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Grand Conquest is now, potentially, the highest feather gaining mode for the short length of time it goes on for. And it certainly requires far less involvement than TT or VG. 

Being able to check the rank in Army in GC is really cool because we could potentially see people we know and coordinate attack strategies with them. Also we can better understand when to spend stamina and how effective it will be based on how high the other people's scores are.

I really wish we had that update now because all of my units want different skillsets for GC than they do for Arena and other modes and it is a pain switching them all over.


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4 hours ago, Alkaid said:

I'm glad GC is here for some extra orb income. I'm up to 4.5% on Maribelle's banner and really getting frustrated. It's taking to about 5% for every single 5* lately and they're almost all bad IVs on top of it. A sole -atk Lissa from the legendary banner kind of crushed my spirits as well.(I wanted to use her, not fodder) I'm not even seeing any good fodder, just more 3* Seth, Stahl and Gaius I have to throw out. If I can actually break my pity before the banner ends hopefully I can go back to saving, since summoning just hasn't been a good experience for a while now.

Saying that, watch the upcoming seasonal having some characters I really like on it, just to taunt me again.

I am at 4.75% pity rate myself and I am sick of it, I will quit once I get a 5* but I am starting to think that won't happen.  I don't have a flying dancer so Olivia is who I am gunning for but I have only managed to pull her regular self so far.  Here is hoping you and I both have our pity rate broken by who we want really soon.  Unless the seasonal banner has some new unit type or Elphin I think I will skip it since I am about burned out on seasonal units.

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Heroes grossed $400 million in revenue so far. It got like $300 million last year, so it means it only grossed $100 million so far this year, which seemed to indicate that spending slowed down a lot.

Edited by XRay
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25 minutes ago, XRay said:

It got like $300 million last year, so it means it only grossed $100 million so far this year, which seemed to indicate that spending slowed down a lot.

I don't know how gatchas work, but it wouldn't surprise me if this was "normal" for the genre, a game is new and attracts a lot of players, many of whom drop off once the immediate luster wears off.

I severely doubt this is empirical support for either "This is proof alts are doing NOTHING/hurting this game!", or its opposite argument "We need MOAR Seasonals!".

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7 hours ago, EricaofRenais said:

I am at 4.75% pity rate myself and I am sick of it, I will quit once I get a 5* but I am starting to think that won't happen.  I don't have a flying dancer so Olivia is who I am gunning for but I have only managed to pull her regular self so far.  Here is hoping you and I both have our pity rate broken by who we want really soon.  Unless the seasonal banner has some new unit type or Elphin I think I will skip it since I am about burned out on seasonal units.

Good luck on your pulls too, and I'm up to 4.75% now as well. I just remembered we've got that special August celebration thing starting too, so thank God for that. It's going to be sad if this banner expires before even a pity breaker shows up. I sure hope the seasonal will be an easy skip for me so I don't have to be too sad about having no orbs for it. They already hit some of my top characters with the past few seasonal banners, so at least those should be off limits for a while.

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8 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

Was surprised to find out that when you max out one of the characters in Forging Bonds, the game stops spawning points for them. And here I assumed this mode was just going to be an rng mess to complete.

I know! I was also expecting an RNG mess, but was pleasantly surprised to see that the game would no longer give you points for the maxed character. Once I saw that, I took advantage of the 2x multiplier last night to max out the rest of the characters. It was fun, since I got to use my new Lucina.

6 hours ago, XRay said:

Heroes grossed $400 million in revenue so far. It got like $300 million last year, so it means it only grossed $100 million so far this year, which seemed to indicate that spending slowed down a lot.

That's interesting, and, even supposing spending did slow down, it still is drawing in significant revenue. However, the analytics company that came up with the $400m revenue estimate also claims that the game's momentum "isn't waning in the slightest." They also point out that FEH brought in $23m in June, and that was the second highest earnings in a month for the lifespan of the game thus far. So, without knowing the spending distribution for the first year, it's hard to compare how this year is doing in comparison. We have 2-3 of the biggest events of the year yet to come: CYL 2, the start of Book III, and Christmas. Also, these are just estimates... I assume they're probably reliable, but it's difficult to know just how reliable they are, without actual data from Nintendo to confirm.

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Fuck my Grand Conquest outrealm, truly. Just fuck it.

Why the fuck is my +0 army going against so many fucking whales? There are too many units with distant counter and high merges for me to deal with.

