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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Sigh... Why does Ursula infernal with fliers look impossible without a flying dancer? Not all of us get lucky enough to pull one of those. I didn't despite having thrown 300 orbs trying to.

This map is ass too. Why are your units so boxed in and cut off by so many walls?

I did it without a dancer and I still don't have one so I know what you mean. do you have any of the flying green mages built?  I remember that I used both Bunillia and S!Corrin for Ursula's quest because they were able to take out most of the units.  Bow fliers might be good as well, they weren't in the game when I cleared this quest, but I recommend ranged units to blitz everything on player phase.  

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11 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

I did it without a dancer and I still don't have one so I know what you mean. do you have any of the flying green mages built?  I remember that I used both Bunillia and S!Corrin for Ursula's quest because they were able to take out most of the units.  Bow fliers might be good as well, they weren't in the game when I cleared this quest, but I recommend ranged units to blitz everything on player phase.  

I've never pulled a flying green mage and I despise Camilla and don't care for Nino anyway. And bride Sanaki was a very inappropriate idea imo. And Summer Corrin isn't green. I've tried using her too. Doesn't work.

Edited by Anacybele
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I'm sorry to double post, but can someone PLEASE help me here? There's only today to do this or else I have to wait another week and I don't want to do that right now.

These are the fliers I have to work with:

Legendary Ryoma
Witch Nowi
Kinshi Hinoka

I also pulled Grima Robin, but I don't like her and will probably end up foddering her at some point. She's not leveled. Legendary Robin should've been a normal female Robin with a Levin Sword, not stupid Grima imo.

Also, a few of these are not fully built, mainly because I ran out of positioning skill fodder. I don't have anymore Swap, Repo, or Draw Back.

Also, for some reason, sometimes Witch Nowi can kill the green armor, sometimes she can't, despite that I keep giving her a Hone Fliers buff and she has the Atk+3 seal.

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Also, for some reason, sometimes Witch Nowi can kill the green armor, sometimes she can't, despite that I keep giving her a Hone Fliers buff and she has the Atk+3 seal.

Does she have Atk/Res Bond? If that's active sometimes but not other times, that would explain a difference in her damage.

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Just now, Othin said:

Does she have Atk/Res Bond? If that's active sometimes but not other times, that would explain a difference in her damage.

Yeah, but doesn't that also have to have an ally next to her? I always have an ally beside her too.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, but doesn't that also have to have an ally next to her? I always have an ally beside her too.

Hmm. Any supports or Spur/Goad skills in play?

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3 minutes ago, Othin said:

Hmm. Any supports or Spur/Goad skills in play?

No supports or Goad skills. I don't think there's a Spur either, but I could look. Witch Nowi is so damn weak though. I constantly have to boost her attack a lot just so she can kill a green.

EDIT: Nope, no Spurs.

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20 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

@Anacybele What's Ryoma's nature?

+Atk, -Res. So he definitely can't be taking hits from that green mage horse or Ursula. He takes care of the dagger guys just fine though, if I slap the QR seal on him. They're too fast otherwise. :/

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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I'm sorry to double post, but can someone PLEASE help me here? There's only today to do this or else I have to wait another week and I don't want to do that right now.

These are the fliers I have to work with:

Legendary Ryoma
Witch Nowi
Kinshi Hinoka

I didn't have any flying dancers or flying ranged units. Pheonixmaster1's guide worked for me, but I had to adjust it a bit for my 5* Caeda IV. It did change the enemy movement also so that's another thing to account for. If you can match his IV's, then it should be really easy.


My Caeda (+res, -def) was a different IV than his, so I used distance defense 3 and relied on the +res IV I had to survive. I trained a 4*, promoted and trained again to get enough sp. That made my Caeda +1 (which provided 1 hp and 1 res). I don't think the extra stats were needed, but mentioning just in case.

