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STILL NOT A SINGLE FUCKING FIVE STAR. In fact, all I get are repeat three star units and the occasional four star. I'm no longer summoning. It's a waste of orbs.

I'm just really frustrated... Everyone else seems to be swimming in five star units and I won't ever have any.



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seems most people have at least 2 5*, with 3 5* average.
I could roll for my mains but I don't really feel like wasting orbs on my accounts(especially the main ones), so I'm rerolling instead to see if I have the luck for 2 5*, but the best I got so far is solo 5* Lyn.

Seems I've gotten everyone in the rateup except for Takumi.

Edited by singularity
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37 minutes ago, Jayvee94 said:

Since, I'm from a country which FE:H is not released yet,

Let's say I got 2 4-stars but NO 5-stars, should I re-roll or just roll with it

Your choice. It depends on if it's worth the time for you to keep rerolling until you have one or multuple 5*'s.

Not having any 5*'s MIGHT teach you a bit more about the game in the sense that for one, you'd probably have more choices in picking units, where as if you have a 5* at the start, you're probably be using it to level 40 and that 5 star might carry a lot of the game for you (though I personally feel the difference in power between 5*'s and 4*'s might be a bit overrated, especially between the same characters), therefore seeing less of all the other characters.

Though,Ā in endgame content it's ofcourse better to have a 5* than not having a 5*.

Edited by Birdy
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told myself this would be last reroll, got 5* Lilina.
Thanks to her, I decided to try my luck for rerolling again, thinking the same thing as before, and got Elise.

Both are solo, but to think the chances I managed to pull Elise is quite the feat so I'm locking her(and hope for next rolls).
alsoĀ technicallyĀ I got all Nohrian siblings except Xander now. must be my avi pic

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:


STILL NOT A SINGLE FUCKING FIVE STAR. In fact, all I get are repeat three star units and the occasional four star. I'm no longer summoning. It's a waste of orbs.

I'm just really frustrated... Everyone else seems to be swimming in five star units and I won't ever have any.

You technically don't need a five star to get through the game, I did like 95% of it with 3 4*'s and a 3*. Ā Then I randomly got lucky with a five star Roy, but by the time I did I had 2 NM maps to go. Ā 

It's not undoable or anything. Ā 

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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:


STILL NOT A SINGLE FUCKING FIVE STAR. In fact, all I get are repeat three star units and the occasional four star. I'm no longer summoning. It's a waste of orbs.

I'm just really frustrated... Everyone else seems to be swimming in five star units and I won't ever have any.



With the feather give away, that should put you pretty close toward having enough feathers to promote one of your 4*.


I'm torn on who to promote, Est is my first choice, but she's not a top tier 5*, like some of my other 4*s.

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I'm torn between pulling now or waiting for the new banners that will be here next Tuesday, at least I assume there will be new banners. I'm fine with the core of my team, but I really need a good fourth member to pull it all together. Most likely, I need a mage of some sort, as I'm completely physical right now.


3 hours ago, Anacybele said:


STILL NOT A SINGLE FUCKING FIVE STAR. In fact, all I get are repeat three star units and the occasional four star. I'm no longer summoning. It's a waste of orbs.

I'm just really frustrated... Everyone else seems to be swimming in five star units and I won't ever have any.




Summoning is still the best use of orbs. Remember, your chance to pull a 5* increases every time you don't pull one, until you're guaranteed to get a 5* on the 120th pull.

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5 hours ago, warchiefwilliams said:

This game hates my guts I have decided. It does not want me to get Lyn. I am on my third 5 star Lucina and second 5 star Marth.

