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A month ago, I had only heard about Fire Emblem in passing. Now, I'm basically obsessed


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why did you bold your whole OP

also i will defend FF8 to my dying breath so i'm with you OP, although Awakening is one of my least favorite FEs. I have room for people in my life that disagree with me though.

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Welcome to the Forest DarkWind! I saw your introduction thread and read how you first tried the series. Glad to see you're enjoying it, after all, that's the point of the series, in replaying games tons of times and experience it in so many ways with the cast it serves.

Awakening is a good game to start off with the series, as well is FE7 or FE8, even FE9 to some extent. But Awakening is pretty good, awesome soundtrack (in fact, all FE games have good OSTs), a likeable cast and pretty user friendly. Some of its forte are gameplay elements, the pair up mechanic is interesting to try and experiment, the UI is simple and intuitive, its visuals are pretty decent, its crt and skill quotes are my fave! It makes the characters cooler! Although Awakening is by far not my favorite among the series, it still is pretty enjoyable, plus the DLC gives a lot of room to optimize units if you want, and even get references of previous FE titles, so try it.

Again, welcome to SF and if you have any issues or concerns about the game or any other title of the series, feel free to post a thread and we'll help you there!

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Meh, i've gotten flack for years saying I freaking loved Final Fantasy 8 while I didn't care much for FF7 and never finished it, so i'm used to these biased opionated shit storms.

FF8 for life! SEED!!


While it's not my favorite Final Fantasy(It's FF5 if you're curious), FF8 it's still among my most liked Final Fantasies.

So I'm with you there buddy!

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didn't you just say that you liked final fantasy 8 but then bravely default is too final fantasy

"final fantasy" doesnt even have a good definition because all 15 games are pretty different in atmosphere

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didn't you just say that you liked final fantasy 8 but then bravely default is too final fantasy

"final fantasy" doesnt even have a good definition because all 15 games are pretty different in atmosphere

And also you need a Square Enix account to play them even if you get them on Steam, I noticed as I tried playing my Christmas gift. Such douchery.

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op has lost favor with me, thinking awakening is well written and saying ffx is crapgrab your pitchforks

what if you think FFX and Awakening are both good

I think that the topic creator is way too harsh on the 3DS' graphics though. Seems undeserved and elitist towards the PC.

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Well i'm just pissing on an ants nest now aint I?

Welcome to Serenes, buddy!

Pro tip: if you want to divert attention from yourself, just start talking about the story of Conquest. It doesn't even matter if you have played it or not, just go "so what's the deal with Conquest?"

Please don't take this post seriously.

Edited by Thane
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Not gonna lie, I had a giggle at your enthusiasm OP. Felt pretty similar on my first playthrough of Awakening and thanks for the reminder (It wasn't my first playthrough with FE, but the enthusiasm was similar on playing it. And that punch is still satisfying years later). Also, jeez that's a lot to get at the same time.

Also, yep the thread's already descended into firespitting. Jeez lads, could ye try to smile and stay smiling for just one topic? :P We're weird enough as is, could do with seeming normal more often.

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If you're interested in other FE games, I highly recommend you start with the first game of the series (it'll help you understand the long winded descent into Awakening). Here's an LP so you can better understand the game's plot (not much focus on the gameplay in this LP, unfortunately).

Edited by Refa
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what if you think FFX and Awakening are both good

I think that the topic creator is way too harsh on the 3DS' graphics though. Seems undeserved and elitist towards the PC.

I think it has to do with the hype of playing the 3DS and the phase of uhh... infatuation with FE? These things are toned down with the time though ~ Edited by Quintessence
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Ok, I only read like Half of the replies on the first page, so I'm not going to reference them, because I forgot almost all of them. Anyway, Welcome to the fandom, DarkWind! Fire Emblem is a Great series of games to get into. Like you, I really like awakening, although it does have it's flaws. In fact, All the games in the series have faults. But should that stop anyone from enjoying themselves, and interacting with a diverse and opinionated community? (The answer is obviously no)

Regardless, have fun, and I'd recommend Checking out sacred stones if you haven't already. It's a great game for beginners to the series and has some of the best supporting characters I've ever seen in the series. If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to gush about some mage that pops out of a chapter 4 village, then feel free to post your thoughts here on the [serenes Forest] Forums!

EDIT: If you get the chance, PLEASE, Play the First Chapter of Fire Emblem 1 (the first FE game). I believe it is a chapter that every fire emblem player Must experience. The game is also remade in the Form of Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon, but I still think that the original beats it in most aspects. You don't need to play it if you don't want to. Just a suggestion.

MORE EDIT: I Just read the second page, and there was a ton of talk of final fantasy. I've played about half of FF 4 (The DS Remake), and I'm curious which one I should play next... I heard that 6 and 7 were great, and that the OP like 8 a lot. Maybe 9? Out of the ones I've mentioned, which should I go for? Sorry If I'm swaying from the original topic, but Final Fantasy talk was already in the thread, so...

Edited by Lord Tullus
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1. Welcome!

2. Glad you're having fun.

3. Find your own way of having fun with FE! Mine involves making the enemy AI do insane things for giggles. Everyone has their own play style, with none of them being "right" (no matter how loud they protest). Most of the forum is younger than you, as well. . .by at least a decade.

4. Once you're done with Awakening, feel free to ask for suggestions~!

5. EVERYONE ELSE, behave yourselves. I don't want a repeat of the first two pages.

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