[edit - his units]

5* Michalis / 5* Caeda / 4* Cordelia / 4* Palla


SI Used:

Wings of Mercy 1 on Michalis from 3* Palla/Frederick

Lunge on Caeda from 3* Beruka

Wings of Mercy 1 on Cordelia from 3* Palla/Frederick

Reposition on Palla from 3* Barst/Selena


Seals Used:

Distant Def 3 on Caeda

Fortify Res 1 on Palla

Quickened Pulse on Michalis

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4 minutes ago, Tree said:

I didn't have any flying dancers or flying ranged units. Pheonixmaster1's guide worked for me, but I had to adjust it a bit for my 5* Caeda IV. It did change the enemy movement also so that's another thing to account for. If you can match his IV's, then it should be really easy.


My Caeda (+res, -def) was a different IV than his, so I used distance defense 3 and relied on the +res IV I had to survive. I trained a 4*, promoted and trained again to get enough sp. That made my Caeda +1 (which provided 1 hp and 1 res). I don't think the extra stats were needed, but mentioning just in case.

Do you see Caeda in my list at all? Please actually suggest units I put there next time, thank you. I don't even have a Caeda anyway. Haven't even pulled her in months. Not like I'd care to use her anyway. I don't like her.

I also looked at that video already anyway. Closed it as soon as I saw Caeda was being used.

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I'm sorry, I thought those were just the units you had ready to go and that you might have had some other untrained 3* or 4* flying units. I also didn't want to promote a Caeda just for the guide, but I couldn't find any f2p guide that didn't use her, so that's what I ended up doing. Perhaps there's a way to make it work with only those units you listed. I don't know how, but there are some good units there so it might be possible.

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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I'm sorry to double post, but can someone PLEASE help me here? There's only today to do this or else I have to wait another week and I don't want to do that right now.

I wish I remember who I used and how I did it, but it should definitely be possible for you, provided you have enough units who can either buff or position. Going from that list, I guess your best bets for units would include Clair, Kinshi Hinoka, and Gerome, and either Ryoma or Elincia, but I can't say that for certain since I don't know what their skills/stats are looking like. Clair and Gerome could rip apart all the cavalry, and Honkers and Ryoma/Elincia could be capable of handling the thieves and axe knight.

Only thing I can suggest at the start is that unless you have a counter attack for that thief on the bottom, use a bulky unit like Gerome to take the first hit, which shouldn't bother him too much. It's hard to see how it would play out from there though since I don't have any of these units except Gerome.


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4 minutes ago, Tree said:

I'm sorry, I thought those were just the units you had ready to go and that you might have had some other untrained 3* or 4* flying units. I also didn't want to promote a Caeda just for the guide, but I couldn't find any f2p guide that didn't use her, so that's what I ended up doing. Perhaps there's a way to make it work with only those units you listed. I don't know how, but there are some good units there so it might be possible.

Oh. Well, I do have some unleveled 3-4 star fliers, but they're bad units and too weak even if they weren't. I don't have enough feathers to make anyone 5 star right now.

2 minutes ago, Johann said:

I wish I remember who I used and how I did it, but it should definitely be possible for you, provided you have enough units who can either buff or position. Going from that list, I guess your best bets for units would include Clair, Kinshi Hinoka, and Gerome, and either Ryoma or Elincia, but I can't say that for certain since I don't know what their skills/stats are looking like. Clair and Gerome could rip apart all the cavalry, and Honkers and Ryoma/Elincia could be capable of handling the thieves and axe knight.

Only thing I can suggest at the start is that unless you have a counter attack for that thief on the bottom, use a bulky unit like Gerome to take the first hit, which shouldn't bother him too much. It's hard to see how it would play out from there though since I don't have any of these units except Gerome.

That sounds good, but unfortunately, both my Hinokas lack positioning skills because I ran out of fodder. I just haven't been able to pull anymore Barsts or Stahls or Ninos or anybody else that has Reposition, Swap, or Draw Back.

This map doesn't have an axe knight. You mean the axe armor?

I've tried doing that with Gerome. I can't keep him or anybody out of danger from the sword cav, green horse mage, or Ursula and no one is close enough to attack them on player phase. The stupid sword horse keeps pulling the green mage horse out of my range.

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9 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

This map doesn't have an axe knight. You mean the axe armor.


Armoured units are Knights in this game.

Also, would you mind taking this to the Ursula thread? It's kinda annoying seeing "I need help NOT THAT KIND OF HELP I HATE SHIIDA" in the general thread all the time. Please?