You're summoning on the wrong focus page. When you go to the summoning page you need to select a page that inhibitsĀ the likeness of receiving a higher class hero for the focus. There is two different pages. One for Robin, Marth, Lucina, and Tiki. You have to click the aero to switch the summoning page so you can have the right focus page to get Lyn. Once you're on the page with the illustration with Camillia, Takumi, Roy and Lyn. Then you summon. I hope this helps.Ā 


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17 minutes ago, foxmarcace said:

You're summoning on the wrong focus page. When you go to the summoning page you need to select a page that inhibitsĀ the likeness of receiving a higher class hero for the focus. There is two different pages. One for Robin, Marth, Lucina, and Tiki. You have to click the aero to switch the summoning page so you can have the right focus page to get Lyn. Once you're on the page with the illustration with Camillia, Takumi, Roy and Lyn. Then you summon. I hope this helps.Ā 


Theoretically, you can pull Lucina and Marth in the Deep Devotion summon aswell, though since the chance is so low and he got multiple, I don't doubt that you are right :p.

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Just now, Birdy said:

Theoretically, you can pull Lucina and Marth in the Deep Devotion summon aswell, though since the chance is so low and he got multiple, I don't doubt that you are right :p.

Yeah, but they want Lyn and if you're on the wrong page, you'll be destroying your chances. I had gotten into theĀ same problem because I was on the wrong page. I am certain they're having the same problem as I did. Now I'm stuck with 4 Lucinas.Ā  ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ

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23 minutes ago, Vessaliux said:

Finally got my Lucina! And meh, another Robin.


Two 5*s in one Pull is nothing to poo poo. Ā At the very least, you can merge him or send him home.

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4 hours ago, Glaceon Mage said:

You technically don't need a five star to get through the game, I did like 95% of it with 3 4*'s and a 3*. Ā Then I randomly got lucky with a five star Roy, but by the time I did I had 2 NM maps to go. Ā 

It's not undoable or anything. Ā 

I think I do. I barely got by the last couple of story maps I did and it took me several tries to beat them. And it's not even really so much that, it's that there are a couple five star units I'd love to have regardless (Ryoma, Takumi).

4 hours ago, Rezzy said:

With the feather give away, that should put you pretty close toward having enough feathers to promote one of your 4*.

Nope. You need 20,000 of them to upgrade a four star to a five star and you have to get an insanely high rank to get all that in one arena season. I don't even have 2,000 yet from the last arena one because I'm weak thanks to my shitty luck. Also, your arena score stops going up after while. I don't know why, but it does. Mine stopped going up even though I did a few more arena battles to get more points.

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9 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I think I do. I barely got by the last couple of story maps I did and it took me several tries to beat them. And it's not even really so much that, it's that there are a couple five star units I'd love to have regardless (Ryoma, Takumi).

Nope. You need 20,000 of them to upgrade a four star to a five star and you have to get an insanely high rank to get all that in one arena season. I don't even have 2,000 yet from the last arena one because I'm weak thanks to my shitty luck. Also, your arena score stops going up after while. I don't know why, but it does. Mine stopped going up even though I did a few more arena battles to get more points.

The arena only counts your highest win streak.

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2 minutes ago, Suichimo said:

The arena only counts your highest win streak.

Then how are you supposed to get a high rank? It's not possible to score that high in just seven battles.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

Then how are you supposed to get a high rank? It's not possible to score that high in just seven battles.

Multiple featured characters running Advanced arena matches. I hit 3091 in the first arena season, 6 advanced and 1 intermediate matches.

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2 minutes ago, Suichimo said:

Multiple featured characters running Advanced arena matches. I hit 3091 in the first arena season, 6 advanced and 1 intermediate matches.

I still have a hard time believing that just seven battles can actually give someone a high rank unless a lot of other players do rather badly, even if the featured characters are used.

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27 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I still have a hard time believing that just seven battles can actually give someone a high rank unless a lot of other players do rather badly, even if the featured characters are used.

You're ranked on more than just winning the battles. Losing units in a battle gives you less points. Using more turns and taking damage might aswell. I got rank 65 myself by using 4 Bonus characters and not letting a single one die in those sevenĀ battles.

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