the Laguz who have +15 hitrate, he has only +20 evasion. Resolve doesn't have to be triggered. Zihark only will be safe in 3-6 and in 3-12 if each shot will bring him down to resolve mode immediately.

Which ain't ever gonna happen unless you sandbagged Zihark and/or excessively favoured Edward.

As to why Edward is bad, it's because his earlygame sucks, and he's too dependent on his initial levels being good to have any hope of being useful.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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You forget dluna, Edward caps on stats at level 17 making him ripe for bexp for 3 levels. Those 3 levels are enough. To make him better than zihark because the only stats he can get from bexp is strength, defense, luck and resistance. All of which will make him more competent than zihark.OK 4 speed is nice, but 1 laguz kill with paragon is a level. The difference between them is pretty negligible after that point with Edward getting less garbage levels. Especially when you consider that earth affinity is everywhere in the dawn brigade. Like I said, zihark is better, but it's not a huge gap.

In other words, zihark isn't as good as people say or Edward isn't as bad.

Edited by Augestein
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On HM getting Edward to level 17 by the end of Part 1 on an efficient playthrough is quite the feat IMO- and 3 levels of BEXP is a lot considering how stingy Hard Mode is with it especially in Part 1.

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