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2 minutes ago, Seafarer said:


Armoured units are Knights in this game.

Also, would you mind taking this to the Ursula thread? It's kinda annoying seeing "I need help NOT THAT KIND OF HELP I HATE SHIIDA" in the general thread all the time. Please?

Whatever, I'm just used to calling them armors and calling cavalry knights.

I don't see an Ursula thread. And if there is one, it's probably dead by now. Also, I'm sorry if I can't help not having a Caeda?

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Oh. Well, I do have some unleveled 3-4 star fliers, but they're bad units and too weak even if they weren't. I don't have enough feathers to make anyone 5 star right now.

That sounds good, but unfortunately, both my Hinokas lack positioning skills because I ran out of fodder. I just haven't been able to pull anymore Barsts or Stahls or Ninos or anybody else that has Reposition, Swap, or Draw Back.

This map doesn't have an axe knight. You mean the axe armor?

I've tried doing that with Gerome. I can't keep him or anybody out of danger from the sword cav, green horse mage, or Ursula and no one is close enough to attack them on player phase. The stupid sword horse keeps pulling the green mage horse out of my range.

I don't think you need to promote anyone for this, who you have should be able to work somehow with the right configuration and approach. I honestly don't remember how I did this myself, and even trying it now, I'm pretty stumped as to how I could have pulled it off, so I'm gonna try playing around a bit with who I have to see if I can spot a good approach. Positioning skills might not be totally necessary given how little room there is, but I'll see what I ended up needing if I can get anywhere with this myself.

And yeah, I mean the axe armor. He's probably the least dangerous unit though. If Gerome can't pull it off, maybe Myrrh might be useful since she won't get doubled and has better Res, hmm...

1 minute ago, Seafarer said:

Also, would you mind taking this to the Ursula thread? It's kinda annoying seeing "I need help NOT THAT KIND OF HELP I HATE SHIIDA" in the general thread all the time. Please?

There's nothing wrong with talking about this here, don't be so rude about it

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1 minute ago, Johann said:

I don't think you need to promote anyone for this, who you have should be able to work somehow with the right configuration and approach. I honestly don't remember how I did this myself, and even trying it now, I'm pretty stumped as to how I could have pulled it off, so I'm gonna try playing around a bit with who I have to see if I can spot a good approach. Positioning skills might not be totally necessary given how little room there is, but I'll see what I ended up needing if I can get anywhere with this myself.

And yeah, I mean the axe armor. He's probably the least dangerous unit though. If Gerome can't pull it off, maybe Myrrh might be useful since she won't get doubled and has better Res, hmm...

I've tried Myrrh too, she doesn't survive because of the sword cav. And she still takes a lot of damage from the green horse mage too. And my Myrrh is not -Res.

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@Anacybele, I did figure out a strategy with Legendary!Ryoma, Hinoka, WoF!Hinoka, and Gerome. I'm in a bit of a rush right now (running an errand), so I haven't done calculations yet - hence, some things might need some tweaking on your end for it to work but I can still give you a rundown (and a general idea)


My Skills/Stats/Seals were as follows below, bolded were mandatory for the clear, while strikethrough were completely unnecessary skills (so they can be swapped for something else if you need it on your end).


Legendary!Ryoma [Atk+/Res-, 40+2]

(Do note that his boon/bane and merges shouldn't affect his role in this strat)





Kestrel Stance 3



{Deflect Missile 3}


Hinoka (Spd+/Def-)

(A Spd- bane makes things slightly harder - Neutral Spd works fine)


Brave Lance+



Darting Blow

Desperation 3

Hone Fliers

{Flier Formation 3}


WoF!Hinoka [Neutral]

(Like Ryoma her Boon/Bane shouldn't matter)


Warrior Princess



Atk/Spd Bond 3

Flier Formation 3

Flier Guidance

{Attack 3}


Gerome [Neutral]





Empty (lol I forgot to equip something)

Hit'n Run

Empty (lol again)

{Smoke Spd 3}**


**/ Alternative B: Give Gerome Threaten Speed in slot C and Hinoka might not need Darting Blow 3 and/or might possibly get away with having a -Spd bane.