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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

Fuck my Grand Conquest outrealm, truly. Just fuck it.

Why the fuck is my +0 army going against so many fucking whales? There are too many units with distant counter and high merges for me to deal with.

I never tend to use my own units for GC as it’s often suicide. Aside from a select few units they’re usually +2/3 at best or unmerged at worst. 

That’s what friends are for though. If you can’t beat them, hire them.

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2 hours ago, Astellius said:

That's interesting, and, even supposing spending did slow down, it still is drawing in significant revenue. However, the analytics company that came up with the $400m revenue estimate also claims that the game's momentum "isn't waning in the slightest." They also point out that FEH brought in $23m in June, and that was the second highest earnings in a month for the lifespan of the game thus far. So, without knowing the spending distribution for the first year, it's hard to compare how this year is doing in comparison. We have 2-3 of the biggest events of the year yet to come: CYL 2, the start of Book III, and Christmas. Also, these are just estimates... I assume they're probably reliable, but it's difficult to know just how reliable they are, without actual data from Nintendo to confirm.

Oh no, IS is still making a profit out a gacha game. Clearly the devil's works in the making.

Edited by Zangetsu
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2 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

Oh no, IS is making a profit out a gacha game. Clearly the devil's working in the making.

It's only a problem if it detracts from the production of mainline FEs, which we have no evidence of at the moment. I don't think a single voice of anger has been made here, maybe elsewhere, but this isn't the kind of thing SF, barring one or two undiplomatic voices at the very most, would get in a tizzy over.


1 hour ago, Astellius said:

We have 2-3 of the biggest events of the year yet to come: CYL 2, the start of Book III, and Christmas.

Why would Christmas be particularly profitable? Christmas Seasonals don't sound like they'd sell that much. If anything, I'd expect Summer to bring in more revenue than the Holidays.

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It's only a problem if it detracts from the production of mainline FEs, which we have no evidence of at the moment. I don't think a single voice of anger has been made here, maybe elsewhere, but this isn't the kind of thing SF, barring one or two undiplomatic voices at the very most, would get in a tizzy over.

It would be depressing if Heroes really was detriment to the main series. I'll probably drop Heroes if that really were the case.

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1 minute ago, Zangetsu said:

It would be depressing if Heroes really was detriment to the main series. I'll probably drop Heroes if that really were the case.

Unlike other franchises that have gone mobile and never returned, FE is still very very much alive. Plus I don't see them needing that many employees, or at least employees of the same kind as those needed for mainline development, to run FEH. So I don't see reason to worry, unless IS ends up being more stupid than the AI in the original Advance Wars.

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8 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

Oh no, IS is still making a profit out a gacha game. Clearly the devil's works in the making.

I... I literally don't know what your point is... at all...

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Why would Christmas be particularly profitable? Christmas Seasonals don't sound like they'd sell that much. If anything, I'd expect Summer to bring in more revenue than the Holidays.

My understanding was that the Christmas season was a goldmine for these types of games. But maybe I'm off on that point, or maybe it's totally right. In either case, you appear to have completely missed the point.

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10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Unlike other franchises that have gone mobile and never returned, FE is still very very much alive. Plus I don't see them needing that many employees, or at least employees of the same kind as those needed for mainline development, to run FEH.

Let's just hope that'll never happen regardless.


10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

So I don't see reason to worry, unless IS ends up being more stupid than the AI in the original Advance Wars.

Shit, that was good.


Props to you.


6 minutes ago, Astellius said:

I... I literally don't know what your point is... at all...

Don't worry about it. It's very minor & petty

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2 minutes ago, Astellius said:

But what is your point?

Let's just say that I haven't been exactly thrilled about the response about L!Lucina's trailer from the people not from the SF community

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Christmas profit is probably just people receiving Google Play/iTunes gift cards and immediately spending them on FEH? So it's not so much the banners being more attractive as such, just a lot of (virtual) money floating around that time of year.

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1 minute ago, Astellius said:

Your point sucks. But don't worry about it.

I'm not sure why you're getting aggravated here, but I'm not discreetly trying to insult  you or anything like that. There's no ulterior motive here, it just that. How else can I phrase this?

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25 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

I'm not sure why you're getting aggravated here, but I'm not discreetly trying to insult  you or anything like that. There's no ulterior motive here, it just that. How else can I phrase this?

"I feel the need to put down something nebulous again?"

Have you asked yourself why you're here, if the game/fandom makes you unhappy?

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