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Nino was my first promotion IIRC, and it was one well spent since she was used very frequently in those first couple months.

The GHB units I’ve promoted to date are (not listed in the order I promoted them) F!Robin, Zephiel, Xander, Camus, Legion, Arvis, Lyon, Saias, M!Kana, Julius and Linus. Saias was the latest one promoted, just so that the only Jugdral characters I don’t have as 5*s are the ones I haven’t pulled (Lene, Leif, Righteous Olwen) and so that I can have this.




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If we are still talking about our first unit we 5 starred then mine was Anna. Back then I lacked any good axe units and she was the only one I built up effectively. Even a year later I only have about 5 good axe units I use and I still use Anna quite often even if I mostly only use her to counter Nowi and F!Corrin in Arena/Assault.

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So guys, with how annoying pitybreakers in pulling can be sometimes, what if IS changed it to where when you pull an off-focus 5 star, only the normal 5 star rate resets and the focus rate can keep increasing until a focus unit is pulled? It doesn't seem too unreasonable to me, but I do admit it would add more generosity to what's already in the game.

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7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

So guys, with how annoying pitybreakers in pulling can be sometimes, what if IS changed it to where when you pull an off-focus 5 star, only the normal 5 star rate resets and the focus rate can keep increasing until a focus unit is pulled? It doesn't seem too unreasonable to me, but I do admit it would add more generosity to what's already in the game.

It would be nice if they did this and since the number of 5* exclusive units is getting very large they may have to do something like this when they start book three.  Of course pity breakers make them a lot of money and since that is what they want having the pool packed with 5*s that block people is great for IS.  Honestly my hope is they demote the 5*s from book one who are not good as fodder to 3 and 4* and clean up the 5* pool.  I know they did a bit of this put they need to do more of it.

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At some point the 5 star pool is going to get bloated again and certain characters in 5 star exclusivity will appear rarely on banners. When I wake up I'll put together a list of every character's availability on banners as well as the age of their debut

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44 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

It would be nice if they did this and since the number of 5* exclusive units is getting very large they may have to do something like this when they start book three.  Of course pity breakers make them a lot of money and since that is what they want having the pool packed with 5*s that block people is great for IS.  Honestly my hope is they demote the 5*s from book one who are not good as fodder to 3 and 4* and clean up the 5* pool.  I know they did a bit of this put they need to do more of it.

Yeah, there are some 5 star exclusives that probably should be demoted, like Luke, Mist, etc. And yeah, it would be good for IS financially, but if a lot of players complain about pitybreakers, it would probably be better to implement the change I suggested so there's no risk of losing a lot of players.

On another note, I worked more on a couple units I hadn't finished completely building yet.



Best ninja and dagger guy Kaze is complete. <3 Also started giving him merges, because eventually I want him to be +10! He's meant to be a player phase guy that'll debuff you to hell if he doesn't kill you. Made him a bit of a pseudo Summer Freddy in this sense because like him, this set lets him debuff every stat! Can also tank a mage or two if he needs to. But I want better IVs for him, he's still neutral. +Atk or +Spd pls, game?

Deirdre is mostly complete, but only because I don't have the feathers to spare to 5 star and feed a Tailtiu to Deirdre for Atk/Res 2. Decided to make her an enemy phase mage tank here for the most part, though with Spd buffs, she can also double a good amount of things on player phase too (she's +Spd). May also add Draw Back instead of Ardent Sacrifice in the future.

Oh, and if you didn't notice, my screenshots are now fuller and less obscured! I got a new phone today. :D

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17 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

It would be nice if they did this and since the number of 5* exclusive units is getting very large they may have to do something like this when they start book three.  Of course pity breakers make them a lot of money and since that is what they want having the pool packed with 5*s that block people is great for IS.  Honestly my hope is they demote the 5*s from book one who are not good as fodder to 3 and 4* and clean up the 5* pool.  I know they did a bit of this put they need to do more of it.