To sum the strategy up (sorry if it's messy, writing this on my phone + I'm in a rush):

Sortie Positions:

Gerome is at the top, Hinoka is below him, WoF!Hinoka on her regular's right, Ryoma is below regular Hinoka.


Turn 1



L!Ryoma hikes south to bait the unassuming lower left Dagger. Gerome hikes south to L! Ryoma's initial position. 

End Turn.


L!Ryoma kills the lower left dagger.


If the AI behaved as planned, the Green Mage Cavalry should have destroyed the leftmost wall, the Red Sword Cavalry is below him, and Ursula rode to her west. The Axe Armour and Right Dagger march their slow amd steady march.


Turn 2


WoF!Hinoka Repositions Gerome east. Gerome then kills the Green Cav below him. He Hit'n Runs north (Ursula's speed is trashed thanks to his seal).

L!Ryoma Repositions Hinoka to the south. Hinoka (thanks to Flier Formation) teleports to Gerome's side and quads Ursula to oblivion (thanks to her own Darting Blow and the earlier Spd debuff that Gerome inflicted on Ursula).

End turn.


Red Sword Cav suicides on Hinoka. Dagger takes a fruitless pot-shot at Gerome.

Turn 3



It's pretty straight forward now, but I'll write down what I did anyway. Kill the Dagger by having Hinoka attack him. 

WoF!Hinoka & Gerome work together to kill the Axe Armour.


~Stage Clear!~


Additional notes: As stated, I haven't calculated the Attack Damages yet, but apart from Glimmer on Hinoka, no Specials need to trigger. Luna/Moonbow are viable alternatives to Glimmer - she only needs her special to kill the Sword Cav on EP. If the Sword Cav survives attacking Hinoka for some reason, you need to have Hinoka kill the Dagger north of her while Gerome kills the Sword Cav in her stead.


Lastly, some of the skills/seals might still work as needed even at level 2. The two main things is that Hinoka is able to teleport next to Gerome and kill Ursula and, in order to do so, Ursula's speed need to be lowered/Hinoka's speed buffed enough for her to quad Ursula. Oh, and I forgot to mention it, but refines are not necessary.

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8 minutes ago, Tactician_Iris said:


@Anacybele, I did figure out a strategy with Legendary!Ryoma, Hinoka, WoF!Hinoka, and Gerome. I'm in a bit of a rush right now (running an errand), so I haven't done calculations yet - hence, some things might need some tweaking on your end for it to work but I can still give you a rundown (and a general idea)


My Skills/Stats/Seals were as follows below, bolded were mandatory for the clear, while strikethrough were completely unnecessary skills (so they can be swapped for something else if you need it on your end).


Legendary!Ryoma [Atk+/Res-, 40+2]

(Do note that his boon/bane and merges shouldn't affect his role in this strat)





Kestrel Stance 3



{Deflect Missile 3}


Hinoka (Spd+/Def-)

(A Spd- bane makes things slightly harder - Neutral Spd works fine)


Brave Lance+



Darting Blow

Desperation 3

Hone Fliers

{Flier Formation 3}


WoF!Hinoka [Neutral]

(Like Ryoma her Boon/Bane shouldn't matter)


Warrior Princess



Atk/Spd Bond 3

Flier Formation 3

Flier Guidance

{Attack 3}


Gerome [Neutral]





Empty (lol I forgot to equip something)

Hit'n Run

Empty (lol again)

{Smoke Spd 3}**


**/ Alternative B: Give Gerome Threaten Speed in slot C and Hinoka might not need Darting Blow 3 and/or might possibly get away with having a -Spd bane.


To sum the strategy up (sorry if it's messy, writing this on my phone + I'm in a rush):

Sortie Positions:

Gerome is at the top, Hinoka is below him, WoF!Hinoka on her regular's right, Ryoma is below regular Hinoka.


Turn 1



L!Ryoma hikes south to bait the unassuming lower left Dagger. Gerome hikes south to L! Ryoma's initial position. 

End Turn.


L!Ryoma kills the lower left dagger.


If the AI behaved as planned, the Green Mage Cavalry should have destroyed the leftmost wall, the Red Sword Cavalry is below him, and Ursula rode to her west. The Axe Armour and Right Dagger march their slow amd steady march.


Turn 2


WoF!Hinoka Repositions Gerome east. Gerome then kills the Green Cav below him. He Hit'n Runs north (Ursula's speed is trashed thanks to his seal).

L!Ryoma Repositions Hinoka to the south. Hinoka (thanks to Flier Formation) teleports to Gerome's side and quads Ursula to oblivion (thanks to her own Darting Blow and the earlier Spd debuff that Gerome inflicted on Ursula).

End turn.


Red Sword Cav suicides on Hinoka. Dagger takes a fruitless pot-shot at Gerome.

Turn 3



It's pretty straight forward now, but I'll write down what I did anyway. Kill the Dagger by having Hinoka attack him. 

WoF!Hinoka & Gerome work together to kill the Axe Armour.


~Stage Clear!~


Additional notes: As stated, I haven't calculated the Attack Damages yet, but apart from Glimmer on Hinoka, no Specials need to trigger. Luna/Moonbow are viable alternatives to Glimmer - she only needs her special to kill the Sword Cav on EP. If the Sword Cav survives attacking Hinoka for some reason, you need to have Hinoka kill the Dagger north of her while Gerome kills the Sword Cav in her stead.


Lastly, some of the skills/seals might still work as needed even at level 2. The two main things is that Hinoka is able to teleport next to Gerome and kill Ursula and, in order to do so, Ursula's speed need to be lowered/Hinoka's speed buffed enough for her to quad Ursula. Oh, and I forgot to mention it, but refines are not necessary.

Did you not read where I said my Hinokas have no positioning skills and I'm unable to give them any? Doesn't anyone read things around here?

Sorry, but I'm rather frustrated and people keep suggesting ideas that I literally cannot use whether I want to or not.

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I've tried Myrrh too, she doesn't survive because of the sword cav. And she still takes a lot of damage from the green horse mage too. And my Myrrh is not -Res.


Looking at my units, I think I must have used Wings of Mercy to pull it off due to having no other way of reaching those units, though maybe Flier Formation seal would help. Not sure if you have either of these, but if someone like Elincia or Ryoma can take a dagger hit on turn one, and then go kill the Green Tome Cavalier and get Clair to jump in and kill Ursula, you'd be in a very good spot. Clair would then need to counter kill the Sword Cavalier, and I think you'd want Hinoka to kill that lower dagger guy on the same turn to ensure Clair lives.

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Did you not read where I said my Hinokas have no positioning skills and I'm unable to give them any? Doesn't anyone read things around here?

Sorry, but I'm rather frustrated and people keep suggesting ideas that I literally cannot use whether I want to or not.

Well, it took some time to write down that post, and I can't see posts that gets posted while I'm typing one up on my end, particularly not when I'm on my phone.

Regardless, while you might not be able to use it right now, there's nothing that prevents you from using it later should you still need it in the future.

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1 minute ago, Johann said:


Looking at my units, I think I must have used Wings of Mercy to pull it off due to having no other way of reaching those units, though maybe Flier Formation seal would help. Not sure if you have either of these, but if someone like Elincia or Ryoma can take a dagger hit on turn one, and then go kill the Green Tome Cavalier and get Clair to jump in and kill Ursula, you'd be in a very good spot. Clair would then need to counter kill the Sword Cavalier, and I think you'd want Hinoka to kill that lower dagger guy on the same turn to ensure Clair lives.

Ryoma can take a hit from the dagger, Elincia can't. But like I said, the green horse mage always stays out of range because of the stupid horse cav pulling him back.

1 minute ago, Tactician_Iris said:

Well, it took some time to write down that post, and I can't see posts that gets posted while I'm typing one up on my end, particularly not when I'm on my phone.

Regardless, while you might not be able to use it right now, there's nothing that prevents you from using it later should you still need it in the future.

Except there is. Ursula's battle is only available today, otherwise, I have to wait another week. I don't want to keep waiting. I want to get this bullshit battle over with.

I still think you should be allowed to lose units on these. Otherwise, they're unnecessarily extremely difficult.

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