Adding more units to the regular 5-star pool doesn't decrease the chances of pulling for a focus unit, though. It just decreases the chance of pulling a different character from the regular 5-star pool, which is hardly an issue since any individual character in the 5-star pool has such a low pull chance to begin with.

The actual issue is what @silveraura25 mentioned, which is that 5-star exclusive units will have side banners less often because they have to rotate through more characters.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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My first promotions were Sharena, Alfonse, and Anna in that order. I almost exclusively promoted GHB units after that due to unit bias and how I would never have to wait for an optimal nature, or be indecisive about the good natures I do have. Glad I waited until I understood more of the game before making those sorts of calls.


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First promotions? That'd be Frederick in my case. lol He was also my first 5 star period because during the game's early days, my luck was shit. xP Ah, how things have managed to change for me since!

Btw, I'm open to other ideas for my Kaze and Deirdre, though I don't want to change what I already have too much.

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My first 5* promotion was Robin (duh). And then Alfonse because I really liked him. Even though he's been replaced by B!Ike and Joshua since, he was part of my main team originally. Robin, Lucina, Alfonse and PA!Azura. His high attack and vantage got me through a lot. If he had merges, he'd probably be up there on my unit list, but alas. 

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My first 5★ promotion ever was obvious:
Took me exactly a month, from the 2nd of February to the 3rd of March.

Speaking of 5★ promotions, I did this despite me still not having got more Brave Ikes for her:
Also I found out that her very first merge would boost her HP and Atk, bringing her Atk to very nice 50.

Reina when (if ever), IS?!
Selena will be my next 20k investment. Either her or a Subaki for Oboro.

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I went on a Feather spending spree myself, merging up a few of my units.


She will get the +10 treatment, once I get more Ests, and hopefully a better nature.


Just one more @Vaximillian


Seliph was my pitybreaker king, but now that he can't pitybreak me anymore, I went and took him from +7 to +10.

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6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Reina when (if ever), IS?!

Given they've thrice handed out Kinshis to the Hoshidan royals, twice with bows, Reina's hopes are being dashed. Being Kinshi and flying Bows were the only things she had, wouldn't surprise me if she was unusually low for a Fates character in CYL and CYL2, being an old Corrinsexual and all.

I did kinda like her in BR and Rev, she is a Jagen no doubt, but she manages to be viable in the long run, without being broken at all. She has just enough offense combined with great fragility to stay viable, but restricted.

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Given they've thrice handed out Kinshis to the Hoshidan royals, twice with bows, Reina's hopes are being dashed.

Come on, I know she isn’t coming. Same as for Calill, Isadora, or Juno. Doesn’t stop my dreams.

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13 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Come on, I know she isn’t coming. Same as for Calill, Isadora, or Juno. Doesn’t stop my dreams.

Calill seems to be more popular than I originally thought.

Juno would be nice.  She's one of the few mothers we can actually use in-game.

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29 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Given they've thrice handed out Kinshis to the Hoshidan royals, twice with bows, Reina's hopes are being dashed.

That’s likely because IS, like me, frequently forgets that Reina even exists thanks to her being as throwaway and irrelevant as she is in Fates.

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

Come on, I know she isn’t coming. Same as for Calill, Isadora, or Juno. Doesn’t stop my dreams.

I can understand this. Mature women just don't seem to the have the ability to get in unless they are voluptuous. Well there is Cecilia I guess, and Deidre, but I can't think of anyone else.

I still hold to my TMS illusions, and while "no expectations are the best expectations" is a motto of mine, an irrational fragment of myself hopes the unusually long New Heroes coming up is because it is something really special that I might want to summon for, like TMS. Maybe even two 3 character banners with no alts! But I kid myself, it'll very possibly be just one Fates banner, and even if it say an FE6, an Axe Fir alt (she is popular, no?) I can see being the killjoy on it.


Just now, Rezzy said:

Juno would be nice.  She's one of the few mothers we can actually use in-game.

Sadly, her stats bear the scars of a childbirth that went really horribly. Why did they give her such crummy bases? 20/9 with 11 Str and 16 Spd (but first deduct 1-6 points for AS loss due to low Con) renders her unusable sans as a ferrybot. She doesn't even have a good Sword rank as her niche among fliers, it's an E.

Niime on the other hand is a great Staffbot with potential Apocalypse, is a grandma and the oldest woman in maturity ever to be playable. And Dayan, the character you miss out on if you get Juno and vice versa, has C Swords, 20 Spd and 9 Con with lighter weapons, and a Silver Bow can compensate for his low 14 Str against Wyverns.

I do hope the inevitable FE6 remake patches up Juno. And doesn't do an SD and leave her high and dry like Midia, Arran, Samson, Astram, and Lorenz.


1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

That’s likely because IS, like me, frequently forgets that Reina even exists thanks to her being as throwaway and irrelevant as she is in Fates.

The queen with a sainthood complex needed the extra bodyguard, with the whole of 28 HP and 10 Def to shield her. Still, she might survive a round of combat, unlike the perpetually doubled Orochi. ...Why did these two never get a Support? Nor with Yukimura the other Mikoto retainer? The world may never know....

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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I can understand this. Mature women just don't seem to the have the ability to get in unless they are voluptuous. Well there is Cecilia I guess, and Deidre, but I can't think of anyone else.

Titania is crying to herself in the corner.

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Just now, Rezzy said:

Titania is crying to herself in the corner.

...How in the world did I forget her?!?!?

My excuse- I remembered how the Boyd support went:

Boyd: Every time I look at you, Titania… I think that you’re the prettiest person I’ve ever seen!
Titania: Uh… Um, thank you, Boyd… But I… Look, you and me, we’re–
Boyd: You’re like a really nice mom or something! Um… I mean…
Titania: …
Boyd: Wait, that’s not… Oh, man… Look, that’s not what I meant. I mean, it is, but–
Titania: Boyd?
Boyd: Yeah?
Titania: How old do you think I am?
Boyd: Well, let me see… Are you… younger than my mother?
Titania: …Um…
Boyd: …Yeah… Um… I gotta go!
Titania: Boyd! Wait up!

The truth- brain is less than at full operational power. Laura, could you please conk me out with that Sleep Staff?

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...How in the world did I forget her?!?!?

My excuse- I remembered how the Boyd support went:

Boyd: Every time I look at you, Titania… I think that you’re the prettiest person I’ve ever seen!
Titania: Uh… Um, thank you, Boyd… But I… Look, you and me, we’re–
Boyd: You’re like a really nice mom or something! Um… I mean…
Titania: …
Boyd: Wait, that’s not… Oh, man… Look, that’s not what I meant. I mean, it is, but–
Titania: Boyd?
Boyd: Yeah?
Titania: How old do you think I am?
Boyd: Well, let me see… Are you… younger than my mother?
Titania: …Um…
Boyd: …Yeah… Um… I gotta go!
Titania: Boyd! Wait up!

The truth- brain is less than at full operational power. Laura, could you please conk me out with that Sleep Staff?

No worries, I just thought it was funny since you literally quoted me in your post.

I think she's about my age, early 30s.

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14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Well there is Cecilia I guess, and Deidre, but I can't think of anyone else.

Deirdre is canonically a mother, but she is 17–18.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Deirdre is canonically a mother, but she is 17–18.

FE4 is a bit weird in that everyone is a potential parent, but outside of there and Fates, but let's not talk about them, actual current parents are pretty rare.

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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

FE4 is a bit weird in that everyone is a potential parent, but outside of there and Fates, but let's not talk about them, actual current parents are pretty rare.

Yeah. In FE4, only Ethlyn (who comes pregnant with Altena) and Deirdre (who gives birth between Ch 2 and 3) are guaranteed to be mothers. Erinys and Lachesis join the club in FE5’s timeline.

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